In Green Bamboo’s opinion, the commander undead is so powerful that she is frightening, but she doesn’t know why. There is an indescribable sense of security beside Shi Feng. Shi Feng always feels that Shi Feng should have a solution. .

The undead commander’s kite-like combat method is completely playing the player as a mobs farm.

This monster battle style is the first time she has seen it.

After everyone heard what Green Bamboo said, each and everyone shook their heads and laughed.

None of the people present are Common Players. They are definitely first-class experts in Big Guild. I don’t know how many powerful BOSS I have dealt with.

But the undead commander right now is definitely the most powerful High Lord they have ever seen. The other High Lords are simply because of the power of the attribute, but the undead commander right now is the powerful one in the battle skill.

Thunder Cloud Tiger is personally controlled by Group Leader Fallen Heaven Wind. With the operation skill of Group Leader Fallen Heaven Wind and the powerful attribute of Thunder Cloud Tiger, even if it cannot defeat the High Lord of the same level, it will not be Even a dodge attack is impossible, but the facts tell everyone that even the Thunder Cloud Tiger controlled by the Group Leader Fallen Heaven Wind cannot dodge an icicle attack.

This is also the frustration of Group Leader Fallen Heaven Wind.

No one knows the power of commander undead better than him.

The strength of the undead commander is not attribute and skill, but more terrifying is combat skill.

Obviously he has reached Realm of Flowing Water, even if the Thunder Cloud Tiger he controls is not like his own body, the combat level of the Thunder Cloud Tiger he controls is much better than the expert in the team. , But he was restrained everywhere, as if those icicles were like alive, and they would suddenly change the trajectory of the attack on the way.

Fallen Heaven Wind originally thought it was an illusion, but after many attacks and dodge attempts, he was certain of one thing.

The commander of undead in front of him has absolutely reached Realm of Micro in combat level, which is something he has never encountered before.

When he found out about this, his chills exploded.

The reason why players can defeat powerful monsters is that apart from the interaction between players and the weaknesses of BOSS, Basic Attribute is far inferior to BOSS because they rely on combat skills instead of monsters. Can’t bring out their true Strength at all.

But commander undead’s combat skills unexpectedly surpassed most player experts. This is like a micro expert with a Level 50 High Lord attribute to deal with them. With such a big gap, let alone deal with them. Eleven people is a trivial matter to deal with a Level 50 group of thousand people.

Even if Shi Feng is as strong as a monster, but in the face of absolute Strength, he can’t compete with the undead commander at all, unless the whole group Class Change becomes Tier 2 profession, maybe there is still a fight.

“There is no way, but the price is too high.” Shi Feng frowned as he looked at the undead commander.

The commander of undead has Realm of Micro’s combat level. It may be hard to think of the current players, but Shi Feng is already used to it.

God Domain Monster and NPC are not comparable to other Virtual Game monsters. The more Advanced monsters and NPCs, the more profound the combat skills they master, otherwise the players will be Class Changed. Tier 3 profession, when the time comes is not the High Lord of the same level?

But the reality is that many players, even if Class Change becomes Tier 3 profession, are still not the opponents of the same level High Lord, and even the Lord who is dealing with the same level is a little choking.

Because as the level increases, the monster’s combat level will follow as the tide rises, the boat floats, so the player’s combat skills are extremely important in God’s Domain, almost as important as weapon equipment, and The improvement of skill is the same as the improvement of weapon equipment.

This is like Dark Gold Level other weapon equipment is easy to get, but Epic Level? Lesser Legendary Item?

Because of this, Shi Feng wants impatients to have Zero Wing Guild’s own training center. If there are not enough experts, even the dungeon team will be a huge problem in the future. Don’t talk about getting any great equipment, it’s dreaming.

However, a Level 50 BOSS can reach Realm of Micro, and Shi Feng has met for the first time.

Usually to deal with this kind of BOSS, there is one thing Common Guild can do, and that is to give up. There is no other choice. Attributes are not comparable, and Skills are not comparable. What do you do?

And Xiang is the Big Guild team, just like the Hidden Shadow Guild on the former life. Without Peak Experts, the most common way is to pile up these BOSS. There are many battle items in God’s Domain. The most mainstream is the Magic Formation world, which drastically suppresses the BOSS and then bombards them with various precious items. The fierce battle is not comparable to the current large dungeon team.

Why the former life Hidden Shadow Guild cannot be promoted to First-Rate Guild? The reason is the lack of a unique expert.

“Brother Ye Feng, do you really have a way?” Fallen Heaven Wind couldn’t help being shocked and looked towards Shi Feng, afraid that what he heard before was an illusion.

Abandoning the six-color Trial of God is not cracking a joke. He would rather not have anything, or even pay a lot of treasures, and don’t want the entire team to be punished by the System.

“Well, I don’t know how many Tier 2 magic scrolls are there in Fallen Heaven Group Leader?” Shi Feng nodded asked.

“Tier 2 magic scroll?” Fallen Heaven Wind immediately counted the number of magic scrolls, and said proudly, “We all have 52 photos with our self-love, of which Tier 2 Summon Scroll also has three .”

In God’s Domain, Tier 0 magic scroll is the most common, and Tier 1 magic scroll is very Rare, not to mention Tier 2 magic scroll, a Peak 100-Man wild group. It’s good to get more than ten.

“52 sheets?” Shi Feng thought for a while and said, “Except for Summon Scroll, all Tier 2 Scrolls are given to me, and these nine magic scrolls are given to you. Wait until I attract commander undead. , You guys use this.”

Speaking of Shi Feng, he took out nine Nine Star Supreme Domain magic scrolls. As an Intermediate Magic Array, he wanted to suppress the Level 50 High Lord. There is no problem.

Although Fallen Heaven Wind didn’t know what Shi Feng was going to do, after thinking about it, he gave Shi Feng all the precious Tier 2 magic scroll, leaving only Tier 2 Summon Scroll. It’s better to fight for it, if it’s done, it’s a big profit.

However, after Fallen Heaven Wind got the Nine Star Supreme Domain Scroll, it immediately started.

“Intermediate Magic Array Scroll!” Fallen Heaven Wind looked towards Shi Feng, who had slowly turned towards the commander of undead, incredibly.

Solely Basic Magic Array Scroll is no less precious than Tier 2 Summon Scroll, but unlike Tier 2 Summon Scroll, you need to collect a lot of pieces to use it, and their Wind God’s Spear is only now. With half the usage amount, Magic Formation world cannot be used at all.

The Intermediate Magic Array Scroll on top of Basic Magic Array Scroll is not sold, and he has not seen it even now. Rare is no less than Tier 3 magic scroll, but Shi Feng can easily I took out nine of them, which happened to form an Intermediate Magic Array……

This kind of background Wind God’s Spear couldn’t keep up with the shooting, and even those Big Guilds might not be able to come out.

Others were shocked when they saw it.

Never mind if you are strong, the Scroll that didn’t expect took out will raise your blood pressure, and simply don’t let them live.

Fallen Heaven Wind then divided the Nine Star Supreme Domain into nine people, and asked the nine people to stand at nine designated locations.

“There is no need to be nervous. After I injured the undead commander, you started to gather and ran to the limit. You were using Scroll after my instructions.” Shi Feng determined the nine people After there is no problem with the position, command in Guild Chat.

“Understood!” The nine people who were still worried when they heard Shi Feng’s calm and relaxed tone all relaxed.

After everyone was ready, Shi Feng turned on Power of Darkness and Thunder God Descend turned into a shadow and swept towards the undead commander. The speed was so fast that everyone didn’t respond. Came within 50 yards of commander undead.

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