He is not sure about the exact time.

Because the world is messed up.

Even if many ghost emperors were secretly created and manipulated many ghost emperors' World Extermination Society.

There is no way to set the time for inspections every year so accurately.

So it could be early, it could be late.

"Is it the last six months?"

Yang Xuan nodded.

Secretly recorded this time.

"Then, what about the bronze door!"

Yang Xuan asked again.

The Bronze Door is the most desired item of the Mieshihui.

The other party seems to have spent a lot of time building bronze doors in various places.

"As requested by the World Destruction Society, the bronze gate must be made of ancient bronze!"

"We have been collecting for so many years, and we have completed 95% of the bronze door, and there is still 5% to be completed."

"However, the more the last five percent, the more difficult it is!"

"Ancient bronzes are too hard to find."

"But I know that there is a ghost emperor nearby, occupying a city."

"In that city, we have investigated, and there is a museum!"

"Perhaps there will be some ancient bronze in it."

The Vientiane Ghost Emperor said so.

"A wild ghost emperor?"

"It can expand my ghost country background."

Yang Xuan thought thoughtfully.

"Give me the address."


The Wanxiang Ghost Emperor hurriedly drew a map in the void with his ghost energy.

The map is easy to understand, and Yang Xuan recorded it directly.

Then, he disappeared from the palace of the Vientiane Ghost Emperor.

A deserted hilltop.

Liu Xiaoxiao, Fuqian Wu, and the surrounding ghost masters.

And those gathered civilian survivors.

They all looked in the direction of the main city of Bronze Gate in horror.

The ghost domains of the two ghost emperors are fully unfolded.

Even if all of them are no longer within the scope of the ghost domain.

In this instant.

They all felt their hairs standing on end, as if they were deep in hell.

Until Yang Xuan's ghost country came.

That feeling was relieved.

Because of Yang Xuan's ghost country, 897 recorded their aura.

Although they are living.

But because of Yang Xuan's mark, they can be regarded as citizens of the ghost country.

So as long as Yang Xuan doesn't target them.

They will not be invaded by the laws of the ghost country.

"Don't worry, your big nephew is super strong!"

"The body of the ghost emperor, the will of ghosts and gods, let alone facing two ghost emperors alone."

"Even if you face three or even four ghost emperors alone, you won't lose."

"If it is divided according to the realm, he should be regarded as above the ghost emperor and below the ghost god."

"Perhaps, we can call it a demigod!"

When Fu Qianwu said this, he was very emotional.

What he laments is that things are impermanent.

Obviously, they were just an ordinary survivor base before.

Be careful of ghosts, but also be careful of the Bronze Gate organization.

The results of it.

Now it has entered the main city of the Bronze Gate.

Even paying five can be sure, when Yang Xuan brought everyone here.

The result of the main city of Bronze Gate is already doomed.

Sure enough, things were exactly as he had imagined.

The battle didn't last long or short, just when these people were chatting.

The overall situation is settled!


With a flash of space fluctuations.


All the survivors gathered by Yang Xuan were stunned.

Then came to a large square in the main city of Bronze Gate.

Square here.

Someone is already in charge of guiding and leveling them.

And Liu Xiaoxiao, Fu Qianwu, and three other ghost masters who were with them.

It was directly sent to the main hall of the Bone Ghost Emperor by the space.

As soon as they come.

He saw Yang Xuan who was exuding a gloomy and terrifying aura, but who was like a fairy in the sky.

Especially the blood-colored robe on Yang Xuan's body.

It looks even redder now than before.


There are drops of blood falling down at any time.

"Pay five, now there is a vacancy for Ghost Emperor!"

"Are you willing to become a ghost emperor!"

"The ghost emperor I'm talking about is a ghost emperor who abandons his body and has independent will!"

"It's an existence similar to me."

"However, the ghost emperor transformed by me will never betray me!"

Yang Xuanru said.

This person who pays five is a person who values ​​love and righteousness.

Yang Xuan knew.

I will definitely leave this world.

Therefore, leaving a strong bodyguard for relatives in this life is worthy of this reincarnation.

"Ah this..."

The benefit of paying five to be intruded into is stunned.

Two hundred years of supernatural recovery.


Which ghost master does not want to embark on the road of supernatural beings but clear consciousness.

Didn't see the pursuit of the two ghost emperors, Vientiane and Bone, is that so?

"I do!"

"The subordinates are willing!"

Opportunity is at hand.

Paying Wu directly knelt down on the ground, knocking his head loudly.

That kind of force made Yang Xuan feel pain even looking at it.


"get ready!"

Yang Xuan just nodded.

Then just pay a little bit of emptiness to pay five.


Like the previous two kneeling downs, Fu Qian Wu's physical body was directly annihilated.

next second.

The ghostly and regular bones emerged directly from the void, and then pierced the soul of Paying Wu.

Pain, endless pain.

During the period of integration with the supernatural rules.

Paying five seems to have suffered the most terrifying injury in the world.

That's what the soul is.

Mortal souls are more fragile.

When the soul is hurt, the pain it feels will be a hundred times, a thousand times that of the physical body.

If you change it to pay five by yourself.

With his strength alone, he couldn't even pass the first hurdle of merging with the spirit.

his will.

Unable to pass the judgment of supernatural rules.

But fortunately, Yang Xuan was still there.

The power of the mind, suppress!

Yang Xuan began to use the power of the mind to help pay Qian Wu.

After waiting for ten minutes.

The soul of Paying Five gradually stabilized.

The Bone Ghost Emperor reappeared at this moment.

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