The half-snake general Volenka fell to the ground with a painful scream, and the half-snake guards also dispersed because of Volenka’s death, and the entire great hall became silent for a while, only Shi Feng five people quietly watched as they fell to the ground, exploding an item of Volenka.

“It succeeded!”

“We succeeded!”

Bing Ying couldn’t help cheering, and Astray Faint Trace and Shi Feng also sighed in relief.

The explosive power of the half-snake general Volenka is really high. If it lasts for three to five seconds, the final result will be wiped out. When the time comes, it will be miserable.

And the death of Volenka also made everyone’s Experience Point continue to rise, and even Shi Feng’s experience bar, which reached Level 84, was also going up.


The number of Experience Points is not comparable to the High Lord Rank Half Snake Guard Captain, but it is less than five Within seconds, a bright light appeared on Shi Feng’s body, and the level reached Level 85. Astray Faint Trace, Bing Ying and the others also directly rose from Level 80 to 8Level 1.

The terrifying Experience Point made everyone present stunned for a moment.

Know that their Level is not five Level 60, but up to Level 80. The required Experience Point can be said to be terrifying. If you don’t have four or five days in the outside world, I’m afraid you won’t be able to raise it at all. Level 1, now it’s just killing a half-snake general, but Level flies directly to Level 1……

“The experience point of this BOSS is too rich. If we can kill more, go out Those people after Seven Sins Flowers will probably be dumbfounded.” Invisible Chaos Arrow couldn’t help but said excitedly.

Their current level is definitely God’s Domain cream of the crop. Although they have not left the side hall during this period, they can obtain a lot of information from reality.

Today’s major Super Organization experts, the highest level is only 7Level 8, and most of them are 7Level 7. They are as high as 8Level 1, which is absolutely scary.

After all, the level in God’s Domain is very important, especially the level of their Peak experts. As long as the level is reached, you can go to more advanced maps to explore, and the harvest is definitely better than the low-level maps. There are many more, and if you get rid of other players and enter the Advanced map, there will be no competition, but you will gain more.

Moreover, Level suppression has always existed in God’s Domain. Except for a few players who have ignoring Level equipment, other players face suppression above Fifth Level and the pressure is not small.

“Yes, those people at Seven Sins Flowers probably never dreamed that we would improve so fast.” Bing Ying also said with a smile, “As long as we accumulate for a period of time, let Level follow them Opening the gap of Fifth Level, the major Super Organizations have also entered the Thunder God Secret Realm. We have a chance to get out.”

Astray Faint Trace is also nodded.

Thunder God Secret Realm is difficult to enter for the current Common forces, but the major Super Organizations have already been in contact. Because of this, they want to enter the Thunder Palace as soon as possible. The time comes and Super Organization have an intersection. Now that so many days have passed, people from the major Super Organizations may have entered Thunder God Secret Realm.

As long as the major Super Organizations enter Thunder God Secret Realm, Seven Sins Flowers will find it difficult to hide the sky with one hand in Thunder God Secret Realm. The chances of escaping in the chaos are great.

“Okay, hurry up and save people, if you wait for the automatic resurrection, it will be troublesome.” Shi Feng looked at the excited Bingying and the others, and couldn’t help shaking his head.

It’s not so easy to kill the BOSS in the Piandian. Among the four BOSS in the Piandian, Volenka is the easiest to deal with. It is also the only one they can kill. If there are no other BOSSs Come over 100-man, even if you have a Thunder God orb, it’s useless.

“Ao.” Bingying remembered the problem of saving people when she heard Shi Feng’s reminder, and quickly started chanting.

In a short while, reincarnation and the others resurrected one after another. Looking at the fallen Volenka on the ground, each and everyone looked excited, didn’t expect Shi Feng to do it.

Level 90 dungeon team BOSS!

Moreover, it is also the dungeon team in Thunder God Secret Realm. Generally, there is no level 90 100-Man expert group. It is impossible to do it. Now they only trifling ten people, but only Level 80 can do it. Shi Feng’s command and combat capability are definitely the strongest among anyone they have ever met.

And when everyone was excited, each and everyone couldn’t help but turn their eyes to the Item of the drops on the ground.

Although it is only a Peak High Lord that is too ancient seed level, the number of items in drops still makes everyone stun everyone. There are more than 20 pieces, and each piece is brilliant. One look is Top Grade.

Immediately, Shi Feng started the Appraisal Item under everyone’s attention.

As the first BOSS of the Partial Palace, Shi Feng thought that the drops were very common, but after Appraisal finished these items, he couldn’t help but take a breath.

A total of 23 items, of which Level 80 can be used for Level 100 Dark Gold equipment three pieces, namely a plate armor helmet, a cloth armor bracer, and a leather armor belt.

Each of these three pieces of equipment is currently the absolute Top Grade, even if you have seen the reincarnation of many Top Grade equipment, your eyes are shining.

General Dungeon drops are all equipment with a fixed level of drops, while the three Dark Gold equipment of Volenka drops are all equipment that is upgraded with the upgrade of the player level, which is no less than Epic Equipment. Up.

Also in other words player, unless you get Epic Equipment, otherwise the player can keep using the equipment up to Level 100 without changing it, which saves the player a lot of time to get the equipment. It is definitely a little magical outfit for Free player. .

In addition to three pieces of Dark Gold equipment, Volenka also dropped six pieces of Level 80, which can use Level 90 Adamantite Rank equipment.

And among these six pieces, there is a thunder set that can only be farmed in Thunder God Secret Realm!

Thunder set is only Adamantite Rank armor set, and it is only a four-piece set, but it is very famous in Thunder God Secret Realm, because as long as four sets are collected, the Basic Attribute is no less than the Dark of the same level. Gold equipment, the two-piece effect can increase the player’s Magic effect by 30%, and the four-piece suit can increase the player’s attribute by 10%. The suppression in Thunder God Secret Realm is weakened, and only the Tier 1 profession is suppressed.

Thunder set’s four-piece effect may be a joke outside, but in Thunder God Secret Realm it is the God Level armor set effect.

Tier 0 and Tier 1 seem to have little improvement, but the skills that the player can use will also become Tier 1. This will greatly improve the player’s battle strength.

Because of this, Magic based Class, which was originally inferior in Thunder God Secret Realm, became the treasure of Thunder God Secret Realm instantly because of the thunder set.

Now Volenka directly drops a whole set, which is simply outrageous.

Everyone looked at the thundering set with their eyes shining.

On the way, they have suffered too much from Tier 0. They know very well how powerful it is for a player to reach Tier 1 in Thunder God Secret Realm.

It can be said that the value of the thunder set is no less than the same level Dark Gold eight-piece set, or even better.

Just when everyone was deeply attracted by the thunder set, the next Item attribute issued by Shi Feng made everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, even the Samsara and Astray Faint Trace present were both One was stunned.

The summon flute of Thunder Eagle!

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