Shi Feng looked at the words Travelers Store, and he was both excited and shocked. He really did not expect that he would be so lucky that he could encounter such a chance.

“Can I purchase this Travelers Store?” Shi Feng asked, looking towards the side NPC female Elf.

Travelers Store is very unfamiliar to players. Even the current Super Organizations probably don’t know what Travelers Store is.

However, as for the other name of Travelers Store, I am afraid that no force does not know.

That is the black market!

An exchange that exists in the dark world, covering all major neutral areas of God’s Domain. There are so many items in it that no NPCAuction House can compare to it. Go up to flying mount and Lesser Legendary Item, down to Potion and Combat Technique are both sold, and it can be said to be a paradise for the rich.

Of course, this Travelers Store is not something you can buy if you want to buy it, because this Travelers Store is a random occurrence in major neutral NPC cities, and it will only exist for a while and will be vanish. Can you buy it? It all depends on luck.

Now the Travelers Store sells for nine thousand ancient gold coins, which is just within his range.

“Of course it is possible, but this store cannot be converted into other uses after it is purchased. A management fee of three thousand ancient gold coins is required every ten days. If it cannot be paid, we will recycle the store.” NPC Female Elf explained.

“It’s so ruthless, it’s no wonder that many of the forces who came to buy the Store, no one chose the Travelers Store.” Shi Feng smacked slightly.

Generally, the management fee of the 1-Star peripheral store in Dragon Heart City is one thousand gold coins that’s all a month, and the 1-Star Store in the inner area is 1,500 to 1,800. In between, a Travelers Store in the outer area will cost three thousand gold coins in ten days, and nine thousand gold coins in one month.

Nine thousands of gold coins!

Even if the Dragon Heart City First-Rate forces have been mixed for a long time now, the ancient gold coins earned in a month are a little more that’s all than the nine thousand ancient gold coins. This kind of management fee is probably only Super Organization Only to bear it.

But no Super Organization is willing to spend this money.

Because 1-Star’s Travelers Store simply has nothing, it sells some Common clothing and groceries, and buys some Common herbal ores from Travelers, etc., which makes no money at all, compared to Common grocery stores. It’s a far cry. Common grocery stores can sell items made by players, but Travelers Store can’t. It can be said that they are losing money.

If you lose money and pay a monthly management fee of nine thousand ancient gold coins, you will only be willing to buy it if you are crazy.

“Respected Bronze Inheritor, are you sure you want to buy this Travelers Store?” NPC female Elf asked again.

“Yes, I bought it.” Shi Feng is nodded with certainty.

Travelers Store loses money, and it loses money very much, it can be said that it is to spend money to support the Store.

However, if you spend money to raise it, you only need to raise it to 2-Star, because the Travelers Store reaches 2-Star to show its real effect.

There are two roles for this, which can be said to be two major Divine Skills.

The first one is to be able to acquire uncirculated Rare Items, such as Magic Illustrated Books that are absolutely prohibited by Kingdom and Empire, or Magic Skill Book above Tier 3.

The Tier 3 profession is placed in the entire God’s Domain continent as an intermediate strength. In some NPC cities in Kingdom and Empire, those Magicrates are all Tier 3 professions. This can be seen, so Such Strength is managed by Kingdom and Empire, which is why the Class Change of Tier 3 profession needs to go to Neutral Map instead of Kingdom and Empire.

The second major role is the black market Teleportation Gate, which can send players to a black market exchange, but there are strict quotas, and there are not only quotas, but also quotas for the number of times you can enter. It is the main item for sale in the Travelers Store, and as the Boss of the Store, you can a waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first.

On Former Life, many forces are not clear about it. They missed a great opportunity. Only some forces who are very Luck bought Travelers Store. The reason why Luck is said is because of the number of Travelers Stores in each neutral NPC city. There are restrictions. For large NPC cities like Dragon Heart City, there are at most fifteen.

As long as a player purchases fifteen Travelers Stores in this large neutral NPC city, the Travelers Store will never appear again, unless the Travelers Store is reclaimed by the NPC and becomes vacant, otherwise others will only There is no way to watch it.

After Shi Feng confirmed the purchase, NPC female Elf also began to go through procedures for Shi Feng.

In less than five minutes, Shi Feng spent nine thousand ancient gold coins and got the land deed of the Travelers Store. Then all the information about the Travelers Store appeared in Shi Feng’s hands.

After Shi Feng checked the specific information of the Travelers Store, he couldn’t help but get a little big head.

“It’s no wonder that the promotion to 2-Star Travelers Store on Former Life is so slow, and the original promotion conditions are so harsh.” Shi Feng saw that the promotion conditions were slightly frowned.

Normal NPCStore promotion depends on the popularity of a store and NPC transaction volume. As long as it reaches a certain level, it can be promoted directly, but Travelers Store is completely different.

Perhaps because there is simply nothing to sell, Travelers Store must get the Bronze Rank Store Promotion Order if they want to be promoted to 2-Star Store, or else they will be 1-Star Store all their lives… …

And what a Rare Bronze Rank Store Promotion Order is, it’s not comparable to the Player Store Promotion Order, as long as you get a fixed dungeon team, you can get it, you can’t get it once, or you can try several times. , But the token that allows NPCStore to be promoted is quite different.

This is not necessarily a large dungeon team. Generally, a large dungeon team above 100 has a certain chance of drops. If one is not dropped, it is a good thing that is difficult to find for ten thousand gold. After all The promotion of NPCStore can bring great sustained benefits to players.

The hundred-level dungeon team is simply cracking a joke for the current players. It can be said that the level 90 expert team enters, I am afraid that even the mobs cannot be beaten.

As for why?

Because Dungeons above the 100th level are prepared for professions above Tier 3, Tier 2 professions can only be used for soy sauce, which is why Tier 3 professions are the middle pillar of God’s Domain.

“It seems that I can only try to kill the world BOSS.” Shi Feng thought for a while. In addition to the drops of the dungeon team above 100, it is also the world BOSS.

This is currently the only way to promote the Travelers Store to 2-Star as soon as possible. Otherwise, the Travelers Store with 1-Star would be too expensive. After all, he simply doesn’t have much money to earn. The method of gold coins depends on the little accumulation of Guild expert, but Zero Wing is currently not at all members developing in Dragon Heart City. It is basically impossible to raise Travelers Store.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng directly took out the City Return Scroll and returned to White River City.

World BOSS is very rare, and each one is extremely powerful, even with the current Zero Wing main force, the world BOSS that can be killed is probably Level 70 level, and it is even a little overwhelming. After all, World- The higher the level of the class BOSS, the more difficult it is to deal with, and the growth is much greater than that of the player.

If you want to get the Bronze Rank Store Promotion Order with a high probability, you can only kill the Level 90 world BOSS Frost Sergeant. This is also the world BOSS he has heard of drops Bronze Rank Store Promotion Order. .

But before killing, Shi Feng plans to improve the strength of Kite and Anna.

Before killing the skeleton Demon General in the endless sand sea, it did not absorb the soul. Although the skeleton Demon General is only the High Lord, it is a Level 100 monster after all. At Level 100 it is equivalent to a small BOSS. The existence of, somehow absorbed the essence of the soul through the fragments of Ancient God.

A total of eight drops were absorbed.

Originally, he wanted to use it on Fire Dance and the others. Maybe he could use Realm of Truth breakthrough, or step into Realm of Vacuum, but now it seems that he should improve Personal Guard first. Strength.

Immediately, Shi Feng came out in the Candlelight Trading Company, Summon, two Personal Guards, Kite and Anna.

At this time, I saw Kite and Anna. One of the levels of the two reached Level 95 and the other reached Level 6. This level up speed simply terrifying, and now the mainstream of Mithril Rank NPC guards Level is only Level 90.

Be aware that NPC guards do not have the treatment of the Exceeding Level Farm Experience Point. Generally, they can only be raised through each and everyone Quest.

After Shi Feng saw the two Personal Guards, he directly took out the fragments of Ancient God and began to scan Anna with Magic.

“This promotion requires too much soul essence.” Shi Feng could not help but curse secretly when he saw the soul essence that Anna needed to strengthen.

It’s just for Anna to strengthen the soul. You need a full 15 drops of soul essence. You must know that this soul essence is not so easy to do, and it can only be absorbed once every six hours. He can The accumulation of so much is also thanks to the killing of the one-hundred-level High Lord. If it is replaced by the one-hundred-level Peak High Lord, I am afraid it will hang.

Shi Feng then scans to Kite again.

I saw a Magic piece of Ancient God piece swept through, and after five drops appeared, Shi Feng sighed in relief. After all, Kite is now a Dark Gold Level guard, only Level 1 away from Epic Level Anna .

“In that case, strengthen you.” Shi Feng glanced at Kite, and then started chanting Spell with the help of Ancient God piece Strength.

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