“Although you are an expert invited by Astray, there are still nine people in the entire team, and each of them is an expert. If you have the right of first choice, it will be very unfair to other experts, and we Just entrust help, and will not allocate the drop item inside.” Zhuohai explained, “So our Team Leader rejects your proposal. Of course, the return of help will never disappoint you in Guild Master Black Flame.”

“Team Leader knows that Zero Wing has recently absorbed many newcomers from the outside world, and has been targeted by Star Ring in reality. It must be anxious to cultivate a group of experts from the Tiandou Training Hall. Our Team Leader is willing to offer 30 Bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid are rewarded to help Tiandou Training Hall cultivate a batch of experts as soon as possible.”

“Thirty bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid?” Aqua Rose looked at the sea and couldn’t help but move.

She is no longer a Common Guild executive who does not understand anything, but a core executive of Zero Wing who knows the value of Level S Nutrient Fluid.

Originally, Level S Nutrient Fluid was just to cultivate the best healing and restore Potion for fighting experts, but now Level S is not only the healing and restore Potion, but also through the fierce battle in God’s Domain, it is also sufficient to ensure the brain Essential Potion for developing the nutrients you need.

She has a deep understanding of this point. After all, she can improve so fast. Level S Nutrient Fluid has contributed a lot, and it is not only her, Fire Dance, Violet Cloud, Cola, Sword Shadow, This is true of Midsummer Allure, Silent Bladewalker and the others.

And Level S Nutrient Fluid has always been priceless. Generally, it can only be obtained through internal relations. With her background with Gentle Snow, she can only get more than ten bottles in total, and more than ten. The bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid and White Tiger Dojo have been used up a long time ago, so their boosting speed has gradually slowed down during this period.

If there are 30 more bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid, plus the training quota provided by War Spirit Uprise, I am afraid that it will not take two weeks for her to enter the Realm of Flowing Water, and it’s not just her. I’m afraid Gentle Snow can also reach Realm of Flowing Water, so that Zero Wing instantly adds a lot of Realm of Flowing Water experts.

“Guild Master Black Flame, this is our greatest sincerity. I don’t know what your consideration is?” Bing Ying looked towards Shi Feng and asked.

It is not easy to find a Major Perfection expert. Even if they only reach this domain, not to mention other experts.

Now that Shi Feng is an expert to achieve Major Perfection, she naturally wants to bring Shi Feng in, but this team is formed by Team Leader after all, and Team Leader is concerned about the things in Thunder God Secret Realm In Destiny, she will never let others condemn it, and she can’t help it.

However, the price of 30 bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid is also very high. After all, inviting the Old Monster from Super-Guild, it can’t reach this price.

Just asking those Old Monsters to let those Super-Guild know about the existence of Thunder God Secret Realm, which is not a good thing.

Of course, if Shi Feng doesn’t agree, they can only come to Super-Guild’s Old Monsters for help. After all, what they should get from Thunder God Secret Realm when the time comes. So, I don’t really care about those Super-Guild entering Thunder God Secret Realm.

“It’s really a quotation that people cannot refuse, yes, I agree.” Shi Feng nodded, said with a bitter smile.

At the same time, he is also full of curiosity about the Team Leader in Zhuohaikou. He can take out thirty bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid in one breath. This shot is simply too generous, and the information is very well-informed. After getting things done in the Tiandou Training Hall, this person knew his troubles and what he needed most now. The methods were really powerful.

As for the problem of Guild High Grade Alchemy, he can only figure out a solution later, and he may not be able to drop design creation if he goes this time. After all, the drop rate of that thing is extremely low, Thunder God Secret Realm just has a chance to drop but not 100% will drop. He said that before is just for insurance.

After that, Shi Feng signed a contract with Zhuohai and the others. Quest Completed can have 30 bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid, and even if it is not completed, there will be a guaranteed income of 10 bottles.

After signing the contract, Zhuohai took out an arc-surrounded crystal stone from inventory. The crystal stone was engraved with golden divine marks, exuding a touch of Divine Might.

After Zhuohai threw the crystal stone to the ground, the space in the hall suddenly fluctuated, and the space shattered to form a black hole with a height of one person.

“This is your pass, let’s go.” Zhuo Hai immediately took out a Token made of Magic Crystal Stone and gave it to Shi Feng, and took the lead into the black hole.

Shi Feng directly followed along after receiving the pass of Thunder God Secret Realm. As for the Zero Wing’s and the following arrangements, all were given to Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow.

After entering the black hole, Shi Feng felt his eyes sway, and suddenly appeared on a deserted plain of thunder-fire. The entire plain is endless. From time to time, you can see terrifying thunderbolt falling on the ground and exploding. A big pit, and from time to time there are pillars of fire rising from the ground, which is completely a world Doomsday scene.

Whether it is lightning or pillar of fire, even Common people understand that if you are hit, you will definitely die.

But there are a lot of magic beasts on this plain, each and everyone Level is above Level 70, the lowest is the Lord level, there is no lack of High Lord Rank magic beasts, even Peak High Lord , And the moment you stepped into this space, the player’s rank was suppressed to Tier 0.

It is completely the player’s life forbidden zone…

If Common’s experts come here, I’m afraid they will be desperate. The Tier 0 Level will not only greatly reduce the player’s Magic and Skill, but Even the Basic Attribute is also declining, and even the physique is also declining. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to deal with the Special Elite of the same level, let alone dealing with the Lord Rank and High Lord Rank monsters everywhere?

It’s as if the Common player is still in the Dungeon full of BOSS.

“Are the newcomers here?”

“Now everyone is finally here, and we can move forward.”

A few voices at this time It came from a short distance behind Shi Feng’s. Shi Feng turned his head and saw that there were seven people sitting on the gravel to rest. There were men, women and children. The lowest level of each and everyone was Level 72, and the equipment of these people was not even the slightest. Not under the sea.

Among them, Astray Faint Trace is also among them, but compared to the last time he saw Astray Faint Trace, at this time Astray Faint Trace’s body not only changed greatly in equipment and weapon, but also in his temperament. The tremendous change is like a devil coming out of the abyss, cold and crazy, chilling, and completely lost the former calm and cheerful feeling.

Seeing him, he just nodded and gestured.

“Hello, I’m this Team Leader’s reincarnation.” A white-haired man who looks more than 30 years old walked up to say hello, as kind as a spring breeze. No one can feel the slightest discomfort.

However, the level of the white-haired man is the highest in the field. It has reached 7Level 3 and can already compete with the Fire Dance who is fighting on the front line of Bottomless Abyss. As for the equipment on his body, he is even more eye-catching. The worst from top to bottom is Dark Gold equipment of Level 70. In addition, there are six pieces of Epic Equipment on the body. The shield and one-handed axe in hand are completely indistinguishable in quality.

But Shi Feng recognized it, because these two weapons are God’s Domain renowned purple thunder set, which is a complete set of Magic Weapon, which is more powerful than the single Magic Weapon.

“Hello.” Shi Feng was slightly nodded, looking at the reincarnation before him, but he was full of puzzlement.

Because of the name of Samsara, he has never even heard of it in the former life, and the holder of the purple thunder set should be a female Knight from Tier 5 Peak, but the purple thunder has always accompanied this A female Knight, so Magic Weapon Zi Lei became the famous Magic Weapon in God’s Domain.

“This time our Quest is to reach the Thunder Palace deep in the plain. You can see the situation here. Since you are Swordsman, then you and Yiyun will come to Guard Healer’s safety. It’s okay to assist others by the way, isn’t it?” Samsara pointed to the proud female Shield Warrior standing aside, looking at Shi Feng.

Shi Feng’s real level has reached level 79, which is only one line away from the eighty mark. The disguised level is Level 72, which can be said to be a very standard level. As for the equipment on his body, it is also in line with the Peak expert. Level, a total of five pieces Epic Level, the others are Dark Gold of Level 70, unless others have the ability to see through the Lesser Legendary Item Dark Traveler Cloak, otherwise they can only see these data.

“No problem.” Shi Feng nodded.

In such a hostile environment, fighting is mostly fighting and consumption. Healer can be said to be the backbone. Without Healer, it is fundamentally impossible to move a single step, and this environment suppresses Magic based Class even more. It makes the Life-Saving Skill of Magic System weaker. Protecting Healer is indeed the top priority.

“Since there is no problem, then everyone should act according to the original distribution.” Samsara immediately said to everyone.

Under the command of Samsara, everyone also acted in accordance with the original arrangement. Samsara, the Guardian Knight, was the pioneer. As Berserker Zhuhai and Astray Faint Trace assisted by Assassin and Ranger To guide the monster, Shi Feng and Shield Warrior Yi Yun come to Guard as Bingying of Healer.

“Newcomer, the monster here is very difficult to deal with. If you can’t resist it, don’t hold on to it. If you can’t resist it, just run to me.” A girl named Yiyun Shield Warrior patted Shi Feng’s shoulders, like the big sister next door generally said with a smile.

“Okay, when the time comes, it will be troublesome.”

Shi Feng can see that the beauty of the Shield Warrior is so powerful that she might not be under the sea and put it outside. It is definitely a genius amongst geniuses, held in the hands of the major Super-Guild, but he has never heard of the name Yi Yun, and as a Shield Warrior, the natural anti-weird is far above the Berserker, for the other side’s kindness Naturally, he was not easy to refuse, so nodded agreed.

And after Samsara assigned everyone’s work, he also led them slowly towards the depths of the plain.

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