Because of the news of Shi Feng’s World War I, all the Super Organization members in the entire White River City fell silent for a while, and each and everyone looked low and looked very bad.

“This Black Flame is really a monster through and through. It is obvious that people are not here, but they can still control the situation in White River City.” Illusionary Speech glanced all around and couldn’t help saying with a bitter smile.

It is indeed unexpected that a person can be so strong.

And Shi Feng’s terrifying is still above this, not only solved the problem of Star Ring, but also reversed the current crisis of White River City’s.

After all, even Super Organizations such as Star Ring have been completely defeated, and other Super Organizations will not be much better if they go up individually. Invisible, the major Super Organizations have lost their dialogue capital. The extremely strong Super Organization now has a weak Zero Wing feeling.

The major Super Organizations are not originally a group. Each and everyone is just profiting from somebody’s misfortune. One swarm is enough to make Heavenly Secret Pavilion feel scared, but the threat is greatly reduced when the individual goes up. climate.

Now because of the Shi Feng World War, the major Super Organizations have no capital for dialogue. Naturally, each and everyone will not be in the dialogue. The major Super Organizations can’t hold a group, and they can’t talk about it. What threat does Zero Wing cause? Instead, Zero Wing is full of initiative. As long as it gives up a little benefit, I am afraid that the major Super Organizations will stand on the Zero Wing side and enhance the strength of the Zero Wing side. When the time comes, the major Super Organizations will be more passive .

“I admit that he played this hand well, but now the major Super Organizations are more afraid of the Marquis-level Great Devil than they are afraid of him.” Scarlet Nine Layer restored calmness, look. I glanced at Shi Feng in the battle video, said with a sneer, “But after all, this Great Devil is only controlled by a special item, not a monster that he can control for a lifetime. When the control time of this monster is over, when the time comes he What is Black Flame facing the major Super Organizations?”

The more powerful monsters in God’s Domain are, the more difficult it is to control and the shorter the control time will be. This can be said to be common sense.

How powerful is the Marquis-level Great Devil?

Heaven defying can be controlled for a few hours!

But how much can Zero Wing and Heavenly Secret Pavilion strengthen Stone Forest City in a few hours?

The development of any town requires bit by bit accumulation. More than ten hours or even dozens of hours will not be able to see much effect. Generally, it is counted in days, but the major Super Organizations Simply will not spend that many time converging to Stone Forest City.

In the face of a Stone Forest City that has not changed much, even if Shi Feng’s battle strength is superior to a Super Organization, what about the remaining nine Super Organizations? What’s more, when the time comes, the Super Organization that gathers the past is more than that.

From his point of view, all this is just that Zero Wing has delayed that’s all for some time, and as a result, it’s not at all any changes.

“Indeed, at first glance, Zero Wing has mastered the initiative, but it is only moon reflected in the water in the mirror, and it will be vanish at any time.” Illusionary Speech nodded, Random said, “but I think Zero Wing should also be very clear that what they need most now is a collaborator. If we go to negotiate now, we should have a good harvest.”

“Illusionary Speech, you are wrong. Let’s talk about Zero Wing now. They will take credit and pride, after all, they just defeated the Star Ring imposing manner Zhengsheng, but the monster they control has a limited time. They also know that with the passage of time, they will become more and more nervous, and more and more need collaborators to strengthen Stone Forest. City’s Defense.” Scarlet Nine Layer shook his head to say with a smile, “What we have to do is not to talk about cooperation now, but to grasp the time to control, when the time comes Zero Wing will naturally ask us to cooperate, otherwise When the bubble bursts, everything is vain!”

The general trend is the general trend after all, and under the general trend, it is beyond human power to contend.

Even Shi Feng has done a good job, but in front of their many Super Organizations, they are still just ants, it’s just a little bit longer that’s all.

At this time, Scarlet Nine Layer is not only standing still, but other major Super Organizations are also waiting quietly, letting time pass by, as if they are all ready to watch Zero Wing’s jokes.

Yuan Tiexin in Stone Forest City frowned upon receiving this news.

“Sure enough, these Super Organizations are very clear, each and everyone is watching from the wall, but there is no action.” Yuan Tiexin gritted his teeth and looked towards Shi Feng on the side, and quickly asked, “Guild Master Black Flame, do you really want to keep waiting?”

If the battle has passed for more than an hour, but none of the major Super Organizations rushing to Stone Forest City contacted them, it would be bad for them.

Although he is very confident in the Strength of Heavenly Secret Pavilion, the tigers are no match for the wolves. If there are not enough helpers this time, I am afraid it will be difficult to pass this level.

It is obvious that the more time passes, the more disadvantaged it is for Zero Wing, and this wait is nearly two hours, and he doesn’t understand what Shi Feng thinks.

If Great Devil Moorfinz vanish, when the time comes, they are the ones who will be mermaid.

“Of course not.” Shi Feng responded.

“I’m relieved, Heavenly Secret Pavilion has spies in all major Super Organizations. It shouldn’t be a problem to find out the trends of these forces. I don’t know when Guild Master Black Flame is going to act?” Yuan Tiexin couldn’t help but sighed in relief.

Before, he was worried that Shi Feng would stick to his own shares and would not sell them even if he was killed, so they would have to face the most dangerous situation.

If Shi Feng can win over two or three cooperative forces, then when the time comes, it will be easy. At least there is no problem with keeping Stone Forest City. The only problem is the shares.

As soon as Yuan Tiexin finished speaking, Shi Feng’s turned his gaze to the side Great Devil Moorfinz.

“As long as he dies, we can almost move.” Shi Feng said at a moderate pace.

As Shi Feng said, the atmosphere at the scene also solidified, and Yuan Tiexin stared in anger.

“Guild Master Black Flame, it’s already this time, we don’t have time to crack a joke!”

Yuan Tiexin looked at Shi Feng and was almost speechless, now Zero Wing can have its current status, making the major Super Organizations jealous. It is entirely because of the existence of Great Devil Moorfinz. If Moorfinz dies, the advantages accumulated before will be wiped out, and even become counterproductive.

Now Shi Feng tells him that they have waited so long and everything is to watch Moorfinz die. If Shi Feng didn’t say it at this time, he would probably break out.

“I don’t have cracking a joke.” Shi Feng looked at Yuan Tiexin, who was faintly exploding, and couldn’t help laughing.

Dark Seed is a symbol of natural disasters in God’s Domain. Any appearance will cause Kingdom to severely injure the Empire and turmoil, so any forces that get it will treat this thing as the last perish together.

But the current players do not know that although Dark Seed is a disaster, it is also a huge opportunity.

As long as the demon from Dark Seed summon dies, the design creation of Tower of Darkness will be lost!

The production of this Tower of Darkness is very simple. It is not so much a production, it is more like a summon. Although it is not a Top Grade building, it is claimed to be the closest to Top Grade building in the entire God’s Domain, even if it is Four Elements Tower is slightly inferior.

As soon as Shi Feng finished speaking, the manipulated Moorfinz suddenly wailed in pain, burning silver fire all over, and naked eye was visibly turned into fly ash.

Moorfinz’s death caused everyone present to be stunned. Each and everyone looked ugly, as if they had seen the sanctions of death.

Just as Moorfinz turned into fly ash, a heavy book studded with gold was dropped on the ground. The rich Dark Qi exuding was no less than Dark Seed, which made all around players feel It’s uncomfortable, and on the cover of the book it says Tower of Darkness design creation.

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