The moment Shi Feng drank Life Elixir, he felt a coolness spread, and then gradually began to become hot, as if the cells all over his body had been reborn.

“It’s amazing. Just drinking it will restore a lot of the previous muscle strain, so I am afraid it will be completely restored in less than half an hour.” Shi Feng felt the physical strain. , Can not help secretly surprised.

His overexertion is much more serious than the injury caused by the athlete’s overexercise. Even if it is restored with the most advanced medical equipment, it will take two or three days to completely restore.

But now it only takes half an hour to restore completely. The effect of Life Elixir is simply magical.

In addition to the restoration of the injury, Shi Feng can also feel that the cells of the whole body have also become activated and become stronger and stronger. After the medicine efficacy is completely absorbed, the body Constitution will definitely not get Small improvement.

“It’s no wonder that the former Life Life Elixir has been sold at sky-high prices. With my current body Constitution, I have been taking it for a long time. I am afraid that it does not take two months for the body Constitution to reach those Inner Energy Grandmaster levels. “Shi Feng glanced at the five bottles of Life Elixir left on the table, with a hint of fiery gaze.

Now his body Constitution has fallen into bottleneck, even if it is hard exercise, the effect that can be improved is very limited, and it can only be improved by spending a lot of time.

If you want to improve quickly, unless you can become an Inner Energy Grandmaster.

The reason why Inner Energy Grandmaster is Grandmaster is because the control of the body has reached the point of Major Perfection, especially the control of the brain, because the control of the brain has been further improved, accelerating and regulating endocrine And metabolism, so that the body can be further improved, it is not comparable to Inner Energy Master.

But you want to be Inner Energy Grandmaster easier said than done?

But Life Elixir broke this restraint, allowing the body Constitution to be further improved.

Just take one bottle of Life Elixir every six days, and six bottles is 36 days’ worth. If you want to raise to Inner Energy Grandmaster level, you need more Life Elixir, when the time As long as the comes body Constitution can raise the level of rise to Inner Energy Grandmaster, even if he is not Inner Energy Grandmaster, he can break his wrist with the real Inner Energy Grandmaster.

After drinking Life Elixir Shi Feng, I took a look at the time. It was almost 6 o’clock in the afternoon, and God’s Domain was almost at the end of the day, so I hurried back to Zero Wing’s headquarters to strengthen the security and strength of Zero Wing headquarters. .

As Zhuo Linqiu said, Wang Zongquan is probably a test of Lu Xingluo. After seeing their Zero Wing’s situation clearly, he will do it secretly. For this reason, Zero Wing’s security measures must be strengthened to improve The strength of Zero Wing core member.

Originally, Shi Feng planned to use Life Elixir for Fire Dance and the others, but after thinking about it, let it go.

Although Life Elixir is useful to everyone, it is too wasteful to use the expert who only started with Common people and Inner Energy, because the expert who started with Common people and Inner Energy is in the body Constitution It is far from reaching the bottleneck and limit, and it can be improved quickly by other means.

Moreover, he has learned from Wang Zongquan’s experiments that if he wants to improve his strength as soon as possible, he can also master the Realm of Truth by reaching the micro, and then through his guidance and training, even if he has not mastered Inner Energy. In the case of similar physical Constitution, you can also fight with the expert who masters Inner Energy. This level is enough to deal with a lot of trouble.

When the time comes, all you need to do is to participate in various fighting tournaments, so that Tiandou Training Hall’s status and influence in Fenglin City will be greatly increased and become the head of True Dragon. Lu Xingluo wants to find trouble secretly It’s difficult.

For this reason, Shi Feng intends to fully open the Lost Small Town as soon as possible. It is no longer limited to Zero Wing’s main group member, and more people getting started with Realm of Truth can also greatly enhance the strength of Zero Wing’s. God’s Domain deals with the major Super Organizations. After all, now Zero Wing is too popular to master Stone Forest City, and the major Super Organizations are absolutely impossible.

After that, Shi Feng re-arranged the security measures at Zero Wing headquarters and quickly entered God’s Domain.

When Shi Feng appeared in the Special Grade Forging room of Candlelight Trading Company, his mind suddenly felt a little more ethereal, as if the previously crowded brain was emptied a lot, and there was some extra energy a feeling of.

“Is this the effect of Life Elixir?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but be surprised.

In his current state, he feels that he can learn the silver-level Combat Technique.

Although he got the silver-level inheritance flagstone before, he never used it much.

As for the simple reason, the Combat Technique of the sole Bronze Rank is already very difficult to master, let alone the silver-level Combat Technique, even if it is an expert of the Control of Domain, the probability of learning is not great.

The reason why I can’t learn is not because of my personal level, but because of two other reasons.

One is that the body Constitution is not high enough to use the silver level Combat Technique at all, at least it needs to reach Tier 3 profession.

The second problem is whether the brain can handle it. After all, the silver level Combat Technique is too complicated. If the brain is not active enough, it can’t be processed at all. Of course, this can be continuously improved through the Body Constitution in God’s Domain. Reducing the difficulty is only the current Tier 2 level body Constitution, which is far from the point of reducing the difficulty.

As Shi Feng further studied the benefits of Life Elixir, Aqua Rose suddenly contacted him.

“Guild Master, two people came from me and said they want to see you.” Aqua Rose said, “These two people said they came here by entrustment, they said they were with the Vice-Group of Midnight Tea Party. Leader Astray Faint Trace has something to do with what you said.”

“Astray Faint Trace?” Shi Feng nodded, “Okay, I will go right away.”

He and Astray Faint Trace There was an agreement that Astray Faint Trace would help him, and he also promised to help him as a personal person, but after Astray Faint Trace contacted him again, he never contacted him again. He originally thought that Astray Faint Trace had forgotten. , Didn’t expect to contact me now.

The agreement is after all an agreement. Since Astray Faint Trace has sent someone to get in touch, it is natural to see each other.

Immediately, Shi Feng took out White River City’s Guild Encampment City Return Scroll from inventory, not saying anything further and sent it to the White River City resident.

In the reception room of White River City’s resident, in addition to the reception Aqua Rose, there is also a man and a woman sitting, both of them seem to be around 30 years old. Although the man is thin, he gives Humans feel like a wild wolf, exuding sharp and wild aura, and the female’s appearance is not inferior to Aqua Rose at all, but more mature, but unlike Aqua Rose, she exudes a strong iron and blood. .

“Zhuhai, what do you think Astray thinks about wasting a place for Black Flame.” The woman whispered to the man, her eyes full of dissatisfaction, “Although that Black Flame has mastered the domain, But what we need to do is not simply Control of Domain. In my opinion, this Black Flame is not as good as that kid from Lie Family.”

“I don’t know, but the quota is Astray after all. Yes, how she wants to use it, I can’t help it. If Black Flame doesn’t work, it’s not too late for Black Flame to retreat.” The man named Zhuohai shook the head with a smile.

When the two were chatting privately, Shi Feng also walked in from outside the house. The moment Shi Feng came in, the two looked at the stone for the first time, and Shi Feng was also observing the two.

“Who are these two people?” Shi Feng was surprised after checking through All-knowing Eye.

The two didn’t know what item they used. Common’s observation skill couldn’t see anything at all, but under the observation of All-knowing Eye, this Common item that hides data and identity is useless. Up.

these two people, the male is a Level 72 Berserker, whose name is Zhuohai, with at least five pieces of Epic Equipment on his body, and the female is a Level 72 Cleric, whose name is Bingying, although there is no five pieces Epic Equipment There are so many, but there are also three pieces of Epic Equipment. Not to mention, the staff in hand can’t see the quality at all.

The level and equipment of the two are definitely among the God’s Domain cream of the crop, and I am afraid that the Common Peak expert is not comparable.

Moreover, the power that the two radiated was stronger than that of High Lord. It faintly gave him a great threat, but he couldn’t tell.

“Are you Black Flame?” Zhuo Hai asked directly, as if he was questioning.

“Yes, I am, I don’t know what Astray is asking for you?” Shi Feng nodded.

“Very good! Just let me see if you have this qualification!”

When Zhuo Hai heard it, he pulled out the Warblade behind him and it was One Blade. Twelve dao, each a sabre light seems to be alive, with a strength higher than the same level High Lord, and twelve blade dao lights all come together, just like twelve High Lord Rank hungry wolves pounce on Shi Feng, Skill The combination with Skill, even the Expert of Control of Domain, may not be able to do it.

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