Outside the Thunder Hall, hundreds of players gathered at the gate of the main hall of the Thunder Hall.

If the Common player sees these players, they will definitely be shocked, because the lowest level of these players is 7Level 7. Putting them in a Kingdom can definitely rank in the top three and putting them in an Empire. You can also rank in the top twenty.

But now there are 100-Man gathered here. These players are divided into several groups. Among them, the team guarding the main hall gate is more than 100 people, and several groups outside the main hall. Form a confrontation.

If God’s Domain’s expert sees this scene, it is estimated that they will drop the jaw.

These groups are all well-known experts from major Super Organizations, and even Peak Experts have a lot of them, but now they are all blocked from the Thunder Hall, and they cannot enter the Thunder Hall. main hall.

“Qihuang! We have given you the face of Seven Sins Flowers. During this time, you have been occupying the main hall. Now there are five Super Organizations gathered here, and you are occupying the main hall. Is it too much?” Vice-Temple Lord Fine Jade of Saint Law Palace looked at Qihuang and said coldly.

“We at Seven Sins Flowers now have an important Quest. When the Quest is completed, we will naturally not stop it, but if you want to break through now, you can give it a try.” Qi Huang glanced at Fine Jade , Indifferently said.

Just as Qihuang was talking, twenty blood-colored Emblem players on the side of Qihuang suddenly walked out, and their bodies were covered by a faint black mist, like a dark incarnation, terrifying aura People can’t help feeling a chill.

As these twenty players stand up, the experts of the major Super Organizations present are not allowed to stand up by the complexion is gloomy.

“Blood Guards?” Fine Jade looked at the twenty experts wearing bloody Emblem standing on the high platform, browsing slightly wrinkle.

The main hall of the Thunder Temple in Thunder God Secret Realm not only has Dungeon, but also a place to pick up Quest and exchange items.

Before there were only more than 20 people in the Saint Law Palace, there was nothing to do with Seven Sins Flowers, which occupies the main hall, but now the number of people gathered by the five Super Organizations is as high as 100-Man. No less than Seven Sins Flowers in number.

But the name of the Blood Guard is like thunder piercing the ear in their Super Organization.

Because these blood guards were famous in a battle in the Western Continent, a new Super Organization competed with Super-Guild Rashomon for important towns. This new Super Organization was not a Luo The opponent of Shengmen paid a high price to invite Seven Sins Flowers to participate in this battle.

Rashomon Guild’s strength is not weaker than Battle Wolf Guild. It belongs to the Super-Guild in the middle and upper reaches. However, the battle of hundreds of thousands of people was caused by the blood guard of Seven Sins Flowers. At the end, the Vice-Guild Master and Peak expert commanded by Rashomon were completely destroyed by the Blood Guard.

At that time, Guard Rashomon’s Vice-Guild Master had 5,000 experts. Four of them mastered Domain Monster. There were more than ten Peak Experts, but they were forcibly killed by 100 Blood Guards. Now…

Through this, the name of the Blood Guard spread throughout the major Super Organizations, making everyone more afraid of Seven Sins Flowers.

Although there are only 20 Blood Guards at the moment, they have hundreds of Super Organizations, and the worst is also an expert of Realm of Flowing Water, but facing 20 Blood Guards, she does not have many Confidence can be dealt with.

“Vice-Temple Lord, these blood guards are strong, but we may not have chance. If we wait, there will be more and more Super Organizations entering Thunder God Secret Realm, and our advantage can be No more.” Gale Sword Hero Blue Sky Heartless on the side said.

The reputation of the Blood Guard is indeed very great, but that was also a month ago. Now the major Super Organizations are getting more and more Epic Level Items, and the Combat Technique and special inheritance are also increasing. The more, the improvement of strength is not comparable at all a month ago.

Besides, apart from their Saint Law Palace, the other four Super Organizations also master the Domain Monster. Even if they are not the opponents of the Blood God Guard, there is no problem in holding the Blood God Guard. When the time comes Fine Jade and the others can enter the main hall to find out.

“Well, let everyone act!” Fine Jade also understands the current situation, and any further delay will only make their advantage of Saint Law Palace less and less.

“Leave it to me!” Blue Sky Heartless laughed.

As One of Eight Sword Heroes, he has been greatly improved during this period, and he has also mastered a Bronze Rank Combat Technique, confident that he can compete with the Sword Mad Nine Heaven Dragon of the Control of Domain. Cloud World War I, facing most of the level is just the blood guard of Realm of Flowing Water, it is not a problem at all.

With the lead of Saint Law Palace, the top 100-Mans of all major Super Organizations all rushed into the main hall with Blue Sky Heartless.

“overestimate one’s capabilities!” Qi Huang looked at the hundreds of experts above the flowing water rushing up, and said flatly, “Blood guards, give me the order to kill them!”

At the moment when Qihuang finished speaking, the twenty blood guards were like tigers coming out of the cage, each and everyone’s eyes were full of madness, the black mist all over his body rose sharply, and his body was forcibly raised up and down. Pieces of black scales and spikes emerged, and a blood-colored gemstone emerged from the center of the eyebrows. It was not a Human player at all, and the terrifying breath was like a monster coming out of the abyss.

“What’s going on?”

The experts of the major Super Organizations looked at the mutant blood guards, and each and everyone was full of questions.

In Thunder God Secret Realm, the player cannot use any Berserk Skills, but now these blood guards each and everyone breathe soaring, and even the Dark Aura that comes out of them feels palpitations.

Before the experts of the major Super Organizations could react, twenty blood guards left an afterimage, which appeared in front of Blue Sky Heartless and the others in an instant.

One of the 7Level 7 blood guards Berserker cuts down on the Blue Sky Heartless, One Blade, simple and fast, without a trace of unnecessary movement, and no trace of emotion. It seems to be a natural killing machine. .

“It’s not that easy to stop me!”

Blue Sky Heartless directly used the Bronze Rank Combat Technique just learned to flash into the sky.

After a while, three sword lights flashed into a devastating star light, and they smashed directly into the Warblade in the hands of the Blood God Guard.


The sound of weapon collision suddenly echoed throughout the great hall.

The Blood Guard could not help taking two steps back, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, while Blue Sky Heartless himself took a half step back.

“How is this possible?” Blue Sky Heartless looked at the blood guard in front of him, his heart was full of shock.

Flashing as a Bronze Rank Combat Technique, it can integrate the three strengths into one. Although it cannot increase the Strength by 300%, it can also increase the Strength by about 240%. This is what he tested. .

However, with the Strength attribute being more than doubled, the Strength of the Blood God Guard turned out to be only slightly weaker than him.

Also in other words, if he hadn’t used Flash Sky, 100% of the people who would be knocked into the air would be him.

Know that the use of Bronze Rank Combat Technique consumes Stamina and mental power very much. Even if he can use it, six or seven times is the limit.

At this time, not only Blue Sky Heartless was in shock, but the experts of the major Super Organizations present were also shocked by the Strength of the Blood God Guard, and even several experts of Realm of Flowing Water had already been executed. , Healer did not have time to restore.

“Do you think that if you have more people, you can deal with the Blood Guard? Simply stupid!” Qi Huang looked at Fine Jade and the others who were stuck in a stalemate, disdainfully.

The Blood Guard is extremely difficult to deal with outside of Thunder God Secret Realm. Even the expert of Control of Domain takes a lot of hands and feet. In Thunder God Secret Realm, even the Blood Guard is her. Feeling very troublesome, how can the Peak Experts of the major Super Organizations be opponents?

Seeing that the major Super Organizations have been defeated steadily, ten silhouettes suddenly appeared in the side hall on the side, so that everyone in the audience could not help but look sideways.

“Why are there other players here?”

“From the side hall, they are who?”

It is in the expert of the major Super Organization When feeling strange, Qi Huang and Sha Gu standing at the entrance of the great hall stared at these ten silhouettes.

“Can’t you come out? Today is your death date!” The sand bone licked the corner of the lips and said excitedly, “Magic Array is on. This time they must not be allowed to enter the Dungeon That’s it!”

Tier 2 Assassin, who had been ambushing by the side hall for a while, suddenly appeared, and each and everyone used the Blood Demon seal.

Suddenly the Blood Demon seal enveloped Shi Feng and the others, and even the experts of the major Super Organizations were also enveloped, but this time the entire Magic Array barrier completely blocked Shi Feng and the others Outside the Dungeon, unless you break the Magic Array, don’t even try to escape into the Dungeon.

“Last time I was run away by you, this time I have to play with you!” Sha Gu saw that the Magic Array had been blocked, and his eyes moved to Shi Feng and the others again. When I still want to say something, I saw the level of reincarnation and the others, and I couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air, “8Level 1! You… how is your level…”

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