Starlights were scattered on the battlefield, like fireworks, and Gentle Snow, wearing a silver saint and holding a brilliant Broadsword, was bathed under the starlight, as if Martial Goddess were coming, holy, majestic, and beautiful.

It’s just that after everyone present saw this magnificent scene, each and everyone was just chills and panic.

“How could this be?”

Dust Blood of the Bloodbath Family looked at Gentle Snow in the crowd, his eyes were completely dull, and his heart was full of disbelief.

More than 100 experts from Star Ring and Black Water!

And every expert is an expert that makes him feel full of threats, but these experts are like trivial ant in front of Gentle Snow, just wielding five swords, let this imposing manner be like a rainbow expert group Almost wiped out, even the surviving expert, the remaining HP will fall below half…

“Is she really a player?”

“Space Crack Can the current players be as strong as this?”

At this time, I was shocked if Dust Blood was not solely Dust Blood, and all the Great Influence experts present were all scared when they looked at Gentle Snow.

If Gentle Snow uses the gorgeous Skill to kill the Star Ring and Black Water experts present, they will just be amazed. After all, such things can be done by monster-level experts with super skills, but Now they can see clearly.

Gentle Snow did not show any superb combat skills from the beginning to the end. Some were just pure violence. With the super fast speed and super strength, it was like stepping on an ant. More than a hundred micro experts present were trampled to death, and the shock that this brought was ten times higher than that.

Be aware that in the auction arena, the player cannot use any Berserk Skill and Magic, and cannot use any item Item.

The weapon equipment of the experts present is not the current Top Grade, even if it is stronger, it is not as strong as that. These gaps can be made up by the combat level.

But now the Strength that Gentle Snow shows is no longer a question of strength and weakness, simply is not a level of Strength.

Because it can cause cracks in the space, that is the domain of Tier 4, and even the monster-level expert at present, the strongest strength that can be displayed is Tier 3 Advanced level, which seems to be the same. But the gap is as different as heaven and earth, which is the same gap as Peak High Lord and Legendary monster.

Even if Shi Feng saw this scene, he couldn’t help but be a little confused.

I have to say that there are two Gentle Snow Top Grade Lesser Legendary Items, and they are Berserker equipment based on Strength, especially one of them is still a two-handed weapon. As the level increases, The improvement is the more terrifying, Gentle Snow is now a great length stronger than him in terms of Strength alone, and physique is not below him.

Because Gentle Snow did a Quest before, fortuitous encounter got a bottle of bloodline. Although it is not Advanced bloodline, it is also a ground bloodline focused on increasing Strength. Now Gentle Snow has the current incomparable Strength. Although not as good as the real same level Legendary monster, but not much difference.

It can be said to be a real Humanoid violent dragon!

“The power of Tier 4?”

Faced with such a Strength, even Heart Demon who was present looked solemn, and his face was very bad.

Compared to a player with Tier 4 Strength, he would rather face an expert like Sword Demon, because under this kind of Strength, Tier 3’s Strength is already insignificant, and any attack and defense will be crushed. Pressure, a strength breaking myriad laws, can’t direct the battle at all.

While everyone was still stunned by the terrifying Strength displayed by Gentle Snow, Zhao Yueru, wearing a crimson mage robe behind Gentle Snow, finally finished chanting Magic.

“go!” Zhao Yueru immediately waved the Staff.

Tier 2 Forbidden Spell Flaming Roar Thorns!

Hundreds of scorching flame flowers appeared in the sky above Star Ring and Black Water expert. Under the control of Zhao Yueru, hundreds of flame flowers turned into hundreds of flame thorns. fall.

Each of these flame thorns has the strength of the same level Peak High Lord, and the attack is very precise. The entire battlefield of the densely packed branch cannot be completely dodged at all and can only be resisted.

hōng hōng hōng ……

A series of explosions sounded, and the pillars of fire rose one after another.

As the flame dissipated, there were only three Peak experts from Star Ring and Black Water who had little HP left, and all the others were burned to ashes.

This completely collapsed the originally silent battlefield.

“This is too strong!”

“Why is another monster?”

“How much strength does Zero Wing hide?”


Everyone looked at Zhao Yueru and Gentle Snow on the battlefield in disbelief, even if they didn’t want to believe it, but the facts were shown before them, and they couldn’t believe it or not.

“Why is she stronger again?” Yi Luofei in the audience looked at Zhao Yueru on the battlefield with surprise.

Compared to everyone present, she knows the power of Zhao Yueru better. If it weren’t for arena restrictions and many Magic Skills could not be used, I am afraid that Zhao Yueru could kill Heart Demon alone.

However, it is not Zhao Yueru’s improved attributes that surprised her, but Zhao Yueru’s combat level has been greatly improved.

Before fighting with her was just micro, but now she has not only walked a long distance on the road of micro, she also saw that Zhao Yueru has the same Strength as Shi Feng, which is terrifying control Although it is far inferior to Shi Feng, she is still at a level, at least she can’t control hundreds of flame thorns so well.

How long has all this passed?

Know that the improvement of skill level is not as simple as improving weapon equipment. It takes a long time and training. A few months alone will not lead to any significant improvement, but Zhao Yueru It’s done…

“Is it because of Zero Wing?” Yi Luofei couldn’t help thinking like this in his mind, full of questions, “What exactly did Zero Wing do?”

Previously Graceful Song of the Moon was like that. Before joining Zero Wing, he was a good newcomer. He had nothing to do with genius, but he just killed Peak First-Rate Guild’s three micro experts. Now Zhao The same is true for Yueru.

At this time, the major Super Organizations watching the show couldn’t help being silent. Without the previous ridicule, some were just fearful.

I originally thought that the third battlefield definitely belonged to Black Water and Star Ring, but now only Heart Demon is left, and he has to face Gentle Snow and Zhao Yueru. No matter how you look at the situation, the situation is not optimistic.

Maybe Gentle Snow and Zhao Yueru are not the experts of Control of Domain, but they now have the strength to compete with the experts of Control of Domain. In a way, compared to Control of Domain Domain’s expert is also troublesome.

The two teamed up just to complement each other, and Heart Demon had no second choice other than escape.

“Damn it! Why does a Zero Wing have so many players with incredibly high attributes?” Jing Yang looked at the huge Magic Mirror and complexion ashen in the sky.

In the first battlefield, Fire Dance, Midsummer Allure, and Sword Shadow are incredible enough, but there are two more terrifying players in the third battlefield.

He has some doubts whether Zero Wing cheated in the auction arena.

But he quickly calmed down.

Although two of the five battlefields gave Zero Wing an advantage, there are still three battlefields. As long as these three battlefields can be dealt with, the final outcome is not certain.

It’s just that this idea hasn’t been firm for long, and the Magic Mirror over the arena completely broke Jing Yang’s fantasy.

In the second battle field, Zero Wing’s Violet Cloud can be as good as Madmo, but in the second battle field, in addition to Violet Cloud, Zero Wing also has a Cola, which is completely Untouchable Vajra, in addition to Blackie and the others, made the second battle field less suspenseful.

As for Aqua Rose and Turtledove and the others appearing in the fourth battlefield are also battle strength incredibly high, occupying a considerable advantage. In the fifth battlefield, Silent Bladewalker, Ruined Cloud and Seven Light are wearing Azure Light. The attribute is to overpower those Peak experts.

There was a sensation in the audience for a time, and no one thought that Zero Wing would be so powerful. All five battlefields have the advantage, and the energy Crystal Ball is getting more and more. It can be said to be the leader.

The first to third battlefields are simply Zero Wing’s home field. Over 70% of the energy that appeared in the Crystal Ball was taken away by Zero Wing, and the rest belonged to other forces.

Until the bell rang at the end of the auction arena, everyone reacted.

In the end, Zero Wing won the first place in the auction arena with the overwhelming power of Crystal Ball, and the System was broadcast five times in the entire Star-Moon Kingdom.

And Zero Wing not only won the White River City’s Auction House, but also became the first Guild in God’s Domain to own the NPC City Auction House!

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