In the city hall where Shi Feng came, there are only a few scattered players in the whole hall, and these players are all free players, not Guild players.

The price of plot of land in the NPC city in God’s Domain is not cheap, generally only Guild can afford it, which is completely unaffordable for a single player.

However, the plot of land in NPCSmall Town is much cheaper.

Like the plot of land of Seagaze Small Town Common, it is two or three hundred gold. If it is the center of Small Town, five-six hundred gold, and the most expensive sea view room is only eight or nine hundred gold. Expert players with a good general level can afford them after being promoted to Tier 2.

On Former Life, many players cannot afford to buy houses in NPC cities, so they will go to small towns with nice or bustling scenery and buy plot of land as their homes.

As a port town, Seagaze Small Town is a Small Town with considerable investment value even without the appearance of Ancient Wildlands. After all, as the player’s level increases, God’s Domain will open more systems for players.

It’s like Maritime Merchant System.

In God’s Domain, you don’t need to earn money exclusively from players, or you can earn money through NPC. By transporting some goods of NPCMerchant, you can also make a lot of money. If you manage it well, My own fleet is well-known, and the gold coins I earn every day can’t even be compared to an expert player.

Because of the existence of these systems, even if a player is not good at fighting, he can still make a lot of money in God’s Domain, and sometimes get some fortuitous encounters, and get some weapon equipment that even expert players envy.

Because of this, port towns are very popular among Free players, especially player Merchant.

And now I can come to Seagaze Small Town to buy the free player of plot of land, at least it is some small achievement player Merchant, or small Studio wants to invest and make money.

Several players who were selecting plot of land saw Shi Feng wearing a black cloak coming in, all with a vigilant look, as if Shi Feng’s came to snatch their prey.

“Master respected Protector, can I help you?” At this time, an NPC High Grade Deacon in a suit and leather collar walked up to Shi Feng and asked respectfully.

“I want to buy a shipyard in Small Town.” Shi Feng said casually.

“Okay, please follow me to the 2nd floor reception room, and the Small Town shipyard information will be delivered immediately.” After listening to the High Grade Deacon, he quickly led Shi Feng to the 2nd floor reception room. The respectful attitude is like meeting the mayor.

This stunned several player Merchants who were wary of Shi Feng before.

“Who is that man?”

“Why Joseph Deacon treats that man with respect?”

“Has his reputation reached Seagaze Small Town? Baron?”

“No way, even the Baron of Small Town, shouldn’t let Joseph be so respectful.”

Usually they want to win over this Joseph High Grade Deacon, but I tried my best to improve Favorability, just to allow this High Grade Deacon to come up with more plot of land for them to choose.

But Shi Feng came, this Joseph High Grade Deacon personally brought Shi Feng to the 2nd floor.

2nd floor!

They finally became the nobles of Seagaze Small Town, but so far they are not eligible to be on the 2nd floor.

Thinking of the 2nd floor of the city hall, several player Merchants are envious.

Seagaze Small Town’s plot of land does not work where you want to buy. The premise is that you need to achieve a certain prestige. The common nobles in Small Town can only choose the most common plot of Small Town in the lobby on the first floor. land, and not complete, only to improve the Favorability of High Grade Deacon, this High Grade Deacon will come up with more good plots of land.

Generally, only Baron of Small Town is eligible to be on the 2nd floor. Most plots of land in Small Town can be picked at will, and they are also discounted.

After Shi Feng came to the 2nd floor reception room, Joseph High Grade Deacon took a copy of all the information of the Small Town shipyard soon.

“Master respected Protector, we have six shipyards in Seagaze Small Town. This is all the information.” Joseph carefully passed the information to Shi Feng, and then stepped aside, not daring to disturb Shi Feng slightest.

“Six shipyards, aren’t they five?” Shi Feng was slightly surprised.

He is familiar with Seagaze Small Town, and he did not go to Ancient Wildlands when he went to former life.

He clearly remembers that there are only five shipyards in Seagaze Small Town.

“The respected Protector is not wrong in six places. It’s just that the Far Ocean Trading Company’s shipyard was unlucky recently and encountered a shipwreck, so I wanted to sell the shipyard as soon as possible to recover some funds. For sale, if the shipyard cannot be sold for a month, the mayor also said that he would use the shipyard as collateral to lend some money to Far Ocean Trading Company. I heard that the shipyard is a new shipyard built by Far Ocean Trading Company for the purpose of manufacturing them. The newly developed Cargo Ship.” Joseph Deacon explained in detail.

“A new Cargo Ship developed?” Shi Feng suddenly became interested.

God’s Domain’s ship design creation is scarce and outrageous. It can be Rare like the Lesser Legendary Item. Even with design creation, Common’s design creation is okay to say, I’m afraid of high quality. It is very troublesome to make, and it takes a lot of time and money to find the materials exclusively.

The most speechless first point is that the design creation of ships is the same as the design creation of Magic Tower. It cannot be made infinitely. One design creation can only make up to ten.

So good ships are still quite rare in God’s Domain.

The area of ​​the ocean in God’s Domain is not small, and many fortuitous encounters and treasure storehouses are from islands or secret places on the sea. If there is no ship of good quality, the player is likely to die halfway.

Because of these two reasons, a good-quality ship will be willing to rent or even buy a ship even if it costs a lot of money.

Immediately, Shi Feng checked the information.

After ten minutes, Shi Feng has read all the information.

As Joseph Deacon said, the Far Ocean Trading Company has indeed produced a new Cargo Ship. Although it is only of Common quality, it is faster in Movement Speed ​​than the other Cargo Ships produced. It’s 15% higher, and the carrying capacity and Durability are also 20% higher. This is the best choice for runners other than Bronze Rank Cargo Ship.

The only problem is the high price.

Although it is Small Town, the shipyard is different from plot of land. Even the sale price of a small shipyard has a ten thousand gold, let alone a newly built medium shipyard.

In God’s Domain, shipyards are of different sizes, and the ships built are the same. The medium shipyard not only builds small ships, but also early medium ships, just like Cargo Ships are medium ships, and small shipyards are built. Not coming out.

The price offered by Far Ocean Trading Company is 30 thousand gold!

At this price, you can buy three golden plot of land in Major City.

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