Storm Empire, Netherworld Mine.

Storm Empire is located in the plateau region, the entire Empire is covered in various mountain ranges, and the God’s Domain continent is famous for its ore production. Among them, Netherworld Mine is located at the border of Storm Empire, which is enveloped by the air all year round. , The player’s Stamina consumption is several times that of the outside world, plus the magic beast battle strength in the entire mountain range is extraordinary, the Level is above Level 70, and the rare player comes here to level up.

But at this time, in front of a stream in the mountain range, there were thousands of players gathered here. Each and everyone’s level was as low as Level 62. They were put in the current God’s Domain, absolutely expert Of the list.

It’s just that these thousands of experts are divided into two factions. One side has less than three or four 100-man groups, and the other is the thousands who surround these three or four 100-man groups.

If the Storm Empire players are here, you will be surprised, because the three or four 100-Mans surrounded by these are all First-Rate Guild Twilight Echo’s core members, and each of them is Guild’s pillar. Among them, twenty-thirty people are experts who can be ranked in Storm Empire. In the eyes of Common player, they are all unattainable existences. Holding one of them by the thigh can make countless players envy and jealous, and these The most powerful powerhouse among people is expert Vast Sea, which ranks in the Top-10 of the Storm Empire profession.

Storm Empire has a lot of mixed forces, and the number of players is terrifying, and the expert is like a cloud. It can rank profession Top-10 in Storm Empire, and it can be on the total battle strength list in a Kingdom. The existence of former twenty-thirty names.

When such a group of people gather together, even if they face 10,000 Elite Legion, they are not afraid, but now facing Legion, which has less than 3,000 people, each and everyone has a solemn expression, even their eyes There was still a hint of panic in Zhongdu.

“Forest Silk Hall dignified Super Organization, it really gave us Twilight Echo face, even let Vice-Guild Master Owl you go there.” The current Twilight Echo’s Guild Master Vast Sea stared at the front. A fierce man who was as strong as a bear, carrying two Epic Level giant axes on his back, his eyes were full of fear.

Owl Life was originally just a Common expert, but after entering God’s Domain, he constantly challenged the experts in God’s Domain. The strength is growing wildly. From an unknown expert, it slowly becomes A well-known expert in Storm Empire, he was spotted by Forest Silk Hall. After joining Forest Silk Hall, his growth was even more uncontrollable. He quickly became a capable man of Forest Silk Hall. He fought around and defeated half-Super Guild many times. The Peak expert of Nine Heavens Pavillion, finally achieved the position of Vice-Guild Master, which can be said to be an absolute strength faction.

Especially in Owl Life’s fame battle, one person killed the five peak experts of Nine Heavens Pavillion in a row, and took a group of five thousand people to destroy a town, causing a sensation in the entire Storm Empire.

Although Vast Sea is an expert of Storm Empire profession Top-10, Owl Life is Top-10 of the total battle strength list. It seems that the difference between the profession Top-10 and the total list Top-10 is not much the same. Top-10, but the difference in battle strength is between Yinghuo and Haoyue.

If Owl Life wants to, he can kill all Twilight Echo’s experts in the field with one person.

“Guild Master Vast Sea, since I’m here, then you should know the attitude of our Forest Silk Hall. Twilight Echo, you should not mistake yourself.” Owl Life looked at Vast Sea said with a Smile is not like a warning at all, but more like a command.

“We, Twilight Echo, have already given up all the treasure land, and we have even come to this remote place, ready to give up developing in Storm Empire, what else do you want?” Vast Sea firmly grasped The Warblade in his hand, his face darkened slightly.

“So Guild Master asked me to come and hit you.” Owl Life lightly said with a smile, “Or go with us, or be completely vanish from God’s Domain, don’t think of hiding in this You can develop with peace of mind in no man’s land. You have no third way.”

Owl Life’s words are like the final judgment, making the expression on Vast Sea’s face even more serious.

No one would not expect that the opening of the auction arena will intensify the competition among the Great Influences of God’s Domain to such a degree, and Forest Silk Hall, in order to comprehensively strengthen the strength control of Storm Empire, will even go to war. , Evolved into now either you will die or i will die.

“Guild Master, or we would fight them!”

“Yes, at worst either the fish dies or the net splits!”

For Forest Silk Hall’s kill to the last one, Twilight Echo’s expert each and everyone took out an imposing manner.

“Either the fish dies or the net splits, do you think you are worthy too?” Owl Life couldn’t help laughing when he heard Twilight Echo’s words.

For Owl Life’s words, Twilight Echo’s members are all aggrieved. Only Vast Sea who was present was silent and could not even speak a rebuttal. It was not that he did not have the guts, but Owl. What Life says is true.

Because in the entire Guild, no one knows the terrifying of the Top-10 total battle strength list better than him. It’s not an exaggeration that each and everyone is called a Humanoid monster, which is why all Big Guilds think It is because of the desperate cultivation of Peak experts.

“There is no way, wait for the battle at first, I will find a way to hold Owl Life, everyone is scattered and flees, one can escape one!” Vast Sea then turned his head and looked towards the side Aqua Rose said, “Aqua, you have also seen that this matter is no longer something you can help with when you come back. You can also find a way to escape after a while, there is no need to catch your own future for Twilight Echo.”

For Aqua Rose to come back to help, his Fourth Uncle is very grateful and gratified, but it does not make any sense at all. Looking at the attitude of Forest Silk Hall, even if other Super Organizations intervene, Forest Silk Hall will not Let them go, and there is no Super Organization that dares to provoke the Forest Silk Hall as it is now. You must know that the half-Super Guild Nine Heavens Pavillion completely lost to Forest Silk Hall.

Vast Sea knows that the Zero Wing Guild, where Aqua Rose is located, has developed very well recently. It is even better than their Twilight Echo. For Twilight Echo, it loses the opportunity developed in Zero Wing, which is not worth the loss.

Aqua Rose couldn’t help but lower her head, her silver teeth clenched, and didn’t expect Forest Silk Hall to be so crazy. If she hadn’t put a lot of weapon equipment back into the Guild Warehouse when she left, it might still be. Can fight Owl Life and let more people escape.

“Want to run? Do you think you can run?” Owl Life looked at the waiting Twilight Echo people, disdainfully.

Just when the two sides were about to fight, a group of players suddenly ran over from the canyon. There were thousands of people. The leader was an elegant and innocent girl wearing a splendid vestment, as if Fairies are coming, so many players in the room can’t help watching.

Thousands of people who came, the minimum level of each and everyone is 6Level 3, most of them are Level 64, and they are currently placed in Guild with absolute expert levels, and these players are The worst-wearing equipment for each and everyone was Level 60 Mithril Rank, and some players also had Level 60 Adamantite Rank and Dark Gold Equipment, which made everyone at Forest Silk Hall and Twilight Echo’s envious.

But the most interesting thing is that these players exude a clever imposing manner, which is definitely not a Common expert.

“Are you who? I don’t know our Forest Silk Hall is doing business? If you don’t want to cause trouble, just leave!” Owl Life couldn’t help but warn as he looked at the thousands of Legion who came by.

If it were normal, he would have let people kill them all, but these thousand Legions that popped up were obviously out of the ordinary, and it would be difficult to fight if they were to fight.

“Do you mean us? We are Zero Wing Guild.” Violet Cloud faintly smiled.

“Zero Wing? Isn’t that the Guild far away in Star-Moon Kingdom?” Owl Life looked up in his mind, vaguely remembered that there was such a Guild, and it was developing well, so he asked immediately. “Don’t you guys develop in Star-Moon Kingdom, what are you doing here?”

“We are on the order of the Guild Master to inform Forest Silk Hall, Twilight Echo and Zero Wing are guaranteed!” Violet Cloud is flat Said.

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