The death of Qihuang made Seven Sins Flowers’ members chaos, and the heroic Warrior who accompanied Qihuang’s summon was not at all vanish because of Qihuang’s death, but they were completely free. There was no cooperation between them. The battle strength is greatly reduced, and Thunder Eagle is much easier to deal with.

Looking at the Heroic Warrior, even the strength that contained Thunder Eagle was gone. The members of Seven Sins Flowers were also completely messed up. They didn’t care about other things at all, and they all rushed into the main hall of Thunder Hall.

At this time, only the main hall is their only way to survive, because there are Level 150 Tier 3 temple guards in the main hall, and players are completely forbidden to fight inside.

This is also the reason why Ditian stayed at the gate of the main hall at the beginning, to prevent reincarnation and the others from entering the main hall, when the time comes, there is no way to take reincarnation.

Shi Feng looked at the scattered Seven Sins Flowers member, not at all chasing after him, and picked up the two items of Qihuang drops at the first time.

Although Level 75 Dark Gold equipment does not have any attraction for him now, for other experts, this is the current Top Grade equipment, and even some Peak Experts now do not have any, at most It uses Level 75 Adamantite Rank equipment, and only monster-level experts like Qihuang can get this treatment.

After all, the current Peak expert level is only 7Level 7. It is extremely difficult for the major Super Organizations to obtain Level 75 Dark Gold equipment.

Compared with the Dark Gold equipment of Level 75, he compares with the mysterious old pages taken out before the Yiqihuang.

Able to summon out heroes in Thunder God Secret Realm forcibly, this kind of strength is definitely not simple, at least he can’t think of anything that can summon out heroes in Thunder God Secret Realm.

Thunder God Secret Realm has the World Rule set by Thunder God. Unless Thunder God allows this rule, even the Lesser Legendary Item can’t break this rule, but this mysterious ancient page can do it. This Item is not simple.

If you want to chase down Seven Sins Flowers’s members, if you abandon the mysterious old pages, you will lose out.

“This is…An Ancient God Fragment!” Shi Feng checked the mysterious ancient page and was surprised.

Ancient God is the honorific name for the earliest batch of Spiritual Gods. It is rumored to be the God’s Domain continent created by Ancient God. After a great battle, Ancient God also vanishes from God’s Domain and never appeared again. Over.

In God’s Domain, everything that can be related to Ancient God is treasure.

Among the many Ancient God Items, the most famous is the fragments of Ancient God. Even the many Guild battles in God’s Domain and even the battle between Kingdom and Empire are all due to the fragments of Ancient God.

Each page of these fragments of Ancient God has incredible Strength. It is rumored that if you can get one of them together, you can have the Strength of destroy the heaven and extinguish the earth, which can be similar to Spiritual. God contends.

The Spiritual God here is not just a Tier 6 God Level player, but a real Tier 6 Spiritual God.

Currently, some of the founders of Kingdom and Empire in God’s Domain are rumored to have obtained the Strength of the fragments of Ancient God. Otherwise, in which era, the Human race would not be able to compete. The powerful Foreign Race competed for God’s Domain and laid a huge territory.

At this time, Shi Feng understood why Qihuang could forcefully produce heroes in Thunder God Secret Realm summon. If it is the fragment of Ancient God, this kind of thing is not so incredible. After all, Ancient God The Spiritual God born in God’s Domain is much stronger. The Ancient God fragments elaborately produced by Ancient God are naturally not the World Rule set by Thunder God can contend.

Immediately, Shi Feng carefully checked the fragment of Ancient God in his hand.

The fifth page of the fragments of Ancient God, Epic Level Item, an ancient paper page. Although it has gone through a long period of baptism, there is still an indelible divine symbol on the paper page, which is incredible. Strength.

First Skill hero summon, sacrifice a part of the soul to forcibly awaken the ancient twelve heroes Warrior to fight for it. The twelve heroes Warrior out of summon are higher than the player by Tier 1 and reach Tier 3 at most. , Duration twelve hours, Cooldown Period five days (weak souls cannot be summoned.)

Second Skill Soul absorption, can absorb half-dead living creature souls, and has a certain chance to converge into a drop of soul essence , Cooldown Period is six hours. (The more powerful the living creature is, the easier it will be to converge into the essence of the soul)

Third Skill Soul Strengthening. By consuming the soul realm, the soul of a living creature can be strengthened. The Cooldown Period is a day. (The stronger the soul of the living creature is, the more soul essence needs to be consumed)

The item is bound to the soul, cannot be traded, and cannot be stored in the warehouse. There is a certain chance of drops after death . (Death must fall when the soul is weak)

“Awesome! Simply too amazing!” Shi Feng looked at the attributes of the fragments of Ancient God, with indescribable shock and excitement in his heart. Former life and Great Influence are desperately competing for these fragments of Ancient God, only one page has such a Strength, if one of them can be put together, simply terrifying!”

Heroes summon this move for the present For the expert player, it’s Divine Skill. After all, twelve Tier 3 NPC teaming up is not a cracking a joke. If it’s not the dividing line of the hundredth level, Thunder Eagle simply is not the opponent of the twelve heroes Warrior.

Moreover, Shi Feng pays more attention to the soul strengthening this skill than the hero summon this move.

Simply is Divine Skill!

The current player may not know the true meaning of the soul, but as the level and level of the player continue to increase, more and more NPCs and monsters are contacted, and they will become stronger and stronger. What an important thing.

Even when players want advanced Tier 5, the power of the soul is indispensable. Not to mention Tier 6 God Level. Without a powerful body and a powerful soul, how can you become a Spiritual God?

Furthermore, Skill says very clearly that it can be used on living creatures, and in other words can be used not only on players, but also on NPCs.

For NPC, the soul represents the potential of an NPC.

The stronger the soul of an NPC, the higher its relative potential, and the easier it will be to break through barriers of the same order in the future.

Today’s God’s Domain, NPC guards can be seen everywhere, but there are very few NPC guards with high potential. Even the First-Rate Guild can get a Mithril Rank more guards. Crazy, used as the guard of Guild’s heavy ground, smashed all kinds of resources madly, and regarded such NPC guards as ancestors.

One is that Mithril Rank’s NPC guard has a super strong battle strength. With the advantages of Level and equipment, it can completely defeat the current Peak expert.

The second is that Mithril Rank’s NPCadvanced Tier 3 profession does not have any bottleneck. As long as it reaches Level 100, it is Tier 3 profession, and some of it may impact Tier 4 profession. At Tier 4 profession, it is not only a defense The town is of great help, and it is also a terrifying meat grinder in Guild Wars.

But it’s too difficult to get the NPC guards of Mithril Rank. Even with the current Zero Wing, Shi Feng tried his best to get 22. Thanks to know some Follow the clues to those well-known NPCs in Former Life, otherwise you won’t even get ten.

But it’s all right now.

With the Soul Strengthening Skill, it is no longer a problem to increase the potential of NPCs. Mithril Rank NPCs are not easy to find, but there are many Mysterious-Iron Rank NPCs.

As long as there are enough soul essence and enough resources, it is possible to cultivate a large army of NPC guards, so that the strength of Zero Wing’s soars and fights against those Super Organizations.

When Shi Feng was thinking about how to train a group of NPC guards as soon as possible, the entire battle with Seven Sins Flowers came to an end.

The Seven Sins Flowers member who was over half of the battle was killed, and these Seven Sins Flowers members were all cadres, and the Blood Guard was killed by fifteen people. This is for Seven Sins Flowers. It is also a heavy loss. It may take a long time to restore. When the time comes, the major Super Organizations have already stabilized in Thunder God Secret Realm.

“Black Flame big brother, the Blood Demon seal has been lifted. Now everyone from the major Super Organizations has gone to the main hall of Thunder Hall. Let’s go in.” Yiyun looked at the seal that had been lifted. , Said a little excitedly.

In Thunder God Secret Realm, the main hall of the Thunder Temple is the most important place and their final destination. There are that many good things in the partial hall before, and the main hall can be imagined.

“Okay, let’s go in too.” Shi Feng nodded.

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