Lancelot looks like a little ant in front of the three Evil Blood Earth Dragons. It can slap a bunch to death by just waving its paws.


With a loud roar, three Evil Blood Earth Dragons simultaneously roared Skill with fel energy, and three huge gray beams shrouded directly towards Lancelot.

As the housekeeping instinct of the Evil Blood Earth Dragon, the Fel Roar Skill covers a large area. If it is hit, even Legendary monsters of the same order can cause a big blow, and even weaken the battle strength. .

After seeing the three gray light beams, everyone watching the battle from a distance made their backs cold.

I fully understand why tens of thousands of players tried to attack Monster Small Town failed miserably, because under this skill, no matter how many players were killed in the past.

hōng hōng hōng ……

The three ray of light beams converged in one point, and there was a loud explosion.

Obviously, it exploded in mid-air, but a storm was also engulfed in Stone Forest Small Town, almost blowing the player away.

“Black Flame, what do you think a Tier 4 NPC can do to us?” Abandoned Wave proudly said.

Although they lost Stone Forest Small Town this time and drew a tie with Zero Wing, their Black Water showing such a Strength in front of everyone will definitely make the entire Star-Moon Kingdom players Knowing the terrifying of their Black Water, when the time comes, more Elite and expert players will definitely choose to join Black Water.

And Black Water’s loss this time will soon make up for it.

But what about Zero Wing Guild?

Without Stone Forest Small Town, the income of Candlelight Trading Company alone is not enough to support the entire Guild, and Zero Wing Guild only develops in White River City, how can it be compared to their Black Water everywhere flowering?

The external development of Zero Wing’s was suppressed by Dragon Phoenix Pavilion. With the ebbing of time, Zero Wing will be completely surpassed by Black Water sooner or later.

When the time comes, he personally removed Zero Wing from Star-Moon Kingdom completely.

“Guild Master, look…” Just when the Abandoned Wave rekindled hope, Drunk Smiling Wanderer two eyes stared into the air with shock on his face.

Lancelot in midair was unscathed, but the fifth floor ice shield covering Lancelot’s body was all shattered, and pieces scattered on the ground.


“How can it be so strong?”

“Is this the Tier 4 NPC?”

When the audience saw this scene, they couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air, and they felt their heart stopped beating.

A fel roar can easily kill thousands of players, directly damaging the Peak High Lord and greatly reducing the battle strength, but it can’t even cause any damage to Lancelot.

Everyone can’t understand at all, they are all Tier 4, why is the gap so big?

“Follow me! That must be his life-saving skill, that is impossible to use all the time!” Abandoned Wave also started, but he saw it more thoroughly. The biggest difference between NPC and monster is Skill, how else would NPC compete with monsters of the same level?

Everything is as guessed by Abandoned Wave. Five-Layered Ice Mirror is indeed the life-saving skill of Tier 4 Archmage. It is impossible to use in a short time, and the duration is short, only 10 seconds. .

Suddenly thousands of Magic and arrows flew towards Lancelot.

However, Lancelot’s target is too small. It can really hit Lancelot with only hundreds of attacks at most. I saw Lancelot stretched out his hand and stroked in the air. Suddenly there was a light azure Magic Shield on his body. The midair is shining and dazzling.

All the magic and arrows hitting the Magic Shield are like strikes on the divine iron. The Magic Shield is not damaged at all. As for the loss of magic power, it is fundamentally insignificant for the Level 70 Awakener.

After the wave of attacks ended, Lancelot also chanted Tier 4 Magic Earth Pulse, covering a radius of 300 yards, and the 300 yards range directly became a pile of gravel, there were thousands of players on the spot It was killed because the positions were very scattered. If used in a pile of people, tens of thousands of players would be gone, and none of the monsters below Lord survived. Even if they were alive, their HP would only be less than half.

Following a sudden wave of Lancelot, a trace of black smoke appeared in the area concentrated by the pulsation of the earth and flew directly towards Lancelot.

These black smoke are the souls that are stripped, and for Lancelot, the Immortal Soul of the player is the biggest tonic.

I saw Lancelot suddenly suck all the black mist into the body, his expression was unspeakably refreshing, and the imposing manner exuding from his body was stronger.

“He…he can actually absorb souls!” Abandoned Wave felt extremely familiar with this scene, and Blink looked at him with a hint of horror.

Immortal Soul is extremely important to the player. If it is absorbed, it may be impossible to log in to God’s Domain for a few days, or it may be completely dead and can only be played again…

When Myriad World Unmatched and Abandoned Wave heard of absorbing their souls, their faces suddenly became pale.

They are not Common players, they know some information about the soul.

For players, the loss of their souls can be more serious than a direct death. If all the Guild Members in Small Town have their souls absorbed, the consequences are definitely not something they are willing to bear.

But the powerful gravity keeps involving them, making them difficult to disperse at all, and they can’t escape…

“It seems we need to give them some hints.” Looking at the desperate people in the distance, Shi Feng couldn’t help but laughed, and then posted an anonymous message on the official website specifically for the weakness of Lancelot, but the price was 10,000 Mana Crystal.

Although the asking price is a bit expensive, it can save tens of thousands of Elite and expert souls from being absorbed. For the Big Guilds, Black Water and Heavenly Burial, even if they feel expensive, they will definitely be bought.

As for directly letting Lancelot kill everyone in Black Water, this is not his goal.

If Lancelot really cleans up everyone in Black Water, then he will have nothing to do with Lancelot, and he will completely lose Stone Forest Small Town.

This is definitely not what he wants to see.

The best way is to let them suffer both sides.

Of course, if there is no three-headed Evil Blood Earth Dragon on the Black Water Guild, even if he speaks out the method, it is impossible and useless.

The seal on the former life Stone Forest Small Town has been unlocked three times. The second time the seal is released is not as easy as the first time. Even if Mana Crystal is directly repaired, Lancelot cannot be sealed. To be red blood.

If you want to suppress Lancelot, someone must be able to contain Lancelot for a while, so that you can have a chance to approach the Obelisk and activate the backup Magic Array inside, which can significantly suppress Lancelot and deal with it. It will be much easier.

“Guild Master, I just found a way to deal with that NPC on the official website, but the other party offered 10,000 Mana Crystals. Can we buy it?” Misty Clouds suddenly contacted Singular Burial and asked.

“Why didn’t he grab 10,000 Mana Crystals!” Singular Burial angrily roared.

Although their Heavenly Burial Guild can get a lot of Mana Crystals, 10,000 Mana Crystals is not a small number.

But Singular Burial just finished speaking, just watch Lancelot chanting Spell again, the magnitude of the momentum is no worse than the previous pulsation of the earth, and this time because of the dark gravity, the distance between players is closer Now…

“Guild Master, shall we buy it?” Misty Clouds also feels painful about the price, otherwise she would have bought it, and she wouldn’t have to ask Singular Burial.

“Buy!” Singular Burial hesitated for a long time, but decided to buy it through gritted teeth. Soul absorption is not trivial. He didn’t want to take the risk, but he thought secretly in his heart, “Don’t let me know who that person is? If you let me know, I will let it go!”

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