“Join Candlelight Commerce?”

Everyone present could not help but be surprised, each and everyone looked at Shi Feng in surprise.

Didn’t expect Shi Feng only to make such a request.

As for what Chamber of Commerce is, everyone present is very clear, then equivalent to channel resource sharing can be said to be a win-win way, but this way depends on the Big Guild itself.

If the items sold are very good, naturally you can make more, but the items sold are very general, they will be run on by the items of Big Guild, resulting in a big loss of income, you can say a double-edged sword .

Generally speaking, this kind of thing does more harm than good to little Guild, because little Guild’s original resources are not very good, and he doesn’t invest much in Lifestyle Player. It’s conceivable that he can take out items. I know, it can’t be compared with Big Guild at all. If you join Chamber of Commerce, equivalent to open your door and let Big Guild make money in your own territory.

But compared to the temporary resident quota in Stone Forest City, this is a bargain.

After all, as long as you have enough strength in Stone Forest City, you can get a lot of Rare resources at any time, not to mention, it also has a huge effect on Guild’s cultivation of experts.

“Guild Master Black Flame, do you mean that as long as you join Candlelight Commerce, you have a temporary residence in Stone Forest City?” Smoke Cloud Sixteen Dreams could not help but confirm to Shi Feng.

She was not surprised by Zero Wing’s establishment of Chamber of Commerce. After all, so many Guilds came to Zero Wing. If these Guild’s Strengths can be brought together, even a Super Organization would have to be With some trepidation, Zero Wing wanted to fight Star Ring. It was indeed the best choice.

Complete micro inheritance may provide Guild with many micro experts long ago, but it takes a lot of time. This is also the most lacking thing in the newly emerging Guilds.

So compared to the uncertain future, it is better to enhance the existing Strength.

“It’s not all right.” Shi Feng shook the head, slowly said, “Accurately speaking, you must become an Advanced Member in Candlelight Commerce to get the temporary residence of Stone Forest City. As for how to become an Advanced Member of Candlelight Commerce Member, it depends on what you give.”

“so that’s how it is.” Smoke Cloud Sixteen Dreams suddenly understood, and secretly cursed Shi Feng as an old fox in his heart.

In this way, originally only a few Guilds should be able to cooperate with Zero Wing, but now all Guilds have to cooperate with Zero Wing, and each and everyone will desperately fight for resident places, let Zero Wing has maximized the benefits.

And when the representatives of the Big Guild heard it, they were all surprised.

This is where Zero Wing wants them to compete for the number of resident places together. Each and everyone all serves Zero Wing and indirectly became Zero Wing’s subordinates.

“Guild Master Black Flame, you may be unfair to our little Guilds if you do this. Compared with the Strength and resources of Big Guild, our little Guilds are not worth mentioning at all, when the time comes these resident The quotas are not those of the Big Guild. If at first is like this, we little Guilds will simply abstain. Anyway, we won’t be able to compete. In the end, we will contribute to Zero Wing for nothing.”

“Yes. , Our little Guilds were originally inferior to those Big Guilds. If you do this, what else can we fight for? Let’s just go home.”

The little Guild’s representative stood up at this time. , Each and everyone said they did not agree, and wanted to pull other little Guilds and leave together.

This scene made the faces of Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow darker.

Although they had expected these little Guilds to do this a long time ago, such an organized abandonment really exceeded their expectations.

And other Big Guilds like to hear about it, after all, the fewer competitors, the better. I hope that all Guilds will leave, leaving me alone.

“Zero Wing’s ambition is not small, but it is not at all that ability to control these little Guilds.” Chi You looked at the small Guild representatives who were about to leave, and commented coldly.” After all, the background is too thin. If you switch to another Super Organization, I am afraid these little Guilds will be eager to agree.”

At this time, it is not only Chi You who thinks, but also Indestructible War Heart on the side.

Zero Wing currently controls too few areas, not to mention its own channels. It can be said that even the old First-Rate Guild may not be comparable. Such Chamber of Commerce channels are suitable for these Little Guild said that simply did not have any attraction, but because he joined Candlelight Commerce, he would be sucked by Zero Wing.

Some people do decapitative business, and no one will touch a loss-making business.

Looking at the Guild representatives of all sizes in the hall, they are about to get up and leave, and a flat and subtle voice is transmitted into each player’s brain.

“You are right, but what I want to say is that as long as you become a Candlelight Commerce member, you can enjoy a 20% discount on the entrance fee in Stone Forest City, and you can purchase it from Candlelight Trading Company. Item for sale.” Shi Feng glanced at the little Guild representative who was about to get up, lightly said with a smile.

As Shi Feng finished speaking, the little Guild representatives who originally wanted to act were all stunned on the spot, and their breathing became a little heavy.

“Items that are not for sale? Does this also include the Azure Light set on the counter on the first floor?” A small Guild’s representative couldn’t help but ask Shi Feng.

A 20% discount on the entrance fee of Stone Forest City may be tempting for Common player, but for Great Influence, simply doesn’t matter, it’s just that the Items that Candlelight Trading Company does not sell to the outside world are different, after all They saw three sets of Azure Light placed in the lobby on the first floor.

Don’t say this thing is First-Rate Guild, even Super Organization will be jealous.

“Yes, it also includes Azure Light.” Shi Feng nodded.

At the moment of Shi Feng nodded, the audience couldn’t help being quiet. Even Smoke Cloud, Sixteen Dreams and Chi You who were going to watch the show couldn’t help but turn their eyes to Shi Feng and couldn’t believe it. it is true.

A Dark Gold 8-piece set from Level 60 to Level 80!

This thing originally they thought it was Zero Wing who wanted to show them the strength of Zero Wing’s to these Guilds, and let them understand the advantages that Zero Wing has in the dungeon team strategy.

But now Zero Wing tells them that the Azure Light on display is actually available for purchase. How can this not be exciting?

As for the representatives of Guild’s of all sizes, their heads crashed for a while. I don’t understand what Shi Feng thinks. Even such precious Azure Light is willing to sell.

However, after a short silence, everyone no longer thinks about why. Each and everyone representative of Guild’s said they would join Candlelight Commerce for fear that Zero Wing will regret it.

The people present are not clear about this. When Shi Feng made Azure Light, he did not intend to make Zero Wing unique, but was an Item to be sold.

Because these Dark Gold Equipment will be eliminated soon as the player’s Level increases, they cannot be compared with the Epic Level Item. Naturally, one piece is sold at a high price. It is more helpful for Guild’s to change to gold coins and resources, especially when money is very much used right now, and Zero Wing is no better than those Super Organizations, each and everyone has big money bags behind them.

The little Guild who was present for a while, has a lot of registrations, and is more active than the Big Guild present.

“This Zero Wing is really ruthless. In order to attract these little Guilds, even an armor set like Azure Light is willing to come out.” Chi You couldn’t help being amazed at Shi Feng’s great generosity. He asked himself if he changed Become Tiger Flash, I am afraid that Azure Light will not be sold at all.

“There is something to do with it. This time it seems that Zero Wing has abandoned the equipment advantage of Azure Light, and the loss is not small, but Zero Wing has gained hundreds of Guild’s Strength and channels. This Strength and Channels are not to be underestimated even for the major Super Organizations.” Smoke Cloud Sixteen Dreams looked at hundreds of Guilds who were enthusiastic and couldn’t help but said with emotion, “And Zero Wing now has such a Strength and channel. When all major Super Organizations want to deal with Zero Wing in the future, they must think twice.”

Even she can now see that there will be another giant in God’s Domain!

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