“Legendary monster?” Shi Feng, who was drawing Mana Rune, slightly frowned upon hearing this.

Although it has been known that the Black Water Guild has sent three Legendary monsters this time, there is still a slight rush of pressure when facing it.

Currently, the players in God’s Domain have a clear understanding of Legendary monster not at all. It is nothing more than seeing the terrifying of Legendary monster from the last Black Ridge Small Town.

But he has played against Legendary monster many, many times.

I know that Legendary monster is very strong in suppressing the player without solely Domain. What is really powerful is its high intelligence and combat level.

Except for special monsters in God’s Domain, monsters generally reach Tier 3, which is the High Lord Rank. They already have high intelligence, which is very troublesome to deal with. Many times they don’t play cards according to common sense. It is normal to directly attack the Healer in the back row, so when dealing with monsters of this level, the test of MT is very high. This is not only to attract the boss on aggro, but also to let the boss always focus on himself. In terms of DPS, the opposite is true. When attacking, you should reduce the BOSS’s attention to yourself as much as possible.

This is why he asked Guild’s core member to learn the Skill of Step of Nothingness.

Legendary monster’s intelligence even has the worst level of Common.

In addition, the combat level is not much worse than that of the Common Expert. Using Trial Tower to evaluate almost has the fourth floor level, so the Legendary monster is extremely difficult to deal with. If you want to deal with a Legendary monster of the same level, it is usually the least. It takes a 100-Man Tier 2 elite group team to make it possible.

Now there are three Level 65 Legendary monsters, and Stone Forest Small Town’s 20,000 players are simply not enough to stuff their teeth. Fortunately, there are many NPC guards who hire a lot of Tier 2 and can barely resist. , But it will not last long.

“Midsummer, how are your preparations there?” Shi Feng immediately contacted Midsummer Allure and asked.

When he built the Magic Tower, he gave all the magic scrolls to Aqua Rose and Midsummer Allure. Among them, Aqua Rose is in charge of Nine Star Supreme Domain and Double Protection Barrier, and Holy Beast Descend It was handed over to Midsummer Allure.

Holy Beast Descend is different from Common’s magic scroll. If you want summon Holy Beast, you must have 88 Summoner’s nearly synchronized chanting spells to succeed in summon, which is much worse than Common’s Summon Scroll.

Generally, it takes a period of training. In addition, the Holy Beast from summon is not intelligent and must be manipulated by the player. Because of the time, Shi Feng just made set Holy Beast Descend, set Double Protection Barrier.

Currently in Stone Forest Small Town, Aqua Rose wants to control the overall situation, Violet Cloud is Healer, and the others are not as good as Midsummer Allure, so Shi Feng decided to let Midsummer Allure control.

“They are already familiar with it, and I shouldn’t have any problems here.” Midsummer Allure responded nervously.

She joined the Zero Wing Guild not long after, didn’t expect encountered such a battle.

It is commonplace for her to fight alone, and she has done a lot even in a group, but challenging three Legendary monsters alone is definitely the craziest thing she has ever done.

Although she was looking forward to it in her heart, Shi Feng suddenly gave her such a burden to a newcomer who had just joined the conference. It can be seen how much Shi Feng liked her, and she was introduced by Aqua Rose, all in all, she must perform well.

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you next, I will let Aqua Rose’s summon Tier 3 Summoned Beast assist you!” Shi Feng looked at the nervous Midsummer Allure and said with relief.

Midsummer Allure may not be comparable to Violet Cloud and Fire Dance, but now it should be no problem to control a Holy Beast at level, and there is Magic Tower blessing near Stone Forest Small Town, Basic Attribute will also have corresponding Improvement.


As the three Evil Blood Earth Dragons get closer and closer, the players in Stone Forest Small Town are getting more and more nervous.

Aqua Rose directly asked Guild’s expert summon to produce eight Tier 3 Summoned Beasts, but compared with three Evil Blood Earth Dragons, it is completely insignificant, and the huge Tier 3 Summoned Beast is not even available. Evil Blood Earth Dragon’s knees felt like Tier 3 Summoned Beast could be trampled to death by Evil Blood Earth Dragon.

“Eight Tier 3 Summoned Beast?” Abandoned Wave disdainful smile watching in the distance, “So this is the Zero Wing’s hole card.”

“This is already pretty good, Tier 3 Summoned Even the First-Rate Guild of Beast can’t get two or three cards, and now the overall strength of Zero Wing’s has almost reached the level of a flowing water. It’s beyond imagination to be able to take out eight cards.” Myriad World Unmatched still has zero Wing’s background. I was surprised.

Be aware that their Myriad God Temple has only obtained less than twenty Tier 3 Summon Scrolls. Zero Wing only controls a White River City and Stone Forest Small Town, and can obtain such resources. , Simply can’t imagine.

“Zero Wing’s background is indeed surprising. Unfortunately, the gap in strength is destined to be unable to hold Stone Forest Small Town.” Abandoned Wave laughed and did not oppose Myriad World Unmatched.

Unfortunately, the eight Tier 3 Summoned Beasts are just barely able to contain one Evil Blood Earth Dragon. What should I do with the remaining two Evil Blood Earth Dragon Zero Wing Guild?


Then the Evil Blood Earth Dragon rushed to the Magic Array of the Nine Star Supreme Domain. The attack on the turret and the Magic Tower couldn’t touch the flexible Evil Blood Earth Dragon at all. I saw Evil Blood Earth Dragon stretched out the giant claw and moved towards the Magic Array of purple-gold.


The moment sharp claw touched the Magic Array, the extremely sturdy Magic Array cracked a hole immediately…

While hosting Magic Array Of the nine people on the spot, the magic power consumed one-fifth.

This made Zero Wing’s member’s heart suddenly shaken, and even Aqua Rose was started.

That many Tier 3 Summoned Beast didn’t hurt Magic Array by half, but Evil Blood Earth Dragon almost broke Magic Array just by looking for its claws. The Strength is beyond their imagination.

“It’s pretty hard!” The bandage man who controls the Evil Blood Earth Dragon is slightly surprised.

Although the battle strength of Evil Blood Earth Dragon has been reduced in order to enhance strength control, it is also Legendary Level and other strengths. It can almost collapse in one blow against any Basic Magic Array, but now it is Just listed a big hole, and this hole is still being quickly repaired.

“I want to take a look, this Magic Array can last a few times.” The bandaged man said that he controlled the Evil Blood Earth Dragon and waved the sharp claw.

pēng pēng pēng ……

After a series of sharp claw attacks, the Nine Star Supreme Domain shattered on the spot, turned into countless starlights and dissipated, and the four Summoned Beasts trapped in it also Have been released.

Suddenly, Stone Forest Small Town was stunned by the Strength of Evil Blood Earth Dragon.

Three Evil Blood Earth Dragons plus that many Tier 3 Summoned Beast, this one?

When another Evil Blood Earth Dragon started to attack another Nine Star Supreme Domain Magic Array, a huge golden Magic Array suddenly appeared in the sky above Stone Forest Small Town, directly covering the half of Stone Forest Small. Town.

“What is that?”

“Summon monster?”

Everyone couldn’t help but look into the air, and found that in midair did not know when there was an extra one The Golden Great Dragon is more than 100 meters in size, and it is waving three-four hundred meters wide in the air. It is only lightly waving. The entire Stone Forest Small Town seems to have a gale blown up, almost a little The player blows to the ground.

“Great Dragon!”

“How is this possible?”

“Isn’t that a legendary living creature?”

“Great Why did the Dragon suddenly appear in Stone Forest Small Town?”

Everyone looked at the Golden Great Dragon, each and everyone mouth opened up. The Great Dragon is a very famous living creature in God’s Domain, and it symbolizes Destruction and Strength, and the number is extremely rare, each occurrence means a disaster.

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