Hearing that Lin Feilong wanted to win over herself and respectfully, Shi Feng sighed.

prosperity and decline never last, fortune rises and falls!

fate plays with the man also only this.

From Lin Feilong’s tone, Shi Feng heard Lin Feilong’s desire to hug his thigh.

“If you want to get me into the gang, then tell me about the treatment.” Shi Feng asked indifferently.

“Big Brother Expert, I guarantee your satisfaction. As long as you come, you will be the Honorary Elder of Hidden Shadow, and we have a large group behind Guild as a backer, with abundant funds. The provisional annual salary for you is 1 million. , In addition to 10% of Hidden Shadow shares, I think you also know what Guild’s shares represent. As long as Hidden Shadow rises in the future, this 10% will far exceed 10 million. This is the treatment that other Guilds absolutely impossible to give.” Lin Feilong Excited to explain, I was tempted to say that.

10% of the shares!

Now the player Guild shares that Guild was able to win at first, all have an annual salary, because the shares will continue to appreciate as Guild’s develops, plus the potential of God’s Domain, if Hidden Shadow develops well Now, 10% of the shares in the future will represent more than 1 billion credit points, so each Big Guild will not buy shares easily, and they all offer clear prices.

“Who made this promise?” Shi Feng was also slightly surprised. Didn’t expect Hidden Shadow to dig him and did real work.

On the former life, although he is the Guild Master of Hidden Shadow, he is not at all shares, but Shi Feng at that time did not think about that many when he became the Guild Master. The final result is out, you can say Shares are a symbol of Guild’s true power. If he had 10% of the shares at that time, Lan Hailong would not dare to drive him away so simply and let him go out of the house.

“It is our Guild Guild Master. Of course, with your strength, you will definitely be the next Guild Master position.” Lin Feilong patted flattery with a flushed face.

“Well, it’s good.” Shi Feng faintly smiled, his words like an iceberg suddenly changed, like a peerless swordsman who looks down on everything, “Go back and tell you Guild Master, let me join you Hidden Shadow It is also possible, 60% of Guild’s shares, and Guild Master position, otherwise it will not be discussed.”

After that, Shi Feng broke the newsletter.

Of course what he said is only cracking a joke, teasing Lin Feilong, even if Hidden Shadow is willing to give out 100% of the shares, he will not hang the name Hidden Shadow which makes him hate .

The reason for saying this is to let Lin Feilong, Zhang Luowei and Lan Hailong know about it. They are also impossible to really agree to this request, because 60% of the shares mean that he has become Hidden Shadow’s Boss, it’s true that both Zhang Luowei and Lan Hailong are impossible to tolerate such people.

“Really domineering, it’s no wonder that Martial Union, which is stronger than Hidden Shadow, can be covered in dirt. Unfortunately, he is a reckless man. I don’t know to tolerate it. When the time comes, with his strength, I think To become the real boss of Hidden Shadow is not with no difficulty.” Although Lin Feilong admired him, he looked disdainful, thinking that Shi Feng was just a reckless man, but he wanted to climb too much. It was already impossible, because Zhang Luowei was more To trust Zhou Yuhu, he is just an Elite member, so he must find a backer, and a brash man like Shi Feng is great. It seems that 60% of the shares are very high, but it is not impossible to spend a lot of effort. It seems that I still have to reorganize the words, and then report to Brother Zhang and Brother Lan.”

At this time, Shi Feng would never think of it. He just made a casual joke and wanted to get angry. Lan Hailong and Zhang Luowei of Hidden Shadow are nothing but a goal that Lin Feilong must persevere and achieve, so as to hug Shi Feng’s thigh.

In Flame God Cavern, Shi Feng took out a Scorching Sun Sacred Scripture, and then read the words inside.

In an instant, the Scorching Sun Sacred Scripture began to burn, and a brilliant golden flame emerged. The countless fire elements in Flame God Cavern seemed to have become soldiers, and they acknowledged allegiance to such a group of golden flames, as if in flames. emperor.

In fact, these fire elements are not sole, even Shi Feng’s Ice-Blue Demon Flame feels agitated, conveying the meaning of acknowledge allegiance.

“What kind of flame is this?” Shi Feng looked at the golden flame, full of curiosity.

I don’t know which level of flame this golden flame is, but it can let Tier 2’s Ice-Blue Demon Flame acknowledge allegiance. The level is at least Tier 3 or higher. Maybe it’s Tier 4. If you can Tuan Huo subdued and absorbed it, maybe it could make his strength bring it up a level.

Unfortunately, this thing is not Mysterious Flame, so Shi Feng can’t absorb it either.

After one minute, the golden flame absorbed enough fire element and then plunged into Shi Feng’s within the body. In an instant, Shi Feng’s status bar added a gain state.

Scorching Sun’s Blessing, Fire Resistance increased by 100 points, for Fire Element Damage Resistance 90%, there is a 20% chance of being fired element damage to restore the corresponding damage value, and the damage caused by Fire Element living creature increased by 100 %, Duration is two hours, only valid in Flame God Cavern.

In fact, the original role of Scorching Sun Sacred Scripture is to make it easy for players to level up and fight monsters in a hot environment, but in the extremely rich Flame God Cavern with fire element, the effect has also been doubled. , So players can farm Elite and Chieftain BOSS here.

Shi Feng originally had 20 points of fire resistance, but now it has 100 points. For him, the Common Fire Element attack is simply the same as Tickle, let alone Fire Element Damage Resistance 90% Now, I have to say that this improvement is refreshing.

With the blessing of the sun, Shi Feng confidently began to go deep into Flame God Cavern.

Flame God Cavern is well-developed and very wide, but for Reincarnated Shi Feng, it is a familiar road. He quickly found a Level 25 Lava Hound lying in the blazing white lava.

Lava Hound, Common Monster, Level Level 25, HP 5400.

Lava Hound is a bit bigger than a lion, with red flames all over his body, dark yellow skin, and big round eyes with scarlet blood glow. He suddenly stands from the hot lava. Get up, look towards Shi Feng, with an angry low growl, the hard sharp claw easily smashes the charred rock.

As soon as Shi Feng pulled out Abyssal Blade and Silver Lake, he watched Lava Hound’s mouth spray out hot flames.

At this time, Shi Feng didn’t keep it either. Turning on the Ice-Blue Demon Flame, a deep blue flame burned all over his body and rushed into the flame.

Originally, it could kill nearly half of the HP attacks of the same level MT at once, but only more than ten damages appeared on Shi Feng, which can be said to be less than the damage caused by the level 10 Common Monster. a lot of.

“There is 120 Fire Resistance, and the resistance is really out of the ordinary.” After Shi Feng tested his resistance, he also rushed to Lava Hound’s body. A Chop chopped on Lava Hound’s A pool of hot dog blood splashed out from the back of the neck, and 345 points of damage emerged, barely within the acceptable range of Shi Feng.

Because it is attacking monsters whose Level is higher than Level 11, Skill EXP also rises up, each time it rises by 3 points.

Although Lava Hound is powerful, Shi Feng’s main concern is flame breath and Flame Burst such AoE skills. Without the huge threat of such a skill, Shi Feng is extraordinary in the face of Lava Hound’s sharp claw Dodging Skill and ultra high Agility can easily dodge.

Without one minute Shi Feng, I dropped the Lava Hound of Level 25, bursting out a pearls of crystallized flame and a few copper coins.

System: Exceeding level Level 11 kills Lava Hound, rewards Experience Point, increases by 1100%, and obtains Experience Point of 16500.

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