A Shi Feng is already unstoppable, capable of breaking through a thousand troops, and it is a thousand-member Legion composed of experts.

At this time, there are eight Shi Fengs. Even idiots understand what this means?

God’s Domain Peak characters like Startling Wind and Xie Dao looked at Shi Feng at this time, and the expressions on their faces became very solemn, and there was an urge to curse.

In God’s Domain, the doppelganger skills are very Rare, but at their level, doppelganger skills have never been seen before, but they have never hated doppelganger skills so much. Fearful.


Before everyone spirit slowly recovers from the scene where Shi Feng was divided into eight, Startling Wind roared and turned around and fled.

For Peak experts like them, they know the effects of doppelganger-like skills too. Shi Feng is divided into eight. Although the attribute of each entity doppelganger has dropped, and the mental power of a person is prioritized, a person is perfect Controlling eight bodies can’t even master Domain Monster.

But Startling Wind can feel that even if the attribute of the entity doppelganger drops, the basic attribute of the round is still one great length higher than them, and the mental power is scattered, and the battle strength of each doppelganger is probably comparable to Rain. Ink and the others, this has no chance of winning for him and the evil sword, and the doppelganger and the ontology are both a consciousness, and the cooperation is seamless.

The evil sword on the side also ran in the opposite direction of Startling Wind for the first time.

At this time, the evil sword also understands that there is only one end of the game, and that is death. The only way out is time-consuming. Doppelganger skills are not forever, as long as the Duration is over, everything will be easy. Up.

The skill of doppelganger is overbearing, but it also has an obvious shortcoming.

That is the consumption of mental power is very large, every time a doppelganger is divided, the consumption of mental power will be doubled, if it is normal to deal with BOSS and Common Expert, then forget it, deal with them like this Expert, mental power consumption is not less than Stamina consumption. If Vitality is in a state of fatigue, it will greatly affect the performance.

Also in other words, as long as they drag it until the end of doppelganger Duration, when the time comes, dealing with Shi Feng will not break.

At this time, not only was Startling Wind and Evil Blade separated and fled, other Star Ring experts also fled, especially the Domain Monster and Peak Expert, which almost put down their opponents and ran away.

Because they know very well that this kind of battle strength is too great. As long as Shi Feng kills Startling Wind and Evil Blade, it will definitely be their turn next, in case Shi Feng cannot kill Startling. Wind and Evil Sabre will definitely turn around and deal with them immediately. When will they not run at this time?

Seeing that Star Ring’s micro pioneers were in chaos, each and everyone began to flee frantically.

This made everyone in the audience stunned.

The worst thing here is the micro level. The strength can easily wipe out an army of ten thousand people, but now because of the skill Shi Feng used, they just scattered and fled, each and everyone seems to be A mouse is like a cat. I’m afraid no one will believe it…

“It’s too late!”

Shi Feng glanced at Startling Wind and the evil knife, and immediately controlled the doppelganger All surrounded.

For both Startling Wind and Evil Blade, he must kill them.

I didn’t use Twilight Shadow before because I was worried that Startling Wind and Evil Blade would run away when they saw each other, and everyone would run away. This situation was what he worried about the most.

After all, Star Ring’s micro experts are much more than Zero Wing. The threat of being scattered among the crowd is far greater than their Zero Wing. When the time comes, he might be able to kill these people exclusively. You can’t kill Stamina if you run out.

So at first, he tried to get Star Ring’s micro experts to gather together, and then constantly confronted with Star Ring, trying to find a way to reduce the number of Star Ring’s micro experts.

Now the number of Star Ring’s micro experts has been halved. He originally wanted to spend some time to reduce the number of Star Ring’s micro experts, but the Zero Wing’s direct battlefield is almost overwhelming.

Don’t look at the current number of more than 7,000 people, but the confrontation between the two armies is snowballing. Few people begin to die, and it will increase exponentially over time.

He can’t wait any longer for this.

I saw Shi Feng immediately surrounded Startling Wind and Xie Dao, and the eight doppelgangers almost all shot at the same time.

Shi Feng has a big advantage in Basic Attribute, even after doppelganger, the speed is faster than the two, and since Shi Feng started using Life Elixir, his brain activity is Continuously rising, coupled with the effect of casting molten gold stone, now Shi Feng has allowed a doppelganger to play close to the Control of Domain level.

Also in other words Startling Wind and Evil Blade each have to face an attribute that surpasses them, and is an expert of Control of Domain, and several names are comparable to Rain Ink. and the others such battle strength.

The two sides just fought each other. It was because the bodies of Startling Wind and Evil Sabre were cut to at least three swords, and their HP dropped to less than half in an instant.

“Damn it!”

Startling Wind is frightened and angry, desperately using various High Grade body methods and life-saving skills to be able to, no longer do any retention of hands, and The same is true for the evil sword not far away. With the angry roar, the evil sword also has a doppelganger. However, the doppelganger of the evil sword is obviously not as good as Shi Feng’s doppelganger. The attribute is only 70% of the evil sword, and at most it is used as a doppelganger. Bait to disturb the enemy, in front of Shi Feng can not be used as battle strength.

And the Healers in the back row of Star Ring are also crazy to restore the two, and even use their hole cards, so that Startling Wind and the evil knife can fight for a while without dying.

However, the two sides chased for more than fifty yards all the way, Startling Wind and Evil Sabre were still unable to break free from Shi Feng’s siege, and the speed of the battle between the two sides was so fast that even micro experts were overwhelmed. The reaction speed of both parties is not at all, but because of this, the consumption of Stamina and mental power on both sides is several times larger than before.


Shi Feng is no longer reserved at this time, he controls the doppelganger and also uses Sword Light Samsara.

I saw the sword light surrounding Startling Wind and the evil sword, and they directly forcibly deflected the defense of Startling Wind and the evil sword to resist. Other doppelgangers took advantage of this chance to stabbing the body of Startling Wind and the evil sword.

One sword…Two swords…Three swords…

It was just a moment, and more than a dozen sword marks flashed across the bodies of Startling Wind and Evil Sabre. It seemed to be a rushing flood, and it was cleared instantly, lying directly on the grass, and the Healers in the back row did not come in a hurry to restore.


The deaths of Startling Wind and the evil knife directly caused the audience to be sucked in a breath of cold air, even if they were sitting in a special box Li Hen couldn’t help being a little shocked.

These two people are all characters standing in God’s Domain Peak. Wanting to kill any of them makes all the Super Organizations a headache, but now they are killed by Shi Feng at the same time. Up.

You must know that dealing with such an expert in God’s Domain is easy to defeat and difficult to kill. Such an expert wants to escape, even if it is a better expert, it can’t stop it, let alone both of them Healer’s crazy restore, but now both of them are dead…

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