For Shi Feng’s surprise, Thousand Rain Phoenix is ​​also slightly surprised.

Ancient Wildlands is a huge Great God secret island discovered by their Dragon Phoenix Pavilion an Old Monster as part of the Epic Level Quest.

For this island, their Dragon Phoenix Pavilion did a lot of investigations, and finally learned the secrets about this island.

didn’t expect Shi Feng just looked at the name displayed on the coordinates, as if he knew the secret of Ancient Wildlands.

“Why does Guild Master Black Flame also know Ancient Wildlands?” Thousand Rain Phoenix asked curiously.

About Ancient Wildlands, their Dragon Phoenix Pavilion only found some relevant materials in the Imperial Capital library of Heavens Revelation Empire, but the description of the relevant materials is very vague. It is rumored that the place where the Human race emerged. Therefore, Small Town in that huge Great Island was also named the town of beginning.

And on that huge island, the lowest level of monsters has Level 40, and the monster combat level on the island is quite high, and other Guild Elite members of the same level cannot beat the same Elite Monster. Things, you must work together two or three people, let alone where you can see Special Elite and Chieftain Monster everywhere, monsters are all three 50% group, where to level up is quite difficult, let alone gather popularity to develop Small Town .

However, this starting town is too important to her.

However, if you want the town of Beginning to play a real role, you must be promoted to Intermediate Small Town. For this reason, she is sad.

Now that there is Magic Tower, if you want to gather popularity, it is much easier to promote to the starting town.

“Well, I have read some introductions from the book, and I heard that it is the place where the Human race rises.” Shi Feng nodded, did not reveal the hidden heaven-shaking secret of Ancient Wildlands.

The appearance of the former life Ancient Wildlands, not at all attracts anyone’s attention.

First of all, it is too difficult to level up. If you want to level up by killing all around monsters, you might as well go to farm mobs where resources are scarce, and the monsters of Ancient Wildlands are very picky.

How far can it be pulled?

If you can kill hundreds of monsters, you will not drop the same material or waste. Only by killing monsters above the Chieftain-rank can you drop a little bit of copper coins or materials. As for weapon equipment, don’t even think about it. miss you.

It can be said that the scarcity of resources is terrible.

But no one thought that this resource-poor Ancient Wildlands was actually a hidden land of peace and prosperity. It was a transit point connecting with Other World. You can often find some of Other World’s in the depths of the island. Cracks can allow players to enter and take risks, which is like random Dungeon, but it depends on the player’s luck if they can meet them.

And these Space Cracks are nothing more than benefits provided by Ancient Wildlands.

The true value of Ancient Wildlands is the core of the Other World Teleportation Gate. This Teleportation Gate only needs to pay some Mana Crystal to send the player to the past, but each player can only send it once a week.

Because of this, a large number of players flocked to Ancient Wildlands, but Ancient Wildlands was already under the control of another Super-Guild Myriad God Temple at that time. Anyone who wants to enter the Teleportation Gate must pay a high amount. Cost, even though many Super-Guilds had big opinions at the time, but there was nothing to do with Ancient Wildlands’ Myriad God Temple. Whoever allowed Myriad God Temple to control the town of origin can only sit and watch Myriad God Temple set up in front of Teleportation Gate Prohibition, wanton collection of money to accumulate wealth, make big profits.

Now that the Dragon Phoenix Pavilion controls the town of Beginning, Shi Feng is really surprised.

Shi Feng didn’t want to go and search for Ancient Wildlands at the beginning, but he needs to meet the trigger conditions to open Ancient Wildlands, but he doesn’t know what the trigger conditions are, so he can only give up.

Completely didn’t expect this chance just arrived in front of you.

Other World is a good place to train player skills, and the rewards after level clear are quite generous. This is why other World’s teleportation items are very precious and expensive. If you can master Other World’s Teleportation Gate is tantamount to giving Guild an extra place for special training to improve his strength.

“Guild Master Black Flame is really knowledgeable. Our Dragon Phoenix Pavilion searched through the Data Bank and found some information. I would have asked Guild Master Black Flame if I knew it.” Thousand Rain Phoenix could not help. With emotion.

In the beginning, they used the entire Guild’s Strength to search for information, and it took a full day or two to find out.

“Phoenix Pavilion Lord laughed. I usually just like to read books about the history of God’s Domain.” Shi Feng laughed.

“It seems that I will read God’s Domain’s history books more often in the future.” Thousand Rain Phoenix thinks Shi Feng’s habit of reading books is good, especially regarding the history of God’s Domain. It may be used in future Quest.

Thousand Rain Phoenix then bid farewell to Shi Feng and went back to prepare to raise funds.

And Shi Feng told Gentle Snow about the purchase of a training base for the first time, so that Gentle Snow could make relevant preparations.

After explaining everything, Shi Feng quietly went to the Teleportation Hall, preparing to go to Ancient Wildlands in person.

Ancient Wildlands currently has no value, mainly because the town of Beginning has not been promoted to Intermediate Small Town, and Magic Array cannot be opened to dispel.

The monsters in Ancient Wildlands are very dense, and it is very difficult to get deep into the core, but when the Magic Array is turned on, the density of monsters in the entire Ancient Wildlands will be reduced sharply.

Monsters generally active in the outer area of ​​Ancient Wildlands. Levels range from Level 40 to Level 70, while the inner area ranges from Level 70 to Level 100. The core area is a monster from Level 100 to Level 120. In the event, because the monsters are very dense, the player can only clean up the past all the way.

But after the Magic Array is dispelled, the player is more careful and can still enter the internal area. In the internal area, there is a chance encounter Space Crack, which allows the player to enter Other World to improve their strength. After the starting town rises to Intermediate Small Town, the popularity of the entire Small Town will also undergo a qualitative change.

Even though it took nearly 20 hours to send Small Town recently from Heavens Revelation Empire, there will still be countless players going there, which is not comparable to Stone Forest Small Town.

Now that Shi Feng knows that Ancient Wildlands has been opened, naturally he will not let go of this good chance.

Others cannot go deep into the core area of ​​Ancient Wildlands, but he can, because he has the Ring of the Seven Luminaries, he can use Spatial Displacement to pass, that is, if he is discovered by a 100-level monster after moving, it is easy to be found Kill, but Shi Feng is still willing to take this risk.

As long as he sets up a Teleportation Array coordinate in the core place, the members of the Zero Wing Guild will be able to easily teleport over and directly enter the Other World to increase their strength.

There is a Other World Teleportation Gate as a place for the Zero Wing Guild to improve its strength, coupled with the special training of the training base, in the future, there will be Guild’s strength-enhancing speed compared to Zero Wing?

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