The Heisha Beast is also thinking of various ways to see if there is a chance to escape. Yang Xuan in front of him is too powerful, and the Heisha Beast is a little timid.

Yang Xuan looked at the appearance of the black evil beast, and felt that this guy had been thinking of a way, his eyes were bigger than copper, and he was turning around there.

Yang Xuan already knew it, he was thinking of various ways to get out of here, it seemed that he was thinking of ways to escape, thinking how could he be given a chance.

At this moment, the Lingfeng Snow Mountain is no longer under control. Yang Xuan can't count how many monsters there are in this place. I hope that the black evil beasts can understand this truth...

He didn't want to die too badly, and wanted to die more happily, so he had to do it according to his own method, otherwise he would even die very horribly.

At the same time, he would suffer a lot of pain. Yang Xuan also thought that he wanted to make himself happy and not to be tortured, so he had to explain all this.

Unless he didn't want to compromise with him at all, then Yang Xuan wouldn't make it easy for him. What's the situation in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain? Yang Xuan hoped that he could make it clear to himself that Yang Xuan also wanted to know how many accomplices were here.

"Hurry up and gather all your accomplices together, I want to see how many monsters there are in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, after I figure it out, I will naturally leave a 0.3 with a whole body, which will make you die very happily Yes, otherwise I will let you taste that life is worse than death, if you don't believe it, you can try it."

"I can't be joking. This place is not where you evil monsters live. This is where humans live. Since you have come here, you can't help but decide, whether you believe it or not.".

Chapter 2273 Don't deceive yourself

"These things are already here, I can't let you leave Lingfeng Snow Mountain alive today, and you don't even want to live here, no matter whether you have hurt human beings or not, you shouldn't stay here with your identity. "

That's what Yang Xuan is like. Since he said this, he must fulfill his promise to find out all the monsters here.

Yang Xuan will leave them a whole body, let them die more happily, and will not let them suffer any pain, just leave this world like this.

But it is impossible for Yang Xuan to let them leave here alive, and it is impossible for them to leave Lingfeng Snow Mountain again, let alone live in other places.

They shouldn't have come to this world in this way. Yang Xuan gave them a chance to see what the black evil beast thought. After all, Yang Xuan was clear about this matter, and some situations were beyond his control.

But he will also use various methods to change the situation in front of him. No matter what the black evil beasts think, Yang Xuan will definitely eradicate them today, and will not leave him to cause trouble in this world.

Yang Xuan is like this, and his character is relatively straightforward. At the same time, he also knows in his heart what he should do in the face of a sudden change at this moment.

Yang Xuan must also resolve these matters. After eradicating the monsters, the Lingfeng Snow Mountain will be restored to peace, and humans can live here.

They can also come here to visit the scenery. After all, it is very cold here, but human beings also want to come here to have a look. Since they heard about the situation in this place, they dare not approach it.

How could the black evil beast easily compromise? He didn't expect Yang Xuan to speak so directly, this matter is more serious, and the black evil beast is thinking of various ways to get out of here.

If he wanted to go back to the cave, he would be safe only if he went back to the cave. His partners were also there, and the black evil beast was also thinking about calling them all out.

As long as they send a signal, they will come here, but they will also be lost forever. The black evil beast still thinks that they may avoid danger in the cave at this moment.

Maybe they will escape this catastrophe, wouldn't they all suffer the same as themselves if they were called out? The black evil beast did not do this.

He was just thinking of a way to go back to the cave so that everyone would be safe. Facing Yang Xuan, the Black Fiend Beast was also thinking of procrastinating for some time. He didn't want any more accidents to happen.

I also don't want my companions to come out to find me again, what should I do about this matter? The black evil beast also wanted to find a way to escape as soon as possible.

"Young man, you don't have to be so rampant, I know if you can think of it, but if you kill me, I can't change you at 280. In this Lingfeng Snow Mountain, I am the only monster, and I am an evil I don’t care if you believe all this or not, the big deal is to face a dead end?”

"The moment you appeared, I already felt that this matter existed, and I already knew that I could not fight against you. I just said that I was so rampant. I just encouraged myself and made myself braver. I'm a monster, am I still scared by a human?"

"Even if I die, I want to die with dignity, this is my idea.".

Chapter 2274

"Don't ask so many questions. There are no accomplices here, and there are no other monsters here. It's up to me whether you believe it or not. I don't want to explain so much anymore."

Yang Xuan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the Heisha Beast to say such a thing, it seems that this monster's eloquence is really good, it sounds to him that he has a personality and dignity.

Death is about to die, Yang Xuan also feels that what the black evil beast said is more or less reasonable, it may be because he knows that his ability is relatively strong.

He didn't have the ability to fight, but he didn't want to admit defeat easily. Yang Xuan understood to some extent, but is there really no accomplice in this place?

Yang Xuan would not easily believe it. After all, Yang Xuan didn't know anything about the situation in Lingfeng Snow Mountain at this moment, and he came here only to listen to his side of the story.

How could Yang Xuan believe it so easily? Faced with such a situation, Yang Xuan could already see that the black evil beast had been looking for an opportunity to escape from here.

Yang Xuan would not give him a chance, and Yang Xuan knew how to decide on these matters. Facing the current situation, he never thought too much about it.

He just hopes to solve the danger of Lingfeng Snow Mountain, so that human beings can live a good life, and Yang Xuan won't worry so much about other things.

Please quietly see that Yang Xuan speaks the same language as himself, and if he convinces the other party, maybe the other party will change his mind. The black evil beast also thinks that everything is unfair.

Why is my identity so special? Should I be killed if I am a monster? Don't you have a chance of survival? There are many things on the mind of Heisha Yishou.

He was arguing this matter with Yang Xuan at the moment, hoping that the other party could understand that the Heisha Beast just felt that the other party seemed to be reasonable.

He is not an evil monster, he is a human being, full of justice, and the black evil beast is also trying to change his decision so that he can have a chance to live.

Faced with this situation, the Heisha Beast can only speak clearly in its own language, so that the other party can understand what it is thinking at the moment. It is no problem to be a monster.

My identity will not change, but I will not hurt others, let alone kill innocent people indiscriminately. Should I also die? Is there something wrong?

How to decide on this matter is Yang Xuan's business, and Heisha Beast doesn't want him to have such thoughts all the time, and hopes that he can think clearly before making a decision.

The Heisha Beast quietly thought about these questions, just felt that Yang Xuan seemed to be doubting at the moment, could it be that he didn't believe what he said? To die here like this, I don't want to let myself die so wrongly.

"¨If you don't believe what I said, you can search in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain. Come to a duel with you, I can't even your ability is not much, just admit defeat like this'々."

"I have thought about this matter for a long time. I have never felt that there is any problem in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain. My identity is quite special. I am a monster, but I have never entered the world to hurt the people. I have no relationship with them. Coherent, they live their lives, isn't that wrong.".

Chapter 2275 After wind, frost, snow and rain

The black evil beast was very angry. Facing the strong man in front of him, he didn't know what to do. At this moment, he just wanted to leave here as soon as possible, and run back to the cave to be safe.

He was looking for various opportunities to try to get out of here, and he felt a little flustered when he saw Yang Xuan. After all, he already knew that the ability of Yang Xuan in front of him was too strong.

It is impossible for the black evil beast to leave here without finding the right opportunity. Facing such a situation, he is really a little scared, and he doesn't want to die here.

Living in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain for so long, I never thought that 280 would come to such a human being one day, and the other party was so powerful that he was no match for him at all.

There is no need for the black evil beast to attack until now, everything is meaningless, the black evil beast only wants to fight against Yang Xuan with words.

See if the other party can let him go, and if he can handle things without treating him the way he does. The Heisha Beast is a monster, but he has never hurt human beings, nor has he left this Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

Could it be that I am also at fault? The black evil beast is also thinking about the other party, if it is reasonable, he will not go his own way, and it is impossible to eradicate himself directly.

He was suspecting that there was this accomplice in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, otherwise he wouldn't be so stubborn, and Dora didn't know how to decide all this.

I have already said so much what should be said. I hope Yang Xuan will think clearly about things. Does being a monster deserve death?

As a monster with different identities, it is necessary to face a choice of death. Heisha Yishou is not reconciled. He feels in his heart that he hopes Yang Xuan can think clearly about this matter, and don't always make judgments like this.

"I think you, as a human being, think things too decisively. We are monsters, so we can't live in Lingfeng Snow Mountain? Who stipulated that I came here and lived a way of life that never disturbed human beings. This is their own. They won’t come here because of things, they feel afraid of my Lingfeng Snow Mountain, so (ccad) don’t come here, isn’t that good?”

"I won't hurt them, and I don't know why you came here with such an identity. You insisted on killing me. I didn't do anything bad. Don't have a different identity. Do I deserve to die? Well, think about it, as a human being, I hope you can tell right from wrong and don’t think there is any difference.”

Yang Xuan was a little strange, what the black evil beast said was plausible and reasonable, it seemed that he had done everything wrong.

Yang Xuan came to Lingfeng Snow Mountain to search for the situation here, and found the black evil beast. He had some concerns. There might be other monsters in Lingfeng Snow Mountain.

Yang Xuan had to figure it out before he could wipe out the black evil beast, but what the other party said at the moment is not wrong, all creatures are fair.

Yang Xuan also felt that what he did was more decisive, but after all, the identity of the black evil beast was quite special.

He is a monster, and he shouldn't live here. This Lingfeng Snow Mountain is the domain of human beings. If they want to talk about living here, how can human beings survive?

Yang Xuan was a little confused at the moment. A monster could speak in such an orderly manner that he was speechless.

Yang Xuan suddenly didn't know how he should face it, it seemed that he was unreasonable and came to Lingfeng Snow Mountain to invade his territory, as if he wanted to eliminate him.

Chapter 2276 Already speechless

Why does Yang Xuan feel as if he did something wrong? Heisha Alien Beast also has abilities, his language is richer, and his brain is more active, so he used such words to change his mind.

Yang Xuan didn't want to eliminate him by himself, he had to understand the situation here before he could make a decision, otherwise, how could Yang Xuan know the risks here, and before he got the answer, Yang Xuan would not let the other party go easily.

With such an identity as a black evil beast, he shouldn't live here. After all, Yang Xuan has come to the reincarnation world. This is a new world.

Yang Xuan will have a lot of tasks here, he just thinks that some situations are not just like that, the state of the black evil beast looks - it is also quite weird.

How could he escape from his own palm? The reason why he didn't make any choice was that he was very smart and didn't want to become an antagonistic relationship with himself.

He also didn't want to fight with him. His abilities couldn't beat him, so the Heisha Beast used such language to hope that he could let him go. How could Yang Xuan not understand the Heisha Beast's thoughts.

It is absolutely impossible for this guy to want to be fooled. Yang Xuan also understands this situation in his heart. Facing a monster like the black evil beast, Yang Xuan must figure it out before he can eradicate him.

The Heisha Beast didn't know what to say. To give himself a chance to survive, the Heisha Beast still thought of Yang Xuan, he was reasonable.

He can't just destroy himself indiscriminately, because his identities are different, but he can't just convict himself in such a way.

After all, the black evil beast did not harm humans. In this world, he knew that he had several companions hiding in Lingfeng Snow Mountain, and they did not leave here, let alone scare others.

It's because everyone is timid and dare not come to Lingfeng Snow Mountain. What does it have to do with him? The Heisha Beast also thinks that humans will not come here, which is also a good thing.

Otherwise, everyone will feel very panic when they see their own appearance, and they will be scared to death, and then they will become a murderer themselves.

The black evil beast also hoped that Yang Xuan could understand. At this moment, his eyes were also full of helplessness. He hoped that he would have the opportunity to leave here and hide in the cave.

····Ask for flowers 0···

But Yang Xuan kept hearing himself that the black evil beast had no chance at all, he could only continue to deal with Yang Xuan, once he had a suitable opportunity.

The Heisha beast would naturally leave here. He was thinking that right now, he could hold on for a while, and he didn't want to lose his life because of it.


"All creatures in this world are the same, and all things are equal. Is it because of my different identities that I will be discriminated against and I will die? I don't want to end my life like this. I am a monster, I have lived in this Lingfeng Snow Mountain for so long."

"I've never harmed anyone. I don't think I'm wrong. This place is originally the relatively cold Lingfeng Snow Mountain. It's such a place. Humans dare not come here because they think there are monsters."

"At the same time, they can't resist the cold weather. What does this have to do with us? I hope you can figure it out. Don't go your own way in this matter. Human beings won't be so unreasonable." Three.

Chapter 2277 Can't Resist Cold Weather

"I hope you can also understand my feelings. There is no accomplice of mine in this place, so don't guess anymore."

The black evil beast can only say this, he has a few companions here, he can't betray his companions, tell them to hide in the cave and not come out.

When Yang Xuan came here today, the black evil beast felt a force "two eight three" coming in, and he wanted to come out alone to take a look, but he didn't expect that a master really came here.

He told his companions that he hoped that they would stay in the cave and not come out, and that they must not act rashly until his signal was sent out.

He also couldn't leave the cave, otherwise the danger would come out. Heisha Alien Beast had many thoughts in his heart. After watching Yang Xuan say so many things, he didn't know what the other party thought.

Can you give yourself a chance, the monsters like Heisha Beast lived in the Lingfeng Snow Mountain, and they really didn't do anything outrageous, shouldn't they deserve to die?

Heisha Beast has these thoughts in his heart, he doesn't know what to do, he feels a little helpless in the face of such a problem, but he will not give up every opportunity easily.

Yang Xuan felt a little strange, what he said about the black evil beast made sense, everything is equal, all creatures have their own ideas, and they really did not disturb the lives of human beings living here.

Yang Xuan suddenly felt as if he had done something wrong, shouldn't he come to Lingfeng Snow Mountain, and shouldn't look for the danger here.

Also, shouldn't they make things difficult for the Heisha beast? How could it be possible for Yang Xuan, after all their identities are different, if they were human, Yang Xuan would not do this.

Even if they were wild beasts, it was impossible for Yang Xuan to have any conflicts with them. The black evil beasts were monsters after all, and they might be cannibals, which could happen at any time.

It's better to be cautious, Yang Xuan has many thoughts in his heart, he can't let go of any opportunity because of his kindness, and wait until he leaves this world.

Heishi alien beasts, these monsters entered the human beings, and it was too late to harm humans at that time, Yang Xuan had to make preparations in advance...

He can't change his mind, he will deal with them no matter what.

See if there is any conspiracy behind the black evil beast. This is what Yang Xuan wants to know the most. He must have other companions here, and it is impossible for him to be the only one.

"Are you sure you are telling the truth? I hope you can think about these things carefully. Don't play any tricks with me, otherwise you will die faster. The reason why I haven't attacked you until now is because I just hope you can understand this matter, I want to know the situation here."

"I have already said that I will leave you a whole body, and I will not let you be tortured if you die happily. This is the greatest tolerance for you at 0.3. Don't tell me that everything is dead. They are equal, how can they be equal, humans are humans, monsters are monsters, they will never be equal."

"Your identities are more evil, you shouldn't come here, you should go back to your place, but it's too late.".

Chapter 2278 Has lost patience

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