Reincarnation Immortal Path

Chapter 459 The Power of Nascent Soul

The sky was gloomy and gloomy, and the gloomy air swept across it, occasionally colliding with the rich aura of the Red Mountain.

A cave within Red Mountain.

A sixth-level formation has been fully activated.

Due to limited time and resources, Gu Luosheng did not have time to set up the Tiangang Formation and Earth Evil Formation at the Jindan level.

What was finally formed was only the sixth-order star formation, but it contained a lot of time power and had a special purpose.

Standing in front of a blood gold coffin, Gu Luosheng took off his destiny ring and placed it in the center of the blood gold coffin.

Afterwards, he played a large number of spells one after another, forming a mysterious spell with spatial rhythm beating.

This is a technique used to transfer destiny artifacts.

Time and space are not separated. After Gu Luosheng entered the realm of Jindan, his understanding of space became deeper and deeper. His ability to use formations to cross the void was greatly enhanced. It is not a problem to cross thousands of miles at once...

Of course, it is still incomparable to the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Traveling through space in front of a Nascent Soul cultivator is equivalent to committing suicide.

When the Nascent Soul of the Luo tribe was chasing him, Gu Luosheng had never thought about jumping into space.

The size of the Nascent Soul cultivator is already so large that it can press through the space, and his perspective is completely superior to that of the Golden Core cultivator.

Golden elixir monks only change places in an instant when they travel through space, but Yuanying can see the starting point, end point and everything along the way when traveling through space. Their control of space is on another level.

Even if Gu Luosheng masters the acceleration of time, what is accelerated is only the process of entering space, not the space shuttle. From the perspective of the Yuanying monk, the space shuttle still has a period of time and can be forcibly stopped.

The Divine Artifact of Destiny can be removed freely. It doesn't matter where it is placed. It will not come back automatically. Even if it is picked up by someone, the original holder will be directly disqualified.

Then the question is, is the positioning of the Destiny Artifact bound to the human body, or the Destiny Artifact?

Let's try it...

Gu Luosheng put down the Divine Artifact of Destiny, Shi Die was armed and dressed, and left the Hongshan Cave Mansion without looking back.

This destiny artifact belongs to the future demon horse, not the destiny artifact of his own world.

Even if the magic horse's destiny artifact really records the coordinates, there is a high probability that it is not his original world.

The benefits and risks were not equal, and it was not worth giving up the reincarnation method that could extend his life.

Gu Luosheng left the Destiny Artifact behind and arranged a space teleportation spell. Obviously, he did not expect the Destiny Artifact to return to his hands.

Eliminate the breath.

Use time magic to seal off your connection with the outside world.

Gu Luosheng turned into a rainbow and left this dangerous place. The massive ghosts along the way turned a blind eye to him.

Yinhun relies on life fluctuations and divine soul fluctuations to sense the target. It is separated by a space, or a purely dead object will not attract attention. Gu Luosheng stopping his own time is also a method.

Lord Yun Tianzhen activated the concept power of searching for enemies and approached Hongshan along the special wave.

He was afraid of the existence of the Qianye Forbidden Land, so he did not dare to cross the void directly, but took a detour.

Fortunately, in this era, eternal night shrouds the world, and the spheres of influence of major spiritual cities have greatly shrunk. He has a lot of feasible ways and does not have to worry about attracting the attention of the Nascent Souls of all races.

After spending some time and traveling through half of Shengzhou, Lord Yun Tianzhen finally found the Hongshan Cave where Gu Luosheng was hiding.

The yang energy is so strong... there is actually a spiritual mountain that can resist the disappearance of the sun with its own strength.

Lord Yun Tianzhen was slightly surprised, but not surprised either.

The Caixia spiritual world is huge, with countless creations, and spiritual mountains that gather the essence of heaven and earth are not rare.

He has seen spiritual mountains and sacred trees with Yang attributes in various tribes. They are rare resources, but he would never say that this is the only one.

He didn't think for too long, his spiritual thoughts swept out and forcibly invaded the Hongshan formation, destroying everything in its path.

The spiritual thoughts did not spread too much, and they were always on guard against attacks.

Even so, the formation couldn't stop it. Even when it was activated at full strength, it was penetrated on the spot.

The cold power of spiritual thoughts swept across the entire Red Mountain, the spiritual energy rolled, the entire Red Mountain was turbulent, and the formation was disintegrating.

The spiritual thoughts of the golden elixir monks can be released into the inner realm and trap the foundation-building monks. The Nascent Soul monks will naturally reach a higher level and have more substantial interference capabilities.

Killing people with thoughts will be a characteristic of this realm.

Moreover, the person who was killed might still be the Golden Core cultivator.

Lord Yun Tianzhen didn't seem to worry at all about traps or that the attacker was too strong, and he acted extremely decisively.

The power of spiritual thought seems to be shrinking, but in fact it is destroying everything in its path. Hongshan's formation is disintegrating in milliseconds.

As a flash of silver light rose, the entire Red Mountain erupted with a surge of spiritual energy. Only then did Lord Yun Tiantian raise his eyelids: Sealing formation? Only the sixth level?

Raising his hand and pointing a finger, the entire formation dispersed like flowing clouds, and the power of the time seal had no effect at all.

Long time no see.

The spiritual method mastered by Yun Tianzhen has also entered the third level, and those who have become qualified for divine weapons can indeed change their lives.

Show up, you are not covered by destiny, and you have almost zero grasp of the power of concepts. You are not just a newcomer, but you are still in the realm of golden elixir. Unfortunately, you are too weak. There is no room for your existence in this world.

The flowing clouds around Yun Tianjun washed away the Red Mountain, and the entire mountain range disappeared visibly to the naked eye. It activated the space teleportation formation deep in the core at an extremely fast speed. In a burst of time and space fluctuations, the destiny artifact teleported away.

At this time, Lord Yun Tiantian took action, penetrated the void, and directly took the destiny artifact by force.

It's so easy and simple that you can't even imagine it.

This is also natural. Gu Luosheng did not waste resources on the Destiny Artifact. Even the teleportation of the Destiny Artifact was very perfunctory. He knew that Nascent Soul could intercept it, so he had no expectations and was just testing his own methods.

If you really want to say it, there is probably only one that makes sense...

Information transfer!

The footage of Lord Yun Tiantian's arrival was recorded silently, transmitted through space, and spread in all directions.

Thanks to Gu Luosheng for mastering the use of Yin Qi, in today's world, Yin Qi is everywhere.

With the help of the endless yin energy, the news continues to spread and never stops for thousands of miles.

This is information that only Gu Luosheng can understand.

Abandoning the Divine Artifact of Destiny and running away? Could it be that you had expected that I would take action? Can you predict the future?

Lord Yun Tianzhen was really surprised.

Each mission of the Destiny Artifact has a limited time. After this time, the mission will not be carried out. Although the Artifact will not force qualified people to start the mission, the difficulty of the mission will continue to increase.

When it reaches a point, it is certain to die, and those who qualify are equivalent to giving up their qualifications to hold artifacts.

This is a treasure that can travel through the world and find opportunities in all eras. Some people actually gave up...

World Awareness!

Lord Yun Tianzhen once again activated the conceptual power of the maintainer, and he believed that the target might have two divine artifacts of destiny.

But the result was surprising. He did not sense other weapons of destiny.

All in vain?

Lord Yun Tianzhen pondered, the flowing clouds gathered and illuminated the land, and he began to look back on history and search for traces.

This is not a time spiritual method, but a deduction technique based on his own spiritual method.

Everything has its trajectory. As long as you clarify the logic and make calculations, you can restore the truth of everything.

Soon, he successfully recalled a scene from the past.

It was a silver-haired young man. He put down the destiny ring, then turned and left without looking back.

The picture is clear and unmistakable, it is the ancient one.

No matter how much the traces were disturbed, with the support of Nascent Soul-level spiritual thoughts, Gu Luosheng still had nowhere to hide.

Gu Luosheng himself was not good at covering up traces, and he had no experience in fighting against this type of spiritual method. All he did was to eliminate his own aura, clean up the entire Hongshan Cave, and suppress it with the time spiritual method to prevent anyone from peeking into the past.

The value of his doing this is just to extend the time for Yun Tianzhen to look back at the scene.

When Yun Tianzhen was looking back at the scene, he was not aware of it due to the distance, and he was unable to counterattack.

Therefore, Lord Yun Tianzhen calmly wrote down the appearance and aura, and changed the technique to use a deduction technique.

Its name is The Divine Calculation of the King of Zhou.

It takes time and a huge deduction process to retrace the scene using one's own spiritual method. It is impossible to track it using this method, and it is impossible to know Gu Luosheng's current location.

The deduction technique is different. It can lock the target from the causal level based on the breath, but it is also easier to be countered.

Lord Yun Tianzhen did not underestimate the realm of golden elixir, but he did not overestimate it either.

Those with the same qualifications have their own opportunities, and no one is inferior to the other.

As a Nascent Soul, he was not as good as the Golden Core in Gu Luo. This gap in realm was an insurmountable abyss.

Zhou Wang Shen's arithmetic only required a few pieces of tortoise shell. Lord Yun Tianzhen breathed out a mouthful of real fire and burned the tortoise shell. In a short time, the tortoise shell cracked and the words appeared, which actually directly locked the position of Gu Luosheng.

Don't you have any countermeasures? He is indeed a newcomer.

Lord Yun Tianzhen nodded silently.

Although his deduction method is not as good as the deduction technique of the saints, it is directly based on the stars, which greatly increases the power of the soul. In theory, any Nascent Soul can deduce the traces of half a continent, but it depends on the weapon he holds for great achievements. The cooperation will definitely not lose to anyone.

The most important thing is that Gu Luosheng has no means to counter the deduction technique!

A sad abandoned son, without the protection of the divine artifact of destiny, unable to use the power of concepts...perhaps he is a rebel against fate?

Lord Yun Tianzhen shattered the void and traveled through the long space again.

Show up, you are not covered by destiny, and you have almost zero grasp of the power of concepts. You are not just a newcomer, but you are still in the realm of golden elixir. Unfortunately, you are too weak. There is no room for your existence in this world.

Gu Luosheng had already left thousands of miles away, but he still received the message.

The scene of the arrival of Lord Yun Tianzhen was replayed in its entirety.

This kind of flowing cloud spiritual method made Gu Luosheng immediately realize that this person was the Nascent Soul of the Tianjia who was chasing him in the fourth world.

Shielded by destiny? The power of mastering concepts? Lord Yun Tianzhen actually became a qualified person, and he happened to come after me?

Gu Luosheng felt horrified.

What a coincidence.

Countless tasks, countless qualified people, why did Lord Yun Tianzhen come to chase him?

Could it be that someone saw through that he was a reincarnated person and deliberately tested him?

Gu Luosheng's mental fluctuations were strong, but he quickly suppressed them. After thinking carefully, he did not rule out the possibility of being seen through the reincarnation, but there was no point in scaring himself. It was better to think more positively.

Jun Tianzhen is only a second-level spiritual Nascent Soul. In theory, he cannot catch up. But if he is a qualified person, it will be completely different. If a qualified person of the Nascent Soul level is dispatched to pursue him, there is no way to find the enemy...

Gu Luosheng clearly sensed the danger.

But how can he hide?

If he is like the Nascent Soul of the Luo Sheng Tribe, he will definitely be locked in position, and he can only hide in a forbidden area!

There are no remnant souls of Eternal Night in the forbidden area this time. If he goes in, he will definitely die!

Not feasible!

Looking for a safe place to isolate and explore?

Xieya Cave Sky?

Gu Luosheng was slightly silent. He didn't know if Xieyadongtian could stop Yuanying.

Although it can be seen from the fact that the Nascent Soul of the Luo Clan did not directly break into Xieya Cave to catch anyone, Xieya Cave is still relatively hidden. However, Xieya Cave has been abandoned for a long time, and the past news has been covered up. The Nascent Soul of the Luo Clan may not even know that there is a cave here. Cave sky.

What if the Nascent Soul of the Luo Clan just doesn't know, rather than has no ability, and he returns to Xieya Cave and exposes the spatial coordinates. Wouldn't it mean that he will destroy his best nest in the next life?

In that case, let's divert the trouble to the east. There are as many Nascent Soul-level monsters as there are in this era!

The wings of light unfolded behind Gu Luosheng, and the silver time ring rotated, entering the third liberation, accelerating nine thousand two hundred and sixteen times, and the whole person traveled at an invisible speed!

Before participating in the destiny mission, the ten thousand times acceleration would crush the golden elixir body and cause the physical body to collapse.

Now that the physical body has been integrated into the core bloodline of the demon clan, its strength has been greatly enhanced, and it can already withstand accelerations of ten thousand times.

All he needs to pay now is mana!

Nine thousand times the mana consumption is indeed an exaggeration!

However, he had prepared a large number of spirit storage talismans, which could last for a while. With a speed of nine thousand times, even Yuanying could not catch up with him, and the small size also meant that it was difficult to attract attention.

A Nascent Soul and a Golden Pill appeared in the Ghost King's territory at the same time. The Ghost King's target must be the Nascent Soul.

Golden elixir?

Not even enough to fit between teeth.

Nascent Soul-level Yin Qi! It's here!

Gu Luosheng's location was far away from the Qianye Forbidden Land, but even further away from the human realm. In a blink of an eye, he encountered the ghost king's realm. The ghostly aura was as thick as ink, and it was so dark that no light could be seen. Gu Luosheng tried to step in, even if he used magic to protect himself. Both arms also turned to gray in an instant, and could only be isolated by using the Time Sequence Silence Field.

He silently took the pill, activated his mana regeneration arm, and waited quietly.


With an indescribable sound, the space shattered, a black wind blew up, and white clouds filled the air.

Gu Luosheng only felt that his mana was being consumed rapidly like a flood, and his consciousness was becoming gray. He suddenly turned his head and saw that in the accelerated state of time, the flowing clouds and white mist were flowing at a speed visible to the naked eye, surrounding him.

The seemingly weak flowing clouds and white mist actually contain great magic power, and are held by a powerful man who has been deeply involved in the Nascent Soul realm for hundreds of years.

Wherever it passes, not to mention Kobelco, even the space will be destroyed.

Dark cracks surrounded his body, and Gu Luosheng's heart rang with alarm.

Lord Yun Tianzhen is already here!

Without thinking, he clasped his hands together, and the white Taiyin spiritual root mark on his forehead spread, spread all over his body, and then burned violently, turning into an innate spiritual field.

Spiritual roots revive!

The spiritual roots are sublimated!

The spiritual roots are burning!

The secret of the triple flower spirit method—the flowers bloom undefeated! (End of this chapter)

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