The strength of the long spear condensed by the cold ice army master through the strength of Cold Ice, everyone present has a deep understanding.

Although the attributes of the Frost Sergeant are very powerful, it is not the Frost Sergeant’s Strength and speed that give everyone the most headache. After all, when the main tank is guarding Kite, but even so, they fight It is still extremely difficult, the reason is the long spear of the cold ice army master hand.

Ming Ming’s Army Master of Cold Ice is aiming at the guard Kite, but the aftermath caused by the long spear makes everyone feel one after another cold soaks into the body, and can’t stop them, so that their Stamina and mental power are constant Decrease, the battle strength that can be exerted is getting lower and lower.

If Anna was not good enough, they would have been frozen to death.

“Can even such a weapon fall out?”

“This attribute is good heaven defying, now Berserker is cool!”


Everyone looked at the long spear on the screen, each and everyone was envious, even if they watched the Sword Shadow and One Blade Pursue Winds with Epic Weapon, the two eyes also showed desire.

Not because of anything else, just because the attribute of long spear is too powerful.

The winter magic spear (replica), long spear, Epic Level, Equipment Requirements Strength 2100 points, Equipment level 50-Level 100.

Attack Power +2550 (Level 50 )

Strength +301

Agility +210

Endurance +270

Attack Speed ​​+12

Additional strength of Cold Ice can weaken the target’s Stamina and mental power when attacking. There is a 30% chance of causing ice damage to an enemy within a radius of 10 yards, and 20% Chance to trigger the ice possession effect, Strength increases by 20%, causing 270% ice damage, and slowing the target by 30% for 3 seconds.

Basic Attribute will be increased according to the user’s Level. After equipment, the main attribute will be increased by 25%, all secondary attributes will be increased by 15%, reaction speed will be increased by 10%, and the effect of all Berserker skills will be increased by 30%, regardless of Level + 10. All equipment Level Requirements drop to Level 5.

Additional Passive Skill In a chaotic battle, the more enemies you attack, the faster Strength, Attack Speed, and Movement Speed ​​will be. Each enemy can bring a 3% increase for 5 seconds, up to 30% increase.

Additional Passive Skill Protector of Two Ice, when the HP drops below 50%, it will stimulate the strength of Cold Ice, increasing the holder’s physique by 15%, the Defense Level +3, and the main attribute by 15 %.

Additional Skill in the Age of Ice, directly transforms a 100-yard radius into Ice Cold Domain, so that all enemies in the range are eroded by the strength of Cold Ice, and at the same time it can create two ice doppelgangers, each ice cold domain doppelganger owns 115% of Ontology Strength, Duration is five minutes, and Cooldown Period is one hour.

I was also very surprised by the drops Shi Feng of the Winter Magic Spear. Didn’t expect to drop the replica of the Winter Magic Spear.

You must know that the Winter Magic Spear is a Legendary Level weapon. Even if it’s just a replica, the formidable power is not cracking a joke. I’m afraid it’s catching up with the Lesser Legendary Item. It’s purely from Attack Power compared to Gentle Snow. At the beginning, Radiant Will was even stronger. The only downside was that Radiant Will had room for promotion and could be promoted to Lesser Legendary Item, but Winter Magic Spear was not good.

But even so, the Winter Magic Spear is Berserker’s strongest weapon before the hundredth level, except for the Lesser Legendary Item.

Now with this weapon, the player’s Attack Power may be able to reach God’s Domain’s Peak Power in an instant, and in terms of the weapon’s attribute effects, whether it’s a solo duel or a group battle, it’s not at all fear.

Looking at this winter magic spear, the Berserkers in the whole group are a little uncomfortable, each and everyone stared at the winter magic spear, their eyes can be stared out, and they all turned their gazes almost at the same time Shi Feng, want to know how to distribute this weapon.

If it’s just a weapon of Dark Gold Level, according to Zero Wing’s distribution rules, everyone can compete, and the one with the highest contribution will win, but the quality of Epic Level is completely different.

Epic Level quality weapons and equipment, no matter which force they are placed in, they are all Guild’s background. Even the senior leaders of Guild don’t want to take it. They need to be allocated according to Guild’s decision, let alone. Such a Top Grade Winter Magic Spear.

“Let Dormant Thorn use this thing and the cold pole armor set.” Shi Feng thought for a while and said.

Currently, the Asura Adventure Group is completely led by Dormant Thorn. He, the Group Leader, has not done anything. Behind Asura Adventure Group is a huge Adventurer Alliance. He is the Zero Wing Guild Master. The identity is not easy to show up, even if there is a disguise, he usually has a lot of things to do.

In Ice Crystal World, there are already many Super Organizations competing for resources and population. It is useless to rely solely on the expertise of Realm of Flowing Water like Dormant Thorn. I want to survive Ice. The Adventurer Alliance of Crystal World requires at least the battle strength of a Peak expert.

“Group Leader?” Dormant Thorn looked at Shi Feng and couldn’t help but move.

Didn’t expect Weapon equipment such as the Winter Magic Spear and the Cold Extreme Armor Set are so assigned to him. If you know this level of weapon equipment, I am afraid that other than Guild’s core senior management, others don’t want to use it at all. He is just the Vice-Group Leader of Asura Adventure Group.

Adventure Group is much more than Guild Free. Even if he is the Vice-Group Leader, the degree of Free is higher than Guild’s Elite members.

Generally speaking can be assigned to the current Dark Gold Weapon equipment, which is already very difficult to deal with. Putting it in other Guilds, I am afraid that it will be assigned to Adamantite Rank weapon equipment. It’s just an Adventure Group that Guild cultivated secretly.

Furthermore, if such Top Grade weapon equipment is distributed to him, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction with other people in Guild, and the risk of doing so is too great.

He has no idea what Shi Feng is thinking?

But in the face of the Winter Magic Spear and the Cold Polar armor set, even if he has several Epic Equipment and Epic Weapon equipment like him, the temptation is still very big, and it is not easy to refuse.

“Never say you, Zero Wing is not another Guild. Although Asura Adventure Group is only an Adventure Group affiliated to Zero Wing’s, it is still part of Zero Wing’s. As long as the performance is outstanding, this level of weapon equipment It’s nothing, I hope you can use these weapon equipment to make Asura Adventure Group go further.” Shi Feng understood Dormant Thorn’s idea and said directly.

Zero Wing Guild is not comparable to those Super Organizations. Each and everyone has a large consortium behind them. For those expert attractions, they are not comparable to Common Guild. The constraints of Guild’s make many expert players reluctant to join. In the future If Zero Wing wants to develop, it can compete with Super Organization and even Super-Guild. The Free organization of this Adventure Group is a must.

And if an Adventure Group does not have strong expert leadership, it is difficult to develop.

Asura Adventure Group can rank in the Top-10 in Fire Dragon Empire. It can be said that it is already at the limit. I am afraid that it will be surpassed by other Adventure Groups with background soon, unless the strength of Dormant Thorn Can go further.

If possible, he still wants to make Dormant Thorn reach Realm of Vacuum, but from Realm of Flowing Water to Realm of Vacuum, it is a qualitative change in the senses, which can no longer be achieved by simply relying on combat experience Domain, otherwise the Peak Experts of Super-Guild will not be so rare.

When Dormant Thorn heard Shi Feng say this, he couldn’t help but look towards the other people in Zero Wing Guild, but what surprised him was that Zero Wing did not show any dissatisfaction, as if all this was fundamental does not matter.

As everyone in Asura Adventure Group saw this scene, each and everyone also had some ambitions in their hearts.

Joining Adventure Group is their helpless move for Free. If you can get Guild’s important resources while being so Free to Adventure Group, this is simply not too cool.

After a while, each and everyone secretly made up their minds, must perform well in Asura Adventure Group, when the time comes, even if you can’t get that Top Grade Epic Weapon, maybe you can get a Common Epic Weapon, this is unimaginable for members of their Adventure Group.

When everyone secretly envied Dormant Thorn for getting the Winter Magic Spear and the Cold Extreme armor set, Shi Feng’s gaze revealed a smile and sent out a jade flute.

Seeing this thing, everyone’s envy of Dormant Thorn is that 1-Star is gone.

“Crap! I read it right! This is…flight mount!”

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