As a deep voice echoed throughout the woods, more than a dozen silhouettes emerged from the woods. Everyone was wearing a silver white six-winged Emblem. It was very conspicuous, and all their levels were the most The difference is Level 39, and many of them are Level 40. The weapon equipment of each and everyone is gorgeous and bursting.

However, after more than a dozen people appeared, the originally frightened Dark Guild member also calmed down, with a playful sneer from the corners of his mouth.

“I thought I was double-teamed by Zero Wing’s. It seems that these people just happened to meet us.”

“Indeed, if you really want to deal with so many of us, More than a dozen trifling people are not enough to stuff their teeth. It seems that our luck is good, but their luck is not very good. The team composed of Zero Wing core members, if we kill them all, we can earn a lot of Top Grade equipment.”

“This is Zero Wing’s expert. More than a dozen trifling people dare to ambush us. The level of stupidity is simply that Royal Capital will laugh.”

“We still do It quickly, after a long time, Zero Wing Guild and other members rushed over!

In their opinion, the sudden Ambush of Zero Wing really surprised them, but the difference in strength between the two sides is also obvious. at a glance.

The solely number can be clearly seen.

Although five people died on their side, the number is still more than forty, and Zero Wing’s side But there are only a dozen people. They have an overwhelming advantage, not to mention that there is a Top Grade expert in their team.

“Group Leader, the Ranger will be handed over to me, just as It was the training before killing Black Flame, as for the rest, I will leave it to you. “Divine Fire Purgatory slightly smiled, staring at the Low-Key Northern Wind that shot five arrows before, chanting as he talked.

He could feel it, among the dozen people, Low-Key Northern Wind has the strongest strength. Compared with the Zero Wing core members he killed before, it has a great length. It is definitely the best choice for practicing.

“No problem, others Leave it to us. “The mighty Berserker of Level 39 Team Leader heard that Divine Fire Purgatory had already named his name, so he naturally gave it to Divine Fire Purgatory, and he could also see that the Level 40 Low-Key Northern Wind even had his direct battle. Not an opponent, it is the best result to hand it over to Divine Fire to purgatory.

However, this mighty Berserker finished speaking on the front foot, and his back foot suddenly sank.

I saw it in Divine Fire. Behind the purgatory, I don’t know when one silhouette appeared. The dagger, as bright as the sky, shuttled directly into the head of the Divine Fire purgatory, directly caught in the stun effect, and then another dagger moved towards Divine Fire. In the past.

At this point, even Divine Fire Purgatory was dumbfounded, and he was completely unaware that Assassin had infiltrate behind him.

However, Divine Fire Purgatory was not a Common Expert, at all. At the crucial moment, the Blink Skill was used instinctively, which not only avoided the attack of the dagger, but also released the stun effect, which instantly appeared fifteen yards away.

It’s just that the Divine Fire Purgatory just finished Blink. This black shadow also used the Shadow Step and appeared behind the Divine Fire Purgatory. The dagger full of sharp spikes pierced the heart of the Divine Fire Purgatory.

“get lost!”

Divine Fire is in a hurry, and I directly use Flaming Roar to shock, and want to shake back this shadow.

But as Flaming Roar hits this shadow, this The black shadow was not at all knocked into the imagination, but Flaming Roar rushed through the shadow.

“Not good, afterimage! “

Divine Fire Purgatory suddenly realized that he had been recruited, and wanted to immediately build an Ice Wall to withstand the cold murderous aura from behind, but before the Ice Wall appeared, he was hit by a dagger in the back. After hitting the stun Skill of Kidney Shot, this black shadow used Assassin’s strongest Skill Shadow Killing to pass through the body of Divine Fire Purgatory, turning around a 180-degree volley Backstab and hitting the side of Divine Fire Purgatory, directly Take away the last trace of HP from Divine Fire Purgatory.

“Why so fast? “

“Are you…Zero Wing’s first Assassin…Fire Dance!” “

“It seems my luck is really bad. “

Divine Fire Purgatory stared at Assassin wearing a black robe in front of him when his HP was about to zero. In his impression, I am afraid that only Zero Wing Guild’s Fire Dance has this. Ability.

Fire Dance is known as a special battle strength in Smile Angel. Never fight alone after encountering it. At least three or even an expert member of a team must be guaranteed.


“You don’t need Fire Dance big sister to deal with you, I’m Flying Shadow alone! And you want to fight Fire Dance big sister, you are ten years early! “At this time, this shadow was very disdainful of Divine Fire Purgatory’s words.

He didn’t at all lie to Divine Fire Purgatory. He finally reached the level of a half-step micro, but he played against Fire Dance. He didn’t even have room to fight back.

The Divine Fire purgatory level did not even reach a half-step micro. It is even more impossible to be the opponent of Fire Dance.

Divine Fire purgatory still wants I have to say something, but the picture in front of me has turned gray, and even if I want to say it, I can’t say it.

“Dead! “

“How can I die!” “

When the other members of Dark Guild saw this scene, their eyes almost stared out.

The power of Divine Fire purgatory, they have a deep understanding of it, and so do their Dark Guild. First-class expert, but in front of Flying Shadow, it’s like a child who is easily killed. They are all wondering if this is a dream?

Even if the rumors say that there are many Zero Wing’s experts, they are very powerful. Strong, but not so strong…

At the moment when everyone in the Dark Guild was shocked, dozens of arrows and Magic blasted up, and in a blink of an eye the members of Dark Guild Six or seven more died.

“Damn, I have encountered a difficult expert, let’s withdraw! “As a Group Leader, Berserker glanced at the dead companions on the battlefield, instantly understood the strength gap between the two sides, and ordered them.

Although they are crowded now, the longer they fight, Zero Wing The more people rushed over, it was very unfavorable for them.

But when the words were finished, the Low-Key Northern Wind in the distance shot nine blue arrows and blocked the place directly. The retreat of a Group Leader.

“you think you can kill me, it’s not that easy! “

As the Group Leader of the Dark Guild, naturally there are a few farms, and immediately used Whirlwind Strike to cut all the flying shots on the arrow.

pēng pēng pēng ……

When the huge battle axe touched the 4th arrow, the battle axe was shaken away, and then the remaining arrows all hit the Group Leader and took all HP.

The members of the Dark Guild do not have the command of the Group Leader, and the entire attack is completely messed up. After all, they originally came from different Dark Guilds. They are not very familiar with each other, let alone cooperate. Now, there is no designated Group Leader commander. It is simply killed by the Zero Wing Guild.

No one can escape the pursuit of Flying Shadow and Low-Key Northern Wind even if they want to escape.

In just a while, the Dark Guild team of nearly fifty people died in the hands of the Zero Wing team.

At the same time, there are a large number of Dark Guilds in the Snow Forest. The team was formed by the Black God Regiment of the Zero Wing Guild and the main group Ambush.

When the member each and everyone of the Dark Guild died, Shi Feng also simply posted the number of deaths of the Dark Guild member On the official website forum.

In just less than an hour, the Dark Guild members operating around White River City killed 3,586 people, and this number is still rising, as if every There are a large number of Dark Guild members dying in seconds…

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