The ten blood refining pieces suddenly hovered in the air under the control of Shi Feng’s. The Blood Qi lingering on the broken blade became more and more dense. After a while, the rich Blood Qi flowed out of the broken blade. The ten broken blades were also turned into fly ash with the speed visible by naked eye.

In just less than five seconds, ten blood refining pieces were completely turned into dust and scattered on the ground, but ten rich Blood Qi formed a bright red in front of Shi Feng’s 3-layer Magic Array.

“Very good, it worked!” Shi Feng looked at the Magic Array formed, and was overjoyed.

This 3-layer Magic Array is more complex than one layer. The Magic Array on the sole 1st floor is two or three times more complex than an Intermediate Magic Array. This 3-layer Magic Array is one The power of the layer is greater than that of the first layer.

Obviously, these 3-layer Magic Arrays are all separate and independent, and the composition of the Rune is completely different, but the three together give a feeling of integration.

With the advent of Magic Array, a blood glow appeared in this Magic Array and directly transmitted to Shi Feng’s brain.

In a short while, a piece of information appeared in Shi Feng’s mind.

The design creation of molten gold stone, one of the twenty-eight chapters of blood refining created by War God, can be integrated into any main weapon, so that the potential of the main weapon can be fully developed, and the blood refining Hidden mastered If the Technique is stronger, the effect of casting molten gold stone will be stronger.

“I made a profit now!” Shi Feng looked at the information in his mind with a slightly excited expression.

Although it is not the High Grade blood refining secret technique, it is just a Common blood refining secret technique, but it is Rare’s casting and melting secret technique.

In God’s Domain, Blacksmith is roughly divided into three categories.

The first category is mainly to make weapon equipment, which can make Top Grade weapon equipment.

The second type is mainly auxiliary, mainly producing various items such as Armor Piece or Grindstone.

The third category is to focus on strengthening, specifically strengthening weapon equipment. Items such as magic ornament can be strengthened by weapon equipment.

The third type of design creation is the rarest, and many of the enhancements are temporary. It can be said that it is the lowest cost-effective type, but it is also the most popular type among the three types of Blacksmith.

Because the intensive item is less difficult to produce, the success rate is higher, and the production time is short, it can be produced in large quantities and has the widest audience, so it is liked by all Great Influences.

And Blacksmith, who can learn this type of Forging secret technique, is the pearl in the palm of the Great Influence, which is offered as an uncle.

Although all the secrets of blood refining are of the second and third types, there are fewer than five people in God’s Domain who really learned the third type of Forging.

Shi Feng didn’t expect that he could get the third type of blood refining forging secret technique.

After a brief period of excitement, Shi Feng also carefully checked the specific information of the molten gold stone.

I don’t know, I was surprised when I saw it.

“It’s no wonder that the major Super Organizations and Blacksmiths in the former life are crazy about the three High Grade blood refining secrets. Only a molten gold stone is so strong. If you can get the three High Grade blood refining secrets Surgery, you can really fight beyond the ranks.” Shi Feng looked at the effect of the molten gold stone and couldn’t help but stunned.

Although the casting molten stone can only strengthen the main weapon, whether it is a metal weapon or a staff, you can get a permanent strengthening.

Originally, this kind of thing was impossible for the items made by Blacksmith, but War God made this impossible possible.

Because of the enhancement of this weapon, the enhancement is not The weapon itself links the weapon and the user through the strength of the molten stone, and feeds back the strength of the weapon to the user, so that the user has an extraordinary Strength.

But how much Strength can be fed back from the weapon depends on the blood refining Hidden Technique level that Blacksmith masters.

The 3-layer Magic Array that appeared before is exactly the core of the cast-melt stone. The strength of the cast-melt stone depends on how well you master the 3-layer Magic Array.

As long as you can master it all, the cast molten stone can double the player’s battle strength is a trivial matter, even for players of the Tier 4 profession.

The only disadvantage may be that the materials are precious.

All the materials used for casting molten gold are precious materials, and the molten magic gold required is even rarer. Each piece is worth more than 20 gold coins on the market, so the cost of sole production The cost is about forty gold coins, which is simply comparable to the existing Level 70 Adamantite Rank equipment.

“It seems we need to study this secret technique of blood refining.” Shi Feng looked at the design creation of molten gold stone and couldn’t help but smiled slightly.

The war is just around the corner. He thought it was still difficult to compete with the Star Ring with Aqua Rose and the others. After all, Star Ring is not to be trifled with, but now it can be a lot easier.

For Common forces, it is troublesome to get a large amount of molten gold, but for the current Zero Wing, it is very simple. With just one sentence, Chamber of Commerce can quickly collect A pile of molten gold, not to mention other materials for making molten gold stones.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng directly let everyone go back to the city to rest. After all, they haven’t had a good rest in these two days, and now Zero Wing has many things that Aqua Rose and the others need to deal with.

When Shi Feng said about disbanding, everyone could not help but thought secretly. Unfortunately, they did have a lot of things to do now, and then each and everyone took out the City Return Scroll and started to return to the city.

In places like the endless sea of ​​sand, you can only rely on running to get in. It is impossible to send it back, but it is very simple to go back. You can do it with City Return Scroll.

In a short while, Aqua Rose returned to all major Zero Wing Residences, and Shi Feng directly sent back to White River City, ready to study the molten gold stone in Candlelight Trading Company.

Back to White River City, White River City is still the same as usual vast crowd, but compared to before, White River City gathers more and more Guilds, and there are more than dozens on one street Guild’s member is shopping, and even these Guilds are the Big Guild from other Kingdom and Empire.

The reason why so many Guilds gather in White River City is thanks to White River City’s Auction House.

Because White River City’s Auction House is connected to the Auction House in Stone Forest City, it is easy to see Rare Items and weapon equipment from Bottomless Abyss in White River City’s Auction House.

You must know that Bottomless Abyss is the forefront of God’s Domain strategy at present. Any item in it that is placed outside is something that makes Common Experts very greedy. Of course, the members of Big Guild will not let it go. After all, it is too troublesome for players who are not Dark Night Empire to enter Bottomless Abyss, and it is not easy to enter Bottomless Abyss. At least three or five Common Experts do not want to enter.

Because of this, White River City has become a gathering place for players from the surrounding several major kingdoms and Empire, and White River City has developed into an ultra-large NPC city with a population of nearly 20 million. The members of each Big Guild will come to White River City’s Auction House to purchase items.

In addition, Zero Wing has mastered the White River City Auction House. Everyday all will hold some Rare Item trade fairs, which makes countless Guild and expert players delighted.

Gold coins in God’s Domain are the best to earn. For many powerful players, gold coins are no longer what they need most. On the contrary, they are many Rare Material and Top Grade weapon equipment. If needed, trade directly with gold coins. Many people are unwilling and prefer bartering. This makes White River City a gathering place for countless Rare Materials and Top Grade weapon equipment.

It faintly made White River City a trading center for several neighboring countries.

Just as Shi Feng was about to walk to the Candlelight Trading Company, a crisp System sound suddenly came out of his ear.

System: White River City Auction House has met the unlocking conditions. Will it be unlocked to enable the High Grade function?

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