“Why is her Strength so strong?”

Qihuang and Shagu looked at the twenty blood guards who had been retreated, their faces were full of surprise and doubt.

The Strength after the transformation of the Blood God Guard is comparable to the High Lord of the same level in Thunder God Secret Realm. Even if they use the High Grade Combat Technique in spare no effort, it is also on Strength. Barely flat.

What about Astray Faint Trace?

Before, Qi Huang personally fought with Astray Faint Trace. He knew very well about the formidable power of Astray Faint Trace’s Magic Blade. It can be said that it is much worse than the High Lord of the same level, and it is only about the same level as her. .

Now that Astray Faint Trace comes out of the side hall, it is not at all weaker than the Blood Guard in Strength, and it also allows forty Magic Blades to fuse in pairs, instantly knocking out 20 Blood Gods. guard.

This improvement in Strength and combat level and before entering the side hall, there are simply two people.

Compared to the surprise of Qihuang and Shagu, the major Super Organization experts present were stunned, and even Blue Sky Heartless almost stared out.

“Who are you?” Blue Sky Heartless looked at Astray Faint Trace, and kept looking for the memory of Astray Faint Trace in his brain, but no matter how to find it, let alone the same, even similar None of the characters can be found.

Repulse twenty blood guards with one move!

Be aware that their Super Organization experts were suppressed by these twenty blood guards before fiercely, but Astray Faint Trace alone overwhelmed twenty blood guards…


And he can see clearly that the Magic Skill used by Astray Faint Trace is a strength fusion.

He also knows this kind of skill, and he knows the difficulty very well. It is the limit to control four or five fusion attacks at his level, but Astray Faint Trace can make twenty of them at once, which is simply monster.

“Is this her true strength?” Shi Feng looked at the Astray Faint Trace that controls the Magic Blade, and he was shocked.

Thunder set Although the level of Astray Faint Trace was restored to Tier 1, plus the upgrade of the set Thunder Magic Stone, the Magic Strength used was close to the same level High Lord, but it was absolutely impossible to achieve Peak expert controls twenty strength fusion attacks, which even he can’t do.

But when I think of the former life Astray Faint Trace, I can become the Number One Person on the Expert Wind and Clouds List in the God’s Domain of powerhouse like forests, defeating Tier 6 God Level with Tier 5 profession and creating God’s The myth in Domain, this kind of thing becomes not so difficult to understand.

It’s just that astray Faint Trace becomes stronger, it also makes Qihuang, Shagu and the others more excited and enthusiastic.

It is unbelievable to enter the Partial Hall Level to increase so much. Didn’t expect people to come out after entering, and their strength can increase so much.

This makes them even more eager for the Thunder God key.

“Kill! Kill them for me at all costs!” Qi Huang stared at Samsara, his eyes full of crazy roar.

Speaking of Qihuang, he began to chanting the strongest Magic, and Sand Bone also took the lead and went straight to reincarnation.

After the twenty blood guards were ordered to do whatever it takes, their expressions became frantic. The black mist lingering all over the body suddenly soared, and the power emanating from it became stronger and turned into a black Ying rushed to Shi Feng and the others.

The speed of these twenty blood guards has been significantly increased by more than 30% compared to the previous ones, and the reaction speed has also become much faster. Facing the attack of Astray Faint Trace, these blood guards actually have spare power. Deflection attacks, even evasion Astray Faint Trace attacks.

“Why are Movement Speed ​​and Reaction Speed ​​so much faster?”

Astray Faint Trace obviously feels that the strength of these blood guards has improved a bit. This feeling is like Tier 0 raise to Tier 1 is normal, but the attributes of these people are not improved, but the physique has undergone a qualitative change. The Blood Guard has such an improvement, but it is very difficult to deal with.

“Fuck! These blood guards simply didn’t show their strength against us before!”

The major Super Organization experts who rushed over to support looked at the blood guards whose strength once again increased, each and everyone complexion is gloomy.




When they are released to the outside world, they are all experts at the top, and there are even Peak experts. The major Super Organizations must be cautious when facing them, but these blood guards They were just playing with them…

I saw that the Blood God Guard instantly killed Samsara, Yiyun and the others.

But reincarnation and the others are not easy to deal with. When Level reaches Level 80, the Epic Weapon equipment on the body has been slightly improved. With the addition of the set Thunder Magic Stone, it is not comparable to Basic Attribute alone. How much difference between the transformed Blood God Guards, and the advantage of Skill, makes Samsara and the others one-on-one with the Blood Guards without any pressure, and one-on-one can barely resist.

And Shi Feng faced a strong blood guard, which is exactly the rhythm of steamroll.

The level of Level 85 can be said to be two small levels ahead of these 7Level 7 blood guards, not to mention that there is a Lesser Legendary Item on the body, even if it is suppressed to Tier 0, the Basic Attribute is still not transformed The Blood Guard is comparable.

Almost all of them are flying with one sword. The six Blood Guards cannot cause any damage to Shi Feng. Not to mention, but the HP of the Blood Guards is constantly going crazy, if it weren’t for Seven Sins Flowers Healer is awesome, crazy farm blood, and he will be killed after a few strokes.

But even so, Shi Feng is looking for the chance to use Flame Burst to instantly Insta-kill the two blood guards. Their strength is stronger than that of Astray Faint Trace, so that the blood guards present Feel a burst of pressure.

“One sword smashes one into the air, this Black Flame’s strength is simply stronger than the rumors.”

“I am afraid that these blood guards will be killed by them without our help. ”

The experts of the major Super Organizations looked at the blood guards who were completely inferior. They didn’t know what to say. Only then did the experts of the major Super Organizations understand why Zero Wing dared to follow the Super Organization. For work, a small team with such strength does have this capital.

As Blue Sky Heartless and the others join the battle, the situation of the Blood God Guard is getting worse.

“If Qihuang continues like this, we will definitely be killed. The Stamina of the Blood God Guard can’t last long!” The sand bones suppressed Zhuohai and couldn’t help saying to Qihuang.

The normal transformation of the Blood Guard is fine, but the further improvement of physique consumes a lot of Stamina. Because of this, the Blood Guard will not easily use this move.

“I understand!” Qi Huang looked at Shi Feng fiercely, with an impulse of gnashing teeth, “What a Black Flame! It can push us to this point, but it’s over. !”

Speaking of Qihuang, he took out a page of paper from the inventory side. This page looked very shabby, but at the moment it was taken out, everyone couldn’t help being given this page. attract.

Because the Divine Might that this page of paper exudes is too terrifying, it makes everyone present feel their bodies sink.

And after this page is taken out, it seems that all around space is dominated by this page, and the rules of Thunder God Secret Realm cannot be suppressed at all.

Immediately watch Qihuang chanting start the curse, and every and everyone appeared in the void. Skeleton Warrior holding various weapons and wearing exquisite armor, the equipment on these Skeleton Warriors each And everyone is engraved with Mana Rune, it’s self-contained, it’s completely Epic Level armor set, not much better than the equipment on Peak player.

In just three seconds, twelve Skeleton Warriors appeared.

Heroic Warrior, Undead Creature, Tier 3 War King, Level 8 Level 8, HP 28 million

“How is this possible?”

Everyone sees being summoned The heroic Warrior that came out could not be sucked in a breath of cold air. No item in Thunder God Secret Realm could be used, but Qihuang used it, and what summon came out was not a monster, but a similar existence to an NPC. And it’s similar to Tier 3 NPC……

“Black Flame! You can let me play this hole card, it really makes me unexpected, but no matter how you improve in the side hall, in our Seven Sins Flowers It’s meaningless in front of you!” Qi Huang looked at Shi Feng coldly, with unspeakable anger in her heart. This thing could not be used easily. As long as she was used, she would be cursed and would fall into the Weakened State of the soul for quite some time. , Unable to improve, but Shi Feng forced her to use it.

Speaking of Qihuang, he ordered the heroic Warrior to kill Shi Feng and the others.


Shi Feng glanced at the 12 heroes Warrior, took out the summon flute of Thunder Eagle from the inventory, and then played the summon flute.

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