Star-Moon Kingdom, White River City.

Shi Feng and the others fought in Starfall Secret Realm for eight consecutive days, and the grind mobs had already vomited in the farm. At this time, when they returned to White River City’s station, each and everyone felt like they had come alive. general.

However, before everyone rushed to rest, they felt the atmosphere of depression permeating the entire Guild Encampment.

“Guild Master, you finally came back!” Nether Orchid, who was in charge of the work in the hall, saw Shi Feng coming back, and his tired face couldn’t help but feel a touch of excitement.

If Shi Feng and the others don’t come back, she may not be able to sustain it anymore.

“How is Guild’s situation now?” Shi Feng asked.

“On the whole, it’s not good. Guild has absorbed a lot of players and Adventure Group during this period. Guild’s financial resources were already very tight. As a result, Star Ring suddenly went to war on Neutral Map and we were killed. With more than 50,000 people, the subsidy money solely given to Guild Member almost exhausted us. Fortunately, War Spirit Uprise has funded some so that Guild won’t be able to function.” Nether Orchid said with a bitter smile, “It’s just If this continues, the funds in Guild will soon be exhausted.”

“And now, Guild’s funds are not the focus. Weapon equipment in Guild Warehouse has already been consumed almost, if If you don’t add it in time, I am afraid that Guild will not be able to function normally.”

“Why is it so violent? Didn’t I talk about shrinking the range of motion before?” Shi Feng couldn’t help being surprised by the number of deaths in Guild’s.

Be aware that the time it took Star Ring to deal with them is not very long, and it is only a short period of time until now. More than 50,000 people have been killed in this short period of time. I don’t even think about it. Maybe, you have to know that fighting a Guild battle won’t kill so many people.

“In the beginning, there were not many people, there were only more than 20,000 people. After that, our people all returned to the vicinity of Silver Wing Small Town, but Star Ring not at all stopped and ran directly to our Guild’s. The sphere of influence then attacked. Our Guild’s is not popular, so we led a team to round up these people.”

“However, the effect is not ideal. Their strength is generally very strong, especially among the people of Star Ring. People, with just one 100-man, we killed tens of thousands of us. Among them, the members of Black God Regiment were killed more than 400 people, and even two Infernal War Chariots were destroyed.”

“After I ordered everyone to stay in Silver Wing Small Town, the death toll fell. It’s just that the people in Star Ring have been blocking outside Silver Wing Small Town and clamoring. Guild’s opinions are very big, and this will not be a solution in the long run. “

Nether Orchid was very helpless about this. Through this period of battle, she once again deeply realized how strong the Super Organization is. Zero Wing and Star Ring are completely expert in quantity and quality. It is two dimensions. If it weren’t for the current player level and level a little lower, Silver Wing Small Town might not be able to stop Star Ring’s footsteps.

“so that’s how it is.” When Shi Feng heard it, he understood.

For the status quo of Zero Wing’s, he is not surprised. In the past, Zero Wing was able to challenge the major Super Organizations and even won a lot of World Wars. It was entirely because of relying on weapon equipment, otherwise it was relying on Promote Tier 2 early to rank advantage.

Now that the Tier 2 profession has become very common, not to mention, the gap in weapon equipment has also been narrowed, and the auction arena has been released, and the major Super Organizations have become stable as in the area under their jurisdiction. Mount Tai, without a lot of scruples, can safely send experts to do things.

Guild’s gap naturally appeared.

“Fire Dance, you immediately take people to Silver Wing Small Town, and chase off those people who block the door first. Our Zero Wing’s site is not yet their turn to show off one’s military strength! “Shi Feng immediately said to the side Fire Dance.

Being blocked by someone, the face is not good after all. If the time is long, the human’s heart will follow.

“Leave it to me.” Fire Dance nodded with a smile. She had been at Starfall Secret Realm grind mobs before. She was already tired, and now she can just move around.

After talking about Fire Dance, I brought Violet Cloud, Sword Shadow, Flying Shadow, Midsummer Allure, Cola and the others directly to the Guild Teleportation Scroll and sent it to the Guild Encampment in Silver Wing Small Town.

“Guild Master, the strength of those people is extraordinary, and many people, I am afraid it is not easy to deal with.” Nether Orchid saw that only a dozen people from Fire Dance went to Silver Wing Small Town. Some worried.

“It’s just driving some people out. There is no need to mobilize people.” Shi Feng said flatly, “Isn’t Guild lacking weapon equipment now? I have some here. Let me relieve it.”


Speaking of Shi Feng, he took out the weapon equipment he got from Starfall Secret Realm from inventory and placed them on the table.

As for Fire Dance and the others, he has given the Meteoric Fire Orb he just got to Fire Dance, which is absolutely sufficient for normal situations.

Nether Orchid was shocked when he saw the weapon equipment that Shi Feng took out.

“Level 70 equipment?” Nether Orchid’s gaze was incredible.

You must know that even in the hands of major Super Organizations, there are probably not a few Level 70 weapon equipment, but the weapon equipment Shi Feng brought out is all Level 70, and the worst is Mysterious. -Iron Rank, which is generally Mithril Rank, and there are nearly a thousand pieces…

After Nether Orchid carefully checked the attributes of these equipment, his eyes almost stared out.

These equipments are not only Level 70 equipment, each and everyone has attributes that reduce the consumption of player Stamina. For the current expert player, these equipments are definitely the top of the year for something even in dreams. Grade equipment, any one can be sold at sky-high prices.

“Guild Master, do you really want to put these equipment in the warehouse for Guild Member to exchange it?” Nether Orchid couldn’t help asking.

These weapon equipments are all the current Top Grades. They seize the capital of resources in the Neutral Map. It is probably impossible for each Big Guild to exchange for Common and Elite members except for the core member.

“It doesn’t matter, it just happens to inspire everyone.” Shi Feng is just laughed.

These Level 70 Mysterious-Iron Rank and Mithril Rank reduce the equipment consumed by Stamina, which is good, but it is far worse than the Level 70 Mithril armor set he did not take out.

Then Nether Orchid put all these weapon equipment in the Guild Warehouse, and players can exchange them at will.

After finishing all these things, Shi Feng quietly left Guild Encampment and went to the Adventurers Guild, preparing to hand in the Quest of the Punitive Lord of Meteoric Fire first.

The weapon equipment he took out can only be relieved for a while. If you want to fight against Star Ring direct, these alone are far from enough, you also need sufficient funds and strength.

After Shi Feng left, these Level 70 weapon equipment also appeared in the Guild Warehouse’s redemption table. The Guild Member who came to exchange the weapon equipment looked red.

“Crap! Level 70 Mithril equipment! I am not dreaming, am I?”

“We Guild won’t steal the treasure house of that NPC, how come there are so many Level 70 Mithril Rank weapon equipment?”

“Look! These equipment actually have the effect of reducing Stamina consumption!”

“These equipment are too awesome, if you can get them together I don’t have to worry about going to Neutral Map in the future.”


Some Guild Members thinking about exchanging weapon equipment saw the new weapon equipment in Guild Warehouse. The entire Zero Wing Residence was a sensation, and each and everyone began to figure out how to collect points to exchange these weapons equipment.

The news also seemed to have grown wings, and it soon reached the ears of the Great Influence.

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