As soon as the news that Candlelight Trading Company continued to sell Stamina gemstone spread throughout the Dark Night Empire, all the Big Guilds and Adventure Groups who were not thinking about it all began to stir.

“Candlelight Trading Company still sell Stamina gemstone for a long time?”

“This is interesting!”

“Our further chance is finally here !”

If they said the sixty Stamina gemstones before, they just thought they were very eye-catching and very good, but after all, they weren’t enough for Great Influence.

After all, the entire Dark Night Empire solely Super Organization has as many as three, not to mention First-Rate Guild and Peak Adventure Group, and Peak forces hidden in the dark. It can be said that everyone simply has no chance. Stamina gemstone, and even if you get the Stamina gemstone, what is the use of one or two Stamina gemstone?

But it’s different now.

If Candlelight Trading Company can really sell Stamina gemstone for a long time, then they have chance to fight for it. After all, the currency to buy Stamina gemstone is a unique material, even if there are a lot of unique materials in the hands of Super Organization, there are many. They only need to hoard a lot, and there will always be a chance to grab one or two, so that when the time comes, they can play a huge role in the Neutral Map.

For a time, the Great Influence of Dark Night Empire received this news, and almost all of them ordered the first time to find a way to collect the special materials of Dark Night Empire and no longer sell them. After all, it is more profitable than selling materials. That little money is far less than the harvest from land clearing Neutral Map. As long as the individual understands this truth.

On the contrary, if you don’t get the Stamina gemstone early, you will be overtaken by the forces that get the Stamina gemstone, so all Great Influences are doing their best.

In Star-Moon Kingdom’s Zero Wing City, because Heavenly Secret Commerce kicked out Candlelight Trading Company, all the previous agreements were cancelled, and the staff and items placed in Zero Wing City’s began to withdraw. Zero Wing City.

Just when Yuan Tiexin arranged for his subordinates to evacuate the Studio, a heroic woman wearing a gorgeous holy armor suddenly walked over. Because of the appearance of this woman, everyone around could not help but look sideways. Many Men are amazed and obsessed with it.

“It is indeed Goddess Purple Jade, the Level has reached Level 66, I am afraid that this level can also be placed in the top 20 in Empire.”

“Listen It is said that Goddess Purple Jade led the team to complete an Epic Level team Quest two days ago. Punitive completed the Level 60 Legendary Level BOSSIron Blood Earth Dragon, and got a Dragon Blood Sword. That sword is superb and has already been listed in Epic. Weapon’s Top-10 ranks, because of this sword, Goddess Purple Jade has few rivals among Peak Experts now, and was named one of the ten Great Swordsman by Heavenly Secret Pavilion.”

Everyone said ten Great Swordsman couldn’t help but yearn for a while.

This list is newly launched by Heavenly Secret Pavilion, mainly to reflect the expertise of each profession. After all, every profession is different, and even some professions are against each other, which does not reflect the player well. We can’t compare the strengths of different professions very well. Cross-professions don’t accept anyone, so we launched a new twelve professions list. Each profession has only ten people on the list, not according to level and record, but only according to strength. .

And this list is mainly to reflect the younger generation and give youngerster more chance. Therefore, the list also has an age limit. It must be under 30 years old. Even if it is more powerful than 30 years old, Can’t make the list.

Of course, this is also done so as not to touch the background of the major Super Organizations. After all, the pillars of the major Super Organizations, the expert and Old Monster, are the core secrets of the major Super Organizations. If Heavenly Secret Pavilion can easily To be exposed, you must desperately.

Purple Jade was originally not on the list after getting Dragon Blood Sword, but now it has become the eighth place on the Swordsman list.

How big is the entire God’s Domain?

There are countless geniuses. Even if it’s just the profession of Swordsman, the number is still terrifying. It can stand out among so many geniuses and become one of the ten Great Swordsman. It is definitely Heaven’s Proud Daughter, held by the Great Influence. Pearl in the palm, the future is limitless. It is much more dazzling than those sports stars. After all, God’s Domain is already popular among the people and is about to become a part of everyone’s lives. It is not what sports stars and popular artists can do. Comparable.

“Uncle Yuan, there is a message from above, I hope we can buy some Stamina gemstone from Zero Wing in the more the better quantity.” Purple Jade walked to Yuan Tiexin and said with a smile.

“These people are really shameless. They obviously kicked Zero Wing out of Heavenly Secret Commerce, but now they ask me to talk to Zero Wing. Why don’t they talk about it by themselves?” Yuan Tiexin heard , Can’t help but anger Fire Dao.

The so-called above are just those Advanced Members of Heavenly Secret Commerce. At the beginning, Heavenly Secret Pavilion had said very clearly that they should not be kicked out of Chamber of Commerce members easily, especially Zero Wing’s has very good development potential. But the top five Advanced Members didn’t care, they just kicked it. Now it’s fine, everything has already been done, but let him be the peacemaker.

“But this time, Zero Wing is really amazing. It was able to come up with a good thing like Stamina gemstone. Now Five Great Influences are a bit regretful. I heard they are busy with land clearing and new discoveries. The land of Barbarian God, that is where the Ancient Spiritual God once lived, but now there is an urgent lack of items that can add Stamina or restore Stamina.” Purple Jade smile said, “They are in a hurry here, they were only for Star Ring is a face and suppresses Zero Wing by the way. Now I have lost all chance to get the Stamina gemstone. Now I have some opinions on Star Ring.”

“But Star Ring did play this time. In Star-Moon Kingdom, not only has the purchase price of unique materials increased, but also many similar products launched by Candlelight Trading Company are sold at low prices. Now many players have gone to the Star Ring Chamber of Commerce. Candlelight Trading Company is now making money with its own unique products, but no one cares about other products. The profit of the entire Candlelight Trading Company has dropped by more than 2/3, but now it is very expensive to go to Neutral Map land clearing. Normally, Guild’s land clearing Neutral Map’s funds are very tight, not to mention the sudden growth of Zero Wing now.” Yuan Tiexin slowly said, “And in Beastman Empire, all Great Influences are also glare like a tiger watching his prey, Zero Wing’s life is not easy. On the other hand, the influence of Zero Wing on Star Ring is only Stamina gemstone.”

“Stamina gemstone is good, but Star Ring is not to be trifled with. It has three Auction House, backed by the Star Airlines consortium, there is no such force in the economy to contend casually, and Star Ring currently owns a fortress in the Neutral Map Undead Ancient Country, which is currently the most important in Dark Night Empire. It is too difficult for Zero Wing to shake Star Ring. “

Undead Ancient Country is a data update opened by Dark Night Empire, and this expansion was opened by Star Ring. This Undead Ancient Country was originally a huge Empire, which was annihilated because of the War of the Ancients. It is said that the hidden resources are more abundant than Beastman Empire, and there are more than ten Kingdoms and only one known God Level Regional Dungeon among several Empires.

Because Star Ring dominates this Undead Ancient Country, God’s Domain’s Super-Guild all have three points of fear of Star Ring, and they have to give a lot of face, or simply relying on the background of the Star Consortium, it will not make the major Super-Guild fear, just Even War Spirit Uprise and Crimson Emperor, the two half-Super Guilds, have to give way and become an Advanced Member of their Heavenly Secret Commerce.

“However, Zero Wing took out the Stamina gemstone, which is absolutely okay. Returning to Heavenly Secret Commerce with Stamina gemstone, even Five Great Influences will probably not oppose it anymore, so Zero Wing, with our Heavenly Secret Commerce channel, can’t continue to entangle with Star Ring and grow slowly. “Purple Jade nodded, I also understand the power of Star Ring. This time, Zero Wing can make Star Ring suffer a small loss. It is already very difficult to deal with.

“Also. ”

Yuan Tiexin also deeply agrees with this. With the Heavenly Secret Commerce channel, it is difficult for Star Ring to block Zero Wing. Then Yuan Tiexin contacted Xiang Shi Feng and prepared to change this Tell Shi Feng the good news.

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