Blackie heard what Shi Feng said, so she had to give up the thought of going to the monster Small Town to take a look.

After all, the Zero Wing Guild is really busy now. Since the expansion of Guild, it even feels that there is not enough manpower.

Let’s not talk about the full-scale war with Black Water and Heavenly Burial Guild. The sole Stone Forest Small Town itself needs a large number of people to manage.

He didn’t think it was difficult to manage a Small Town before, but Shi Feng recently handed over some of the work of managing Small Town to him, and he realized what a headache this is.

When Small Town is still in the protection period, all the safety work of Small Town can be entrusted to the NPC guards. Once the protection period is over, successive things will come.

First, the Small Town patrol problem. This can be considered player Small Town’s daily Quest. Some players must be arranged to patrol in order to maintain the safety of Small Town. This security is not a player, but comes from NPC.

Since the protection period of Small Town has passed, other Small Town NPCs have continued to come to Stone Forest Small Town. Among them are Merchant, Adventure Group, etc. NPCs, allowing the economy of Small Town to begin to develop.

Why is it true development?

Because a Small Town wants to be promoted, it mainly depends on the economic prosperity of Small Town, and the economy and prosperity are the number of players on the one hand and the number of NPCs on the other. In terms of players, Stone Forest Small Town is far above the standard, and already has the capital to promote medium Small Town, but the difference in NPC is really not that much. One of the conditions is that the number of NPCs in Small Town must reach 10,000. This 10,000 does not include Guild. Brought NPC guards and invited NPC guards.

And why do these NPCs want to come to a Small Town?

Security issues are very important.

So Guild player must send people every day to maintain the safety of Small Town, to check NPC to prevent the spies of the dark forces from doing mischief in Small Town.

In addition, Guild has to send out many Guild Members to maintain the safety of trade and trade between Small Town. There are two threats in this regard, one is player, the other is NPC and wild beast.

If you can’t maintain the safety of the business road, those business NPCsimply will not come to Small Town for development.

So management is not at all as easy as imagined. Fortunately, these are all are Guild Quest. The rewards are also good. There are not a few Guild members who grab Quest every day, but this Quest costs a lot. Quest Experience Point It is from the System, but the money is from Guild…

And the longer the Guard’s business, the more players will be sent out, and the more it will cost.

Solely one day’s maintenance fee has already cost Guild 300 gold, and because the protection period has just passed, there is only one road to trade now. If there are more business roads, the cost will also increase significantly. .

“Guild Master, you said that after the Magic Tower is built, the commercial roads near Small Town really don’t need to be patrolled?” Blackie asked curiously, looking at Shi Feng who was constantly playing with magic rune.

“Of course, otherwise, why do you think I should spend a lot of money to build this Magic Tower?” Shi Feng show white eyes Blackie.

Magic Tower was the mainstream Defensive Structure in the middle and late stages of God’s Domain. The cost of sole construction was as much as 7,000 gold. If too much material was wasted halfway, it might be ten thousand gold. This is why It’s because of the Master Level player.

It also needs drawings and costs so much money. If only powerful destructive power is available, it will not become the mainstream Defensive Structure of God’s Domain. The key reason is the defense range of Small Town, which can easily detect To the area of ​​10,000 yards around Small Town. .

So after building a Magic Tower in Small Town, there is no need to worry about NPCs invading Shangdao within 10,000 yards of Small Town, because these NPCs understand that they will be discovered soon. If you build two , The defense range can reach 15,000 yards, and the maximum defense range is 30,000 yards, which is five Magic Towers.

However, Stone Forest Small Town is not a commercial art. There are not many trades that require Guard, so it is enough to build a Magic Tower. Building more is a waste. After all, design creation is not a strong wind. If there is no shortage of design creation, Shi Feng would not mind building a few more and operating Stone Forest Small Town into an iron bucket.

Today’s Stone Forest Small Town is not what it used to be. Guild players are everywhere. Instead, there are a lot of free players on the street, because the Big Guilds gradually put their efforts on the undead great valley. Not to mention that the map is bigger, there are more monsters. Whether you want grind mobs level up or farm Mana Crystal, they are both good choices. The most important point is that they are close and will not be exploited too much by the Zero Wing Guild.

If you are in Stonetalon Mountain Range farm Mana Crystal, many of them have to contribute to Stone Forest Small Town’s repair and accommodation costs, but going to the undead great valley is different, although the cost of going to the undead great valley It takes more time, but with the popularity of mount, it took only two hours to ride the mount from the recent transmission Small Town, so each Big Guild put their minds on the undead great valley.

But the Free player is different. Firstly, Level is not as good as those of Guild’s elite, and secondly, when I went to undead great valley, I would definitely not be as good as those of Guild, so Stonetalon Mountain Range became the best select.

Looking at the streets of Stone Forest Small Town, almost 70% of players are free players, and the bustling level is even greater than before.

Just as Shi Feng continued to improve Magic Tower’s Mana Rune this period of time, the news of Big Guild Punitive monster Small Town in Star-Moon Kingdom was also uploaded on the official website forum.

Black Ridge Small Town has a Level 60 Legendary monster, and all Punitive Guilds are defeated!

“No way, Legendary monster, isn’t that Tier 4 monster code?”

“Have you not seen how powerful the monster is, it’s just a trick. Whoever went to Punitive Tens of thousands of players died in an instant. No player can withstand that monster’s blow. Even the Magic Formation world cannot suppress it.”

“That’s nothing, I listen. It is said that the monsters in Small Town have become sophisticated, and the fighting level is very high. In the same level, Common player may not be an opponent one-on-one, and the most terrifying point is that after being killed by those monsters, I heard that players cannot Log in to God’s Domain in a short period of time, and these monsters are getting stronger when they kill players.”

“Why does this make us Punitive in Small Town? The more people go, the monsters The stronger, and there are Tier 4 BOSS guards, the NPC guards in NPC Major City are only Tier 4, so who can do with those monsters?”

“I heard about the monsters in Small Town I have started to move all around, not staying in Black Ridge Small Town all the time. I heard that many players in the grind mobs on that map have been attacked, and now players dare not pass.”

“No wonder The System will give generous rewards. This Quest is really difficult. Fortunately, I did not go.”

“Do you think these monsters will continue to annex Small Town all around?”

“Maybe it is really possible.”

“There seems to be Stone Forest Small Town in the small towns closest to the map. If those monsters go to Stone Forest Small Town, then there will be It’s fun.”


The players on the forum all discuss spiritedly, but the joking of the players made the Big Guild suddenly realize that something they like to see, if those monsters Really keep developing all around, Stone Forest Small Town The trouble is big.

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