Stone Forest City’s magic power was so rich that the representatives of Big Guild who were not solely present were surprised. Even the main group members of Aqua Rose, Gentle Snow and the others Zero Wing were shocked.

The high-concentration magic power environment is no stranger to them, and they can even be said to be used to it.

But the magic power of Stone Forest City is simply stronger than that of Titan Holy City, and these magic powers are completely different from the magic power they felt before, full of the breath of Berserk, but this Berserk The breath of not at all makes them restless, but there is an indescribable sense of warmth, which gives them an indescribable sense of affinity for the all around environment.

This kind of affinity makes them feel like they have a new understanding of the all around environment. This is a feeling they have never had before, as if they have come to a new world.

In theory, this kind of thing is definitely not something that can be done with high magic power. After all, they have also seen magic power atomization, but simply does not have this effect.

However, this kind of thing really has nothing to do with magic power, it is completely because of a special hidden effect of Tower of Darkness.

This kind of affinity is completely unfamiliar to Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow and the others, but Smoke Cloud Sixteen Dreams and Chi You are very familiar with each other, even in their hearts. Some panic.

Because of this affinity for the environment, it is very similar to the feeling of achieving Realm of Vacuum. Although it is not as strong as Realm of Vacuum, it also feels about 10% of Realm of Vacuum.

In all the major Super Organizations, any expert who can reach this level is the top of the Super Organization, the mainstay of the Guild, like a line star.

In Stone Forest City, it can give players such a feeling, even if it is only about 10%, but this is also very helpful to expert players, even for those micro experts. A lot of help can make the micro expert feel better to find this feeling.

As long as this feeling is grasped and maintained, the probability of reaching Realm of Vacuum can increase by at least 20-30%.

This 20-30% probability is probably snort disdainfully for the expert of Big Guild, but as a micro expert of Super Organization, it can increase the chance by 20-30%, even if it is bankrupt The sacred land to come to study.

“It’s no wonder that many Super Organizations are fighting for Stone Forest City. Didn’t expect this Stone Forest City to have such benefits.” Smoke Cloud Sixteen Dreams felt the magic power here suddenly.

It is relatively easy for a micro expert to achieve Realm of Flowing Water, because it only needs to carefully observe the enemy’s every move and make predictions. Generally speaking, as long as the experience accumulates to a certain level, It can be achieved.

But it is very difficult to rise to Vacuum from flowing water. It can be said to be a qualitative change. It’s like staring at the target all the time before, suddenly it becomes staring at hundreds of targets at the same time , This is no longer the level that can be achieved by observation, it needs to be examined from another angle.

So in the major Super-Guild, there are many experts for micro and flowing water, but there are very few experts that can reach Realm of Vacuum, even with the resources of Super-Guild and Realm of Flowing Water. The chance that an expert wants to achieve Realm of Vacuum is less than 10%.

If there is an environment like Stone Forest City, there will definitely be more Peak experts in Guild.

Be aware that a Peak expert can command and guard one party, and a few more can better manage and increase Guild’s Domain, and these Peak experts can obtain powerful treasures After all, monster-level experts can be counted on one’s fingers in the major Super Organizations, and the precious treasures and dangers in God’s Domain are that many, so this needs to be handled by the Peak expert.

“Smoke Cloud, we must take the temporary residence of Stone Forest City this time, no matter what the price!” Chi You said very firmly.

“I understand, don’t worry.” Smoke Cloud Sixteen Dreams is nodded, and his eyes are not as lazy as before, and he doesn’t look down on Stone Forest City at all.

Their Tiger Flash is different from those half-Super Guild and Super-Guild, because they are newly established, and many experts rely on poaching, but the Peak expert is a Guild’s absolute core and wants to dig It is too difficult to come over, so they have many experts in Tiger Flash’s micro and Realm of Flowing Water, but Peak experts are lacking in this area and can only rely on themselves to cultivate.

It’s just that it’s too difficult. Even if a bunch of resources have been smashed now, their entire Tiger Flash has only trained two Peak Experts, and I don’t know how long it will take to get a Peak Expert.

If there is an environment like Stone Forest City, I am afraid that it will not take long for Guild to have more Peak experts, and their Tiger Flash will be able to expand the great territory again.

At this time, it is not only Smoke Cloud Sixteen Dreams and the others, but the Indestructible War Heart on the side is also full of eagerness for the temporary residence of Stone Forest City.

Compared with Star Ring, their War Spirit Uprise is not much different in the number of expert players. The real difference comes from the number of experts above the Peak level. If they can narrow the gap in number, War Spirit Uprise may not be able to fight Star Ring.

What’s more, Stone Forest City is in Bottomless Abyss. With such a huge advantage, it will not be impossible to consume Star Ring in the future.

Soon everyone came to Candlelight Trading Company in Stone Forest City in amazement and admiration.

Stone Forest City’s Candlelight Trading Company is not as good as Zero Wing City’s Candlelight Trading Company, but it has ten floors, like a huge stadium, which can easily accommodate tens of thousands of people. It is not comparable to White River City’s Candlelight Trading Company, but it has not yet been fully opened to the public and is still in preparation. After all, Candlelight Trading Company has also been promoted with Stone Forest City, and many things need to be rearranged and arranged.

After everyone entered the Candlelight Trading Company, they looked at the Items displayed on the counters in the lobby on the first floor, each and everyone was completely shocked.

“Eight-piece Dark Gold from Level 60 to Level 80! How is this possible?!” Chi You couldn’t help but shout while looking at the equipment placed in front of the Item counter.

Only Chi You felt unbelievable. The representatives of the Big Guild present were also dumbfounded and said a word for a long time.

They all come from various Big Guilds, whether it is a small Guild or a Big Guild, even a Super Organization. At present, the main group member in Guild is Epic Weapon equipment, and the best is Level 65 Dark Gold. Equipment, so many of the main group members of the Super Organization are not all Level 65 Dark Gold equipment.

A level 65 Dark Gold equipment expert can be assembled. It can be counted on one’s fingers in the main groups of the major Super Organizations. It is also a magical outfit for the current expert player. , Just go to Level 70 100-Man Dungeon and there is no problem.

But now there is a whole set of Dark Gold armor set ranging from Level 60 to Level 80, and it is also a Dark Gold eight-piece set. How can this not shock them.

Know that the Dark Gold eight-piece set is the second only to Epic Equipment in the same level. It can be said to be a genuine costume!

But this is not the most important thing. What really makes people feel powerful is the level of equipment.

If the player can have such set equipment at Level 70, then there is no pressure to go to Level 70 100-Man Dungeon, and this armor set is still plate armor without professional restrictions, also in other words MT It can be worn…

This means that when their Big Guilds reach Level 70, they can go to 100-Man Dungeon, which is much easier. It will definitely be better than other Guilds on Level 70 dungeon team land clearing. Lead by a great length.

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