However, death is not scary.

The terrible thing is that they will be tortured by this person after death.

"I can satisfy your request, but you must first tell me where the person at the bronze gate is."

Yang Xuan called him out, naturally he was going to the headquarters of the Bronze Gate.

Although there are also ghost masters at the level of ghost emperors.

But he knows.

I am already invincible.

At least the ghost emperor can't do anything to him.

For the special sake of this world.

After one key full level.

Yang Xuan discovered that his realm is now equivalent to the fourth level of the main world.

That is, the existence of the Yuanshen stage.

Moreover, one's own abilities can be used without restriction.

There is no cooldown, and there is no internal energy, magic power, or spiritual power to consume.

It's simply unlimited firepower mode.

This spiritual world has become his back garden.

"I know I know!"

"I can lead the way for you, I just ask you to show mercy and let me die completely."

The ghost master hastily agreed.

Then he began to guide Yang Xuan the way.

But in the next second, even he in the soul state was stunned.

Because Yang Xuan's "eight-eight-seven" way of traveling was actually a space transfer.

I don't care about the spiritual backlash at all, just carry out space transfer again and again.

However, in just fifteen minutes, a distance of more than five hundred miles was covered.

Came to a newly built, huge city.

This city is also in the style of a modern city.

However, there is a huge city wall.

The height of the city wall is a full ten meters.

Because in this world, there are not only ghosts and ghosts, but also beasts corrupted by ghosts.

Those beasts are simply monsters.

And the walking dead.

In short, if there is no city wall, at some point, it will be attacked by monsters and walking corpses.

That's why Liu Xiaoxiao's survivor base is in the middle of an abandoned building.

As for Cao Qing's base, he chose the village.

It is because they have no choice.

Although the abandoned buildings in the city can effectively avoid the attacks of walking corpses and monsters.

However, the world of supernatural recovery.

Walking corpses and monsters are not the biggest threat.

The biggest threat, of course, is the ghosts.

And there are the most ghosts in the city.

A survivor base with only one ghost general dare not go to the previous city at all.

"My lord Ghost Emperor, this city is the base camp of the Bronze Gate."

"According to the information I know, there are two ghost emperors inside the bronze gate."

"One is called the Vientiane Ghost Emperor, and the other is called the Bone Ghost Emperor!"

"But I have never seen the ghost emperor's attack!"

"You don't need to know the information about those ghost kings!"

"Your abilities are beyond our imagination."

"So, please kill me!"

The man doesn't want to live anymore.

He knew that living was suffering.

"as you wish!"

Yang Xuan waved his hand.


A breeze blew by.

The soul of this person dissipates into the void.

Then, Yang Xuan felt his energy increase a bit.

Just after Yang Xuan harvested this person's soul.

Soon, on top of his mind.

Then another voice appeared.

"Zero, this is the base camp of Bronze Gate, what are we doing here?"

It was Liu Xiaoxiao who spoke.

At this time, she has recovered.

"I'm looking for a safe place for you."

"Next, I will attack here."

"And find some information that interests me."

"Now, you just need to wait here for the results."

After Yang Xuan recovered Liu Xiaoxiao.

The surrounding space is transformed again.

Survivors gathered together.

Soon, they came to a mountain top.

However, it is very safe here.

The surrounding ghosts, after Yang Xuan's ghost kingdom on the ground unfolded.

It was all cleaned up by him.

Then, Yang Xuan teleported again.

This time, he transferred it by himself.


The main city of Bronze Gate.

The Bone Ghost Emperor is sitting on a throne made entirely of bones.

Surrounded by white bones.

Bone dogs, bone eagles, and bone dragons surrounded him.

"Today's test failed again."

"The four ghost masters at the ghost king level lost their consciousness when they transformed into ghosts."

"Next time, maybe we shouldn't use ghost masters of the ghost king level for the experiment, or continue to use ghost generals and ghost soldiers. I don't know if it will be successful."

What the Bone Ghost Emperor does every day now.

It is to test with real people.

The purpose of his experiment is to create a ghost seed.

But in fact, ghost masters of the ghost general and ghost soldier level.

He has also done experiments, and there has never been a successful example.

But he is not reconciled.

Because he has been the ghost emperor for six full years.

I have used Bone Ghost Domain a few times in the middle.


He can clearly perceive that he has at most one year to live.

So recently he has been experimenting with others like crazy.

Want to find a way to become a ghost.

"Huh? Why did my heart throb suddenly."

"It seems that something bad is about to happen."

"When was the last time I felt this way?"

"It seems to be the last time I used Bone Ghost Domain."

"Could it be that…"

The Bone Ghost Emperor originally looked lazy.

But when he thought about it.

The whole person instantly perked up.

His skin was instantly covered with a layer of white bones.

This is his supernatural fighting state.

The surrounding white bones exude a powerful aura.

With his vigilance.

Soon, another ghost emperor also discovered the abnormality.

Because, he also felt a threat.

Everything is in sight, and the ghost domain appears!

The Vientiane Ghost Emperor is younger than the Bone Ghost Emperor.

The number of times he used Ghost Domain was also several times less than that of Bone Ghost Emperor.


After feeling the instinctive trembling.

He directly opened the ghost domain.

The ghost domain instantly covered the entire main city of Bronze Gate.

for a while.

All the ghost masters in the main city, as well as ordinary people, stood in place in horror, not daring to winter.

After waiting for the ghost domain of the Vientiane Ghost Emperor to unfold.

A huge black shadow descended from the void, tearing apart the space.

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