
“Owl Life was killed by such a trick?”

The death of Owl Life shocked the audience, each and everyone I was dumbfounded and couldn’t believe it was true, but Owl Life, who fell on the ground, was placed in front of my eyes, and Owl Life’s Signature weapon burial axe was dropped on the ground, which could not tolerate their disbelief.

“Aqua, you Guild’s expert and powerful, is she your Guild’s No.1 Expert?” Vast Sea looked at Owl Life on the ground, and turned his eyes to Violet Cloud, unable to help Aqua Rose. Asked.

Although he has known that the Zero Wing Guild where Aqua Rose is located is developing very well, he did not expect it to be so strong.

At this time, Violet Cloud’s gaze is still indifferent, not at all because of the killing of Owl Life, it has changed a little, as if it is like mobs killed by the roadside, it can’t attract any emotional fluctuation.

The Vice-Guild Master of the dignified Forest Silk Hall, overwhelming the Owl Life of Storm Empire’s Great Influences, was actually killed by Violet Cloud like mobs. If this spreads out, it will definitely shock the entire Storm Empire.

“Violet Cloud is still not ranked first in Guild, but it has the strength of Top-5, but…” Aqua Rose shook the head, looking at Violet Cloud’s eyes with puzzles.

She knows the Violet Cloud level very well, just like her, they are all micros, but the micro level is higher than hers. If you really fight, she has Sea God inheritance under the same equipment, even though it is on land. The improved battle strength is not much, but it can be comparable to Violet Cloud.

Now the Epic Equipment on her body has been put back into the Guild Warehouse, which made her battle strength plummet, but even with those equipment, she wanted to kill Peak experts like Owl Life very hard. It is simply impossible to want a kill. After all, the equipment of the Big Guild Peak experts is getting better and better, but Violet Cloud can easily do it.

This makes her wonder how.

However, Aqua Rose didn’t know that Shi Feng got the High Grade bloodline Elemental Bloodline in Ancient God Maze. After returning, Shi Feng gave the Elemental Bloodline directly to Violet Cloud, and Violet instantly Cloud’s attributes have skyrocketed, and the huge gap in attributes makes Violet Cloud want to kill Owl Life as easy as playing.

“Is this kind of strength only Top-5?” Vast Sea couldn’t help but mouth, and couldn’t imagine how strong the Zero Wing Guild really is.

One click on an expert like Insta-kill Owl Life, even an expert like the one in Forest Silk Hall can be counted on one’s fingers, and Zero Wing Guild actually has four such experts…

Forest Silk Hall players saw that Owl Life was killed, and suddenly became panicked. They scattered like birds and beasts, and did not dare to fight Zero Wing at all.

cracking a joke, the eighteen MTs and Owl Life who started the Silver Light Battle Array were all killed by a single move. They are naturally not stupid, knowing that they are not opponents, and if they continue to fight, they will only die.

As everyone in Forest Silk Hall fled and ran away, Violet Cloud also came to Aqua Rose.

“Sister Aqua, these are the equipment you put in the warehouse.” Violet Cloud looked at Aqua Rose, who was very hesitant, and could not help but smiled and traded the equipment to Aqua Rose, “Right, Guild Master Let me also bring you a sentence, let go and do it, with Guild on your back!”

“Guild Master……” Aqua Rose has mixed feelings for a while.

While everyone at Twilight Echo’s listened, each and everyone showed an expression of envy.

A huge Guild is willing to fight a huge monster for a Guild Member. This is absolutely unimaginable in the Virtual Game world. If you can join such a Guild, a man has anything to demand?

Afterwards, Aqua Rose calmed down and replaced it with the original weapon equipment. For a while, everyone at Twilight Echo’s looked stupid.

Previously, although Aqua Rose gave people a very strong feeling, but after changing into new weapon equipment, it seems to have changed from Cinderella to Snow White. Not only is it gorgeous, it seems that Goddess is coming. Although the hidden equipment effect of Aqua Rose does not reveal the quality of weapon equipment, the imposing manner it exudes makes Vast Sea feel a great oppression, even stronger than Owl Life.

“Is this the Zero Wing Guild where Aqua is located?”

Vast Sea’s shock at this time is even more violent than Violet Cloud’s killing of Owl Life.

Violet Cloud kills Owl Life, you can see Zero Wing’s expert background, but let Aqua Rose instantly reach a battle strength comparable to Owl Life, the meaning of this is quite different.

“Let’s leave here as soon as possible and go back to Chaotic Wind City to discuss it. The Vice-Guild Master of Owl Life has been killed, and Forest Silk Hall will never give up.” Aqua Rose restored the peace of the past. Looked at the dead Owl Life and said.

Vice-Guild Master is the face of the Big Guild. If you don’t think of a solution, I’m afraid it will be difficult for Twilight Echo to leave Storm Empire.

“Don’t worry about Sister Aqua. Guild Master has already taken people to the Forest Silk Hall in Storm City to negotiate. I believe this will be resolved soon.” Violet Cloud laughed.

“What? Go straight to the Forest Silk Hall?” Vast Sea almost jumped when he heard it, “Don’t they want to live?”

Violet Cloud killed Forest Silk Hall with the front foot The Vice-Guild Master Owl Life, although only the eighth Vice-Guild Master, is only the last among many Vice-Guild Masters, but it is also the Vice-Guild Master of Forest Silk Hall. Now Zero Wing is going to negotiate with Forest Silk Hall This is simply provoking Forest Silk Hall.

Don’t talk about their Twilight Echo’s thing, even Zero Wing itself will not be guaranteed.

In the Storm City of Storm Empire, Shi Feng has already brought six people including Fire Dance to the gate of Forest Silk Hall.

Storm City, as the Imperial Capital of Storm Empire, has more players than Black Dragon City of Black Dragon Empire, with a total population of nearly 2.7 million, and business is particularly prosperous.

Because Storm Empire is the Empire that produces minerals, there are a lot of ore and gemstone produced every day in Empire, which is scarce in many Kingdom and Empire, so come here to buy ore and gemstone There are many players, and because of the prosperity of minerals, the Forging industry is also very developed.

You can see the Weapon equipment line everywhere on the street, there is no lack of Forging Square, and you can see the shiny Emblem of the player wearer Advanced Blacksmith on the street, even the Intermediate Blacksmith. There are so many things that you can’t see in White River City.

Moreover, there are eight Master Blacksmiths known in Storm Empire, two of them are Free Players, not Guild Members. This is a terrifying number that Common Empire cannot reach.

It can be said that Storm City is slightly better than White River City in terms of manufacturing weapon equipment.

“Thank you, please, the Zero Wing Guild of Star-Moon Kingdom came to visit and discuss something with Guild Master Myriad Manifestation.” Shi Feng came to the stationed Forest Silk Hall member and said slowly.

“Yes, but I cannot guarantee that Master Guild will see you.” The member stationed at Forest Silk Hall glanced at Shi Feng and the others, his eyes full of disdain.

Usually want to see their Guild Master’s Guild representatives, but there are many of them. Among them are Storm Empire’s First-Rate Guild. It’s like a Guild from Kingdom, let alone Guild Master. It’s the Vice-Guild Master, I’m afraid I don’t bother to see it.

The Forest Silk Hall member who was guarded immediately reported the matter to the above.

In the Guild Master’s office in Forest Silk Hall, a middle-aged man sits at his desk looking at the information in his hand, and besides the middle-aged man is standing beside him. The famous player Level is as high as Level 64, and he is wearing several Epic Equipment experts. If a Common expert is here, it will feel cold, because everyone here seems to be a Great Desolate ferocious beast, which is too heavy for people to breathe.

At this time, a player suddenly walked into the room, and saw a few people present tremble, but still suppressed the fear in his heart and reported.

“Guild Master, a group of Zero Wing representatives from Star-Moon Kingdom said they want to see you.”

“Guild of Star-Moon Kingdom?” Sitting in an office chair Myriad Manifestation couldn’t help raising the head slightly, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

“Didn’t you see that the Guild Master is busy? It’s just a little Guild from Kingdom, let them have fun!” Robust man scolded on the side.

And when the player who came to report was about to turn around and leave, sitting beside the Guild Master Myriad Manifestation, a glamorous woman who seemed to be the Goddess of ice suddenly received a message, complexion sank.

“Wait a minute!” the woman shouted suddenly.

“Blue Qilin, is there any problem?” The robust man with a huge scaly shield on his back asked strangely.

“I just received the news here that Owl Life was killed.” The woman named Blue Qilin said solemnly.

“The kid Owl Life was killed? Who killed it? Vast Sea? How is this possible!” Robust man couldn’t help but think of Twilight Echo’s expert again in his mind, but how do I look at these experts? It’s not like an expert who can kill Owl Life.

“No! According to the feedback below, it is an expert from Zero Wing Guild…” Blue Qilin slowly said.

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