Fifteen Tier 4 Legendary battle strengths were easily suppressed by Shi Feng like a baby, and they couldn’t even touch Shi Feng. This scene made everyone present feel a deep shock and fear.

Although everyone present has already understood the power of the Tier 4 profession, they also understand that Shi Feng can’t be helped.

But who would have thought that Shi Feng would be so powerful?

Normally, the battle strength of the Tier 4 profession is not much higher than the Legendary monster of the same level. After all, once the monster reaches the Tier 4 level, its own combat level is no longer low, plus the attribute The natural advantage of the above is that the same level player can have the upper hand, and it will be very difficult to deal with three or four at the same time.

But Shi Feng forcibly suppressed fifteen Legendary battle strengths, simply unimaginable!

For everyone’s amazement, Shi Feng felt that not at all, but something that should be right.

Demon God Phantom This is an effect that takes a Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone to activate. It can only be activated once a day. It lasts for only four hours. It can force the player to increase Tier in four hours. 2. Up to Tier 4 Peak battle strength and Life Level up to close to Ancient Demon level.

Now because of his rank and Life Level, Demon God Phantom only allows him to reach Tier 4 Advanced level, which is far from the Peak of Demon God Phantom. Generally speaking, it requires Tier 3 profession. Only the player of Demon God Phantom can play the real Strength of Demon God Phantom.

But even so, it is enough to deal with the fifteen Legendary battle strengths in front of you.

At present, God’s Domain has only been opened, and there is not even a Tier 3 player. I simply don’t know what happened after Tier 3, let alone Tier 4.

Tier 4 profession even after ten years, it will be an expert at the Peak level in God’s Domain. Common’s Second-Rate Guild does not even have a Tier 4 profession oversee, in First-Rate Guild They are all absolute high-rises, and they are generally able to guard a town in the Neutral Map. It can be seen how valuable and powerful the Tier 4 profession is.

The battle strength after reaching Tier 4 is a step 1 Heavenly Layer, the battle strength of each level has a huge gap, which is like the difference between the Common Monster of the same level and the Ancient Demon.

This is also the reason why Great Influence has to cultivate experts desperately.

At present, the major Super Organizations may have a lot of Tier 4 battle strengths from summon, but none of them have reached Tier 4 intermediate level. Each and everyone is Tier 4 elementary battle strength, so how come it is Tier 4 Advanced opponent?

In terms of battle strength, he is only worse than Moorfinz of peak state. It is not difficult to kill 15 Legendary elementary battle strengths, not to mention these monster Level talents. Only Level 80 or so can not be compared with those elementary Legendary monsters above Level 100.

Because of the limited time, Shi Feng did not intend to delay the time. He directly attacked one of the Legendary monsters. After reaching Tier 4, the battle strength is one step 1 Heavenly Layer, Tier 4 elementary battle. In front of Shi Feng, there is no resistance at all with strength, and with a single sword, the Legendary monster can lose HP at a speed visible to naked eye.

In just a moment, the HP of this Tier 4 Legendary monster dropped by more than 20%. I am afraid it does not take one minute to kill it.

“Zero Wing is really going to rise now.”

Illusionary Speech, who was watching from a distance, looked at the Legendary monster that HP was going crazy, with a trace of emotion and sigh in his eyes.

Fifteen Tier 4 Legendary battle strengths!

This is a disaster for any Super Organization at present, but depending on the status quo, this is not a disaster for Stone Forest City, not even a threat.

The idea of ​​major Super Organizations wanting to launch Stone Forest City is destined to be impossible.

And Zero Wing has Stone Forest City, the resources and money that restrict Guild’s development are no longer a problem.

If the Crimson Emperor were in Moorfinz before death to negotiate terms with Zero Wing, even if they could not get shares in Stone Forest City, they could at least get some discounts and stores, but now they can’t get anything. .

On the contrary, those forces that usually get close to Zero Wing are blessed, especially the half-dead War Spirit Uprise. With the help of Stone Forest City, War Spirit Uprise may not be able to compete with Star Ring in the future. Dark Night Empire is evenly matched.

“Evacuate! Everyone evacuate immediately!”

Looking at the Legendary monster that was about to be killed, the top executives of the major Super Organizations also gave orders and did not dare to stay. .

Tier 4 Legendary monsters are all hung and beaten, let alone these experts who want to kill them.

Now, while Shi Feng wants to contain the Legendary monster, there is no time for doppelganger. If they wait for the Legendary monster to be killed, they will not be able to run away.

Following the orders from the top executives of the major Super Organizations, the fifty thousand troops were dispersed directly, and each and everyone rushed towards the exit of the Forest of the Dead.

“Finally retreated.” Yuan Tiexin looked at the retreating army, sighed in relief.

Although Shi Feng fought fifteen Legendary battle strengths, he understood that the general trend of the major Super Organizations was gone, but he was still a little shocked when he saw the 50,000 army retreat.

The fifty thousand army is not a Common Expert, each and everyone are currently experts in the expert. If it weren’t for Shi Feng’s battle strength and Tower of Darkness suppression, any Super Organization would have encountered it. Take a detour.

Because these fifty thousand troops are far more threatening to Guild’s than fifteen Legendary battle strengths.

Legendary battle strength is the siege of the city. The scarce number can do nothing in the wild, but the 50,000 army is different. If you just dive into the wild, the hostile forces will Can’t go in the wild level up and get resources.

“Want to go! It’s not that easy!”

Shi Feng took a look, then shot the Legendary monster all around, and moved towards the crowd directly.

Legendary monsters may be powerful, but it takes a lot of time to break the Defensive Magic Array in Stone Forest City, and these Legendary monsters are all consumables. If you want to use them, they are equivalent to gone. Nothing good can be dropped even if it is killed.

On the contrary, the fifty thousand army is different. These are all the elites of the major Super Organizations. Every death will make the Super Organization feel distressed.

Since the major Super Organizations now dare to jointly attack Stone Forest City, it is not guaranteed that they will come again in the future. Now it is natural to give the major Super Organizations a pain first.

“Black Flame! Do you really want to be irreconcilable with our major Super Organizations?”

The senior executives of the major Super Organizations saw Shi Feng who assaults the senses, and they were impatient. Each and everyone hurriedly used means, either Magic Formation or Defensive Magic Array, and even used Tier 4 magic scroll to block Shi Feng’s footsteps.

“yes and how?” Shi Feng sneered, with no intention of stopping at all.

Whether it is in the Magic Formation world or Tier 4 attacking Magic, it has no meaning in front of Shi Feng’s. The battle strength of Tier 4 Advanced is not something that current players can contend.

I saw Shi Feng smashing Tier 4 with one sword and attacking Magic, and then three or four swords shattered the blocking Magic Formation world and came to the crowd slaughter all sides.

The expert who was originally on the scene was far from Shi Feng’s opponent even in Peak state. At this time, he was suppressed by Tower of Darkness, and each and everyone was finished. Shi Feng could kill more than ten people with one blow. , 100-Man on a Skill, turned the whole area upside down.

“A madman!”

“Where is this a madman, simply is a Great Demon!”

“Regret! He will regret it!”


The experts of the major Super Organizations looked at Shi Feng who was wantonly slaughter in the crowd. Each and everyone was shocked to the extreme. I couldn’t believe that Shi Feng really dared to do it, and really dared to be an enemy of the major Super Organizations. .

You have to know that this kind of thing is considered Heavenly Secret Pavilion…

And the Zero Wing Members in Stone Forest City are all watching it with enthusiasm. Full of admiration, and full of pride for Guild.

“Guild Master is powerful!”

“Guild Master Invincible!”

One man crushes the 15th Big Legendary battle strength!

Fifty thousand experts killed by one person are fleeing everywhere!

Who can match this feat in the entire God’s Domain?

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