"All die here!"

A familiar voice appeared at this time.

That was Liu Zheng's voice.

However, this critical moment.

No one paid him any attention.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The knock on the door came again.

When the knocker's voice reached the tenth sound, countless illusory palms began to attack the ghost masters.

As for ordinary people in abandoned buildings.

They didn't do anything.

Because in their minds, the lives of these ordinary people are also valuable.

"We can handle the first round of attacks!"

"Hurry up and find a way to leave!"

"For now, the only way is to escape!"

"Fight, we have no chance to win at 880!"

"Xiaoxiao, leave with us, we can't keep the others!"

Paying five or four ghost masters, the only thing they want to do at this time is to run away.

When he wants to come.

As long as Liu Xiaoxiao is saved.

After three days of weakness, everything can be reversed.

"Want to go?"

"no way!"

That's when.

The familiar voice came.

Immediately afterwards, they felt that the center of gravity became a little unstable.

The body began to tilt a little bit, as if the entire abandoned building was upside down, left, and right, all turned upside down.

"Phaseless Haunted House, Earthbound Spirit, Liu Zheng!"

Pay five roars.

He naturally knew whose voice it was.

I also know that the other party controls the ability of ghosts.

Earthbound spirit.

Assimilate the ability of the earth-bound spirit with the house.

You can control the up, down, left, and right directions in the house, as well as the floors up and down.

Or windows, vents, etc.

The room you go through when you open the door and when you close the door.

He will also be manipulated.

Although, only the strength of the ghost general level.

But controlling the five floors of the abandoned building is no problem.

"Liu Zheng! How dare you come out!"

"Liu Zheng, even if we all die today, you have to die too!"

"That's right! We can lose this battle!"

"But, you must die!"

Paying the fifth class is very familiar with Liu Zheng's ability.


They are very clear.

I have no chance of escape.

The ghost fog restricts their thinking, consciousness, and action speed.

If you stay in the ghost fog for more than three minutes, you will be completely attacked by the ghost fog, and you will die.

The ghost knocks on the door.

Cooperating with the ghost fog, it can make them overwhelmed.

Now, here comes a phaseless haunted house.

Temporarily confine them to this building.

With the cooperation of these three ghosts.

Even ordinary ghost masters at the level of ghost kings have to drink their hatred on the spot.

The kind that you can't even escape.

Two ghost kings and one ghost general.

With such a combination, it is easy to deal with several ghost generals.

"If you want to kill me, you deserve it too!"

At this time, Liu Zheng also appeared.

He didn't know when, he had already lurked in the room of this building.

After he came out, he didn't talk about affection at all.

All the friendliness before was gone.

To the former teammates, it was just cynicism.


at the same time.

Above Liu Xiaoxiao's soul.

Yang Xuan's voice suddenly appeared.


"A total of 11 ghost masters."

"Four ghost kings, seven ghost generals."

"We've found them."

"Next, I will lend you my strength!"

"After all, this is the obsession in your heart!"

"After you solve the obsession in your heart, you will be my tool man in the future."

"Today, I allow you to be willful once!"

That's when those ghosts attacked this survivor's base.

Yang Xuan has already used his spiritual power.

Found all (ccff) ghost riders hiding in the dark.

He is no ordinary ghost.

Not only has ghost thoughts, but also has the power of the soul.

When the ghost thought is used, it will arouse the resonance and perception of other spirits.


It was time for Yang Xuan to find someone.

The power of the mind was used.

The strength of the power of the mind.

manifested again.

That is an extremely idealistic ability.

Using the power of the mind is completely silent.

Let those ghost masters not perceive it at all.


"I will use this power to make them all pay the price."

"Especially Liu Zheng!"

"I want his life to be worse than death!"

Liu Xiaoxiao roared in her heart.

"Then, as you wish!"

Immediately afterwards.

Yang Xuan let go of the restraint on Liu Xiaoxiao.

next second.

Huge power of supernatural rules.

Liu Xiaoxiao sensed it instantly.

That is…

Wraith ghost domain.


Liu Xiaoxiao's cold eyes.

As if staring at death, he looked at Liu Zheng who came out of the shadows.

"Liu Zheng, my brother-in-law treats you so well, treating you like my own brother!"

"He even planned to make me your wife!"

"Even the ghost on your body was caught by him!"

"Is that how you repay him and my sister?"

Every time Liu Xiaoxiao said a word, he took a step forward.

Every time she took a step, her aura surged wildly.

The coercion of the powerful force of rules finally made her hair dance wildly.

Her eyes gradually lost their whites.

Endless darkness enveloped her eyes.

The pale skin contrasted sharply with the pitch-black eyes.

"Liu Zheng, do you know!"

"Death is not the scariest ending."

"To you, death is not terrible!"

"Terrible, it's me!"

Liu Xiaoxiao's voice changed at this moment.

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