Reincarnation Immortal Path

Chapter 475 Preparations for declaring war on Shengzhou and adjusting the flow of time

This... there are some monks who have no hope ahead and are not willing to die and seek Taoist palace. I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop them.

Ji Lian sighed.

Seeking immortality is an unstoppable desire after seeing the dazzling world.

He had never seen anyone who didn't want to live another thousand years after living for a thousand years. There were too few such tragic characters.

Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that monks often stay in seclusion for decades and live a carefree life.

If you keep being a cow or a horse, let alone live for a thousand years, you probably won't want to live for ten years.

It seems that the rules of Qiudao Palace are still too few, so that even things that are obviously against the interests of Qiudao Palace happen again and again!

Gu Luosheng looked at the monk in front of him and said, Ji Lian, go and convey the order. From now on, all monks' missions will be personally approved by this palace. If you fall outside due to your own reasons, and Qiudao Palace cannot recover the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, then all losses will be It will be repaid by his family and descendants!

If you don't comply, take away his bloodline, seal his soul, break into the Heavenly Demon Palace, and forever suppress the spiritual veins of the Taoist Palace!

Secondly, if you don't want to wait for death in the Qiudao Palace, then prepare to join the war! If the spiritual veins in the Qiudao Palace are insufficient, then declare war on the remaining forces in Shengzhou and seize the spiritual veins!

Ji Lian's whole body was shocked, and he showed joy, and he immediately accepted the order: The palace master is finally willing to take action. There is this way to go. I believe all the true monarchs will have no complaints anymore!

With a snap, he turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the Butterfly Palace to convey the good news.

Gu Luosheng raised his hand, and the list of the True Lord of Qiudao Palace appeared in his hand.

Lines of golden names are recorded on it.

It is now the thirty-fifth year of Qiudao Palace.

The number of monks in the Nascent Soul Realm exceeded one hundred, reaching one hundred and twenty.

Such a large number of Yuanying monks is obviously not a scale that normal forces can accommodate.

Anyone who can cultivate Nascent Soul is a super genius, and they all have further needs!

But there are only so many resources, and they have already been divided up by the strong, and most of the Nascent Souls will not get their turn.

This is a recipe for disaster!

Reaching the scale of over a hundred Nascent Souls, just by maintaining their realm without falling, they have occupied all the spiritual veins of the Qiudao Palace. Without restrictions, all the monks under the Nascent Souls will have no way to survive.

Therefore, only the top ten monks in the Qiudao Palace can enjoy the resources. The rest of them either go out to look for opportunities or use the earth-level spiritual veins to survive. Their life span may not be much longer than that of the golden elixir.

In fact, they are unable to continue practicing, but they can still endure it under the pressure of the situation.

But even if they can't practice, they don't even have the resources to maintain their own realm, so they can only watch themselves fall into the realm...

How can I bear this?

If you continue to do nothing, there will be civil strife in the Qiudao Palace!

Gu Luosheng did not intend to waste his precious power on civil strife. His plan was to declare war on other realms and use war to consume the excess population.

It is conceivable that these Nascent Souls will be gearing up and competing to redistribute benefits.

no way.

There is no limit to the resources consumed by the path of cultivating immortality.

One person arrives at Nascent Soul.

A large number of lower-level monks had to be eaten dry.

It only took the Qiudao Palace thirty-five years to complete the entire process of a force growing from weak to powerful, and then flourishing and then declining. Without increasing the spiritual energy output, Gu Luosheng could not solve this problem.

It can only be said that the order of operations of aristocratic families and dynasties is reasonable.

The law cannot be passed lightly!

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth is limited. Once a monk starts to improve his overall talent, all the spiritual energy will be exhausted very quickly.

Gu Luosheng accelerated the Qi training area 365 times. How fast the initial development was, the subsequent backlash would be severe.

There is indeed a problem with my design idea, so I just took this opportunity to make modifications...

There are already enough high-level bloodlines circulating in the Qiudao Palace. There is no value in accelerating the Qi training and foundation building stages. What should really be accelerated is the Golden Core realm.

It's not wartime and we need to explode troops.

Let the Jindan monks run out of life and die as soon as possible, and give back to the world, which is the right way to sustainable development.

How useful is Qi training and foundation building?

The resources that Qiudao Palace can obtain will never include spiritual veins. This is the foundation of Qiudao Palace.

Theoretically, all Qi-training monks share the same level of spiritual veins. No matter how prominent their background is, even if they are the descendants of Nascent Soul monks, they can only make breakthroughs in spiritual stones, elixirs, and formations, but not in spiritual veins. operational.

This style also progresses upward and becomes more and more strict.

During the Qi training period, all monks share spiritual veins.

During the foundation-building period, you need to compete for seats, and you will gradually be divided into three, six, and nine ranks.

When it comes to Jindan, only the top 100 are qualified to use the earth-level spiritual veins and practice at the best speed.

The same goes for Nascent Soul. There are only ten seats, which can allocate different levels and quantities of heaven-level spiritual veins.

These rare seats are undoubtedly everyone's goal, and the difficulty of competition can be said to be sky-high.

The vast majority of people cannot expect to get these seats.

Fortunately, there are many other ways to go in the Qiudao Palace, the most worth mentioning is to study spiritual methods and spells.

This path gave birth to many Nascent Soul monks in the early days, and it was a good path. However, as time went on, there were fewer and fewer topics to study, and this path became more and more difficult.

This is a change at the macro level. It is indeed becoming more and more difficult to practice in the Qiudao Palace. Every resource is extremely hard-won and requires competition with countless people.

The monks in the Qiudao Palace grew up in this environment, and they were extremely eager for new opportunities. As Ji Lian issued the order of Gu Luosheng, the entire Qiudao Palace exploded instantly. Countless people signed up eagerly to join the expeditionary force!

Gu Luosheng stood in Shidie Palace, overlooking this scene, and felt that that moment was exactly like this moment.

As the saying goes, history is a cycle.

The two major forces are at war, competing for each other's luck. What a familiar scene.

Once he was a chess piece, and now he has become the chess player he once hated.

Think about the Wanhua Spiritual City back then, but the second-level spiritual masters needed to use fighting rituals to extract luck in their cultivation. Only then could they barely reach the late stage of Jindan and the peak of Jindan. How difficult it was.

But in the era of the Immortal Dynasty, even if the sun disappears and the underworld is everywhere, the spiritual veins of a Tao domain can still cultivate thousands of golden elixirs, directly using Yuanying level monks as pawns.

It's no wonder that the Great Sun Ancestor was instantly killed by a puppet in a secret realm.

The era of Wanhualing City has just begun, and everything is still too immature. Although there are natal weapons, it is impossible to smooth out the gaps accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years - the Holy Land of Xuguang has obviously inherited the orthodoxy of the Immortal Dynasty and has been developing. Go down.

In a special timeline, Xiguang will even create puppets that are almost immortal!

Central Taoist Palace.

In front of the Butterfly Palace.

Countless monks who wanted to join the war were listed, and all the heroes gathered.

Gu Luosheng gave an order, and there were as many as seventy-two Nascent Soul monks willing to participate in the battle. The number of Jindan monks was even more terrifying, with more than 30,000, enough to form six full Spirit Guard legions.

An army of this level is already very powerful, enough to sweep across the entire Shengzhou, and only Taiwu Dao Domain can fight.

There are only thirty spiritual armies in Shengzhou in total. If Taiwu Dao Realm had not had the fourth-level spiritual spirit Nascent Soul stationed in order to obtain the quality of Dao Palace's spiritual army, it would have completely swept them away.

Under the watchful eyes of many monks, Gu Luosheng arrived, with fluttering black robes, a calm temperament, and a royal air.

The Lord of Shidie Palace, the maker of order in Qiudao Palace.

Although all the Yuanying monks present hated the seat system of Qiudao Palace, they had to admit that the seat system was indispensable for Qiudao Palace to develop in a short period of time.

However, this system is no longer suitable for the Qiudao Palace...

Many Nascent Souls looked at Gu Luosheng with gloomy expressions.

Being born in Qiudao Palace since childhood can indeed make people loyal, but the environment of Qiudao Palace is so excellent that many monks cannot understand how much convenience it provides.

As long as you have contribution points, you can learn countless spiritual methods at will.

Perfect to the extreme, the dream teaching system allows you to quickly master all kinds of knowledge.

The Heavenly Demon Palace houses the Heavenly Demon and kills it, which allows the Golden Core cultivator to directly improve his cultivation level.

A fair and impartial all-field assessment system that only looks at abilities, as well as a corresponding task release system.

These are all things that are unimaginable to the outside world, allowing them to grow rapidly and reach the peak smoothly.

However, just getting to this step is not enough, they want to go further.

The huge Palace of Seeking Dao is in the hands of a mere golden elixir.

It’s really hard for them not to have ideas.

This war may be an opportunity.

Cut off the monks of Shidie faction.

Strengthen their faction.

Then, seize control of the Qiudao Palace.

Gu Luosheng glanced at the many monks present and saw that they all had their own agendas, but he didn't care.

There was nothing they could do in a short period of time, and when they were fully fledged, it would be time for Si Yueyi to wake up.

At that time, it will be cleaned up once, so that the Qiudao Palace can continue to sprint towards the fourth level of spiritual magic.

Gu Luosheng nodded slightly and said: Everyone, the problem of insufficient spiritual veins in the Dao Seeking Palace has become more and more obvious. In order to develop, I have decided to enter the spiritual world and declare war on all Dao domains except the Taiwu Dao domain!

However, Qiudao Palace needs to hide behind the scenes. You can't act in the name of Qiudao Palace!

Ten seats in the True King's Palace! Obey the order!

The sound echoed.

Ten Yuanying monks with terrifying auras walked out.

Master Shidie Palace, disciples take orders!

Ji Lian is on the list!

He is extremely talented and has superb fighting instincts. Although there are many newcomers, he has never fallen out of the top ten.

The other nine are also extraordinary in their own way, and their momentum is like a rainbow.

It's a pity that even the ten strongest seats in the Qiudao Palace are still at the early stage of Nascent Soul.

After the Nascent Soul, they rarely use time acceleration, which means that only ten or twenty years have passed. This length of time naturally makes it impossible for the Nascent Soul monks to make any progress.

Today, I will give you the right to form your own faction. You can recruit disciples who intend to participate in the war to join the faction, and declare war on the various Dao realms in the name of the faction! If you win, you will rule the Dao realm in the name of the faction and establish the Seeking Dao. The palace is divided into palaces!

Gu Luosheng waved his hand, and ten golden talismans fell into everyone's hands.

Follow the palace master's decree! We will conquer Shengzhou as soon as possible!

All ten seats were smiling.

They didn't expect that Gu Luosheng had no intention of intervening, and even gave up so many benefits!

Very good!

Their combat prowess is stronger than the other, and they have gone a long way in the triple spiritual arts. They are definitely not comparable to the Shang family and the Tian family. Even if their cultivation is inferior, they are not invincible!

I believe that all of you in the ten seats will bring good news, but remember, you cannot declare war on the Taiwu Dao Domain.

Gu Luosheng said plainly.

Palace Master, I don't know why my disciples can't declare war on Taiwu Dao Realm?

Among the ten seats, the younger female nun Hui'er spoke up. She was dressed in green and had embroidered rice plants.

There are thirty spiritual armies in Shengzhou, and each spiritual army must be led by an outstanding Yuanying. Among them are not only the three-level spiritual Yuanying, but also the fourth-level spiritual Yuanying. The master of Taiwu Dao Domain is The head of the Ye family masters the fourth level of spiritual magic and is famous far and wide.

As monks of the Qiudao Palace, you should understand the difference between the third-level spiritual method and the fourth-level spiritual method. Before the master of Tianyin Palace leaves the seclusion, you must not be an enemy of the Taiwu Dao Realm, otherwise you will only bring about your own destruction.

Gu Luosheng said.

The master of Tianyin Palace is about to break through Nascent Soul?

There was a Nascent Soul cultivator whose expression changed slightly.

It is rumored that the master of Tianyin Palace, Jin Dan, instantly killed Yuanying. If he breaks through Yuanying, he may be invincible in Qiudao Palace. If he wants to cause trouble at that time, he will simply seek his own death!

Act early?

No, the risk is too great, it can’t happen!

But it doesn't matter, they originally wanted to wait for a result, the result of the Tianyin Palace Master's failure to break through!

After all, the power of the Qiudao Palace is in the hands of the two palace masters. Unless there is a big problem, they will not have a chance.

It seems that you understand, then, I will announce the next change that is closely related to everyone!

Gu Luosheng's words immediately made everyone fearful.

Are they closely related?

Could it be to further reduce seats and reduce resource consumption to supply the domain of declaration of war?

From now on, the time flow rate of each major branch palace will be adjusted!

The time flow rate in the Outer Palace has been reduced from 365 times to 30 times!

The time flow rate in the Inner Palace has been reduced from 100 times to 30 times!

The time flow rate in the Central Dao Palace has been increased from 30 times to 60 times!

At the same time, the Three Avenue Palace at the Qiudao Palace headquarters will also be adjusted!

The time flow rate in the Outer Palace is reduced from 150 times to 10 times.

The inner palace has been increased from 50 times to 100 times.

The time flow rate in the Central Dao Palace has been reduced from 30 times to 10 times.

Declare the end.

The whole place was silent, and many monks showed expressions that they should have done long ago.

Qiudao Palace has the distinction between headquarters and branches.

The three main avenue palaces of the branch correspond to Qi training, foundation building, and golden elixir.

The three main avenue palaces in the headquarters correspond to the foundation building, golden elixir, and golden elixir hundred seats.

The changes announced by Gu Luosheng are undoubtedly to reduce the flow rate of time and reduce resource consumption.

In the Central Dao Palace of the headquarters, the time of the Golden Pill Hundred Seats has been accelerated only ten times, which means that the number of Nascent Souls born will be greatly reduced, only one-third of the original.

At the same time, the Inner Dao Palace in the headquarters corresponds to Jindan monks who do not have many cultivation resources.

This part of the time is accelerated to a hundred times, which will undoubtedly exhaust the golden elixir monk's lifespan faster, thus greatly speeding up the cultivation of spiritual veins.

The size of the Palace of Seeking Dao is no longer what it used to be. If the time acceleration ratio is not reduced, collapse is imminent.

This kind of adjustment may appear frequently in the future, and it may even be possible to directly drop to negative acceleration.


The Palace of Seeking Taoism can have a population explosion and resource shortages.

But by mastering the time formation, Gu Luosheng can also cut off the source of life and forcibly adjust the population structure of Qiudao Palace.

If there is a surplus of Golden Core monks, then reduce the time acceleration of the Foundation Establishment monks to reduce the number of newly born Golden Core monks, or speed up the time of the Golden Core monks so that the living Golden Core monks will die quickly! (End of chapter)

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