“So fast!”

Feather Fall Vicissitudes looked at the huge mountain range in front of him and couldn’t help rubbing his eyes.

I don’t believe this is true.

Although sitting on the Swift Dragon Speedboat, I have already felt the oncoming wind on my cheeks. I know that the speed of the Swift Dragon Speedboat is very fast. It is definitely much faster than they use a fishing boat, but I didn’t expect it to be faster. so much.

In God’s Domain, Gnome’s favorite saying is that time is money.

This sentence can be said to be the most suitable for their Adventure Group teams who are in the sea.

Common player may not understand, but as an old player who often wanders at sea, I know very well what kind of terrifying effect the saved time will cause.

Many islands on the sea are very rich in resources, even those high-resource maps on land can’t match.

But there is a very serious shortcoming, that is, it takes too much time on the road.

The average player can only play 30 hours a day in God’s Domain, and the rest of the time has to return to real work, study, and work.

Guild player level up in the high-resource area on land, it may only take five or six hours to run, and then level up in the high-resource area for more than 20 hours, and then return to the city to rest and relax. This is for Common For the player, it is very envious, because the level up speed in the high-resource area is much faster than the Common area, so the Common player in God’s Domain can hardly catch up with the Guild player at the level.

And this level up efficiency is not even as good as spending 20 hours at sea to find a high-resource island, leveling up and fighting monsters for ten hours, and then returning to the city to relax.

It can be seen how efficient it is to level up on high-resource islands.

On high-resource islands, players are also more likely to get various Rare Materials and good weapon equipment.

If the running time on the sea takes only five or six hours, and the level up on high-resource islands is more than 20 hours, then this level up speed is two of the level up speed of high-resource areas on land. three times.

Two or three times the Guild Member level up speed!

Feather Fall Vicissitudes solely just think about it and get excited, when the time comes to blow up the Heavens Revelation Empire Level Ranking List, those leveling madmen above are not trivial.

But he just thinks about it now. You don’t need to think about things like Swift Dragon Speedboat. It’s too Rare. It’s not something he can get.

“Who is he?” Feather Fall Vicissitudes couldn’t help turning his gaze to Shi Feng and swallowing saliva.

At this time, even if he is stupid, he can tell that they have met a real expert, otherwise how could they have such a powerful speedboat.

At this time, Feather Fall Vicissitudes were aware of this problem, and several other members of the team also realized.

“It turns out that this is a legendary expert!”

“I always thought that those experts are very arrogant, not interested in mundane affairs at all, didn’t expect expert to be so approachable, no I know if he has a girlfriend, I want to introduce my younger sister to him.”

“What, you have a younger sister, I never knew how, you are too interesting. I’ve known each other for so long and I didn’t even introduce him to a handsome guy like me!”

“Fuck, although it’s not my biological younger sister, I can’t push her into Fire Pit either.”

“Okay, let’s be more serious, but expert has come over.”

Feather Fall Vicissitudes heard everyone in the team whispering and interrupted, and everyone realized they had walked over. Shi Feng.

At this time, they were watching Shi Feng, and suddenly they found that Shi Feng’s silhouette seemed to be much larger than before, and there was a faint oppression hitting the whole body.

“The place has arrived. It is a pleasure to chat with you all the way, but I still have something to do, let’s separate here.” Shi Feng looked at the people who suddenly became a little stiff and couldn’t help saying with a smile.

Along the way, they did not at all encounter any danger, even if there was a sea monster, they could easily get rid of it with the speed simply of Swift Dragon Speedboat without any effort.

So during the five-hour journey, they mainly laughed and chatted in other words.

From the chat, he also learned a lot about Heavens Revelation Empire.

One of the things that interest him most is the maritime situation of the Heavens Revelation Empire.

He went to the former life mainly in the vicinity of Star-Moon Kingdom. He didn’t know much about Heavens Revelation Empire, especially the current situation.

Heavens Revelation Empire is a coastal country. Unlike Star-Moon Kingdom, the development is somewhat monolithic. It mainly deals with land-based development, which is quite unfavorable for the middle and late stages of God’s Domain.

Because in the middle and late stages, the competition on land will become more and more fierce. The reason is that there are fewer and fewer Advanced-level maps. Many Advanced-level maps are on the border between countries. Guild had to compete for resources.

That many Guilds are competing for a limited number of maps, and the resources that each Guild can allocate can be imagined.

But the sea is different. There are many islands. It can be said that there are fewer wolves and more meat. Coastal countries have long started to develop strength on the sea. Simply do not need much effort to sit on a large amount of resources and continuously improve Guild’s strength, and Guild who only realized this, how can he compete with these Guilds?

So it is very important to develop offshore strength earlier.

However, Strength on the sea is not easy to develop if you want to develop. It requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and it also requires sites in coastal towns.

Heavens Revelation Empire has twenty six coastal towns, three of which are cities, and the remaining twenty-three are Small Towns, among which Seagaze Small Town is only the most unremarkable one.

Now the three cities are seized by Three Great Influences, and there is simply no room for other Guilds to step in. Fortunately, the Three Great Influences are not very concerned about the remaining 23 Small Towns, although Other Big Guilds are also competing for control of these Small Towns, but it is not impossible to get a share.

After hearing the words of Feather Fall Vicissitudes and the others, Shi Feng knew that among the 23 Small Towns, there are still six Small Towns that are not under control. Shi Feng decided to attach Guild Undescending Light Come to these small towns for development.

Anyway, Undescending Light’s Hidden Sins Heart has not officially decided to develop in that place, so it’s better to play forward for Zero Wing.

If Zero Wing Guild enters these Small Towns rashly, it will definitely attract the attention of Three Great Influences. When the time comes, I am afraid that Zero Wing Guild will be strangled in the cradle before getting up, but Undescending Light But no, as a little Guild who is not even the Third-Rate Guild, whether to enter these small towns, whether it is for the local Big Guild or Three Great Influences, it is dispensable.

With the current background of Zero Wing Guild, Undescending Light can definitely take advantage of.

If Undescending Light can take root in coastal towns, it will play a huge role in the future development of Zero Wing Guild.

After that, Shi Feng made friends with Feather Fall Vicissitudes and the others, willing to buy Rare Material at a high price, and even exchange it for High Grade weapon equipment. This made Feather Fall Vicissitudes very grateful for them. For the free player, the most difficult thing to get is High Grade weapon equipment.

With these High Grade weapon equipment, their Adventure Group will be much easier to develop in the future.

After separating from Feather Fall Vicissitudes, Shi Feng directly found a hidden place and used the Spatial Displacement of the Ring of the Seven Luminaries. In the blink of an eye, he came to a small wood house beside the small lake. before.

And this ordinary little wood house is the most famous place of Golden Sand Island Group core area Ancient God Ruins, Golden Sand Exchange Office.

On Former Life, this is a vast crowd. Almost the Big Guilds of Heavens Revelation Empire will send people to wait here all day, in order to be able to grab the Rare Item of Exchange Office in the first time.

However, no one can compete with Shi Feng for these Rare Items, and Shi Feng can exchange them.

Just as Shi Feng pressed the doorknob with one hand and was about to push open the small wooden door, the System prompt sounded in his ear.

System: Congratulations to the player for the first discovery of Golden Sand Exchange Office. Will the player pay 10,000 Mana Crystals to become a member of Exchange Office?

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