The powerful battle strength displayed by Fire Dance and Gentle Snow was completely unstoppable. Others in Zero Wing’s were able to compete with the members of Mad Beast Regiment. This made everyone feel suffocated.

“Is this Zero Wing’s strength so strong?”

None of the experts present are Common Experts, and there are many senior leaders from major Super Organizations.

They have already felt the Strength of Battle Array. The improvement of the player’s battle strength is definitely very big, but such Mad Beast Regiment still can’t stop the three 100-Mans of Zero Wing’s, which is simply incredible.

Especially Fire Dance and Gentle Snow.

For the level of combat shown by Rain Ink and Brilliant Python, they all understand that it is definitely Peak Expert Level 1, and it is also a top-ranked existence in the major Super Organizations.

With the improvement of Battle Array, the experts of Control of Domain will probably be beaten up.

But Fire Dance and Gentle Snow are better than Rain Ink and Brilliant Python. They are not opponents. It is simply incomprehensible why there are two such powerful experts in a Zero Wing.

The Blood Exquisite Fruit in the audience was staring at Fire Dance and Gentle Snow at this time, and there was a slight surprise.

“Why are the attributes of the two of them so strong?”

Blood Exquisite Fruit has a clearer picture than many people present, whether it is Fire Dance or Gentle Snow, although one The move is very special, as if it contains Combat Technique, but they can’t escape her observation, and the two are just Realm of Flowing Water.

The attack containing Combat Technique can indeed make the battle strength play out of the ordinary effect, but these Common Combat Techniques can’t be improved much at all. For Peak experts, it is not a problem to deal with it.

And Rain Ink and Brilliant Python are so embarrassed, it is entirely because the Basic Attribute of Fire Dance and Gentle Snow is stronger than Rain Ink and Brilliant Python a great length, but Rain Ink and Brilliant Python are both As the core of Battle Array, the enhanced attribute is not cracking a joke, and the two have Epic Equipment as Peak experts, but Fire Dance and Gentle Snow are forcibly surpassed……

The Indestructible War Heart on the side was shining.

Although he doesn’t know how the Basic Attributes of Fire Dance and Gentle Snow are so strong, but with the current Zero Wing pioneers, they can already overwhelm Mad Beast Regiment, and it can even be said that defeating Mad Beast Regiment is only time. Sooner or later.

You must know that the members of these three hundred Mad Beast Regiment are all micro experts. Zero Wing’s Peak battle strength can overwhelm Mad Beast Regiment. It shows that Zero Wing has a Peak that is no less than Super Organization. Battle strength Legion, plus their War Spirit Uprise, so even if Star Ring has to deal with them, it will not be so easy.

On the battlefield just for a while, the members of Mad Beast Regiment began to speed up the attrition.

This is completely different when dealing with Shi Feng. Shi Feng was just one person at the beginning, and he could use his number advantage to carry out joint attacks, but now the people of Mad Beast Regiment fight on their own and cannot spare any extra Strength help. Rain Ink and Brilliant Python, while Rain Ink and Brilliant Python were completely suppressed, Fire Dance and Gentle Snow took the opportunity to kill the member of Mad Beast Regiment, and they couldn’t help.

“Guild Master, I am afraid that Mad Beast Regiment won’t last long if this continues.” Startling Wind looked at Mad Beast Regiment’s declining staff and couldn’t help but look towards Lu Xingluo.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Zero Wing’s strength really exceeded his expectations.

Fire Dance and Gentle Snow can suppress the Battle Array with a team each. The main force of the Super Organization is also only this, not to mention that there is also Shi Feng, who is capable of overwhelming two battle arrays. in.

“Well, you guys do it too, but do it quickly!” Lu Xingluo heard Startling Wind say so, fiercely looked towards Shi Feng and said that complexion is gloomy.

Originally, he wanted to retain the strength of Star Ring as much as possible, and later it will be useful, but Shi Feng forced him to take out the hidden Strength.

Startling Wind nodded, and then organized the Expert of Control of Domain such as Sword Demon and Evil Blade.

As Startling Wind and the others rushed out of the Star Ring army, all the Super Organization members in the audience could not help but take a breath, and Indestructible War Heart also felt cold.

Mad Beast Regiment’s Group Leader Startling Wind, Vice-Group Leader Yun Manshan, Four Demons of Ghost Shadow, Xuanyuan Three Kill, Warscar Studio’s Group Leader Evil Knife, eight of the Control of Domain’s Expert, among them, Startling Wind and Xie Dao are the famous West Continent of God’s Domain.

Moreover, the eight people at this time exuded a weird aura, with a blood Red Seal mark printed on the brows, and the entire eyes were pitch black, not like Human at all.

“Demon God! Is this the secret card hidden in Star Ring?” Blood Exquisite Fruit looked at the eight people in shock.

Demon Godization is probably very unfamiliar to the current Super Organization, and only a few people know that it is a rare way to improve Life Level, but you want Demon Godization Too difficult, not only to find the corresponding super Rare Material, but also to find the inheritance entrance to pass the Demon God test.

To collect the materials, even the Super Organization is extremely difficult to do, but now Star Ring has collected eight materials…

Not waiting for Blood Exquisite Fruit In response, Startling Wind and the others have rushed in front of Fire Dance and Gentle Snow. Compared with Rain Ink and Brilliant Python, Startling Wind and the others Basic Attribute and physique are only a little bit different, but eight The level of human combat is not comparable to Rain Ink and Brilliant Python.

Among them, the Basic Attribute and physique of Startling Wind and Evil Blade are not even lost to Rain Ink and Brilliant Python.

Startling Wind and Evil Blade fight Fire Dance and Gentle Snow. They are very clever. Fire Dance and Gentle Snow attacked, and then used High Grade Combat Technique to attack Fire Dance and Gentle Snow can’t detect the weak spot, coupled with the cooperation of Yun Manshan and Sword Shadow and the others.

Just two or three fights, Fire Dance and Gentle Snow were hit several times, and they had to use Skill to defend with all their strength.

“It seems that this is the end. Although Zero Wing’s attribute is better, two punches are harder than four hands.” Blood Exquisite Fruit looked at the retreating Fire Dance and Gentle Snow. sighed.

Zero Wing’s background is too thin after all.

Fire Dance and Gentle Snow may be strong, but God’s Domain is not a one-person game after all. The background of Star Ring is too strong. Eight Demon God-like experts are enough to make any Super Organization desperate. , I am afraid that only those Super-Guild can be confident of confrontation.

But before Startling Wind, Evil Blade and the others unfold Absolute Kill, ten sword lights suddenly fell from the sky.

These ten sword lights are not only amazing in power, but extremely fast, and even the attack angle is extremely tricky. Startling Wind and the others have to Defense.

pēng pēng pēng ……

A series of metal collisions sounded, and Startling Wind and the others took two or three steps back in succession, turning their heads and looking towards the place where the sword light was shot. , His face sinks slightly.

It was Shi Feng who shot.

Shi Feng’s sword light is heavier than Gentle Snow. If they face ten sword lights alone, even if they are injured, they can block them all.

“To deal with people who can’t even reach the Realm of Vacuum, one-on-one is fine. Eight Control of Domain experts even played gang fights. It seems that you guys are very happy!” Shi Feng glanced at Startling Wind and the evil sword, and said independently.

“Black Flame, you don’t have to agitate us, this is a war, only winning or losing, even if you go together, we are so many people!” Startling Wind didn’t care.

But Startling Wind and the others look at Shi Feng’s face slightly solemn.

They didn’t fight Shi Feng before and didn’t know how Shi Feng’s Strength was, but now after a short match, they have already made them understand that Shi Feng’s Strength too terrifying, any one of them is alone. Probably none of the pairs are Shi Feng’s opponents.

“Indeed, this is a war. In that case, other people will join in, let’s play a group fight too!” Shi Feng said immediately.

More than twenty people, Aqua Rose, Violet Cloud, Sword Shadow, Skywalk Overflow, Midsummer Allure, Yi Luofei, Flying Shadow, Zhao Yueru and the others who didn’t fight in the crowd for a while all gathered around. .

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