As the bell of the auction arena rang, the entire White River City became silent. Almost everyone in White River City’s became breathing heavily at this moment, staring at the Magic Mirror appearing on the street, afraid of missing it. This general battle.

For those who are not in White River City’s player to watch this game, each and everyone enters the official forum of Star-Moon Kingdom to watch the broadcast of the players present.

It can be said that the entire Star-Moon Kingdom became quiet for a while because of this competition.

The Great Influence members and Free Experts who watched the battle in the auction arena were also extremely nervous, quietly watching the huge Magic Water Sphere that suddenly appeared above the arena.

On the huge Magic Water Sphere, the qualifying rules are shown, which are completely different from the previous competitions in Auction House.

In the previous player competitions or gambling battles in Auction House, because the prizes are very general, the number of players who come to participate or gambling is very small, so any player can participate, but now it involves White River City’s Not to mention that the auction house is in control, not to mention that there are a lot of players who come to participate, and System has set up a qualifying game.

Only players who have passed the qualifying round are eligible to join the Auction House competition. If the level is not up to standard, no amount of resources will make sense.

“It’s only the qualifying game, is the participation fee so expensive?”

Everyone at the scene looked at the participation fee set by System and asked for a piece of Epic Level material. Take a breath.

Epic Level materials are very Rare for the current Big Guilds. At present, Common Guilds can have twenty-thirty pieces. It’s very good. There are dozens of larger Guilds. After all, this thing was originally in Hard The drop rate in level 100-Man Dungeon is extremely low, and the drop rate is only higher during the first kill.

In order to prevent players from farming the low-level dungeon team, the player level is higher than the limit level set by Dungeon. These Epic Level materials are not drops.

As for when the newly cultivated player level is low, it is useless to use Top Grade equipment to farm these low-level dungeon teams, because these dungeon teams also need the player’s overall skill level, not just a player. Good equipment can pass, and players with good skill levels will not stay at a low level. After all, the higher the level in God’s Domain, the more opportunities there are. It is not worth staying at low levels for Epic Level materials for a long time.

Because of these two reasons, there are very few Epic Level materials in each Great Influence.

Now one person receives an Epic Level material, and the number of forces participating in the competition is at least dozens of people. It can be said that a single qualifier will consume all the Epic Level materials of a Big Guild…

Although everyone thinks this entry fee is very expensive, Common Guild can’t even afford it, but the number of Great Influence participating in it still exceeds hundreds of companies.

Especially when I saw the Star Ring Guild let more than 400 people participate in one breath, it cost more than 400 pieces of Epic Level materials, which made the hearts of all the Great Influence players present tremble.

The majority of Free players outside of Auction House are even more shocked.

Before everyone knew that the major Super Organizations are huge monsters that are absolutely untouchable. The background financial resources are not comparable to those of the First-Rate Guild, but now you really see the number of participants in this competition. Beyond everyone’s imagination.

And this is just a city. You must know that these Super Organizations are not just competing for a city.

It is true that you can crush people to death with your financial resources!

“Is this the Super Organization?” Zither Melody looked at the people participating in the Star Ring competition, feeling even more desperate.

Let’s not talk about the expert level of these Super Organizations, but with the financial resources of more than 400 people alone, they can completely give up their First-Rate-like Guild.

The Auction House battle is not a common player battle. It will divide everyone into five very broad in the wild battlefields equally and randomly. Players fight each other on the battlefield, and compete for random on the battlefield from in the sky The falling energy Crystal Ball, so that the power gets the most Crystal Ball, and whoever can own the Auction House.

But in this battlefield, players cannot use Magic Items, even small-scale large Magic cannot be used. It is a place that completely tests the comprehensive strength of each Great Influence, and cannot seize every opportunity at all.

Although Zero Wing has sent 112 people, which is more than Peak First-Rate Guild such as Saint Samsara and Bloodbath Family, Star Ring can send more than 400 people in one go. , This advantage is too great.

In addition to Star Ring, King’s Return has more than 300 people, Black Water has more than 200 people, Myriad God Temple has more than 200 people, each and everyone should not be underestimated, as for other Super Organizations. Most of them come to watch the battle, not at all, really want to compete for White River City.

Just when everyone was amazed by the background of the Super Organization, the next scene on the arena was stunned.

As long as the players, each and everyone participating in the competition are sent to an Independent Space, there are more than a dozen Trolls in this Independent Space. The weakest trolls are Lord, and the strongest is High. Lord, there are three in number. As for the Level given by System is a bit higher than the average of all participating player Levels, each and everyone Level is Level 65.

Level 65 High Lord, and there are three at once, and there are more than ten of the follower Lords. The Common expert player solely will flee when they see it, but now the System wants the player to be in this space. Survive for one minute, and you can’t use any item. The difficulty is so high that all the expert players present feel desperate.

“Is this System cracking a joke?”

“This System must be crazy, not to mention three Level 65 High Lords, just one Level 65 High Lord I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist for 30 seconds.”

Many experts on the field hate that they don’t have Epic Level materials, so they don’t have the chance to participate in this kind of competition, so that they can become famous. By this scene, I was speechless, and I was grateful, otherwise they would waste an Epic Level material for nothing.

“It’s really worthy of the Auction House dispute. It’s really amazing! There is such a high level in the qualifiers, and there really is no came in vain!”

“The level is really high , With such a high degree of difficulty, I am afraid that most people will be eliminated, and there will be more experts from those Super Organizations.”

“There must be no little Guild who wants to show his face and become famous. A chance, but in addition to those Super Organizations, I feel that there will definitely be a lot of Big Guilds left, such as Bloodbath Family of Dark Night Empire, Saint Samsara of Glorious Light Empire, and Sin Domain of Purple Thorn Kingdom.”

“Yes, these Guilds not only have consortium support for the background, they are good, but there are also many powerful experts.”

“This Zero Wing’s luck is really bad, originally compared to these First-Rate Guilds, there are more thirty -Forty people, there is still a glimmer of hope for the competition, but once this qualifying competition comes out, I am afraid that the number of people participating in the official competition will be less than those of these First-Rate Guilds.”

“Yes, Zero Wing Although the development is very good and there are a lot of experts, the time for Guild to develop is ultimately too short to be compared with those Peak’s veteran First-Rate Guild. If Zero Wing was willing to get capital injection from large companies and groups, expert background I am afraid it will not be worse than Guilds like Sin Domain and Bloodbath Family.”

Everyone began to discuss spiritedly about this qualifying match for a while, guessing that Guild will have more people left in the end, for Everyone has no objection to the number of passes of the major Super Organizations, but Guild who is comparable to First-Rate has the most discussion.

Time passed, and soon one minute passed, and everyone was excited. Each and everyone stared at the huge Magic Water Sphere floating in the sky above the arena, curious about the number of people who passed the Great Influence.

Thousands of Lights Family, the number of passed 9 people.

Shifeng Adventure Group, with 5 people passed.

Bloodbath Family, 32 people passed.


Galactic Alliance, 17 people passed.

Sin Domain, 26 people passed.


Saint Samsara, 35 people passed.

King’s Return, 237 people passed.

Myriad God Temple, 175 people passed.


Black Water, 204 people passed.

Star Ring, 339 people passed.


Zero Wing, the number of passers is 107?

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