The sound of the majestic dragon roar echoed throughout the corridor, and even made people feel a sense of shaking, until the end of the dragon roar, Shi Feng became able to move.

After Dragon’s Might, Shi Feng and Fire Spirit also gained a state of deterrence.

Reaction ability decreased by 20%, Movement Speed ​​decreased by 30%, physique decreased by 15%, and it was impossible to use any bonus Skill and Magic.

“Is this the difficulty of Asura Level?”

Shi Feng looked at himself and Fire Spirit, who were affected by Dragon’s Might and their status declined.

The decline in physique and speed is second. The inability to use Berserk Skill is fatal for expert players, especially when surviving in the wild, because Berserk Skill can save lives at critical moments and deal with what they couldn’t handle. The situation has even been reversed. Without Berserk Skill, this kind of probability is gone. If there is an emergency, absolute death is set.

Shi Feng didn’t dare to care about this, and used the Book of Darkness summon to create a Tier 3 demon of Level 85.

Although the Tier 3 demon will still be suppressed by Dragon’s Might after entering the corridor, the battle strength is not as good as Fire Spirit, but one more Tier 3 battle strength of Level 85 is always good, and it can be meat at critical moments. shield.

After that, Shi Feng asked the Tier 3 battle axe demon to clear the way. The Fire Spirit was behind, and he himself kept a distance of about 50 yards from the Fire Spirit. At this distance, even the battle axe demon and Fire Spirit won’t affect him if he is caught in the trap, and can escape immediately if the situation is wrong.

After more than ten minutes of walking along the way, the entire corridor is not at all the imaginary danger, let alone mobs, that is, there is not even a simple physical trap, and it is easy to come to one place. In the dark hall.

The whole hall is bigger than a football field. Stone pillars stand everywhere. The divine symbols illuminated by these stone pillars make the whole hall extremely cold, even if the Ice Resistance is extremely high. Shi Feng couldn’t help but shudder, but fortunately, the HP not at all decreased, which only slightly affected his actions.

Only when the battle axe demon and Fire Spirit walked to the center of the hall, all around the stone pillar suddenly Divine Light flashed, whether it was the battle axe demon or the Fire Spirit began to disintegrate in an instant. Originally there was Magic The body composed of Element all returned to Magic Element in the city at this time, and then the entire hall suddenly lit up, and each and everyone also appeared on the ground holding a weapon and a giant composed of various Elements.

Elemental Guard, Elements Lifeform, High Lord, Level Level 72, HP 32 million.

Among these Element giants, there is also one holding Staff. The four Element giants linger around the body. Every move affects the magic power in the entire hall, as if the Element in the entire hall dominates.

Element Prayer (Lord of Domain), Elements Lifeform, Peak High Lord, Level 7 Level 3, HP 65 million.

At the same time when these Elements Lifeform appeared, a transparent stone pillar made of Mana Crystal appeared in the center of the hall. The stone pillar contained a shining crystal bottle, exuding the human’s heart palpitations. The coercion.

“bloodline?!” Shi Feng looked at the crystal bottle in the Mana Crystal stone pillar, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

Although I have known that the items in Asura Level must be very good, I did not expect it to be so good.

At his level, he feels very general about the Epic Level Items that the expert player is fascinated by, and only those Epic Level Items of Top Grade can make his heart move.

And the bloodline thing, even in the Common bloodline, its value is no less than a Lesser Legendary Item, and it can even be said that the help for the expert player is still above the Lesser Legendary Item.

But the Asura Level Ancient God Maze he challenged, the first Item he encountered was the bloodline. How could this not be surprising?

Of course it was good, Shi Feng calmed down quickly.

bloodline is extremely precious, but if you want to deal with the monster in front of you, it is also not simple. The summon living creature cannot be used in the hall. If you want to deal with these monsters, you must rely on yourself.

But looking around, there are more than two hundred Elemental Guards of the sole High Lord Rank. The Elemental Guardian guarding the center has a battle strength far stronger than the Lord of Domain of the same rank, let alone a level. A 70-person team, even a Level 70 100-Man expert team is not an opponent.

In the case of unable to use Berserk Skill and summon Magic, even if he meets Element Prayer himself, he has to run away. It is not that he cannot fight on battle strength. After all, his weapon equipment is already It’s no trivial matter. It’s not impossible to contend with a Peak High Lord of the same level. It’s just that the HP of the simple Element prayer is too thick. Before he consumes the Element prayer, the Element prayer will consume him first. .

“You can only try it first.” Shi Feng glanced at the bloodline in the central stone pillar and decided to give it a try first.

The test of Ancient God’s Secret Key is different from other tests. Even if you can’t get through it, you can go to other places with treasures. The difficulty of each place is different. Only the death of the player represents the test. End.

But it’s a pity to leave the bloodline in front of you and look for other places. After all, there is not a treasure comparable to the Lesser Legendary Item in that place. Maybe the other places are Epic Level treasure. , There is no treasure comparable to Lesser Legendary Item.

Immediately, Shi Feng came to the corner of the hall, and began to attract Elemental Guard to each and everyone, preparing to clean up the Elemental Guard in the hall first, dealing with Element prayers, or praying while facing Elemental Guard While facing Elemental Guard, absolute death was decided.

Faced with the High Lord Rank Elemental Guard who is four meters tall, Common’s Tier 2 expert may have already run away, but it is not difficult for Shi Feng to deal with, after all, he himself The Strength attribute has slightly exceeded the High Lord of the same level.

I found Shi Feng’s Level 72 Elemental Guard, not saying anything further, and rushed directly to Shi Feng. The Warblade in his hand was turned into several afterimages to deal with Shi Feng and be cut off.

Tier 3 Skill Chaotic Shadow Blade!

A Blade Shadow has 120% of its own Strength. A total of seven Blade Shadows fall from all around. Even if it is Tier 2 expert Feng, it will be instant killed, but it is useless in front of Shi Feng. Magic Weapon Abyssal Blade and Holy Sword Thunder Slaying are intertwined. Only when the two Blade Shadows collide, the Blade Shadows collide with each other. There is no magic damage to Shi Feng himself. Then Shi Feng followed a sword into Elemental Guard’s Elemental Core. .


The crit damage that pierced the core directly caused the Elemental Guard’s HP to drop a small amount at a speed visible to naked eye, and then Shi Feng flipped his hand with another sword and hit Elemental Core again.

For a series of battles, even if the Elemental Guard’s battle restore is not weak, life is constantly dropping, and it is only a matter of time before it is killed.

If Tier 2 expert is here, you will definitely be surprised.

Because a Level 72 High Lord can be solo killed by a Tier 2 profession player without using Magic Skill. This kind of thing cannot be done even by a Peak expert of the same level.

Although it can be killed, High Lord is ultimately High Lord. Even if Shi Feng continues to use Skill afterwards, it will take seven or eight minutes to kill an Elemental Guard.

As the Elemental Guard fell and several items were released, Shi Feng took a look at his experience bar again. He couldn’t help being slightly frowned and killed the High Lord, but the experience point he gave was Surprisingly rare, it can even be said that there is only the same level Lord level.

But Shi Feng thinks that this is an Ancient God test, and it is not incomprehensible. High Lord Rank and other monsters are rare in normal times. They are all in front of them. If it is really given to a normal Experience Point, then level up. speed is absolutely cool.

Immediately, Shi Feng picked up the Item from the drops on the ground and was ready to deal with the next Elemental Guard, Shi Feng couldn’t help but look at the several Items in his hand.

“Epic Level armor fragments?!”

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