Wang Zongquan was lying quietly on the floor made of marble, motionless, at this moment as if the time in the entire hall was frozen, indescribable silence.

“How is this possible?!”

“Let’s lie! Wang Zongquan was so defeated!”

“This Shi Feng is a man after all Is it a ghost?”

Everyone looked at Wang Zongquan who fell to the ground and passed out, and they couldn’t believe it was true. This is the Inner Energy Master, absolutely The character standing at Fenglin City Peak was easily defeated by Shi Feng, who seemed ordinary and could not even feel any imposing manner and power.

Even this can’t be called is a fight, simply is a one-sided banter.

“This Wangzongquan made that many expert jealous before. It should be very strong, right? How could it be so simple to lose?”

“Couldn’t this Wangzongquan be Please come to the Tiandou Training Center to act!”

“It is estimated that, how good the Inner Energy Master is. That Shi Feng is so young, how good can he go? And this time the king suddenly appeared. Characters like Zong Quan are very strange in themselves. It must be Wang Zongquan who was invited by Tiandou Training Center to fight the fake match in order to gain popularity.”

The hobbyists in the lobby looked easily defeated. Wang Zongquan suddenly felt like Wang Zongquan was doing a play, or simply playing a fake match.

After all, Wang Zongquan also had a relationship with Fire Dance before, and they can see some of the greatness.

But in the battle between Shi Feng and Wang Zongquan, they couldn’t see any power from the beginning to the end. It felt like Wang Zongquan deliberately catered to Shi Feng and grabbed his wrist at Shi Feng. The whole person jumped up instantly, and then fell to the ground, simply FALSE can no longer be fake.

At this time, the hobbyists who are not solely present feel fake. Even the training hall and Dojo students who are watching from the side feel fake. The dignified Inner Energy expert’s grasp of Strength is not a common person at all. Comparingly, if you want to hold your wrist and threw away, it is simply impossible.

“A fake match?” Xiao Yu also looked silly.

However, he instinctively thought it was impossible, because he simply hadn’t heard of Shi Feng, and the Tiandou training hall had been stared by the Star Consortium, so only Star Consortium could invite The most important thing for a character like Wang Zongquan is the Master of dignified Inner Energy Peak. How could he ruin his reputation for the reputation of Tiandou Training Hall?

When Xiao Yu wondered why Wang Zongquan did this, Chen Tianhe, who was standing beside Xiao Yu, looked indescribably panicked.

“Hua…Jin…He is…Inner Energy Grandmaster!” Chen Tianhe stared at Shi Feng in the center of the hall, whispering silently, as if he had seen Ghost One.

“Transforming Vigor…Grandmaster?” Xiao Yu couldn’t help being stunned, and couldn’t help but confirm to Chen Tianhe, “Master Chen, you said Shi Feng is the Inner Energy Grandmaster?”

The ability to master Inner Energy in the fighting world is an absolute expert, and there are no one in a thousand fighters. The understanding and use of body and strength is not comparable to Common people, no matter where you put it. Qualified to accept apprentices after opening, so everyone became Master.

On top of Inner Energy, there is also Transforming Vigor. For Common people, it is already very difficult to deal with Inner Energy expert. If you want to see Transforming Vigor expert, many I am afraid I will never see Common people in their entire lives. These people are all giants in the fighting world. They can compete for the first qualification in the world. Their reputation and status are not comparable to those of Chen Tianhe and Wang Zongquan.

If there is a description between the two, it is simply Yinghuo and Haoyue.

“It may be.” Chen Tianhe was not quite sure, “It’s just that how could there be such a young Inner Energy Grandmaster in this world? This is even impossible for an ancient family to cultivate such a young Inner Energy Grandmaster. “

Seeing Shi Feng’s catch and fall of Wang Zongquan, Common people and even Common fighting experts may not be able to see it, but for him who has reached Inner Energy Peak, he can see that Shi How terrifying is Feng’s use of body and strength.

First, the strength of Wang Zongquan was transferred. When Wang Zongquan’s new strength came up, he borrowed Wang Zongquan’s Strength and his own Strength, and directly threw Wang Zongquan to the ground.

These seem simple, but it is very, very difficult to do it in an instant. Only those Inner Energy Grandmasters that can maximize the strength of the body’s muscles can do it.

What makes him uncertain is that Shi Feng is too young!

He is also considered the top expert in the country, and he has been famous for many years. He has more experience than those who have just entered Inner Energy. He has even contacted the Inner Energy Grandmaster, but he has never I have heard of the Inner Energy Grandmaster in his twenties.

At this time, it was not only Chen Tianhe who looked at Shi Feng and was frightened. The Yang Master of Aurora Dojo and Zhang Wuya and other experts who mastered Inner Energy all looked at Shi Feng in disbelief. .

“This is impossible! How could he be the Inner Energy Grandmaster!” Zhang Tianya looked at Shi Feng’s with unbelievable eyes.

Common people have limited vision and cannot see the doorway, but for them, Inner Energy experts, they can see the key.

Perhaps in the eyes of everyone, Wang Zongquan’s fight in this fight is very fake, but that is because Shi Feng’s use of Strength is so clever that it has reached the point of reducing complexity to simplicity, so everyone It looks fake.

“Inner Energy Grandmaster! Is Shi Feng so powerful?” Zhao Yueru couldn’t help getting excited when he heard it.

Although she has no idea about the Inner Energy Grandmaster, she also knows the power of the Inner Energy Grandmaster, which is definitely the highest peak level in the country. The major Peak Dojos and training halls are all awed and jealous experts.

When Gentle Snow saw this scene at this time, there was an indescribable familiarity and shock.

Because she can feel that this use of body and strength is very close to the introduction of micro and Realm of Truth. It seems to be a fusion of the two, but this should be in God’s Domain His Skill can be used in reality at this time…

And Zhuo Linqiu, who was sitting in the corner of the hall, looked at Shi Feng in shock at this time.

Didn’t expect Shi Feng to be so expert!

“What he said is true!”

Although a family dísciple made him jealous, it was still not enough to dare not move, but Inner Energy Grandmaster was different. It’s not an exaggeration to simply become a Superman. Compared to Shi Feng’s Inner Energy Grandmaster, Fire Dance’s identity as a family dísciple is not worth mentioning.

Characters like Inner Energy Grandmaster, even major consortiums have to give a bit of expert, because these people have too much influence in the fighting world, and sometimes they need to ask for these experts. After all, assassinations happen from time to time for major consortiums, and only the Inner Energy Grandmaster oversee can guarantee safety.

The Inner Energy expert present at this time realized that Shi Feng is not at all lied and Fire Dance may have been taught by Shi Feng. After all, an Inner Energy Grandmaster wants to teach an Inner Energy expert It is not unimaginable, because there are too many examples.

While everyone was talking quietly, Wang Zongquan also woke up from a coma, his mind was blurred, his whole body was tingling, and a few bones were broken. This injury did not last more than a month. restore is not coming.

“How about? Master Wang, do you want to continue to learn?” Shi Feng looked at Wang Zongquan who was sober and lightly said with a smile.

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