Moreover, Yang Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his mind. Let's get in touch with people here to see how many young people like Li Xiaofan meet the requirements to enter the reincarnation world.

You can also take them into the Tower of Reincarnation to undergo a transformation and give them a chance. They are all kind people. Yang Xuan must understand clearly this time before making a decision.

He was sitting at the entrance of the village talking with Li Xiaofan all the time, Yang Xuan didn't want to reveal his thoughts for the time being, and after he knew the situation here, Yang Xuan would tell them about his origin.

Let's see if they can accept it. After all, they are just ordinary people. It is impossible for them not to have any ideas. Yang Xuan is also a little worried, afraid that they will think that they are monsters, so how could they have such abilities.

How could it be possible to enter the world of reincarnation? It's really strange, besides, the Tower of Reincarnation is relatively unfamiliar to them, and they have never heard of it.

Li Xiaofan was also very excited, he just thought that Yang Xuan didn't look like an ordinary person, who was he? Li Xiaofan didn't want to think about it, since he came to the ancient city village, he had nowhere to go.

Li Xiaofan happened to bring him home, and he lived alone. Li Xiaofan didn't find it troublesome at all, and there was no inconvenience at all, since he had already made this request.

He is very convenient, he just thinks that since Yang Xuan came here, he always wants to entertain him, so he should treat him as a friend.

Li Xiaofan usually has some friends who would play together in this ancient city and village, but today everyone didn't want to follow him to chop firewood, so Li Xiaofan came here alone.

Just after leaving the ancient city village, Li Xiaofan met Yang Xuan at the entrance of the village. Li Xiaofan was quite excited. It seemed that Yang Xuan didn't refuse and wanted to go home with him. They didn't have an inn in the ancient city village.

He has no place to live, Li Xiaofan also understood, Yang Xuan's mind is very happy to him, he just likes to make friends, Li Xiaofan looked at Yang Xuan with a smile on his face at the moment.

"¨What's the trouble with this, I didn't think about it that much at all, if I thought it was troublesome, I wouldn't ask you to come with me to my house, don't think too much, what kind of firewood am I chopping today`( promised) 々."

"I am very happy to meet this friend. There are not many strangers in our village in the ancient city, but sometimes strangers come in. They are older. How can you be as young as you and have a long You have to be so handsome, it looks like you know kung fu, you are not an ordinary person."

"There is no one here who is as strong as you, and it seems that your muscles are quite developed.".

Chapter 2290 My mind is blank

Now that everyone has come to the ancient city village, Yang Xuan always wants to make a difference here, he just thinks how many people live here, he wants to know

Then bring some qualified people into the True Reincarnation Tower to prevent it. This is one of my own plans, but at this moment Yang Xuan is looking at Li Xiaofan, thinking about many things.

There is no inn in this ancient city village, so he can only follow him home. Yang Xuan doesn't have too many ideas in his heart, he is more enthusiastic about him, making one more friend will also lead to more 290 routes.

It's good for Yang Xuan to walk around this ancient city and village to see if he can understand the situation here as soon as possible before making a choice, but he is still relatively calm at the moment.

After all, he had been investigating here for a few days, and there was no danger before he came to the ancient city village.

Li Xiaofan saw that Yang Xuan didn't have too many thoughts in his heart, he just felt that Yang Xuan was too polite, and it was perfectly fine to want to go home with him, since Li Xiaofan made this request on his own initiative.

He didn't think too much about it. After all, there was no inn in this ancient village, so Yang Xuan could only (ccad) go home with him, whether he was passing by here or came to the ancient village for other reasons.

Li Xiaofan didn't want to think about it so much, he saw that Yang Xuan was very kind, and this person didn't know much about the situation in the ancient city and village, so he told him that they were relatively safe in the ancient city and village.

The matter in the Snow Mountain has been settled, Li Xiaofan and the others never worry about these dangerous situations happening, they have lived here for so long.

There has never been any abnormal situation, but he thought that Yang Xuan was very interesting, and now he must take him home, so why should he go hunting and chopping firewood? Is there any possibility?

"I like to make friends. We are friends now. What are you waiting for? Don't you follow me back to the ancient city and village? Do you still want to follow me to chop firewood? I don't hunt any more, and I have everything to eat at home. "

Sitting at the entrance of the village, Yang Xuan was very happy to hear Li Xiaofan's words. After all, he had just arrived in this ancient village, and Yang Xuan didn't know anything about it, and was relatively unfamiliar.

If you want to understand the situation here, and want to investigate how many people meet the conditions here, you can follow yourself into the True Soul Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate the world.

His mind is now blank and full of unknowns. Only after living in this ancient city and village for two days, can he know these answers. This is the purpose of Yang Xuanlai.

Yang Xuan looked at Li Xiaofan's every word he said, and Yang Xuan remembered it. He was still very enthusiastic. He just followed him back and had a place to live. After he got to know the situation again, Yang Xuan would explain to him in two days. own background.

Li Xiaofan saw Yang Xuan all the time, and felt that he was thinking too much, why bother to think too complicatedly, Li Xiaofan was going to take him back to the ancient city and village.

"You can just follow me back. If you want to live in this place in the ancient city village, you can only stay with me without an inn. As long as you don't dislike it, don't be polite with me. We already know each other. , I also feel very honored, this ancient city and village is quite big, but we rarely come to this place from outsiders."

"There is no inn at all. In the past, several inns were opened for nothing, and then they closed down.".

Chapter 2291 The inns are closed

"But you don't have to worry. Even if my family has no place to live, the people in our ancient city and village are very enthusiastic. You can find another one for you, and they can live in it. The houses built by every family are quite big. You don't need it." worried."

"I can't let you live on the street. Don't worry about this. Let's go. Are you still sitting here? Aren't you going back with me? Seeing you like this, don't worry so much. Since you are Why do friends always think so much, it's normal to help each other."

While Li Xiaofan was talking, he followed Yang Xuan into the ancient city village. There were quite a lot of people here and it was quite lively, but there was no inn here either.

Li Xiaofan has already told Yang Xuan so directly, he should be clear that he can only go home with himself at this moment, he can't rest outside here, who the **** is Yang Xuan.

Li Xiaofan didn't think so much, after all, he knew this situation well, and there was no need to be entangled with it, he also understood the things behind it.

Besides, no matter who they are, if they pass by this ancient city and village, they will always help if they need help. Li Xiaofan is originally quite enthusiastic, and he has many thoughts in his heart.

But at this moment, he was also thinking about these things, no matter what kind of situation, Yang Xuan has come here now, and he has the ability to watch him.

No matter what his identity is, Li Xiaofan will no longer doubt so much, thinking that Yang Xuan came here~.

Is there something to do? Li Xiaofan also told himself, don't think about things that can't be guessed, he just hoped that everything would be stable, and walked forward slowly with Yang Xuan, he was almost home.

Yang Xuan was very happy. Now that he knew Li Xiaofan, he was satisfied that he could find a place to live in this ancient city village. After all, Yang Xuan didn't have any requirements and came to the ancient city village for a single purpose.

I just want to see if the people here can meet the requirements, take them a new opportunity, and see if they can agree, Yang Xuan will not say so much for the time being.

While walking with Li Xiaofan, he looked at the situation in this ancient city and village. There are really many people here, and there are also many young people. Yang Xuan is also thinking about these things in his heart. If someone really believes in him .

····Ask for flowers 0···

You can enter the True Soul Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate in the world, and if you give them such a good opportunity, they will agree, but Yang Xuan is not worried about these problems for the time being, and slowly infiltrates, so he can't be too hasty.

"This ancient city and village is really good. This place is quite big and wide, and the people here are quite dense. It is really fate to pass by here. I just want to come here to have a look. Now I'm also happy to meet you again, and I won't say anything else after going to your house."


"I can't keep talking about bothering you, and you will also find it annoying. Today, you don't have to go up the mountain for me, and you don't have to chop firewood. My heart is also in my heart. I think about some problems and follow you, go home Let’s talk about it later, the situation in this ancient city and village is quite special.”

"This place is relatively remote, and at the same time, some dangers do not exist. You used to live here, it seems that you are quite courageous, and I am quite surprised, but these things are not too much, everything is quite Stable, how many people are there in the ancient city and the village?" 3.

Chapter 2292 The house is very simple

Yang Xuan and Li Xiaofan had already returned to his house. After entering the house, Yang Xuan saw that although his house was simple, it was well-kept. In this ancient city and village, everyone lived in poverty.

This Yang Xuanzi didn't care so much about this place, and it's not a palace, so how could it be magnificent? For Yang Xuan, he didn't think too complicated.

Seeing "290" Li Xiaofan living alone at home and cleaning relatively neatly, Yang Xuan looked up at him from the chair, just wanting to know how many people there are in this ancient city and village.

Yang Xuan probably knew nothing about the situation here, Yang Xuan just came here, he was thinking of these things, no matter what the situation was.

As long as I can think of problems, I will solve them. Is there anyone in this ancient city and village who wants to start now, and leave here to go to another world.

Yang Xuan always had to think about it to see what he was thinking, otherwise he would be afraid that they would be a little worried if he said his decision all at once.

After Li Xiaofan poured Yang Xuan a glass of water, he chatted with Yang Xuan. After all, it was afternoon and it was not dark, so it was impossible for Li Xiaofan to make such a breakfast. He just thought Yang Xuan was really interesting.

He asked so many questions. Originally he wanted to know how many people lived in this ancient city and village, but Li Xiaofan didn't quite know. There should be more than a thousand people in this place.

Li Xiaofan has never understood this matter, but he probably estimated that there should be almost these people in the ancient city village. Although it is a village, it is really quite big, with more than a thousand villagers living there.

Everyone is very lively together, every family knows each other, regardless of the number of people, we often contact each other, so we all know each other's name, and we all take care of each other.

Li Xiaofan looked at Yang Xuan quietly, and felt that he might have other intentions for asking so many questions. Does he want to settle here? Li Xiaofan was very happy in his heart, it didn't matter if there was one more person.

There are still a lot of sites in this ancient city and village where people can build their own houses. Li Xiaofan doesn't know what Yang Xuan wants to do, so he can only find out by asking. Otherwise, Li Xiaofan is just guessing this question in his heart.

He didn't know anything clearly in his heart, how could he not understand these situations in his heart, it just felt that the more such a question was, the more curious he was...

"You don't have to think too much. When you come to my house, you will be your own. We are about the same age. You may be a few years older than me, and you can live freely here. Don't think it's too complicated, and don't feel that you are in the house. If it bothers me here, I am a more casual person, and I won’t bother at all.”

"Looking at your appearance just now, I wonder if you feel very embarrassed, why should you think so? I live alone and I live alone, and besides, my house is quite big. Look, I built this kang by myself. Yes, the houses are all 0.3 built by myself, and they can sleep several people."

"It's not interesting for me to be alone every day. You can chat with me when you come. How I wish you can live here for a long time. In this case, I will have one more brother. I am also very happy for me. This There are probably several thousand people in our ancient city and village, but I don’t know the exact number.”.

Chapter 2293 Understand the number of people in the village

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also had some thoughts in his heart. It turns out that there are quite a lot of people living in this ancient city village. He didn't expect so many people to live in such a small village.

Yang Xuan felt quite surprised this time, but this is a good thing, he can change their fate through his own ability.

As long as the conditions are met, the more the better, Yang Xuan will achieve the ability he wants, can improve his energy, and can also upgrade his system.

For these things, Yang Xuan pondered in his heart for a few days. Only when he came to this ancient city and village did he realize that this place is densely populated. This is indeed a good choice for him.

Appearing here this time was also an accident. If he hadn't discovered that the snow mountain was in danger, he would not have come here, and he would have left.

Yang Xuan also told himself that he didn't want to think about anything, and that everything went with the flow. For him, he knew in his heart what key issues he wanted, and he was also thinking about all the changes.

No matter what the circumstances were, these were not the results he wanted to see. How could he not be clear about the problems behind them.

The more such a situation is, the more helpless he feels. He also knows what to do in his heart, and he also knows how to deal with these things at this moment.

Faced with such a problem, how could he not understand the situation behind it in his heart, but Yang Xuan felt that it didn't matter, everything was relatively calm, thinking too much, it was meaningless.

Li Xiaofan kept looking at Yang Xuan, not knowing what he was thinking, so he asked so many questions and Li Xiaofan answered him, anyway, there are so many specific numbers of people in the ancient city village.

Li Xiaofan couldn't confirm it to Yang Xuan. Anyway, everyone knew each other, and there were more and more people, and their ancient city and village were relatively lively.

Li Xiaofan also likes that there are more people in their place, so that everyone can get along well together, and he also feels very safe. He lives here alone.

He wouldn't feel scared either, if there were few people here, he would feel scared too. He was relatively timid, and he didn't dare to go out at night, don't watch him go hunting during the day.

Once it was night, Li Xiaofan didn't dare to go anywhere, he was like this, he still felt happy looking at Yang Xuan, he also hoped that he would have another brother to accompany him.

Save yourself from daring to sleep alone at night, and there are more and more people here. I don't know what Yang Xuan thinks, whether he will stay here.

"There are quite a lot of people here. You have just seen the densely packed 290 houses connected together, one by one. We have quite a lot of people here. These houses are built by us. People who come here, They love being here, they don’t want to leave and live here, and they have to bring these houses to settle in themselves.”

"The number of people has increased a little bit. Although our place is remote, the roads are quite developed. The road you took just now should lead to us with a few forks. If you go further, you can lead to Otherwise, there would be more and more people in our place.”

"Anyway, there are no rules. If you want to live here, you can live here. No one will interfere so much.".

Chapter 2294 No one interferes with these things

"Because of this situation, people are getting denser and denser. As a result, our ancient city and village now has thousands of people, which is already a big village."

Li Xiaofan told Yang Xuan everything he knew, and he didn't know what he wanted to ask. At this moment, he told him how many people lived in this ancient city and village. After all, Li Xiaofan had lived here for so long.

Regardless of his young age, from the moment he remembered, he already knew that there were more and more people in this ancient city and village, and he felt very happy.

From a few hundred people at the beginning to several thousand people now, I didn't expect that the homeless people who pass by here will all settle in this ancient city and village. They like the environment here and the atmosphere here.

Everyone gets along very well, and neither will dislike or reject each other. People in this place are very united, and Li Xiaofan likes this kind of atmosphere the most.

He likes life here, and Li Xiaofan doesn't know why he appears here. He has lived in the ancient city village since he was sensible.

He didn't remember much about the past, but he told himself that as long as he could live, everything was more important, and he didn't want to think about the past that he was an orphan.

So what, he is still living a good life. He has lived until now, as long as he grows up and can support himself and protect himself, he is already very content.

Yang Xuan already knew how many people lived in this ancient city and village, and he was very clear about it. He would not think so much about other things, nor would he ask so many questions.

After all, Yang Xuan has nothing to do with other things in this ancient city and village, and he doesn't want to study those useless things, he just needs to know how many people are in this ancient city and village, and then talk about it.

Let's see how many people meet the conditions. Young people like Li Xiaofan, as long as they can meet the conditions to run the Tower of True Soul Reincarnation, they can follow him to the reincarnation world as long as they are willing.

Yang Xuan will give them another chance, but it depends on whether they have the courage. Yang Xuan also understands this situation in his heart, and at the moment he is not worried so much in his heart.

He just felt that these things had happened, he knew how to deal with them, and he knew how to face such a situation, so he was relatively relaxed.

"It turns out that this is the case. I didn't expect that there are quite a lot of people in this small village. You live here very lively. I saw you people coming in and out just now. Everyone greeted each other, and they seemed to be very happy. It is more enthusiastic, the people here are more kind, and I feel very happy when I see it.”

"¨But I don't plan to live here for a long time, I have other things to do, I can't live here, and this place can't keep me, I just pass by here to see the situation here, and then understand I'm curious about how many people there are here."

Liao Nuohao) There are indeed quite a lot of people in this small village, which makes me feel very lively. In fact, I also like this kind of atmosphere, but I can't stay in one place for too long. I feel quite depressed. I like to wander around the world and travel around life, this is one of my life attitudes.”

After Li Xiaofan heard these words, he was a little disappointed. He originally wanted to keep Yang Xuan in the village of the ancient city and let him live with him, but he didn't expect the other party to say that.

Chapter 2295 Incredible

Li Xiaofan has always seen Yang Xuan like this, and he will not force it. He knows in his heart that everything he said is true, and he hopes that Yang Xuan can stay in the ancient city and village.

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