On a small hill outside Silver Wing Small Town, dozens of Mad Beast Regiment members set up a camp to rest here. I don’t care about the heavily guarded Silver Wing Small Town thousands of yards away. Each was eating food and drinking wine.

“The Group Leader was too careful this time. It only allowed us to stay here. If I asked me to just destroy the Silver Wing Small Town, it would be fine. Could it be that Zero Wing can do us anything? Nothing?” A Guardian Knight with a level of up to Level 67 glanced at the Silver Wing Small Town in the distance, be eager to have a try in his eyes, “I said before how strong the Zero Wing’s Black God Regiment is, it was still not killed by us. The people of Mad Beast Regiment are known to everyone in the West Continent of God’s Domain. There are no fewer than 20 Guild towns that have been destroyed exclusively, including Guild controlled by the Super Organization. town.

But now the Group Leader Startling Wind just keeps them outside the Silver Wing Small Town, and prevents the players from the Silver Wing Small Town from coming out. It really doesn’t fit their style.

“Black Phanter, don’t be upset, you can still move the hands and feet of those people in Black God Regiment before, we can only kill some mobs, not even one in the wild BOSS. “At Level 67, holding a white bone Warblade Berserker show white eyes called the Guardian Knight of Black Panther Under Heaven.

Their Mad Beast Regiment split into two waves in order to be able to squat in the Silver Wing Small Town for a long time. If there are more Stamina, go to level up and upgrade, and if there is less Stamina, they return to the camp to rest, so even if they are guarding the Silver Wing Small Town, their level will not be pulled down.

“Well, the Group Leader naturally has the arrangement of the Group Leader, and the Silver Wing Small Town is no better than the town we destroyed before, whether it is the town defense or the strength of the NPC guards, it is much stronger , If direct, even if we capture Silver Wing Small Town, we will probably lose a lot.” At this time, a Crooked man wearing a silver-gray leather jacket at Level 68 glanced at the crowd, said solemnly, “This time our Quest is going to destroy Zero Wing, but it is also important to retain strength. After all, our enemy is not a little Zero Wing, but the guys from the West Continent!”

“Since we are Being able to consume Zero Wing unharmed and consume Zero Wing to death a little bit, we naturally don’t need to waste too much effort and hole cards.”

Everyone heard the crooked man’s words, especially the saying Those guys on the Western Continent had their eyes in awe, and each and everyone took a serious attitude, not at all sloppy.

“Vice-Group Leader, I heard that Zero Wing’s Black Flame is very strong, and it can beat Sword Demon in Four Demons of Ghost Shadow. I wonder who is the Group Leader or him better?” The Guardian Knight named Black Panther Under Heaven couldn’t help but curiously asked the crooked man.

When everyone at Mad Beast Regiment listened, they couldn’t help but turn their eyes to the crooked man.

They know a lot about the strength of Four Demons of Ghost Shadow. Everyone is an absolute monster. Control of Domain has been in control for many years, especially Sword Demon, which claims to be number one in direct battle.

However, they are not very clear about the strength of their own Group Leader, because they have never seen the true strength of Startling Wind, and the Vice-Group Leader who is familiar with the Group Leader may know, after all Back then Group Leader Startling Wind and Vice-Group Leader Yun Manshan were enemies, and both were monster-level in strength.

“Five to five points. After all, fighting in the wild is not as good as a formal game. Many methods are not available.” Vice-Group Leader Yun Manshan thought for a while and said.

“Vice-Group Leader, you praised the Black Flame too much. In my opinion, the Black Flame may not even beat the Rain Ink Team Leader, let alone score five to five with the Group Leader.”

“Yes, after all, Sword Demon is already an Old Guy. Vitality is already not in Peak. Although the Rain Ink Team Leader is inferior to Sword Demon in combat, in the wild battle, Rain Ink Team Leader can Absolute Kill Sword Demon the old man.”

Everyone feels that Vice-Group Leader’s words are too exaggerated. Sword Demon and the others may be a Legendary, but their Mad Beast Regiment is now Fame and strength are above the Four Demons of Ghost Shadow. Let alone the strength of the Group Leader and Vice-Group Leader, their Mad Beast Regiment Team Leader level has the strength to deter one party.

Among them, the Rain Ink Team Leader is the Number One Person in the Team Leader. There are no fewer than ten monster-level experts killed in the sole direct battle, and their Mad Beast Regiment is good at fighting in the wild. If Sword Demon is I am afraid that I will not be able to eat when I meet Rain Ink in the wild.

And just as the member of Mad Beast Regiment said something to me, a cloud of dust suddenly rolled up not far away, and immediately let the Mad Beast Regiment member who was watching all around caught it.

“Vice-Group Leader, someone from Silver Wing Small Town rushed towards us!” shouted the Ranger who was observing with Hawk Eye Technique.

“Zero Wing’s people can’t help it anymore. Now we can do some activities.” Black Panther Under Heaven licked the corner of the lips, said with a smile.

“It’s still your good luck, next time I will just act with you.” Berserker Brilliant Python holding the white bone Warblade by the side was also excited.

“How many people are they here?” Vice-Group Leader Yun Manshan got up and asked.

“More than thirty people!” Ranger who was observing said carefully.

“More than thirty people?” Everyone was silly for a while, wondering if this Ranger read or said it wrong, and underreported one or two zeros.

“Yes, there are more than 30 people, but from the looks of it, these people seem to be members of the Zero Wing main group.” Ranger explained.

“The main group? Is this Zero Wing silly? Do you think that more than 30 people can destroy our Mad Beast Regiment?”

“Vice-Group Leader , Let’s just let our sixth team go, I promise to let them go back alive!”

Everyone in Mad Beast Regiment couldn’t help but laugh at the number of people sent by Zero Wing, each and everyone volunteered. , I am afraid that this chance will be robbed by others.

“That’s all, Rain Ink and Black Phanter you two will teach you a lesson, but since it is the main group member of Zero Wing’s, the chance is rare, immediately notify the people of Xuanyuan Three Kill, let them use the group Teleportation immediately Scroll sent people to encircle, absolutely can’t let them run away!” Vice-Group Leader Yun Manshan glanced at Fire Dance and the others getting closer and closer, and then instructed.


Vice-Group Leader Yun Manshan gave instructions to Black Panther Under Heaven and the others for a moment. Didn’t expect Vice-Group Leader to be so cautious, but Still agreed.

Their Mad Beast Regiment has a total of 20 teams, each of which has six people. Each team usually intercepts and kills the 100-Man expert group. It is a trivial matter. Now the Zero Wing main group has only more than 30 people. That’s it. In fact, sending one team is enough. Now sending two teams is really overkill.

Then Rain Ink and Black Panther Under Heaven led the team members directly to Fire Dance and the others. The distance between the two parties was constantly getting closer, and this movement quickly shocked the entire Silver Wing Small Town. The player in it.

As for the fact that Zero Wing is stuck in Silver Wing Small Town, everyone is not new. With the sudden introduction of the title of Honored Guild, everyone feels that Zero Wing will shrink in Star-Moon Kingdom. Now that Zero Wing took the initiative to send people out, it really exceeded everyone’s expectations.

“Zero Wing’s main team is facing Mad Beast Regiment, this is worth seeing!”

“I don’t know who will win?”

“You I haven’t seen the terrifying of Mad Beast Regiment’s group of people. It’s just trifling more than 100 people. In the Wanjun, tens of thousands of Zero Wing have been killed. Each and everyone is like a monster. Although Zero Wing’s main group is powerful, it is estimated It’s still a bit worse. Now it’s even more reckless to send such a small number of people. If I would definitely organize a thousand-member expert group to act together.”

The players in Silver Wing Small Town are all about this. Discuss spiritedly, and the Skywalk Overflow chasing from Silver Wing Small Town all the way to Fire Dance and the others saw Mad Beast Regiment send two teams, and his face suddenly sank.

“Not good! It turned out to be the team of Rain Ink and Black Panther Under Heaven, we must speed up!” Skywalk Overflow hurriedly shouted.

He has played against Rain Ink and Black Panther Under Heaven. Only a Black Panther Under Heaven makes him tired, because Black Panther Under Heaven’s Strength is too strong, and it doesn’t look like a Guardian at all. Knight, more like a fierce Berserker, can’t conduct direct wars at all, and Rain Ink is terrifying even more. Just a face-to-face almost made him hang up. If he didn’t have a special magic scroll in his hand to force his life, he might be afraid Can’t resist Rain Ink’s 2nd Strike.

Even if Zero Wing has a Fire Dance town, he does not think that the main Zero Wing team can fight for long.

The speed of Skywalk Overflow and the others is a bit slower after all, and I can only watch Fire Dance and the others and Rain Ink and the others are less than 30 yards apart, and they have started their battle.

“Zero Wing! Take it to death!”

Black Panther Under Heaven slightly smiled, suddenly jumped up, and the ice blue shield in his hand formed a huge energy shield. Let Black Panther Under Heaven press against Fire Dance and the others like a mountain.

With one blow, the attack range of Black Panther Under Heaven within a radius of 30 yards is all within the Black Panther Under Heaven’s attack range. Not to mention, the strength of Strength seems to have compressed the entire space, directly facing the people of Zero Wing.

This made the Zero Wing people who came from afar couldn’t help but complexion ashen, and this blow could destroy a 100-Man expert group in an instant.

Seeing that the energy shield like a mountain was pressed down, even Cola in the crowd jumped up, raising the Titan Guard in his hand and turning it into a dazzling fire.

Tier 2 Skill Holy Impact!


With a bang that echoed the entire battlefield, I saw that the huge energy shield that Cola hit was shattered every inch, and vanish was in midair, as if it had never appeared before. On the other hand, Black Panther Under Heaven couldn’t help but flew out. After landing, it took three steps to stabilize the body. The strength difference between the two sides is a high-level judgment!

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