In the luxurious lobby, several sturdy silhouettes are deeply imprinted on the hard wall. Everyone in the guards seems to be frozen for a while, watching Shi Feng sitting in front of him, his face is saying Not out of dignity.

“What’s the situation?”

“What did he do?”

The guards did not respond at all. What happened in the previous scene? , The only thing he knew was that Shi Feng suddenly got up and swung a sword, and then several people around them became exhibits on the wall of the reception room.

“How is this possible?” Fiend Tooth looked at the guards flying out, shocked.

He knows how strong the guards are. If twenty guards go together, even Peak experts will not dare to fight, because the Silver Light Battle Array launched by the guards can be used by the guards. Everyone shared Perception, and their ability to confront and resist the enemy greatly increased.

But in the face of the Guards with their abilities greatly increased, Shi Feng was able to use the Skill to pass through the Guards respectively, causing serious damage to the Guards, and the fine manipulations were simply terrifying.

“Very good, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant, everyone uses magic scroll, don’t close Combat with him!” After a brief surprise, Fiend Tooth whispered to Blue Qilin on the side, “Blue Qilin, wait You will help me for a while. This person’s strength is stronger than he thought.”

The one hand that Shi Feng displayed before, he couldn’t ask himself, but he is Assassin, and Assassin has Assassin’s fighting method. Even if it is facing a player who is stronger than itself, Assassin can still execute. After all, there are many ways to kill the player in God’s Domain.

“Are you going to do it? Okay, leave it to me.” Blue Qilin slightly nodded.

Speaking of Blue Qilin, I started chanting Spell, not at all intending to stay out of the matter, while Blue Qilin chanting Spell, the remaining guards also took out inventory under the command of Fiend Tooth Magic scroll, each of these magic scrolls is Rare’s Tier 2 Scroll, with limitations, AoE, and single target Absolute Kill Magic.

Originally, these magic scrolls were used to deal with a large number of enemies. However, now facing Shi Feng who is good at direct warfare, they can’t control that many anymore, all at once. Smashed at Shi Feng.

I saw flame thorns, Spear of Light, Quicksand bondage, each and everyone Magic surrounded Shi Feng, as if a Magic team was attacking Shi Feng.

In the face of Magic assaults the senses, it is not realistic to want to dodge in this small space. As for resistance, it is also impossible, because many Magic are scope Magic and cannot resist at all.


Seeing that Shi Feng was about to be given to Devour by one after another Magic, Shi Feng suddenly raised the Holy Sword Thunder Slaying in his hand, facing the void in front of him. It seems that Heaven and Earth are shaking, countless streamers seem to be everything about Devour like the ocean, but any Magic touched instantly dissipates, as if it had never existed before.

Thousand Blade Streaming Light!


A huge bang reverberated throughout the hall, and the original luxurious reception room became dilapidated. The guards who attacked Shi Feng were all vanish in the hall at this time. There is only one place of weapon equipment left, nothing is left…

More than a dozen MTs with excellent equipment and HP over 180,000, were all Insta-killed, and none of them were spared. .

In contrast, Shi Feng is still the same as before. Let alone hurt Shi Feng, Shi Feng’s position has not changed at all.

From the beginning to the end, Shi Feng only made two moves. The guards of the renowned Guild Master of Forest Silk Hall died, kneeling down. This is the battle strength, simply send cold shivers down one’s spine .

Where is this player, simply is the monster that destroys everything!

At the moment when everyone thought the battle was over, Blue Qilin, who had not done anything, finally finished chanting Magic and directly waved the dazzling Staff in his hand.

“Blocked!” After Blue Qilin chanting the last syllable, he slammed the ground with the Staff.

Three Magic Arrays appeared in Blue Qilin’s body for a while. These three Magic Arrays surround Blue Qilin. Each Magic Array is an independent Magic, but three Magic Arrays appear at the same time. It also seems to be a whole.

“3-layer large Magic?!” Midsummer Allure, standing behind Shi Feng, couldn’t help being surprised when he saw Blue Qilin all around Magic.

Dual Magic chanting is already difficult and difficult for many Magic System experts, especially using Tier 2 Magic for dual chanting, let alone 3-layer Magic chanting.

There are some special magics in God’s Domain. These magics can only be used with multiple chanting. Generally, this kind of magic is a large Magic that requires several players to cast at the same time, but now Blue Qilin alone Large Magic that can only be used by three players.

These large Magic are no better than ordinary Magic, and the formidable power is much more powerful than single-player Magic of the same level.

The moment Blue Qilin chanting finished Magic, five golden chains appeared around Shi Feng’s. These five chains emerged from in the sky, and the power of each chain made human’s The heart is palpitating, even the Peak High Lord of the same level may not dare to touch it, and these five golden chains are like five living pythons, biting directly at Shi Feng.

“Look at how he can block it now!”

In the Forest Silk Hall in the lobby, everyone looked at Shi Feng and couldn’t help showing a sneer.

Tier 2 large Magic holy chain!

This is also the best skill of Blue Qilin. Although the casting time is very long, it is not suitable for one-on-one player battles, but after the show, the formidable power is amazing. Before that, Blue Qilin relied on this move He has killed several Peak experts, and was dubbed the chain killer by Storm Empire players.

But the faces of everyone at the next moment freeze suddenly.

Because of these five chains that even the same level Peak High Lord feared, Shi Feng waved his double swords to block them. Every time the sword and the chains collided, there was a roar, like a huge thunder. Rumble and deafening.

Obviously, the five chains are amazingly powerful, exceeding Shi Feng’s Strength by a great length, but these five chains cannot touch Shi Feng’s body, and they are all deflected by Shi Feng’s double swords.


Just as Shi Feng resisted the frantic attack of the five chains, Fiend Tooth suddenly sprang from in the sky behind Shi Feng, silently, The scarlet dagger exudes a bright red glow Tearing Space, piercing Shi Feng’s heart directly.

Tier 2 Forbidden Technique Blood Shadow!

With just this blow, the power is far above the chain of Blue Qilin.

“You finally made a move.”

Faced with the shock at the right time, Shi Feng not only did not panic at all, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Sword Light Samsara!

Suddenly, Twilight Blade and Thunder Slaying turned into two ray of light beams twisted to attack the holy chains. In an instant, these five chains seemed to be under the command of Shi Feng’s, directly hitting the scarlet dagger. Above, there was a dazzling brilliance that dazzled the entire lobby of the reception room.

As the Huaguang began to dissipate, the faces of everyone in the Forest Silk Hall were very heavy. They saw Shi Feng’s Fiend Tooth HP rushing crazily. Looking at Shi Feng’s, their eyes were full of horror. They wanted to say something. , But the zero HP made him unable to speak at all, and he fell directly to the ground with a black eye.

The reception room of the entire Forest Silk Hall was suddenly silent.

The Guards and the two Peak Experts took action together. No one could think that the final result was that everyone except Blue Qilin was wiped out, and Shi Feng was still standing there, like a towering mountain. Can’t shake a half point!

With the death of Fiend Tooth, the dead world that blocked the reception room was also completely shattered, and restored to the original space…

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