The Abandoned Wave sitting on the throne of Guild Master heard Qin Muyu say so, his thick eyebrows were slightly frowned.

In fact, he was also upset about the sudden situation in Stone Forest Small Town.

Because of the advanced by leaps and bounds of Stone Forest Small Town, many Elite members and experts of Zero Wing Guild have gathered in Stone Forest Small Town, which makes it more difficult to capture Small Town.

Now with the appearance of this wandering Merchant, I am afraid there will be more Free players who want to join the Zero Wing Guild.

As long as you become a member of Zero Wing Guild, you can not only enjoy membership treatment in Fighting Arena, but it is also very convenient to go back and forth to Stone Forest Small Town. You don’t need to go to other players, you have to run with both legs. Guild Member only You need to purchase a Guild Teleportation Scroll.

The time saved is enough to make a lot of free players with good levels and strengths.

He had already received the news before. Just after the Fighting Arena came out, players who wanted to join Zero Wing Guild began to double their promotion, and any Elite player or expert who joined Zero Wing Guild Player, all went directly to Stone Forest Small Town to develop…

“I know, you tell Young Master Jing, as long as you give it a little more time, Stone Forest Small Town will soon become us Black Water Guild’s in the bag.” Abandoned Wave nodded said, “By the way, tell black robe that a lot of sacrifices he needs are ready.”

He has to admit that Zero Wing Guild is indeed more It’s getting stronger.

It’s a pity that I met him, otherwise no one can stop Zero Wing from dominating the Star-Moon Kingdom in Star-Moon Kingdom, but their Black Water Guild is here, and it is destined that Zero Wing Guild has no way to survive of.

Hearing the reply from Abandoned Wave, Qin Muyu also turned and left the Guild Master office.


Before the small wood house in Ancient God Ruins, Shi Feng teleported over again through Abyss Pendant.

This time Shi Feng directly opened the small wooden door and walked into the small wood house.

The small wood house seems to be very small and has only one floor, but the internal space does not have a heavenly cave. It is like a building built by a player. The internal space is larger than the external one. Quite a lot, but this little wood house is even more exaggerated.

As soon as I walked into the small wood house, I saw an elegant hall the size of two basketball courts. Exquisite glass cabinets are placed everywhere in the hall. There are many kinds of Rare Items, among which there are many items that make the expert player’s heart move.

In the small wood house, there are ten Level 200 NPC guards guarding the hall, and four guards are standing in front of the stairs leading to the 2nd floor.

In addition to these guards, there is also a handsome and beautiful young man who looks like Steward. His appearance is enough to make a man’s heart fascinated. The name displayed is Harold, but nothing else is visible. .

But if you use High Grade to observe Skill to observe, you will find that this seemingly young and beautiful Harold simply is not a human being.

Harold, High Elf, Saint Archmage, Level? ? ? , HP? ? ? ? ? ?

On Former Life, many players love to discuss who is the strongest NPC in God’s Domain world. At the same time, they often list some NPC’s strength rankings, and this strength ranking is based on the rank, also in Other words only compare the same level, and this Harold, as a Tier 5 NPC, has always been a mystery.

Because even if a lot of players rise to Level 200 in the former life, they use the extremely powerful observation skill to check, the final result still doesn’t know Harold’s Level and HP, plus no one has ever seen Harold’s. true strength.

Although there was a number of Tier 5 Peak experts who wanted to rob the Golden Sand Exchange Office, they were suppressed by Harold. Not only did they lose level 10, they were also shut down for half a month. If you dare to provoke Harold, you just know that Harold, the High Elf, is very difficult to deal with. After all, Common’s Tier 5 NPC is basically impossible to suppress six Tier 5 players with one move. Even the original Wind Controller Kite did not have this ability. .

So Harold’s strength has always been a mystery, but it is indeed recognized as the existence of Top-5 among many Tier 5 NPCs.

As soon as Shi Feng entered the Exchange Office, Harold walked slowly to Shi Feng’s.

Harold kindly handed Shi Feng an exquisite corolla Emblem, and said softly: “Mr. Congratulations on becoming a member of our Exchange Office. This is our member Emblem of Exchange Office. In the future, with this Emblem, you can go back and forth to this Exchange Office at will. In addition, you can go to the 2nd floor lobby of our store, where the items you exchange are all carefully selected treasures of our store.”

“Thank you , I want to go to the 2nd floor to take a look. I don’t know what your best product recommendation this week?” Shi Feng put away the Exchange Office member Emblem, as if a regular customer said.

After he got a large number of Mana Crystals, he directly paid 10,000 Mana Crystals. Although it was a bit distressing, it was the best choice compared to using other methods to become a member.

“This gentleman, please come with me.” Harold said and took Shi Feng to the 2nd floor lobby.

The 2nd floor hall is relatively small compared to the first floor hall, and the glass cabinets on display are also much less, at most only one-tenth of the first floor hall, but even so, Shi Feng carries The 30,000 Mana Crystals may not be enough to buy one-tenth of the Item here.

Because the value of any item here is more than 2,000 Mana Crystals, just a glance will find that there are many items worth tens of thousands of Mana Crystals……

“2nd floor is really not the place where people come.” Shi Feng was secretly speechless.

One hundred Mana Crystals can be exchanged for 25 gold coins in the market. Ten thousand can be 2500 gold coins. In other words, there are many items worth more than 2500 gold.

2500 gold!

The selling price of Epic Level Item is also just this.

“Hello sir, among the many products that our store came in this week, this five pieces Item is the most proud of our selection, I hope you like it.” Harold smiled and brought Shi Feng to it. In front of a glass cabinet protected by Magic Array, he said confidently.

“This is…Grandmaster Level Magic Array!” Shi Feng was shocked when he saw the Magic Array protecting the five pieces Item.

He has also studied a lot of Magic Array, and he can describe the Intermediate Magic Array. Although he is not the Master who made the Magic Array, he can also distinguish the general level of Magic Array.

And the Magic Array at your feet is so powerful that Shi Feng has also seen it in the Imperial Capital Imperial Palace in Empire.

As long as this Grandmaster Level Magic Array is there, even a bunch of Tier 5 profession NPCs can’t help it in a short time. If you encounter an extremely powerful Grandmaster Level Magic Array, you will even make Tier 5 professions. All NPCs will die.

And such a Grandmaster Level Magic Array is used to protect five pieces Item……

Simply too extravagant!

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