It's not a monster, after all, their Shuiyundongtian is far away from those monsters, and they all live in their own fields.

How could Chu Xiaofeng know so much, he just looked at Yang Xuan a little strangely, and their poor world is a different world.

They are living in Shuiyun Cave right now, but they all know that there is some danger here, but as long as the danger does not come close to their Shuiyun Cave.

Chu Xiaofeng and the others don't have to worry, he also likes the scenery here, likes the wild vegetables here, their place is vast and abundant, and every household is very happy.

This place seems to be a particularly beautiful place, but there are also some organs here, and it is dangerous to enter the mountains. I don't know what to say for a long time.

They all looked at each other quietly, the expressions on their faces were quite puzzled, Chu Xiaofeng didn't know who this Yang Xuan was, and who brought him into the Shuiyun Cave.

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"Who are you and why did you come here? This poor world is a very special place, so you have come to Shuiyundongtian again. It seems that someone led you here, otherwise you would not be here Appeared, this place is so remote, the place where we live is very hidden."


"If no one brought you here, how could you not enter the Shuiyun Cave? Is there something wrong, but it is impossible for even one person to come here in our place every year, so I feel very curious , There are too few opportunities for strangers to come here, unless someone brings them here."

"Otherwise, this poor world is a very strange world. We live here quite comfortably, but our location is more hidden. How could we be discovered? I'm looking at you now and I feel very curious. I don't know who you are either."

Yang Xuan also looked at Chu Xiaofeng quietly, he didn't know who the other person was, but he must be a creature in this poor world.

Chapter 2217 The mysterious person who appeared here

Now that he is living in Shuiyun Cave, Yang Xuan still understands in his heart, besides, he walked from inside, and he can enter Shuiyun Cave only through the arched door in front.

Only then can we see the real scenery inside. Yang Xuan is considered to be outside now, after all his friend just left here and went home.

Yang Xuan was not in a hurry, he went in and wanted "250" to enjoy some scenery here, besides, Yang Xuan didn't know if he was reincarnated when he came here.

If two days later, when the time comes, there is really a baby born in this Shuiyun Cave, then Yang Xuan is really going to be reincarnated, and he doesn't know why.

If I really live in this world, I don't know if it is what I want, but how can all this be changed? Yang Xuan won't think so much for the time being.

It will be decided after everything is stable, because the time has not yet come. Only when the specified time is reached, Yang Xuan can go to reincarnation, if not.

He will look for some new creatures here, let them follow him into the Tower of Reincarnation, and go to the reincarnation world to see if their conditions meet.

After all, Yang Xuan also prepared two plans, everything can be decided at any time, but what Chu Xiaofeng said, Yang Xuan also thought about it, it seems that there are really very few people coming from their place.

After all, this poor world is such a special place. It is really good that these human beings choose to live in the Shuiyundongtian at the moment. At least this place is beautiful and picturesque, and it is really a fairyland on earth.

Seeing the young man in front of him, Chu Xiaofeng still had a puzzled look on his face, and he was particularly surprised. He had said so much, but the other party didn't answer, and he was also very absorbed in watching himself intently.

But don't you understand what you said? Chu Xiaofeng thought it was impossible, he didn't come from a strange foreign country, nor was he a weird person.

How could he not understand what he said, he is a human being, Chu Xiaofeng can also see it, doesn't it mean that the other party doesn't want to answer right now.

But Chu Xiaofeng also had a lot of thoughts in his heart, he was worried that if the other party came here for a purpose, or if he had some intention, what should he do?

But Chu Xiaofeng didn't think he was quite like him, but the main question was to understand some things, why did the other party come here? This Shuiyundongtian was originally such a place...

When a stranger came suddenly, each of them would feel good, and everyone else would figure it out, and they couldn't easily bring anyone into Shuiyundongtian, otherwise, their place would be in danger.

Chu Xiaofeng and the others were clear about it, but he felt that Yang Xuan must have been led here by someone. What was his purpose, Chu Xiaofeng also wanted to know.

"What exactly do you want to do, what's the matter, can't you answer my question? If you can't answer, you should stay away from our place. 0.3, our people live in this water cloud cave, and we don't want our lives to be disturbed After all, we people don’t have much ability, but our place has some ability.”

"We are able to live here so peacefully, without getting hurt, but I don't know why you came here, can you tell me if it's convenient."

Chapter 2218 Identity is very suspicious

"Otherwise, how could you enter Shuiyun Cave? Who are you looking for here? There is no inn here."

"There is no other place for you to survive. It is the place where we humans live. It can't accommodate you at all. Don't you need to rest? I really find it quite strange."

This young man made Chu Xiaofeng feel particularly mysterious, he seemed to be not afraid of anything, he discovered the existence of 22 people, he discovered this place.

Don't you think it's scary? Chu Xiaofeng had a lot of thoughts in his heart, after all, people who came here would feel particularly afraid and worried.

When Chu Xiaofeng saw Yang Xuan, he didn't know why he didn't care about anything, he came here, who brought him here?

Chu Xiaofeng didn't ask yet, but finally figured out what was going on, their place would not often accept an outsider, and if they really could accept this person, they would have to figure out the ins and outs of the other party.

Otherwise, how could their Shuiyundongtian stop like this now, the more Chu Xiaofeng thought about it, the more he felt a little unbelievable.

If you don't figure out the ins and outs of the opponent, you don't know why he came here.

How could it be possible to let him in? Even if he has come to the Shuiyun Cave, it is impossible for him to enter this gate.

Because there are two people inside the gate looking at them. Although they all know that no one may come here all year round, they are usually in the extremely poor world.

After all, there are many other creatures appearing in this poor world, afraid that they will come here to rebel, afraid that everyone will be in danger, they will patrol here every day to be more vigilant.

Chu Xiaofeng didn't know where Yang Xuan came from, but the other party didn't seem to want to answer at all, or did he have other ideas? Chu Xiaofeng was full of doubts.

He kept looking at Yang Xuan, and didn't know what to do. After all, the other party didn't look like a bad person, but he was a stranger after all, and it was mainly after he figured it out that he could be allowed to enter Shuiyun Cave.

Yang Xuan thought it was quite interesting, Chu Xiaofeng was different from that young man just now, that person could bring him to Shuiyun Cave.

But the person in front of him felt that it was impossible for him to enter the Shuiyun Cave, and it was impossible for him to be taken in. Yang Xuanxiang, why do the two of them have different attitudes?

But the Chu Xiaofeng in front of him didn't look so fierce, he was just asking about his origin, asking what his purpose was.

He looked worried, after all, Yang Xuan could understand that it was dangerous in this poor world, and they didn't want to be destroyed as they lived in the cave of water.

"Little brother, you don't have to be so nervous. I'm not a villain. If I were a villain, would you still be able to stop my footsteps? But this water cloud cave is really beautiful. I just passed by here to take a look." Take a look at the scenery, but I also find it quite strange to come to Poor World."

"This world is quite different. I met a man from you just now. He has gone back. His house leaked, and he went back to fix it. I just saw that the scenery outside is very beautiful. He brought it back to me. At that time, he asked me to live at his house.”.

Chapter 2219 The scenery here is picturesque

"And I know where his home is, but why do you look so nervous? Don't you allow outsiders to enter this water cloud cave? I'm not an evil monster. I'm just a human. Can't I go in too?" ? But there is no purpose here, just passing by here.”

Chu Xiaofeng was really dumbfounded, did he just pass by here? This poor world is so hidden, this is a special world.

It's really strange that he was able to pass by here. It made him feel that the other party had a lot of abilities invisibly. If he didn't have this ability, how could he come here?

Really just kidding, Chu Xiaofeng didn't believe what he said at all, and if he didn't have the ability, it would be impossible to reach such a level without the ability.

Come to this poor world, this world is so scary, and so scary, is he really not worried at all?

But at this moment, Chu Xiaofeng also understood this matter, it turned out that Gu Daozi brought him here, Gu Daozi is usually a fool, he has no scheming, could it be that he was deceived?

There are obviously rules in their place, if it is a stranger who does not know the background of the other party, do not bring them to Shuiyun Cave, it is better to be cautious.

But Gu Daozi actually brought him here. This guy's brains are really growing in vain. Usually, their patriarch here will tell everyone.

Once strangers come here, they must inquire clearly, they cannot be brought to Shuiyun Cave casually, and their whereabouts and locations cannot be revealed.

It seems that Gu Daozi was really fooled. Does the other party have a purpose?

Yang Xuan didn't lie, but he felt that he didn't believe it at all.

Yang Xuan somewhat understood that Chu Xiaofeng seemed much smarter than Gu Daozi, otherwise he wouldn't have cared about doubting his own words at this moment, it seems that he couldn't believe it at all.

If Yang Xuan said that he didn't have any worries in his heart, it was impossible. Facing such a situation, he was also worried that Chu Xiaofeng would be suspicious. Yang Xuan had some things that he couldn't say so much to him.

Even if he didn't believe it, it was only like this at the moment. If there were really too many problems, everything might not be as it was before, which is really strange.

All this also made Yang Xuan feel strange, Chu Xiaofeng seemed to be full of hostility, but he was just on guard, he had no malice at all.

He is also worried that he is an evil person, or that he feels that his origin is unknown. He is afraid that he will destroy everything here, and that the people in the water and clouds will be in danger.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to look like this, and Yang Xuan could understand it in his heart, and if he had something to say clearly to him, Yang Xuan also felt that it was very strange in such a world. (Lee's)

"¨Besides, I don't know how many different aliens and creatures there are in this extreme world, but you don't have to be so nervous, let alone worry, I won't hurt you, everything is here It's rather weird, but at this moment I also understand in my heart that no matter what the situation is, I have come here today'々."

"I know in my heart that I won't worry so much for the time being, after all, there is no need for this anymore.".

Chapter 2220 Yang Xuan doesn't want to continue pestering

Yang Xuan hadn't entered the Shuiyun Cave yet, but he was stopped by others just outside, Yang Xuan also understood what Chu Xiaofeng said, there are still some rules here.

Then strangers must be allowed to enter Shuiyun Cave, otherwise they will not be able to enter, which is not difficult for Yang Xuan.

But he was also surprised. Originally, he was thinking about the Shuiyun Cave. This place looks rather special. This is the best place in the Poor World.

The 250 environment is also relatively good. It is really good for humans to choose to live here, but Yang Xuan is also thinking about how to deal with these things at the moment.

Could it be that the people in Shuiyundongtian are really not afraid of danger? It seems that this place is a bit weird, even if Yang Xuan doesn't want to know so much.

But he has already come here, so he always needs to check the situation, otherwise everything is meaningless to him, Yang Xuan wants to explain these things to Chu Xiaofeng, and also tell him who brought him here.

Chu Xiaofeng already knew that it was Gu Daozi who brought him here, so Yang Xuan didn't have to worry about it.

Yang Xuan just wanted to explain to Chu Xiaofeng, so that he would not always look at him so nervously, do he look like a monster? If not, why does he always think so much? Came here just to help them out with their problems.

"I just think that if these situations arise, of course I know in my heart how to make all these decisions. At the same time, I also know in my heart what I am doing. You don't have to be so worried and keep looking at me so nervously."

"I won't destroy everything here. That friend has already told me that there are some dangers here, but he didn't let me look for them or let me go to other places, so he led me into the Shuiyun Cave. I also want to understand what the world looks like, but you don't have to think too complicated."

Chu Xiaofeng looked at it suspiciously, Yang Xuan felt that he didn't quite believe where the other party came from, he didn't even know, could it be that there was something wrong with his mind.

Chu Xiaofeng looked at Yang Xuan, he was so smart and quick-witted, how could he not know where he came from, how could he be so confused.

And Chu Xiaofeng was also thinking about these things, he came to Shuiyun Cave, it was Gu Daozi who brought him here, it seems that Gu Daozi is a fool.

He didn't remember their rules at all. If outsiders came to the poor world, they must not bring them to Shuiyundongtian, and they must not reveal their location.

How could Chu Xiaofeng not be worried, there are obviously rules in their place, don't bring strangers to Shuiyun Cave, don't bring strangers to where they live.

It doesn't matter if strangers enter the Poor World, as long as they don't come into their domain, but this has already happened.

Yang Xuan has already come here, what should he do? Chu Xiaofeng also thought about not taking him to Shuiyun Cave, he had already appeared here.

Could it be that he has been wandering outside? Chu Xiaofeng already understood what was going on with Yang Xuan.

Besides, he doesn't look like a bad person, so this matter should not exist, Chu Xiaofeng also thought, it seems that this matter should be resolved as soon as possible.

Chapter 2221 Unable to determine the identity of the other party

Chu Xiaofeng was very anxious, what should we do about this matter? Do you want him to leave here? He was already brought by Gu Daozi, what is he doing here?

But Chu Xiaofeng also doesn't quite understand what he wants to do. Does he already know the situation here and understand the poor world very well?

But the people who live here don't know much about the situation in Poor Extreme World, whether there are any dangers, but some people say that there are still dangers.

However, Chu Xiaofeng had hardly seen him, but he didn't dare to wander around. Basically, he would never leave the vicinity of Shuiyundongtian. It was the safest place to live, and they didn't want to encounter any danger.

Although Yang Xuan didn't quite understand this matter, but now that these situations had arisen, he understood how to deal with them. He had a lot of things on his mind these two days.

But if he can't make a decision in this way, his heart will be relatively relaxed.

Now that Yang Xuan has come to this world, he is different. Whether he can reincarnate in this water cloud cave now, Yang Xuan doesn't know yet.

He suddenly felt very confused about all this, how could he come to such a strange world, and this poor world is also a relatively rare place~.

Yang Xuan really felt a little ignorant, but this time he came here again through this way, he just told himself not to think about it.

Let's see what's going on after entering Shuiyun Cave first, how the people here live, if it is really reincarnated and come here again, Yang Xuan will not refuse.

Let it all go with the flow, he has already made a decision in his heart, but when he met Gu Daozi just now, he had already heard him say that there might be some danger.

Then he didn't know how to decide all of this in his heart, after all, the danger here might be in people's imagination, and Yang Xuan didn't know whether it was really there or not.

Yang Xuan looked at Chu Xiaofeng, and felt that his eyes seemed to be full of doubts, as if he was doubting that what he said was true.

But Yang Xuan had already told him so clearly, and he also wanted to tell him what was going on.

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Then if he didn't believe that this person brought him to Shuiyun Cave, Yang Xuan would be honest with him, after all, there was no need to hide it.

"What's wrong? Don't you believe what I said? That man's name is Gu Daozi. He's gone home now. You can ask him. I don't know what rules you have here, but I won't destroy the world either." It's different, and it's quite quiet for you to live in this Shuiyun Cave, and you don't want others to disturb your life."


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