The death of Shadow Ghost is like the last straw to crush a camel.

The remaining Shadow Ghost Regiment members panicked, and the previous imposing manner was gone.

The dozen or so Close Combats who originally wanted to rush forward stopped directly, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked at Aqua Rose and the others.

The reason they are called Shadow Ghost Regiment is because of the existence of Shadow Ghost.

For example, if Shadow Ghost was bombarded to death, what can they do now?

“Let’s withdraw!” Misty Clouds gritted his silver teeth and gave the order unwillingly.

Although she is very reluctant to admit it, after fighting like this, the result must be that they are all wiped out. It is better to retreat after sending the equipment.

“Sister Aqua, they want to run away, shall we chase it?” Sword Shadow said with some inexplicable meaning.

The kill this time was simply too cool.

Or it’s never been so refreshing, like a dream.

These Shadow Ghost Regiment are not general, he can feel through the battle that the combat experience and level of these people are very high, but unfortunately there is still a huge gap in combat experience between them.

In the Training Simulation System of Heavenly Secret Pavilion, he played against various experts. Although he was hovered between life and death by those experts of Realm of Micro, he had to say He trained a pair of Golden Fire Eyes, this attack on their level, he could see the weak spot at a glance, plus the huge gap in Basic Attribute.

Killing the experts of the Heavenly Burial Guild is really as simple as cutting vegetables.

Before, he had always suspected that he was standing in place in the Training Simulation System. After all, no matter how many times he fought, the final result was that he lost. But now after fighting with these experts, he really realized that he How big is the improvement.

“do not chase after cornered enemy, the Heavenly Burial Guild people are everywhere. If they were to get the bag, I would waste more time, and now go to Stone Forest Small Town first!” Aqua Rose watched Misty Clouds and the others escape into the depths of the forest after removing the Magic Formation world, shook the head.

Immediately, Sword Shadow and the others quickly cleaned up the weapon equipment of the drops, mounted the mount and rushed to Stone Forest Small Town.

Shortly after Aqua Rose took the people away, Assassin also appeared in the woods. These Assassin’s are not at all Guild Emblem, each and everyone is a Free player. I want to sneak into Stone slowly. Watch the game in Forest Small Town.

As the first stage siege of Star-Moon Kingdom, and Black Water and Heavenly Burial led the 300,000 Elite army Punitive Star-Moon Kingdom first Guild Zero Wing, if you don’t see this kind of battle with your own eyes At first glance, they would regret their death.

Just because I saw Aqua Rose and the others on the way, I followed up and took a look.

But didn’t expect to encounter such expert battles on the way.

“Have you recorded all of them?”

“You are stupid, of course you recorded them all, how about yours?”

“Don’t worry, I haven’t missed any of the wonderful pictures!”

“Our luck is really good. We didn’t expect to meet such an expert duel on the way, the people of Zero Wing Guild simply I’m so handsome, five people play against a 100-Man, and this 100-Man is an expert! I really don’t know how strong these five people are? When will I be able to be like one of them? I’m playing God’s Domain for nothing.”

“Okay, don’t feel sorry, let’s post it online, this news will shock everyone!”

Then these Assassins I uploaded the recorded video to Star-Moon Kingdom’s official website forum, and a pretty eye-catching title was also posted.

Five Zero Wing expert Absolute Kill Heavenly Burial Guild 100-man!

There are also several videos in the post, which were shot from different directions, completely recreating the previous battle.

After the post was posted for a while, it immediately detonated the entire Star-Moon Kingdom.

No one thought that it was just a trifling of five people. Facing the siege of hundreds of experts, it would turn into a one-sided battle. The five would not care about weapon equipment, skill, or cooperation. All make everyone look up.

Especially Midsummer Allure’s large Destruction Spell, it is simply exciting.

In addition, there is the terrifying Strength of Sword Shadow, which is hard to forget.

“This simply won’t let people live anymore. Most of the 100 experts were killed in this way. Now the entire Star-Moon Kingdom, who else can stop Zero Wing?”

” Zero Wing is powerful!”

“It seems that Black Water wants to win Stone Forest Small Town this time!”

Because of the appearance of this video, many people are not optimistic. The players of Zero Wing Guild were shocked, and all Big Guilds who were happy to see Zero Wing’s death also had to reassess Zero Wing’s strength at this time.

But the one who has the deepest feeling is the member of Zero Wing Guild.

Before they were worried that Stone Forest Small Town was over, but seeing the performance of the five Aqua Roses, they fully understood the point of view their Guild Master Black Flame had been advocating.

Quality is more important than quantity!

Because of this, their Zero Wing Guild has always followed the Elite route.

Maybe the number of players in the Zero Wing Guild is not as good as the Big Guild Black Water and Heavenly Burial, but in terms of player quality, their Zero Wing Guild is definitely better.

Isn’t it great to have more people?

We, Zero Wing Guild, have only five people and are not a hundred experts!

Just when everyone on the official website discussed this spiritedly, Singular Burial’s face was also extremely cold.

“Kill! Must kill them for me! Immediately inform me of the team ambushing in the main traffic road, find a way to stop them, as long as they find their whereabouts, immediately mobilize the staff!” Singular Burial, coldly ordered.

It was originally people who were worried that they would not be able to win the Zero Wing Guild, so they sent Shadow Ghost Regiment and Misty Clouds, but now their Heavenly Burial Guild has become the biggest joke of Star-Moon Kingdom.

A hundred experts!

Among them, there are two Guild’s Peak experts, Misty Clouds and Shadow Ghost, leading the team. It is hard for him to imagine that Misty Clouds would lose so badly.

But from the battle video, it is already very clear.

There are two people who can be identified by these five people. One is naturally the recognized Violet Cloud, and the other is Aqua Rose as the Team Leader. Otherwise, the entire Zero Wing Guild, he really doesn’t want to The female Cursemancer who came out of Zero Wing Guild is qualified to command Violet Cloud.

As long as Aqua Rose is stopped, all the shame will not only be washed away from the farm, but the Stone Forest Small Town is also with no difficulty.

However, Singular Burial also felt a deep chill after seeing the battle video.

The expert of Zero Wing Guild has improved too fast.

Quickly, it’s already irritating.

The Heavenly Burial Guild spent that many price, and they managed to cultivate some experts, but compared with Zero Wing Guild, simply scum!

So many Peak Experts have emerged from Zero Wing solely now. If you really give the Zero Wing Guild some time, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

It’s just the chase and interception of the Heavenly Burial Guild, which is not very useful for Aqua Rose. The speed riding on the mount is not something that can catch up if you want to chase, and Aqua Rose is riding the Mithril Rank mount. Go to Stone Forest Small Town first and start to command everything in Stone Forest Small Town.

Time goes by. As time goes by, the atmosphere in Stone Forest Small Town is getting more and more serious. The lively street has now declined. Many players are trying to save their lives and avoid being affected. When they died, they all chose to leave Stone Forest Small Town and went to watch the battle from a distance. Only some boldness of execution stems from superb skill players stayed in Small Town.

“Sister Aqua, I just discovered from Magic Tower that there are a large number of living creatures approaching Stone Forest Small Town, it seems they should be those monsters!” Violet Cloud said with a pale face.

The number displayed on the map is simply densely packed, and the number cannot be estimated at all.

“Finally here.”

Aqua Rose stood on the city wall and couldn’t help looking into the distance. For this war, she knew very well that what they had to deal with was simply not what The army of Black Water and the army of Heavenly Burial, but the endless monsters.

“Notify Guild Master immediately!”


Far away in White River City’s Candlelight Trading Company, Shi Feng is still desperately making Double Protection Barrier Scroll And Holy Beast Summon Scroll.

“Is it coming so soon?”

After receiving the message, Shi Feng couldn’t help but stop his movements, slightly frowned, which was faster than he expected Less, and then use the City Return Scroll to rush directly to the Teleportation Hall, and then send it from the Teleportation Hall to the nearest Saimu Small Town.

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