Faced with such a problem, he also knows how to deal with it. If some situations really arise, he is more aware of the problems behind them, and at the same time understands the situation here.

Anyway, the people in Qingfeng Village are so kind, and this place is quite beautiful, if they really have this idea, Yang Xuan will naturally help them.

But if they didn't have this idea, Yang Xuan wouldn't force it, otherwise, the two of them wouldn't be like this at the moment.

"Why is your friend suddenly so surprised, and the expression on his face is so puzzled, after all, some things are beyond your imagination, but now these things appear, it depends on whether you have this The opportunity was seized'々."

"I'm telling you this because I hope you can understand my origin and stop doubting. Let's go to the inn to order some dishes. Let's chat while eating. I came to Qingfeng Village today."

"I didn't want to leave here so soon. After all, I have a task on my shoulders. I hope you can get such an opportunity, but this opportunity is in your hands. Let's see if you can seize it. Everything is quite confusing, and I will tell you in detail when I get to the inn."

What Yang Xuan should say has already been said, and he knows in his heart at this moment that Liu Chengfeng and the others should understand.

Yang Xuan was not an ordinary person.

He has a lot of abilities, besides the current situation, he just communicated with Liu Chengfeng and Xu Fang to let them understand this matter in their hearts.

Otherwise, how could they know so much at this moment? Facing this question, Yang Xuan didn't think about other things anymore.

He just felt that there were a lot of young people in this Qingfeng cottage at the moment, and they could enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower if they met the conditions. This opportunity to reincarnate in the world is really not easy.

Yang Xuan also didn't want them to miss this opportunity. At this moment, he knew in his heart that no matter what, if this situation can be achieved, then there is nothing to worry about.

How could it be possible for Yang Xuan not to know the situation behind this, he just felt that the more such a situation was, the more surprised he felt, and at the same time he knew these reasons in his heart.

I just feel that some things are not as simple as I thought, they may not be able to understand, but Yang Xuan explained it clearly to them, and then it all started.

(Excellent Zhao) Liu Chengfeng and Murong Yundi looked at each other, they have started to move forward now, and they will reach the inn after walking a few hundred meters, and they can go there for dinner.

After hearing what Yang Xuan meant, Liu Chengfeng felt a little confused. Besides, who was Yang Xuan and why did he have such power?

Isn't he an ordinary person, is he a god? Liu Chengfeng just felt a little unimaginable that there really is such a master in this world? .

Chapter 2147 The world is full of wonders

Anyway, the other party has already said that he can use this method to let everyone choose a new opportunity.

But Liu Chengfeng and the others didn't understand what was going on.

He felt that he was confused because there was some activity in his head. How could there be such a miraculous thing in this world, and what kind of thing is this tower of reincarnation? Since it is there, you can enter the world of reincarnation. Go to other things and start a new life.

How could it be possible that Liu Chengfeng didn't have such an idea in his heart, so he walked slowly with Murong Yundi and he was about to arrive at the inn, but when they saw Yang Xuan, they felt that this person was different, and he didn't care whether he was dressed or dressed. .

There is also his temperament of conversation, which makes people feel extraordinary. 217 really feels quite special, but if these things really happen at this moment, they don't know what to do, and they feel a little confused.

After all, Liu Chengfeng and the others are just ordinary people. They have never left Qingfeng Village and lived here. How could they know how wonderful and evil the outside world is.

But they don't quite know that Liu Chengfeng and Murong Yundi are together, they are friends and they grew up together, but now Yang Xuan is a stranger.

How to believe all this? He didn't know anything in his mind at all, and he didn't know how to determine all of this, he just felt that these things had happened at this moment.

It made him feel particularly confused, and he knew these truths in his heart, that is, if some situations really changed, he certainly hoped for everything.

They can all get a reasonable solution, and they also hope that what Yang Xuan said is true, but now they also feel that the True Reincarnation Tower is too mysterious.

Entering his place, you can go to other worlds. This is simply an unheard of thing. Liu Chengfeng and the others have already walked to the inn. After arriving at the inn, they went upstairs and ordered a few dishes.

They were already waiting to start eating. They looked at Yang Xuan and felt that all this was too confusing, but they also wanted to ask clearly. Liu Chengfeng also knew this truth in his heart.

"Brother Yang Xuan, after hearing what you said, the two of us were shocked. Anyway, I felt some thoughts in my heart. Although we were a little skeptical in my heart, I felt that the things you said were so true, and let us listen It's also very convincing."

"But we can't feel such a situation at all. You are not ordinary people, but we are just some ordinary people. We may not be able to understand all this, or have an idea in our hearts that everything is weird. All of a sudden there was this power."

"Suddenly you can enter another world. It's really amazing. For us, we never dared to imagine that one day this will happen, and one day we can not only leave Qingfeng Village , you can go to other worlds, we haven’t even been to this village.”

After hearing what Liu Chengfeng said, Yang Xuan could understand their thoughts in the future.

He and Murong Yundi are the same, they both have the same thoughts, how could Yang Xuan care so much? It just feels like this is the way it is now.

Chapter 2148 Yang Xuan Worry Too Much

If they believe it, everything will be easy, if they don't believe it, Yang Xuan thinks it doesn't matter, anyway, this situation is just such a change.

If it is really possible to solve it, I may not be so worried about what I said. If it cannot be solved, everything will also undergo a new change.

And he can also understand that such a situation can be handled better, and he already knows what to do about such a problem~.

He just felt that if some situations really changed, he hoped that everything would go smoothly, and he didn't want to worry about those boring things anymore-.

For him, he also understands this situation, and he understands what he should do. Sometimes when some situations arise, he knows what to do about these things, and sometimes there are some psychological changes.

He also knew how he should deal with these things, but he felt that the more such things happened, the more unimaginable they felt in their hearts. How could they not have such thoughts in their hearts?

Liu Chengfeng looked at Yang Xuan and just felt that if this situation happened now, they would not know what the problem was, and they would not understand it at all.

They have to be in front of Yang Xuan and explain clearly before they can choose. Liu Chengfeng is also thinking about himself and Murong Yundi, if there is such a chance.

They went to another world to start their lives again, and then it's good to come back here again. Liu Chengfeng really doesn't want to miss this kind of experience.

But at this moment, he has to understand before he can make a decision. He can't understand these things at all, and he is quite confused in his heart. How can he choose now?

And at this moment, he is also clear in his heart that since Yang Xuan said that, he is not joking, and this matter is not something that can be done as a joke.

And what is the Reincarnation Tower? He has never seen another kind of reincarnation world.

They can't be clear, it depends on how Yang Xuan decides, Liu Chengfeng also understands these things in his heart at the moment, let's see how to decide the future.

"We haven't seen it in other places, let alone the things you said, what kind of world is this reincarnation world, we don't understand it at all, and our minds are confused. All of this is relatively unfamiliar to me. Yes, although we also feel very curious, we may also have such an idea.”

····Ask for flowers 0···

"I want to feel such a different change, but now these things are for me, I feel a little anxious in my heart. Although I am in a good mood, sometimes I feel that all these things really make me feel Some dare not imagine, we never even have such an idea.”


Yang Xuan didn't even need to think about it, he already knew what he and Murong Yundi were thinking. If he confessed these things directly to them at this moment, they would have the same expression.

Yang Xuan had already said the truth so directly, but they didn't understand the turmoil behind it at all, and they couldn't know what kind of situation the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower was like.

It is even more impossible to know what kind of world the reincarnation world is like. For him, all this is full of confusion. They want to do this, and at the same time they want a new change.

Chapter 2149 Dubious about these things

For them, they are all aware of this matter in their hearts, and they just feel that some situations have arisen, and everyone understands this truth.

There are quite a lot of people who Yang Xuan gave them this opportunity to live in Qingfeng Village, and Yang Xuan didn't want them to miss this opportunity. If this is the case, then everyone has the right to change everything.

"February 17" So how could Yang Xuan deprive them of their rights? Now that these things have been explained to him clearly, it is okay to solve any things slowly.

Yang Xuan was quite frank in his heart, and he also knew how to explain the key point to them, if they really didn't believe it.

When the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is opened, they will naturally see such a magical thing, and Yang Xuan also feels that this time is really a very good thing for them.

Well, there are many people who live in this Qingfeng cottage who meet the conditions and can enter the True Soul Reincarnation Tower. This opportunity is once in a thousand years, and Yang Xuan is not in a hurry when he thinks about it.

After all, he just came here and dealt with some things slowly, so why bother with things so entangled? For him, he also understands these situations, but he just feels that some situations have arisen.

He knows the problems behind these things better. Once too many problems happen, he also knows how to deal with them. Sometimes things always feel unpredictable. In fact, Yang Xuan doesn't want to make too many changes.

As long as Liu Chengfeng and the others have this ability, as long as they have this wish, Yang Xuan will naturally help them realize it. At this moment, they ordered a few dishes in the inn and are waiting to be served.

Yang Xuan was also a little hungry, after all, he ate a little in the morning, so he searched for some information in this Qingfeng cottage to see if there was anything more.

Then Yang Xuan met Liu Chengfeng and the others, and he was quite happy in his heart. After all, he first communicated with them about his ability and let them know about such things.

Make preparations in advance, as long as they believe it, they will pass the news to the people in Qingfeng Village, so Yang Xuan doesn't have to worry about it.

Liu Chengfeng looked at Yang Xuan quietly, feeling that now that such a situation had arisen, he knew what to do, and he also knew how to deal with it...

But if this problem really happened at this moment, how could he not understand the situation behind it? I just feel that some things are so much simpler than imagined.

Some things are also very complicated, but it depends on what he thinks. Liu Chengfeng is also looking at Murong Yundi, they don't know how to make a decision at all.

Anyway, there is no rush for all this. After all, they also know Yang Xuan, and it is impossible to leave here so soon. Give them a chance, and they want to see what the True Reincarnation Tower looks like.

All this was quite confusing to them, how could they agree, Liu Chengfeng and Yang Xuan were preparing to eat 0.3 meals in the inn, but Liu Chengfeng had many questions in his mind.

"As long as you live happily in this Qingfeng cottage, the outside world has nothing to do with us, but now that you say that, I want to understand a little bit, but I am still a little confused, and I feel that I can't believe this fact at all. , or don’t dare to think about it at all.”.

Chapter 2150 Can't Believe Yang Xuan's Words

Liu Chengfeng and Murong Yundi didn't have any desires or ambitions, it was the best choice for them to live in Qingfeng Village, but now hearing Yang Xuan's words, they also felt that the Reincarnation Tower was so mysterious.

Moreover, the reincarnation world is so mysterious, they want to feel such a different situation, but Liu Chengfeng is also worried in his heart, so don't have too many greedy thoughts.

Otherwise, what if it is dangerous to enter another world? Even though they can choose another way, after they end their lives, they will return to Qingfeng Village.

It seemed that Liu Chengfeng and the others didn't want to take this risk. After all, after hearing what Yang Xuan said, they were very excited, but they still had a lot of thoughts in their hearts.

They have a lot of worries, they are relatively timid, they only lived in Qingfeng Village, and did not go to other places, and since Yang Xuan said that he can go to another world, it is really amazing.

But at the same time, they also feel that there is danger. Although they can come back again, they don't know how to choose this matter now.

Liu Chengfeng was also rather confused, he kept looking at Yang Xuan, they had already ordered a few dishes at the inn, and they wanted to chat while eating to see what was going on.

Liu Chengfeng and the others were quite confused about all this, they just felt that what Yang Xuan said was true and reliable, after all this person seemed so kind, how could he lie?

He didn't need to do this, so that he could understand a little bit in his heart, but how should this matter be decided?

They also feel very strange in their hearts, and feel that the whole person's condition is not very good. It may be that there is no answer to all these, so they feel particularly fearful.

"The wonderful world outside has nothing to do with us. We have always thought this way. How could we have such other thoughts? But now you are talking about this situation, which makes me feel very curious. After entering the world of reincarnation, wait until Isn't it nice to be able to come back here after it's all over?"

"I was thinking just now that no matter what kind of world it is, I don't want to go to it, but now that I think about it, this opportunity is really not easy. If I really enter the reincarnation world, I will return to my own world. Will return to Qingfeng Village, shouldn't this matter be chosen, I think the opportunity is not easy."

"It depends on what other people think. Now I think this matter can still be considered. Although I don't directly agree now, I also want to try it. We have lived here in Qingfeng Village since we were born. We have never Going to another place, this time can be considered a breakthrough."

Liu Chengfeng and the others were in the inn with Yang Xuan, and ordered a few dishes upstairs. Now it is very quiet here, there are only a few of them, and the upstairs is already full of guests.

This inn is the most prosperous in this Qingfeng cottage, where you can eat and stay in the inn, Liu Chengfeng also thinks what Yang Xuan said is reasonable.

After listening to Yang Xuan's statement just now, they don't know why they chose, after all, they are dubious now.

They don't know what the Reincarnation Tower is, and they don't know what the situation in the reincarnation world will be like. For them, all this is rather confusing.

Chapter 2151 Choose the solution

They have some thoughts in their hearts, maybe they feel scared.

Liu Chengfeng and Murong Yundi didn't have much pressure, they had already become friends with Yang Xuan, so they wouldn't worry so much about this matter.

I just feel that the current situation has arisen today, and they know what to do and how to deal with it. I just feel that some things really have a new skill.

Of course, he hoped that all the things he said could be resolved in a way. Liu Chengfeng also thought that Murong Yundi would not say anything now, it seemed that he was also waiting for his own opinion.

Liu Chengfeng had this idea before, but it also depends on how many people in their Qingfeng Village will agree with this matter and want to enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate in the world.

They want to understand that Liu Chengfeng doesn't want to be alone, but some things have not been clarified. If they meet the conditions, they will all go to the reincarnation world.

Are they all going to the same world? In this way, they have a support for each other, Liu Chengfeng thinks this matter is quite good, but all this depends on Yang Xuan's decision.

Liu Chengfeng was also thinking about him. Since there was no answer, there is no need to be in a hurry. The food has already been served. The food in this inn is good. Let's chat while eating.

Liu Chengfeng poured Yang Xuan a glass of wine. At this moment, he looked at Yang Xuan quietly. He knew in his heart that no matter what the situation was, he knew what he should do.

Faced with such a problem, he knew better how he should deal with these things, but he felt that if some situation really happened, he certainly understood the risks behind it, and Liu Chengfeng was quite smart.

But he felt that Yang Xuan was not a bad person, so he let down his guard at this moment. After all, they didn't have any precious treasures in Qingfeng Village, so they wouldn't come here to lie to them.

Yang Xuan saw that the food was served, it was really good, the color, aroma and smell were good, and they had already started eating.

Hearing what Liu Chengfeng said just now, Yang Xuan also felt that he was tempted now. Yang Xuan felt that he was pretty good. After all, it was really not easy for them to have such an opportunity.

Yang Xuan didn't leave Qingfeng Village by himself, he felt that they also had this opportunity to reincarnate, Yang Xuan didn't want them to miss such a good opportunity.

Otherwise, Yang Xuan couldn't wait until now. For him, he knew in his heart, how could he not understand such a situation, he just felt that this matter happened at this moment.

He also knows how to face such a situation, so he doesn't worry about these things for the time being. As for how to decide all these things, he also knows in his heart.

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