After Shi Feng’s order, Late Autumn Bright Winter and the others also sighed in relief and began to rest in place. They did not intend to question Shi Feng’s entry into the maze. After all, Shi Feng is the Leader of a Guild. There must be a reason for being here, if they go too far, it will make Shi Feng feel disgusted.

And even if they want to enter the maze, they probably don’t have that ability.

Because there are a lot of living creatures above Level 65 in the maze, there is no lack of High Lord Rank. They simply don’t dare to go too deep because of their Strength. If you meet a Peak High Lord, then Dead.

I saw that Shi Feng easily avoided the siege of these living creatures, and the speed each and everyone of these living creatures could not keep up with Shi Feng’s speed. The farther they were, the vanish was in their field of vision in less than a few seconds, and it was impossible for these undead living creatures to catch up.

“The strength gap is really too big.” Mu Qingcheng looked at vanish’s Shi Feng, with a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

“It is very big, but we are not a chance that has not caught up.” Late Autumn Bright Winter nodded, slowly said, “Now Fire Dragon Empire has an Adventure Group alliance, which specially invites powerful Adventure Group joined it, I heard that this Adventure Group alliance even Super-Guild will give a bit of face, and this Adventure Group alliance also specializes in training experts, I have received their invitation before, but I don’t at all care, now watch We should go now.”

He used to be very confident about the strength of Purple Shadow Adventure Group. He thought that even if he was not an opponent of Super Organization, it would not be easy for Super Organization to deal with them. But now He was so wrong to come.

In front of the Super Organization, they can’t even protect themselves from these strengths. How can they be based on Dark Night Empire?

Unless they can become monsters like Shi Feng, Morning Shine will feel jealous.

The Adventure Group alliance of Fire Dragon Empire can make Super-Guild feel tricky. It must be out of the ordinary. You must know that Fire Dragon Empire is one of the four empires of God’s Domain. It is not comparable to Dark Night Empire, but there are many Super Organizations based there, and there are several Super-Guild.

Now it seems that the Adventure Group alliance can establish a foothold in Fire Dragon Empire, which is enough to explain many problems.

It was not what he wanted to join Guild. Otherwise, he would have joined Star Ring with a bunch of his brothers. After all, Star Ring had recruited a large number of Adventure Groups before then.

“Group Leader, can we really catch up?” Mu Qingcheng couldn’t help but looked towards Late Autumn Bright Winter, his eyes gleaming with expectation.

Shi Feng’s power has been deeply rooted in her heart. What she wants to do most now is to stand on a stage with Shi Feng one day instead of being a frog in well in Dark Night Empire.

“It should be no problem. The alliance promises that as long as it can pass their training test, it can stand on God’s Domain Peak in the future.” Late Autumn Bright Winter said.

Before, he snort disdainfully for this kind of rhetoric, because their Purple Shadow Adventure Group has stood in the Peak of Dark Night Empire, where is their training needed?

But now it seems that they are really much worse, and a force that can rival the Super Organization should also know the strength of the major Super Organizations. Since it has passed the test, it can become an expert in Peak , I will never fake it.

“Very good, until the next meeting, I must stand on the same stage with him!” Mu Qingcheng suddenly aroused fiery fighting spirit.

At this time, not only Mu Qingcheng, but also the big experts of Half Arrow Startling Feather and the others Adventure Group also think so.

While the Purple Shadow Adventure Group was resting, Shi Feng also opened the Gale Domain all the way to get rid of the living creatures on the road. These living creatures were the living creatures who died in the ancient war. Not only is the level very high, but the battle is very organized, even Shi Feng in the direct battle will take a lot of time.

Fortunately, these undead living creatures are not monsters that chase players. As long as they are more than three hundred yards away, these undead living creatures will give up.

With the Basic Attribute of 7Level 6, Shi Feng’s original speed is faster than the High Lord of the same level. These necromantic living creatures with only Level 65 can’t catch up at all. Shi Feng can easily let Shi Feng passed area after area, and the deeper Shi Feng went, the higher the living creature level he encountered.

From the beginning of Level 65 slowly to Level 67, and then to Level 70.

Finally after running for more than an hour, Shi Feng came to an old dilapidated palace. The entire palace is located in a within cave surrounded by the Magic Formation world. The wandering undead living creatures dare not at all. Close to the 100-yard range.

While Shi Feng is not saying anything further, he walked in.

The entire Magic Formation world is aimed at undead living creatures and is of no use to the living.

There is no living creature in the palace except for an Unreal Elderly wearing a gray robe. If the player has a High Grade observation skill, he will find that this gray robe Unreal Elderly is a Tier 4 Hero of Level 180 .

Hero this thing is not a casual name in God’s Domain, but everything that can be obtained is an Invincible existence of the same level, and this Elderly is not only a Hero, but also a Hero title given by Spiritual God , Got the Spiritual God’s Strength blessing, is the most powerful NPC in the entire Bottomless Abyss.

“young adventurer, this is not the place for the living.” Hero Saib looked at Shi Feng who entered the hall and suddenly opened two eyes. The terrifying imposing manner directly filled the palace.

If the Tier 2 profession of Common is here at this time, it will definitely be scared by the terrifying coercion, but Shi Feng has several Lesser Legendary Items on his body, and it is blessed by bloodline. Can withstand this pressure.

“Respected Hero Saibu, I am here just to follow the will of Gods to drive out the darkness.” Shi Feng step by step walked to a place where Saibu was less than thirty yards apart and said respectfully.

To transfer the town to Bottomless Abyss, there are actually three conditions that need to be met.

This third condition can be regarded as a hidden condition. It is to pass the test of Saibu. If you can’t resist the coercion from Saibu, then everything is for nothing, only if you resist it. talk.

Players from many forces in the former life died on this 1st Step by 90%, because Common’s expert simply cannot bear it, at least it needs to be comparable to the Basic Attribute of the same Level Tier 3, or otherwise Only kneeling was teleported out.

“You are very good, you can walk so close to me, it shows that you have a little strength to deal with the dark.” Saib looked at Shi Feng who seemed unaffected, and smiled nodded. “But it’s too early for you to expel the darkness here. Since you are the Bronze Inheritor, I can build a stable residence for you. You can fight the darkness here for a long time, but you have to take out six thousand Magic Crystal Stone is good.”

“Master Saibu, here are the 6,000 Magic Crystal Stones you need.” Shi Feng immediately took out the 6,000 Magic Crystal Stones that he had prepared.

In order to prepare these six thousand Magic Crystal Stones, it can be said that the Mana Crystal that Guild has finally saved is consumed, but compared to the transfer of the town here, all the effort is nothing. Up.

“Very well, with so many Magic Crystal Stones, it should be able to barely resist the erosion of darkness.” Saibu took over 6,000 Magic Crystal Stones and couldn’t help but glance at Shi Feng, and then started chanting. From the spell.

As the spell chanting started, the 6,000 Magic Crystal Stones were all merged into one, turning into a brilliant gemstone glowing with golden light.

“If you have this thing, you can set up a Magic Formation world on this layer, so that your residence will no longer be corroded by darkness. Remember this thing can only be used on this layer.” Saibu handed the gemstone to Shi Feng and said very carefully.

Shi Feng was deeply moved when he took over gemstone.

On the former life, he can only watch the super organizations set up towns here, and now he can finally own his own town in Bottomless Abyss.

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