The appearance of Stone Forest City immediately alarmed the players in the Forest of the Dead.

Stone Forest Small Town that originally occupied only a small part of the Magic protective shield has now become a Stone Forest City that occupies nearly half of the Magic protective shield.

Although the city wall after the promotion is the most common city wall, it is more than six meters long. It wraps the entire Stone Forest City and adds the divine symbol engraved on the wall. Players can’t get over this at all. City wall, unless the city wall is destroyed, otherwise the player can only enter and exit from the gate of the city. Defense Power is not comparable to Guild.

After promotion, Stone Forest City not only has a solid city wall, but also the buildings inside have changed significantly, especially the Zero Wing’s station, which is more than 60 meters high. The Guild Mansion is very spectacular, like a big mountain, even if it is thousands of yards apart, it can be seen clearly in this Forest of the Dead.

In addition to Zero Wing’s Mansion, the biggest improvement is Zero Wing Auction House.

The Zero Wing Auction House was originally a High Grade building. After Stone Forest Small Town was promoted to Stone Forest City, the entire High Grade Auction House also showed its original appearance.

The 12-layer building stands on Main Street, even larger than the Auction House in the Common NPC city.

And not only Auction House, but other buildings on the street have also been upgraded a lot.

“This Stone Forest City is too prosperous!” Purple Jade looked at each and everyone in front of each and everyone in the Stone Forest City, with a bit of disbelief.

Guild city in God’s Domain may be rarely seen by Common player, but for the core member of Heavenly Secret Pavilion, she has seen a lot and even checked it out in person.

Compared with the Guild cities she had seen, Stone Forest City was obviously superior to a great length. It was simply more spectacular than Zero Wing Guild’s Zero Wing City, not like a new city at all.

Not only was Purple Jade surprised, but the Feng Shui Yi Lao that came with this trip was even more stunned.

The development of a Guild city is step by step. This has been fully proved from the information obtained from their Heavenly Secret Pavilion, but Stone Forest City does not follow the rules at all…

“Although I don’t know what’s going on, but Stone Forest City can reach this level, and our hopes of keeping it have increased a lot.” Yuan Tiexin glanced at the towering buildings and repeatedly instructed, “Immediately Go to the headquarters and let them rush over by temporary teleportation. The defense arrangement must be completed in Stone Forest City before the major Super Organizations arrive.”

In God’s Domain, the more prosperous a Guild city is, The better the NPC guards that can be hired, the building level of the city can largely reflect the prosperity of a city.

In this way, Stone Forest City will have a lot more advantages than other new cities in initially recruiting NPC guards. After all, there is a big gap between the recruitment of Tier 2 NPC and Tier 1 NPC, especially Tier 2 NPC guards in the city. The battle strength of the city will also be affected by the prosperity of the city. The busier the city, the higher the battle level.

Xiang is the first Guild city to be promoted. Some of the Tier 2 NPCs in it have a fighting level comparable to the expert in the latter part of the fifth floor of the Tower of Trial, plus the original NPCs are updated on the attribute. To win, the level is much higher. Killing the expert player of Tier 2 is as easy as playing.

Maybe the current Stone Forest City can’t bring the NPC guards to the back of the fifth floor of the Tower of Trial to those old cities, but it should be no problem to play the first level of the fifth floor, even The middle section can be expected.

If there are a bunch of Tier 2 NPC guards like this, it is enough to form quite terrifying battle strength.

This is why the major Super Organizations are desperately now.

At present, Stone Forest City is only promoted, and the defense in all aspects is the most vulnerable. If you wait until the wings are full and you want to take it down, the price paid when the time comes will be more than ten times Even dozens of times.

For Yuan Tiexin and the others who are curious about the prosperous issue of Stone Forest City after being promoted, Shi Feng not at all explained that he was just laughed and walked directly into Stone Forest City from the front entrance.

If a normal Advanced Small Town is promoted to a Basic Grade city, it will indeed be the same as other Guild Promotion cities. At most, the area will become larger, and there will be a tall city wall that’s all.

But Stone Forest City was promoted through the Golden Promotion Order, so after the promotion, all buildings in the city will be strengthened. This can be said to be a hidden benefit of Promotion Order.

As everyone followed Shi Feng into Stone Forest City, not only the people of Heavenly Secret Pavilion were dull, but even the people of Zero Wing Guild showed ecstasy, as if they were stupid. .

Stone Forest City currently has the blessing of Tower of Mana, but the magic power in the city is simply so strong that it is twice as rich as the previous Stone Forest Small Town…

Be aware that Stone Forest Small Town has become a cultivation sacred land in the human’s heart, which can increase the player’s five senses by 10%, and make the training effect twice the results for half the effort, but now the five senses are improved rise to more than 15%.

It seems that it has increased by 5%, but it is necessary to know that the more the player’s five senses, the more difficult it is to improve, and the greater the help to the player, the 5% increase can at least make them more efficient It has increased by 20-30%.

“If the Common player trains here, I am afraid it will not take a month to become an expert on the fifth floor of the Tower of Trial.” Purple Jade felt the effect here, and his breathing couldn’t help but rush a few minutes.

For a Common player, it may not be clear how difficult it is for a Common player to reach the fifth floor of the Tower of Trial, how much time and effort it takes, but as a power like the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, they But they are all doing big data analysis, specifically studying how to improve the player.

Normally, even if the is innate talent is not bad, it takes two or three months to reach the fifth floor of Tower of Trial from the Common player level. Other Common players can be imagined. know.

But here, Purple Jade is almost certain. As long as the Common player works hard enough, it is almost certain to reach the fifth floor of Tower of Trial within a month.

After all, the improvement of the five senses is equivalent to a disguised form of reducing the difficulty of learning. Perhaps it is not small for many people to learn university knowledge, but how does it drop to high school?

It can be quite helpful to the player, not to mention the Great Influence to the domain. This is the real capital of God’s Domain.

The reason why Super Organization is Super Organization is that it not only has strong capital, but also has excellent system training and professional research team, which can continuously cultivate expert and enhance player’s strength.

In order to quickly improve the player’s strength, the major Super Organizations don’t know how much they have spent, but the effect is not satisfactory. Moreover, there are not many players who can enjoy this kind of treatment, but Stone Forest City does It is a natural training place, not to mention the amazing training effect, and it can also accommodate a large number of players.

When I think that the entire Guild is an expert above the fifth floor of the Tower of Trial, even the current Super-Guild will feel scalp tingling…

When everyone at Heavenly Secret Pavilion and Zero Wing Guild was ecstatic about this, there was also a huge commotion in the forest not far from Stone Forest City, and the sound echoed over half of the forest.

I saw three flame giants popping up in the forest. Each flame giant was hundreds of meters tall. The flames burning on its body made the space all around faintly evaporate, and the terrifying breath was impressive. Legendary Level monster.

Flame Battle Elephant, Elements Lifeform, Legendary Level, Level Level 85, HP 450 million.

In addition to these three Flame Battle Elephants, thousands of people have emerged in the woods. Everyone’s Level is above Level 66. Each and everyone is wearing Star Ring Guild’s Emblem. A grim man headed by is Star Ring Guild’s Vice-Guild Master Morning Shine.

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