Shi Feng’s words suddenly made the entire reception room silent. Jing Yang’s eyes flashed with astonishment, and even Aqua Rose on the side looked at Shi Feng with puzzled expression.

“Why?” Jing Yang took a deep breath and couldn’t help but ask Shi Feng.

The conditions they put forward by Black Water can be said to be very rich. As long as they accept it, the current Zero Wing can be immediately improved by one step. If you replace it with any Guild, I am afraid that you will not refuse, and this is also with their Black Water A good thing about Guild’s reconciliation, after all, in God’s Domain, one more friend is better than one more enemy, not to mention their huge monsters like Black Water.

War weapon like Garrison Puppet is very difficult to deal with. Whether it is defense or siege, it is First-Rate. It is not comparable to other war weapons, but it is only currently powerful. For Tier 2 Profession players have great effects, but with the continuous improvement of player Level, weapon equipment is getting better and better. After reaching Tier 3 profession, the effect of such Garrison Puppet will be much lower, nothing more than a thick-skinned Tier 3 battle strength to use.

In his opinion, Shi Feng will definitely accept it, and he can’t wait to sign the Contract sooner.

What kind of power their Black Water is, they have come to Zero Wing’s headquarters personally and have given Zero Wing a lot of face, and other First-Rate Guild simply do not have the right to let them go there in person, but now Zero Wing dare not appreciate it.

“Not why, just because Guild’s bid is too cheap, so we don’t want to sell.” Shi Feng said flatly.

“Inexpensive?” Jing Yang was taken aback and couldn’t help asking in a low voice, “Then how much do you want?”

“In addition to the credit points paid, Level S Nutrient One hundred bottles of Fluid, in addition to the potential Store of ten large NPC cities.” Shi Feng thought for a while and said.

Aqua Rose and Blackie on the side can’t help but speak loudly.

A hundred bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid!

There are so many Level S Nutrient Fluids that even the entire White Tiger Dojo can be used. Even the First-Rate Guild with many large companies behind them can’t get so many.

Even if the large consortium Black Water is taken out, it will be painful.

Not to mention the potential stores of large NPC cities. These stores are hard to find at present. Ten potential stores are more than hundreds of thousands of gold.

“Are you crazy?” Jing Yang looked at Shi Feng and couldn’t help but said, “Do you know how much the potential store of one hundred bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid and ten large NPC cities is?”

I feel that Shi Feng is simply challenging his bottom line.

One hundred bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid, even if the potential of ten large NPC cities is Store simply cracking a joke.

After all, Garrison Puppet is a Tier 3 product. As the player Level increases, its value continues to decrease. However, the Store in large NPC cities is different. As the player Level and time lapse, the value only increases. After all, there are more and more players playing God’s Domain. With these potentials, the Store will have sustained and stable income. Even if you don’t have to rent out, you can bring in considerable income.

It can be said that the potential of Garrison Puppet and the large NPC city Store simply is not an order of magnitude. Three or four Garrison Puppets are not worth the potential Store of a large NPC city, not to mention that you have to pay for each one. that many things.

“Jing Yang Elder laughed.” Shi Feng looked at Jing Yang who was slightly angry and could not help saying with a smile, “If Jing Yang Elder can’t accept it, you can go back and discuss it again.”

His selling price is indeed much higher than the normal price, but ten Garrison Puppets are indeed worth this price at the moment. Ten puppets are already on a scale, and battle strength is far from a Garrison Puppet. To conquer a Guild Small Town simply with no difficulty, even the town where Guild competes for the Neutral Map is a great help.

If it weren鈥檛 for his lack of Level S Nutrient Fluid and credit points, he could continue to make Garrison Puppet. He really wouldn鈥檛 choose to sell Garrison Puppet at this time. After all, he wants to make ten Garrison. Puppet is not easy, all the materials needed are Rare.

“Youngster, don鈥檛 be too greedy. Get the friendship of our Black Water. You will have a better road to Zero Wing. You don鈥檛 have to think about the potential of the large NPC city store. It costs 70 bottles. Level S Nutrient Fluid, plus the previous conditions.” Jing Yang calmed down and watched Shi Feng make the final offer.

“Walk slowly, don’t give it away!” Shi Feng said.

“You…very good! But when the time comes, don’t regret it! Let’s go!” Jing Yang heard it and almost vomited blood, then got up and flung his sleeves and left. He didn’t want to stay at Zero Wing headquarters for a while.

After Jing Yang left, both Aqua Rose and Liang Jing were dumbfounded.

For Shi Feng’s performance, they only have one word in their hearts.

That is strong!

Too strong!

Faced with the temptations and threats of the Black Water Consortium, all remained unmoved. Seventy bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid!

On the other hand, Jing Yang contacted Xuanwu Chisha as soon as he left Zero Wing.

“Really an interesting person.” Xuanwu Chisha listened to Jing Yang’s report, and couldn’t help but smiled faintly, “Zero Wing is already at this time, and he still clings to Garrison Puppet.”

“Vice-Guild Master, I think this Zero Wing Guild is also merely this, it is not worthy of your attention at all, they don鈥檛 even know that Star Ring Guild is staring at them, many Super Organizations have been staring at White River secretly. City is now, and at this time they are still thinking about selling high prices through Garrison Puppet. I don鈥檛 know what I sent is their life-saving straw. Some of them regret it when the time comes.” Jing Yang said with a sneer.

This time he went to the Zero Wing headquarters for two purposes. The first is the transaction issue. The second is to see if Zero Wing is worthy of being their puppet, but now it seems that Zero Wing’s people Just a bunch of act recklessly fools.

“Okay, you come back first, there are still many things to do next.” Xuanwu Chisha said not at all, and then hung up the communication.

As the meeting with Black Water came to an end, Shi Feng also began to listen to Aqua Rose and Blackie’s report on the status of Zero Wing.

Currently, Zero Wing’s is developing rapidly, especially the number of players recruited by Guild. In just a short time, the total number of Elite players recruited by Zero Wing has reached 400,000, and the number of experts is solely Star-Moon Kingdom. With only four thousand breakthroughs, the growth speed is simply amazing.

I have to say that the battle between Witch’s Grave and Stream Moon Town made Zero Wing’s reputation rapidly spread and recognized, which made many vacillating Elite players and experts recognize Zero Wing.

Furthermore, Fire Dance and Cola and the others after training in Transcendent Tower also led the team to the 100-Man Dungeon. They are quite fast on the level 60 dungeon team strategy speed. I am afraid it will be done in a few days. Take down the first kill of all major Level 60 100-man teams in Star-Moon Kingdom.

It’s just that the problem of Zero Wing’s lack of funds has been solved all the time, which makes Aqua Rose and Blackie a headache.

For this, Shi Feng can only rent out Zero Wing City’s Store in the credit points model, reduce the inflow of gold coins, and increase the income of credit points to alleviate the problem of the lack of Zero Wing’s credit points.

After that, Shi Feng quickly returned to his lounge and once again lay in the Virtual Reality Capsule and entered God’s Domain.

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