It is because this survivor base is completely opposite to the main city of Bronze Gate.

Living here is similar to the ancient and fragrant life in ancient times.

Everyone is farming.

Although the clothes are not very good, the food is probably so-so.

There are not many ghost riders.

But everyone has a happy smile on their face.

Even as night falls, there isn't much negativity here.

That's right!

Today's Yang Xuan, after devouring the three ghost emperors, can already perceive negative emotions.

This ability belongs to the Giant Infant Ghost Emperor.

Before he was killed by Yang Xuan, the reason why he liked to play on the bridge like that.

It is because he likes to absorb the fear, despair and other emotions that people emit.

But Yang Xuan didn't have that kind of preference.

He is normal.

A good mood, integrated into his own ghost domain, can improve his spiritual power a bit.

Although, he can also perceive negative emotions, but he will not be able to create those emotions and absorb them.

Yang Xuan had an intuition.

If you absorb negative energy yourself, you may increase your strength.

But it will definitely cause problems in your spirit and soul.

"Don't hurt them!"

"I know your goal is the Bronze Gate!"

"It will take a long time for our bronze door to be fully built."

"If you are not satisfied, I can redouble my efforts."

"But please don't hurt them."

"There are not many human beings alive in this world."

The fairy in the painting seems to have misunderstood something.

Yang Xuan could tell right away that this woman regarded herself as a member of the World Extermination Society.

But he didn't say anything.

"Oh, why should I let them go!"

"Ghosts hate all living things!"

Yang Xuan wanted to tease this simple-minded ghost master.

In the apocalypse, there are still people with such a pure heart, which is very rare.

"I can give everything, and I ask my lord to let this place continue to maintain the status quo!"

"I swear, I will finish the bronze door as soon as possible."

When the fairy in the painting said this, she actually put away the **** umbrella in her hand.

Then, the terrifying aura around her also dissipated.

The ghost domain also converged accordingly.

Immediately afterwards, she actually returned to the normal state.

Still completely undefended.

under this state.

Let alone Yang Xuan.

Any ghost emperor who comes here can seize this opportunity and kill her or capture her alive.

And the fairy in the painting makes this choice.

It's also because he knows that even if he tries his best, he will do his best.

Facing Yang Xuan, there was no good result.

It's better to show a lower attitude and try to protect this paradise.

After removing the defense.

The fairy in the painting had a slightly tangled expression for a while.


She took two steps forward, bent her legs slightly, and was about to fall to her knees on the ground in the next second.

But Yang Xuan waved lightly with his right hand.

Soon, the invisible force directly stopped the movement of the fairy in the painting.

The fairy in the painting looked at Yang Xuan with some puzzlement.

There is a little tension in my heart.

She was afraid of Yang Xuan, so she wanted to destroy this place regardless.

But fortunately, what she was worried about did not happen.

"May I have your name?"

Yang Xuan asked curiously.

"Liu Hongyu!"

The fairy in the painting speaks her name.

Actually, it's a pretty common name.

No matter which world you are in, there are quite a few people called this.

However, Yang Xuan had at least seen Liu Hongyu's appearance and temperament like the fairy in the painting.


He stared at Liu Hongyu for a long time.

Finally, I couldn't help but sighed.

"Your life is numbered!"

"You should know this yourself."

That's right!

When Yang Xuan saw Liu Hongyu for the first time, apart from being amazed, he also felt regretful.

Because this girl who likes to dance and has a kind heart will die soon.

Although he is a ghost emperor, he is good at killing people, but he has no way to save people.

"Of course I know, I've been on the verge of losing all life after I've been guarding this place for a long time!"

"However, I can hold on until the bronze gate is finished."

"So please don't take back my ability, my lord."

Liu Hongyu still thinks that Yang Xuan is the one who will destroy the world.

Yang Xuan didn't intend to explain too much.

He just said, "I'll give you a choice."

"I can make you into an existence like me, so as to better protect this place."

"But one day, if you find that this place no longer needs your protection, then you will leave with me and become my personal maid."

"Do you want to?"

Yang Xuan can help Liu Hongyu.

But his help is not without cost.


Although Liu Hongyu likes this place, she is not someone who is completely considerate of others and doesn't care about her own situation at all.

She knew that she was about to die, so she said what she just said, and she was willing to give everything.

But if she can't die, and she has to serve Yang Xuan for a long time, she has to think carefully.

In my heart, I basically don't think so.

After Yang Xuan put forward his opinion.

Liu Hongyu didn't agree immediately.

"Don't you really want to!"

"Then let me make an introduction, I am not a member of the World Extermination Society!"

"I can't elaborate on my origin for the time being."

"However, my goal is to restore the gate of **** and restore the world to its previous state."

"Maybe, in order to restore the world, we need to communicate with another place."

"But as long as I succeed, it will definitely be a good thing for the world."

"Of course, I also have my own purpose, and I will get the benefits that make my heart beat."

"And you are one of the benefits that makes my heart beat."

"After all, you are dying, if you don't accept my invitation."

"Actually, I'll take you away in the end, too."

"After all, even if the person I fancy dies, even if he runs to the end of the world, he can't escape from my grasp!"

Yang Xuan smiled slightly.

He didn't fall in love with Liu Hongyu at first sight, nor did he fall in love at first sight.

I just like the atmosphere around Liu Hongyu, and that kind of emotion.

After obtaining the ability of the Giant Infant Ghost Emperor.

It was the first time he felt so comfortable by someone's side.

Perhaps, the same is true around his teacher.

But if Liu Hongyu is counted, wouldn't that be double the happiness?

"Ah! You are not a member of the World Destruction Society!"

Liu Hongyu grasped the point.

"I am the enemy of the World Destruction Society!"

"The World Destruction Society will be destroyed by my hands!"

"After all, they are the ones who made this world become like this."

"They deserve it!"

What Yang Xuan said was righteous, he would never tell Liu Hongyu that he came here to avenge himself.

"To restore the world is one of my wishes 913."

"However, what age is this, and your honor still wants me to be a maid, don't you think it's a bit too much?"

Liu Hongyu sighed lightly.

Still did not agree to Yang Xuan's request.

However, her tangled expression revealed some of her inner thoughts.

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