“Black Flame?” When I heard the sand bone, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his eyes were filled with excitement, “So you are the Guild Master of Zero Wing Guild who made our Seven Sins Flowers operation failed once. I heard that you defeated Sword Demon old ghost, it seems that this is not a lie. With such a strong Strength attribute, you are qualified to let me play with you seriously.”

The imposing manner of talking about the sand bone changed suddenly. .

If the sand bones were like a tiger coming out of the cage before, now it is like a calm sea, where people can’t feel any breath, but there is a huge crisis hidden.

“Black Flame, be careful, his attack trajectory is flexible and unpredictable at all.” Looking at the imposing manner sudden change of sand, Yi Yun reminded Shi Feng repeatedly.

Shi Feng’s shot really surprised her, and Strength was even better than Shagu.

But after a brief encounter with Shagu, she already understood the terrifying of Shagu.

The reason why experts like them are more powerful than Common Experts is entirely because they can see through the enemy’s attack trajectory to make the right defense, or find a gap to give a fatal attack.

Even the expert of Control of Domain is only more sensitive than her, has a stronger ability to process information, and a more precise grasp of distance.

But when she faced the sandy offensive, she had a feeling of inability to start, and she couldn’t make a prediction in advance and carry out the most effective defense.

She holds a shield like the Shield Warrior, and it is even more difficult to deal with melee Class like Berserker, Swordsman, and Assassin.

However, before Yi Yun finished speaking, Sha Gu charged Shi Feng and turned into a black figure, appearing in front of Shi Feng’s almost instantly.

Faced with this rapid charge and the additional certain stun effect, Common Experts can only resist by turning on stun in advance to immune Skills, but Shi Feng can grasp all the main job skills in God’s Domain. It is clear that the stun effect will not be produced when the charge is not close to his 1 yard range, and then he slams a sword directly at the sand bone.

Sword-Light Phantom!

The ten sword light went straight to the sand.

In the charging state, the player’s activity is very hard. Even if it is an expert of the Control of Domain, it is impossible to block ten sword lights in the charging state, and as long as it is hit by one, it will receive High Lord Rank. The impact caused the stature to be unstable, which was fatal in their expert confrontation of this level.

Seeing that the ten sword light was about to hit the sand bone, the sand bone suddenly changed on the spot, and the charge was forcibly cancelled. Instead, the two swords were swung and the Whirlwind Strike was used to deflect the ten sword light directly. When Shi Feng’s took the opportunity, the two giant swords suddenly turned into a giant sword blooming in blue light, and they were cut down.

“Two Swords are fused?” Yiyun couldn’t help but stay.

In Thunder God Secret Realm, except for the unique teleportation stone of drops inside, any other item cannot be used, as is the additional Magic Skill on the package weapon equipment.

At this time, the two giant swords in Sand Bone’s hands can be fused into a stronger giant sword, which is simply incredible.

Moreover, the giant sword blooming with blue light is full of power. Even the space seems to be torn apart. The formidable power definitely exceeds the High Lord Rank and is very close to the Peak High Lord of the same level. .

Seeing that the giant sword was about to fall, the giant sword that bloomed in blue light suddenly turned into four. Even the expert of Control of Domain felt overwhelmed by this sudden change.

“Weapon fusion plus 4-layer shadow cut?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but secretly be surprised when he looked at the four sword lights coming.

Weapon fusion is Berserker’s super Rare Skill. Even if Tier 5 profession is used, the skill will not be eliminated. The level of Rare is no less than a Lesser Legendary Item, even more Rare, because Weapon fusion can forcibly increase the quality of weapon to Level 1.

If two weapons are of Dark Gold Level, after fusion, they can become an Epic Level quality weapon, and two Epic Weapons can raise the level of rise to Lesser Legendary Item, although the duration is very short, Only twenty seconds.

But when a player’s weapon suddenly changes from Epic Level to a Lesser Legendary Item, the difference in battle strength is not a bit 1-Star, and it is deadly enough in a Peak expert duel.

Fortunately, weapon fusion with this move can only be fused into a Lesser Legendary Item at best. If it can be fused into a Legendary Level weapon, it can be close to Invincible in Tier 5.

Four swift sword lights came in an instant, and Sand Bone was ready for Shi Feng’s life-saving skill.

But Shi Feng not at all started the life-saving skill as Sha Gu thought. Shi Feng took out another long sword from his waist and directly greeted him.

Sword Light Samsara!

For a while, four powerful sword lights were forcibly deflected. Two of them turned and attacked the sand bones. For a while, the sand bones were completely unprepared, and they could only barely resist a sword with the fusion weapon. light, and the body was directly hit by another sword light, the whole person flew out more than 30 yards like a cannonball, and fell heavily to the ground, the HP dropped directly below half, falling into a state of short-term severe damage…

Suddenly the scene is full of silence.

“How is this possible?” Qi Huang, who was fighting Astray Faint Trace, was also taken aback.

She knows the strength of Sand Bone, especially the use of weapon fusion this move, even if she has to temporarily avoid the edge, unless she uses Berserk Skill, but in Thunder God Secret Realm this kind of special The Berserk Skill is unusable, and the sand bones that are comparable to the explosion have been blown away…

The Hidden Spirit who fought against Huaifeng in the distance also looked surprised.

“Black Flame?” Yi Yun looked at the blown bone, and looked towards side Shi Feng, as if she had met Shi Feng for the first time, “Is he so good?”


“Has he been hiding his strength before?” Astray Faint Trace looked at Shi Feng in surprise. She knew that Shi Feng’s level was very high, but she did not expect it to be so high.

The High Grade cadres of dignified Seven Sins Flowers, who made all the Super-Guild afraid of three-pointers, were beaten without the strength to fight back. I am afraid no one would believe this.

At the same time when everyone fell into a short silence, Shi Feng also turned his attention to the Thunder Palace.

“Everyone will withdraw to the side hall of Thunder Palace! I will cover!” Shi Feng said in the group chat immediately.

In Magic Array, everyone’s attributes are suppressed. Those people who want to defeat Seven Sins Flowers are simply dreaming. Although he can defeat Sand Bone, he cannot kill Sand Bone. It’s just this time. Healer of Seven Sins Flowers has already restored the full health of Sand Bone, and the number of times he can use Sword Light Samsara is limited, and sooner or later he will be consumed.

The only hope is the partial hall of Thunder Palace.

Ditian seems to know very well what the Thunder God secret key represents. He didn’t move half a step from beginning to end, and he kept guarding the main hall gate of the Thunder Temple. There were more than a dozen remote professions in front of Ditian. , It is impossible to break through, and the Partial Hall of the Thunder Palace is a special 100-Man Dungeon with Level 90. It is a Land of Death for the current players, but it is better than being killed by Seven Sins Flowers outside.

Samsara glanced at the side hall of Thunder Hall and found that Dungeon’s mouth was shown as deep red, indicating that the Dungeon Level was much higher than their current level, but entering Dungeon is better than being killed outside.

“Everyone listens to Shi Feng’s and keeps Formation moving toward the side hall!” Samsara said.

“Then I will open the way and cover me!” Astray Faint Trace glanced at the surrounding situation, clenching one’s teeth and said.

Speaking of Astray Faint Trace, it made more than a dozen Element blades surround the body to form a long-range Defense network to resist attacks from long-range, and then started chanting Magic, no longer entangled with Qihuang.

For a while, the space of all around began to become blurred, a powerful strength continuously emerged from the space of all around, oppressing the entire space, and the magic power of the entire space began to Berserk. , Even faintly affect the player.

“It’s not that easy to break through! Everyone gives priority to killing her!” Qi Huang saw Shi Feng and the others’ thoughts and pointed to Astray Faint Trace.

As Qihuang gave the order, eight Seven Sins Flowers officials rushed to Astray Faint Trace to prevent Astray Faint Trace from casting spells.

But eight Seven Sins Flowers cadres rushed to Astray Faint Trace less than twenty yards away, and countless sword lights suddenly struck. It was the Thousand Blade Streaming Light that Shi Feng used to make The cadres of Seven Sins Flowers had to retreat quickly.

I saw a large pit two to three meters deep between the cadre of Seven Sins Flowers and Astray Faint Trace, directly separating the two sides.

“Want to go over, ask me to talk.” Shi Feng suddenly appeared beside Astray Faint Trace, quietly watching the eight Seven Sins Flowers cadres glare like a tiger watching his prey ,Lightly said with a smile.

“Black Flame you are courting death!” Qi Huang was furious, and immediately launched the strongest Inheritance skill Ice Snow divine spear.

Hundreds of ice spears fell directly to Shi Feng and Astray Faint Trace under the control of Qihuang, intending to explodes the two directly into waste.

And the other eight Seven Sins Flowers cadres did not stop, and at the same time attacked Astray Faint Trace.

Although Shi Feng Strength is strong and defeated the sand bones, they are all Peak experts. Under the cooperation, to what extent can Shi Feng protect?

Before everyone approached the fifteen yards of Astray Faint Trace, the temperature of all around suddenly dropped sharply. Everyone felt a chill, and the Movement Speed ​​and attribute also dropped slightly.

Nether Cold Domain!

As in Thunder God Secret Realm, Nether Cold Domain is only Tier 0 Skill, but after all, it is Domain Skill, which is most suitable for group battles. Moreover, Shi Feng can control six cold airs at the same time, although each Cold Qi has his own strength level of 70%, but 70% of attributes are already higher than those of the Seven Sins Flowers cadres present.

Sword Path!

For a while, with Shi Feng as the center, one after another surrounding stars emerged within a radius of fifteen yards. Compared with the Sword Path using double swords, it was more perfect, and the defense stayed down. Hundreds of ice spears prevented eight cadres from stepping into fifteen and a half steps.

“This…is too strong!” Zhuo Hai couldn’t help but be speechless looking at the eight cadres who couldn’t be reached.

Faced with three Seven Sins Flowers cadres and long-range attacks, he already felt extremely strenuous and would get hit from time to time, but now Shi Feng is facing fierce attacks from eight cadres and Qi Huang. It turned out to be safe and sound, simply monster.

Shi Feng was also quite surprised about this, because he didn’t expect Life Elixir to have such a good effect, so that Sword Path has been further improved, otherwise the Defense will definitely not go so smoothly.

As Shi Feng resisted for a moment and Stamina was only halfway left, Astray Faint Trace finally finished chanting Magic.

I saw one after another terrifying air flow coming out of the ground. Each air flow has a formidable power no less than the High Lord Rank, so the members of Seven Sins Flowers had to do various evasion first. Reincarnation everyone is free.

“Quick! This Magic won’t last long!” Astray Faint Trace said.

When everyone heard it, they all got rid of the member of Seven Sins Flowers, led by Shi Feng, rushed directly to the side hall of Thunder Hall, and the member of Seven Sins Flowers could only watch.

Just as Shi Feng and the others were about to enter the side hall, a chill suddenly hit, which made Shi Feng instinctively startled, and couldn’t help turning his head and looking towards the place where the chill hit.

“Black Flame, is it? Very good! I remember you.” Standing at the gate of the main hall, Di Tian looked at Shi Feng quietly and said coldly.

Di Tian’s cold words made everyone present feel a tremor, as if they were being stared at by Death God, completely involuntarily killed.

“Really? Then I’ll wait!” Shi Feng glanced at Ditian, said with a smile.

The power of Ditian is like thunder piercing the ear in the former life. After all, he killed the expert of Super-Guild Guild Master many times, which caused all Super-Guild to want to deal with it together. Seven Sins Flowers.

However, he has offended Ditian anyway and undermined Ditian’s original plan, so he doesn’t mind offending more now. After all, he is not the same now, but standing The expert of God’s Domain Peak.

Speaking of Shi Feng, he also took reincarnation and the others entered the partial hall of Thunder Hall under the attention of Seven Sins Flowers.

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